
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Nintendo Switch cases, batteries, and controllers

hello that's not coffee we're experts jokes Paul Miller hello Ashley and hi I'm are gonna join us a little bit later but we're gonna get right into it it's a gadget show live gadget show we're in the chat with you we want to answer your questions or ask away but there's one gadget this week one father's for this it's in Barcelona it's called the Samsung Galaxy S 9 Samsung makes phones now they've done it again for the ninth time the 8th long they were like no way both can't get better than this so we know you all probably a lot of questions on the s9 we've got a whole crew of people mm-hmm at Mobile World Congress but just give me some quick answers about it stop tracking a 45 it looks exactly like the SA but there are different color ways different color ways that's different screen ratio yep 5 foot 8 inch screen sm + s 6.2 6.2 almost as big as the node 8 almost the biggest a node 8 it's got a headphone jack still Hey hmm Samsung can figure that out no one else can it's some crazy camera tech no I really thought it was gonna fingerprint sensor under the screen this year no we're not ready for that but they moved the fingerprint sensor from the weird spot next to the camera to under the camera and then like you're saying the bigger phone has a crazy dual camera system but it's not doing lots of funds of dual cameras obviously I have an iPhone 10 year or the dual camera but this one the second camera has a mechanical aperture right so it's a wide-angle on a telephoto and then it can it can go down from F 2.4 to f1 from F 1.5 to have 2.4 so you get more light in get more or less shallower depth of field which is what everybody wants I think it's mostly for a little I think they're moved to get more light into the camera mmm it's to open that aperture to go to F 1.5 mostly if I tried it dan tried it mostly what you it runs an F 2.4 it automatically switches there's a pro mode in the app that you can set it manually but it mostly automatically switches and mostly in low light it'll just open up to F 1.5 to get more light into the sensor but data it's all right a few point 4 here's the thing that's interesting and I want your questions about this phone we're gonna be a video from Dan that we're gonna run later well answer your questions as best as we can later on the show like the big open issue for me mmm we've done a lot of camera test this year mmm the pixel to you by far the best camera on the market iPhone 10 something in there I have been consistently saying Samsung's cameras are not as good because their software processing is so aggressive well Google is almost doing the least with the camera the most with the software and they're getting the best results right now yeah so will that be continued to be true so if you're gonna do all this fancy actual camera stuff moving your apertures around is your software just gonna crush that difference away I mean there's got to be a point where hard I mean that's why I have like a digital SLR like a mirrorless but like interchangeable lens camera cuz I want a big sensor if I can get low aperture and fancy low depth of field and it's great I love it but if phone hardware is not even anywhere close to that then maybe software still is the answer so we'll see the phone just came out came out we our videos published it like yesterday basically the teams in Barcelona they're using it we're gonna run leaving fingerprints going up to every phone the show just touching them all so we don't have it it's again just came out we're gonna run some hands-on video of the s9 a little bit later in the show ask us questions both in the chat and on Twitter use hash tag sir Greg alive we'll try to answer them throughout the show as we get them about si and everything else happening at MWC but we have a lot of stuff here to actually show you we've got a packed show today so we've got the Cobo here Ashley's gonna join us we've got this smart light situation is very precarious we just left it set up she's gonna show us like the future of what's happening to OD smart lights hymens going to show us the switch antenna switch wreaths one-year anniversary's on Saturday the whole ecosystem and accessories we're gonna play with a bunch of those want to take your questions we're gonna do floor report such a good show it's a lot going on and I will say all of our demos are very precarious starting with this one so what's this Neal I so I wanted to have this on the show last week okay but it was too hard to set this just gonna get back here this is the Cabo actually coming home rosario says you push I recommend moving from SH the s9 I don't know that's like we got to get it we got to review it I don't think it's enough anyway this is the answer more questions later so keep that's fine too so this is a Cabo it's a universal remote system mm-hmm they want they want to say a lot of other things about it I will say just all things aside having a HDMI switcher is a very nice yeah so basically the way I think about it is to solve the problem of controlling multiple devices you can't just like have a remote that's smart anymore or hub you actually have to control them all so this is an HDMI switcher it connects to the network and connects over Wi-Fi mmm it logs into your services for you it keeps track of what you're watching on what device mmm it's just it's amazing like a little Butler it's like asking your friend to do complicated remote procedures right so this is the remote okay we got a plug in on this TV back here knows what it's doing so right now it's ringing this is Amazon fire TV the CB has emotion smoothing on this demo is over there's this is the combo you can see it's got this interface over the top I can just like press can cabo turn off motions moving cabo cannot turn off motions really okay so this remote it's just like a universal remote okay it's controlling this fire TV right which is okay now here's the crate so it's just basic universal remote stuff here's christen we've got a Roku what I'm gonna plug a Roku into this Cabo okay see these like crazy posts chromecast here let's plug that why not so the Cabo is smart two new devices no this should so I set those up okay it's gonna think about what they are it's gonna recognize them okay automatically figure out what they are it's gonna automatically map this okay and then who next this thing is by the way it's insane it's five hundred dollars this is so complicated it's this artificial intelligence or did they just like painstakingly just so the reason that you want to plug things into here is it watches the screen right so look you know it looks at what's on the screen so I'll show you so so you can see here it figured out we plugged a Roku and on chromecast and I plugged them into just random ports okay next you'll test control of all connected device so that's a switch over to the Roku keep thinking this process takes a minute so now it's got to find the Roku of a network because it's going to try to this is probably word this is going to fall down I'll be here so the way it doesn't just control it with like IR the way harmony does and doesn't just control it with CEC the way that which is remote messages passed over HTML right it controls it over everything so it has an IR blaster it checks it checks the commands over CEC it watches the screen to make the commands get taken how does it work with the chromecast the the chromecast is a it's never going to find this record Creighton our previous just by freaking out right now because we knew this is where I would fall down or could sorry where we're not a like a home environment right or like in our office but but you set this up in your home oh wait it just took awhile you didn't trust it yeah so now it this is actually great you can see the screen right now of the room yeah it says test it it just took a while because we're on the office Wi-Fi here so I get it works Creighton you're enough to do this back there man you got a Cabo Cabo count to one seven a everybody type in like ready to go on the back so this is Alden all of your services so now when you watch a show on Netflix you pick it up on another device it'll remember done okay so whatever so yeah yep so now we're in ok and you have like a hybrid interface there's work ooh there's Roku act but cabo pops up I was here so now I can be like watch altered carbon this is the Cabo search it's gonna show me the Cabo thing okay and I can do that or I can push this button and I can decide which device to search on Wow this is Blanco so I can say search on a Roku it what it's doing in the background because it can see the screen mmm it's opening the Roku interface and it typed altered carbon into the Roku search for me which is insanity Sol I can also I don't know why you would do this on this device but I can go into settings the Roku and a fire TV are like very similar okay but I can set if I only want to watch Netflix on the Apple TV I can set it to run in the Apple TV if I only were on Amazon so now if I go and set this to Roku I can do that that's at that one to Roku Wow so now what's the show on the Amazon is like the Grand Tour watch the Grand Tour so at the car show it's the car show I just know it's on Amazon so it's you saw that was on on the Roku interface at that now it's just operating everything in the background and so switch to the fire TV click through the fire TV interface for me mm-hmm it's Barger's to me like I've tried to fight I'm trying to find just regular websites like help me find what I can watch on my different services yeah not even like a small problem just like I'm so impressed this thing is actually working and then the other thing you can do so now here we are in the Amazon this Alexa here okay this echo here it's listening thanks Alexa stop because of because it's bridging and controlling right you can use Alexa to control devices that don't normally support it you can use to control Apple TV you can control Roku so you like Alexa tell kaavo to play stranger things and because we set playing stranger things because we set that to happen on the Roku it'll do it do you have to push the button oh you have to do a profile it knows about your Netflix profile so it'll ask you so now it's push match the Roku and play it so these how much it's doing like it's doing it just fall over it baby so it could it's very brittle okay so I fell over from me a bunch the setup is crazy my wife hates this thing Oh because when it falls down and just falls down catastrophic Lee wait and if I just if I just press pause for me yeah the other thing is if you have a cable box you won't have it support okay watch it comcast x1 box Dish Network it will support it it does all that it will also at night just scroll through your DVR and read the screen of what's on your DVR so it has an index of what's on your DVR so it's just like meta interface universal remote well it's like because it can watch the screen it can do all of this crazy stuff that no other Universal can do it is $500 no it is it's huge just like look at it it's monstrous but the best part yeah you can choose your favorite would finish it's real silly what does this one call this is like a maple HTR support in future so this is the big problem with it does not support HDR what about pork it supports 4k but not hgr it doesn't support dolby atmos so for five hundred dollars you're walked inside pretty limited if you can't grow with you and to where people are the way I understand that this is almost like their trial run like this is just like a look at what we can do but they're going to make something with a little more yeah so I you know I interviewed their CEO and their CTO much times really cool dudes they're very excited with this product they have backgrounds in like audio components and they work for speaker companies i i've asked them that you know their goal is to get this product and the technology out in the market they're only selling 5,000 of them they don't think it's a midget acquired i don't think they're trying I think they're trying to get their stuff smaller I think they want to make a newer one that's cheaper that's smaller most people do not need eight ports or whatever what about like I was rushing a brushed metal cover everybody that's everyone's next move obviously I think they're gonna make a sound bar I think they're interested in receiver I think that's true if you solve the complicated parts of your home theater so if you have a smart TV you can't control your TV apps cuz you can't see the screen so like you know they've got some like limitations but if you're sort of but if you are like me and you have a chromecast you've an Apple TV and give a Roku mm which is true at my house they're a monster monster this thing was just like any other cable walks over cable walks to this thing will just like it is easily the best funeral sermon I've ever used except when it breaks and then it's a computer and then it's an Android computer and it's like and then your loss and then your wife is mad at you she does not like it I'm sold the other thing that's cool I'm not on this network crate now I think you might be honest I work if you just launch a cast stream yeah it'll just like click over automatically in this remote complaining pause of castering which is not true of all current like that's the chromecast pain yeah my big thing is volume every different app that can cast to my chromecast has a different way of doing volume yeah it's real pain yeah so this is just like do it it is again this thing is very finicky it wants to being controlled everything it reads your power state on your TV okay it I mean it requires you to have a relatively new things that support HDMI CEC but it will go talk to everything over the network it'll talk to your app your Bluetooth if you just airplane an Apple TV I'll figure it out and light it out of him because it's watching the screen all the time what are these buttons for this play hit all three of them their arm up beeps Oh find the something why the remote it's enhancing but yeah I think if you hold down all three of them Ramona peeps not today Paul people are saying there's a buy patch HDCP no it doesn't it lives in the interesting my chain look at the signal that it has to decode at all yeah it's all kosher so I wouldn't want to put a game console in this channel all latency you would probably get some additional latency out of this yeah my xbox into it video games so it didn't make a difference to me this is a sort this device is like why we have circuit breaker I don't think most people should buy this but it's fundamentally so cool it's such an insane gadget here's the craziest thing so I saying it logs in your services for you so here it's got Netflix on the screen it's every night it's displaying this screen right but virtually over here it has a web browser open and at night it logs into Netflix for you and it looks at what you've been watching in that flick so it can update its watchlist crazy it logs into whatever the api's yeah some of these services don't have api's so every time they hit a wall they built this like intense solution to get over the wall which is wild this is what this is what hackers do yeah this thing is a huge hack this is how like people expresses where we are as universe this is why I lost every eBay auction people know it's like all of everything is out of control okay it's wild mmm but every time they hit one of these walls that prevented them from controlling something they weren't supposed to well they built a solution what would the Roku's amazon's google's cable boxes have to do to make this just irrelevant like not even necessary I don't know I mean I you just cast it so yeah so Creighton just casted from because he's on the right network it's a just it just switched it just did its thing and now I can just say and you see in the corner here it says chromecast that's so it's just doing its thing man no it's no it's not well push play so to me this is just one of the most complicated products that I've seen mmm but if you know like I said if you I might buy one for my parents you're not gonna get like I want to get a 4k HDR TV and I swear I put this I have that nice like it runs into walls for me right I used to my TV apps on my LG my parents just had this like super complicated setup right they're having trouble wrangling everything like just that's cabo yeah when she okay box plugs into it when we had I had this plugged into my house during the Olympics mmm watch NBC and it would switch over and change the channel and because it can see the screen I got the channel right every time which not every University I have YouTube TV and I can't even just say a watch what about flex so yeah if you are running plex on you know one of these devices it's not a plex server alright it doesn't have a Plex app built into it it has no apps built into it the apps have to run on your Roku or your Apple TV or what have you yeah control plex just fine but if you just have an Nvidia shield I don't think it won't do all the smart stuff with the shield I don't think it doesn't work with Android TV I don't like it won't do that the API control the way but if you have an Nvidia shield you don't need anything else is what I always say they told me that fire TV was the hardest one yeah Amazon sighs doesn't think you're gonna you know I think Amazon's world view is like you're gonna plug this into your TV and that's it yeah and that's the end of that yeah I think it's true of all the other devices too all right so that's the combo thank you for your questions on it it's the most complicated product I really appreciate you bringing this and said I really wanted to do this was like a lot of work did you even get it working you know it took I would say two days in particularly it are set up right or we have like our switchers and our HTMI this is gonna be in your house yeah it's a oh good so here on our network with our switcher and all that stuff it was pretty difficult but I'm glad it's here it's very gadgety I'm eager to see what the next version of it looks like I think this version there's a reason I only saw on 5000 of them right because they can't make enough of those what the wood panels they also told me that the HDMI hardware in here is so hardcore that there was only one ship supplier that could do it ooh so if they have to ramp up the chip design to do HDR to do all the other stuff we'll see all right here's what happened Ash's gonna do a quick ask circuit breaker we're gonna field report from MWC from Jake and then we're gonna come back here Ashley's going to show us about some smart lights as Neil I mentioned it's me Ashley hello how are you guys Jake is not here today so I'm doing a circuit breaker all by myself all right we're gonna do one question today the question is do you think Huawei can ever make a splash in the American market so it's been an interesting year for Huawei this was supposed to be the year but you guys weren't aware they're a massive Chinese smartphone maker they're huge they're up there with Samsung and Apple it's just in the US most of us maybe don't even know who they are we probably can't name a single device so this year was supposed to be their year with the mate 10 Pro they've been selling phones online for years but this year they were going to get a carrier deal here we're going to find out who all way is in the u.s. is going to be big they even at CES when we were there we saw tons of banners with the mate time Pro Huawei was seriously on some serious hype game and then while we couldn't see us was really sad AT&T who was supposed to be their carrier partner dropped the partnership and Huawei was kind of just left out to go to Amazon now add on I believe the phones sold through Best Buy so after that happened we've kind of established some context here for your question the NSA the CIA and the FBI were all like hey also I know a teens he dropped this carrier thing but you shouldn't buy a huawei phone or ZT or any other Chinese smartphone because we don't trust it so while we've had a really tough year even though the mate temp row is technically available in the US do I think the phone will make earth the company as a whole will make a splash in the US I think it's possible I think they could become a household name if they get those carrier plans because carrier plans are essential if you want marketing if you want salespeople to push your phone you need to be in AT&T Verizon Sprint wherever those carrier plans are essential and without that I don't think Huawei can make a splash and even if they do get those carrier plans I am Not sure their devices will be enough to capture the US market there you go that's a circuit breaker make sure you leave some comments with questions because next week Jake will be back he and I will be together once again to answer questions also you can tweet at us and ask us questions there okay gonna send it over to Jake now who is in Barcelona hey it's Jake I'm here at Mobile World Congress I've been walking the floor all day checking out the news stuff I'm actually here in Samsung's booth right now you can see it's super crazy in here this place is huge the first thing I want to do is show you the Galaxy S nine I don't want to show you too much of the phone I just want to point out this new lilac color because it is fantastic more companies needs to make phones in really bright fun colors like this because it really stands out and it looks really good I want to tell you about a few of the other really cool things I've seen so far yesterday I met with Lenovo they have a new Chromebook that you're able to use anything as a stylus and so I was able to take a pencil just a normal pencil you'd write with and start dueling on the screen and it works it's fantastic it's super natural use it that way the other favorite thing of mine at this show is that Nokia has the 8110 which is the slider phone from the matrix as somebody who was a huge matrix fan years ago the the nostalgia is just overwhelming it was so fun getting to play with this I will say I wish the sliding action I've been a little more snappy it was not you know maybe it's the full extent of my dreams but it was still super fun and I'm glad it exists so now we're here at huawei's booth and I want to show you one of those ridiculous things that has been announced here it's really fantastic so this is the mate 10 Pro it's a laptop with super thin bezels to thin to put a webcam in and so the webcam is instead built into the keyboard as you can see it pop in and out like that it's extremely satisfying is extremely weird the angle is awful for your face but hey it's the future of laptop webcams it's wonderful we're gonna be at the show all week so stay tuned to the verge comm for more coverage that's it for me back to you Jake just vlogging his face off put a camera in the keyboard I love it so much we saw that one and then there's that the vivo phone the motorized like this problem was solved you were just unsolveds going to get us one way or hello here is my thought yes we actually did a story earlier this year I think there's a trade Auto Show but all the craziest headlights the Auto Show because car makers are using LEDs and now they're just going crazy smart lights it really just like looked like regular Oh bulbs because they're trying to like Trojan horse into your house Wi-Fi everywhere listening but now it appears that you have crazy LED smart lights for us wait like design naturally I really want to talk to you an expert about these lights but I want to be clear realize your theory that cars did weird lights and someone was like we can do that in the house I feel like if your card is on him your job is to be crazy to work everyday and you're like hey mr. Ford he's like you're doing any crazy stuff today Steve like I better get on it right I think home lighting designers are like light bulbs we're good but now now okay that's right that's why okay I'm gonna actually start with the most boring one okay guys we're gonna save the party stuff for last okay this is the GE C by GE soul C by GE Soul yes so like the Sun is just there like just the letter C just the letter C he starting on IG P two letters okay so this is just an LED light it doesn't do funky colors or anything it is a smart light it has a LexA built-in and the base you got some controls here yeah so you can use voice control it doesn't play Spotify or anything who doesn't know this occurs atrocious so I've been I've had this in my room for a few months now Alexa play some music here's a station you might like just clinton from amazon music just stop that did sound that it's really bad like it's horrible um so you can use one i don't know that please stop Alexa Alexa stop stop so you're right that's the other thing is I turned on the music just one time I was like I'll try the music I had to scream at the top of my lungs next cancel yeah so anyways it only does white light I've been keeping in my room I don't actually use Alexa at all because the commands are totally unintuitive I don't think in percentages when I think about lights I'm not like I want my light at 52% today so I can't use voice commands for lights this changes temperature yeah so I'll show you guys also I had a really fun notification out here that was telling me to sync my Sonicare brush with my phone from last week anyway so here's the app Paul do you want to you can Paul cam this is tournament my way just so you can have different scenes which seems kind of for one life I don't know why you can also use the problems other bulbs but the thing is the only colors it can do are like you could do warm ok so you can view like Hospital really bright so you can see like a yellow yellow ok so here's like the warmer it's really bright sorry and then here is the cool yeah am like super basic these colors here on the inside are actually a clock which I could never figure out we read what does that mean what time is it Paul I'm looking at this from I only learned the microwave I mean it appears to be 645 I'm telling you I couldn't figure out what I couldn't figure out how to use this clock ok um anyway this is now on sale for like 115 dollars just by a dot it's a lot yeah the thing is I love the look of it which is why I'm into it I don't need a LexA hmm I use the app anyway just give me this no Alexa and I'm good for maybe 50 bucks I only paid 50 okay all right I'm gonna turn this off because it's very rich oh I see solji so now wait if you don't have the G it's called the Cecil they have their own bulbs that are C by GE okay the sole is a subunit all right what does it use see this is nice when the lighting designers are crazy the LEDs you got a you got to live through some of this yeah this is why I'll tell you look angry now alright so what's going on here alright so now we're getting a little funkier this is meant to go on a wall this is from a life ex it's their beam lights so OH Adams someone who's bought a see light it's far and away the worst product I've ever yeah thanks so I don't want to take this apart because it broke last time but I'll show you guys this is the beam you can see the connectors they stick together through magnets and then these little pins here talk to each other so no it's one unit so that the computer is like down here right and this it's just sending power and data where's the computer it's just a little way it's plugged brick that's this is all the smarts so that connects over Wi-Fi or whatever yeah none of these have a hub and I will say just you saw the Wi-Fi issues arriving at Aqaba earlier mm-hmm great okay yeah again this works with Alexa Google assistant homekit I have TTT but for demo purposes I'm going to focus on the app because I think the apps are where you really get the full experience so here's our little light here alright we're gonna dive right in you can change any color you want yeah we demo'd am yes we could do that also ya know like is our rehearsal or this thing was very precarious I want to just yeah gel says pogo pins yes what we're gonna be showing you for the next segment of the show is a bunch of hard work okay so you can see I'm changing the light here on the actual light yeah but then it gets fun when you move you alright well so here is you have to pick different scenes okay that's mellow this is mellow which isn't really mellow this is not mellow is this like a popsicle there's intense so you can make any shape you want right right it can have up to eight beams but a kit comes with six and they don't sell them individually so I don't know where you would find someone else would tell what that is let's see that is an iPad Mini let's see I know it it's an ancient archaeological I clicked was this energizing yes nope that wasn't that was energizing okay it really just affects the palette and it randomizes where it shows up yeah but then you can make it like raised right so in addition to just having these light effects you can do different things with it so I can do move which right now it's really fast you can change the speed and the direction like I guess this is correction this is a thing I've always wanted now so I'm changing the direction and you could see is just moving or you can also just make it go really fast oh no that was really slow okay because you want to see do not give anyone to seizures now I'm sorry if I did Oh apologies um okay swear spooky what's spooky let's try spooky let's see spooky says it will flicker or black out scary I mean I'm really into these I cannot think of where everything oh no I'm pretty scared right now like forthcoming baby room rave yeah highlight the crib yeah but you should use this to highlight things how much does it cost this one is two hundred two hundred you get you get six of them six of them in two corner PC corners how much is another set of $600 oh they don't sell anything separate it's just one set they don't sell anything by itself seems like that defeats the point of modularity right yeah I mean I think they just this is a new product for them and I think maybe as they become more established it'll start flying and you make this rock to the beat yeah so the next product will do and then this one is well both do miss music visualizers so I'm gonna try that on here I'm turning it on here is it I really wants us to plug it into the cup our iPad is recording right now because it's using your iPad yes it doesn't have a microphone built-in so for the music visualizer part it uses your device's microphone alright so I'm thinking what I can play here just hotel cafe that migas on a console India she'll never see us [Laughter] okay all right I'm gonna go back to the app it should be on in the bag I'm trying you can see it's recording up here no what are these other ones good and you can obviously Alexa these up right yeah Alexa home kid yeah I feel like most days apps are really bad because everyone realizes like you set them up one so then you just want to use Alexa so they've stops trying to like see I don't use Alexa though that's my whole thing is I'm like I like the apps I feel like I have better control yeah but that's like if someone says like we don't have to do a good job on this bridge cuz everybody's gonna take the tunnel they're saying that about everything alright should we try Alexa to turn these ideas definitely Alexa turn the lights on in the lounge how do these attach opens see here there are these little pieces right and then if I grab a panel so this can have up to 30 panels okay and you can buy an away and you can use work so yeah you can slots in and you just like clip them together and then you clip them together and unlike immediately lose those yeah keep them in a safe spot and unlike these the lifx ones you have a separate music visualizer component that has a microphone built in you can also plug through a headphone jack bring back the headphone jack so let's let's take a look through the app yeah let's look through this side okay what's neat about this is I've worse I can't talk the APUs low or iPad Mini is just it's really hard to tell honestly here you can paint again your panel so it automatically detects the engine this one's 230 and that includes I believe it's I don't know how many panels that close but includes a music visualizer okay these are all for college students I can't imagine you can make them look classy so you can sleep with them okay well now it's all why I'm picking colors I can put them there it's beautiful you can change how you do any color so you have to pick a palette I'm trying to remember how to get like web-safe colors yeah they have them can you enter any arbitrary here they have I'm how and you can so you can choose from a bunch of these where if you want like more of a hunter green approach and I really have some colors in here now bunch of these and just make up brown light on my wall so now I think it will look better if I do like a scene because they have it okay so if I go to rhythm I want to show you guys the dynamic part which is kind of what we saw over there where it can move there's like this flow aspect where it changes you can alternate the direction it's and how it goes so this is more for if you want to be a passive user and just have it continuously you can affect how fast it moves things like that see now it's really cycling through yeah a bunch of colors now the rhythm part this is actually what I want to turn off this yeah okay cause I'm yanking I'm yanking this guy there it is it's gone gone see you later okay we're gonna do paint splatter okay oh so it's reacting to our voices actually yeah what uh it's working because we have a little song to it you sing a song - I'll take Paul cam hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's amore Wow Gordon red nose nose there's differ effect you can do this is like would you buy any of these well a lot of money this is cool I think this is I was just having it rat to me when I talk I'm a set this up my didn't work you're like a master computer and Tron yeah when I start speaking everyone knows right here's what I like about these though is I never wanted a smart bulb but I like functional lights that do cool things and add something to your space like if I'm spending that more penny more money I want it to look cool and I wanted to do something different than just a regular light Ronna bass is just the video or the panels lag when they change colors I I don't know it's gone on your side of this experience it doesn't feel that light no I don't think it is I think when you actually play music it gets weird wait go over there and do like the snap or something I don't know if it's in visual I think I might have just turned it off visualizer mouth no we're playing with it earlier it seems these look good they do look good umm my favorite thing is that both companies suggest that you stick these on your wall using 3m command strips of which feels precarious well everyone thinks you very good job singing oh thank you they want your sound Club oh there's an amazing karaoke I was hoping you do you're Taylor Swift I've heard you sing Romeo and Juliet several songs called love story which one of these is one to get Emily Natalie Nana leaf if you want to go for the party route I actually have really enjoyed my time with the soul yeah again if they just got rid of Alexa I made it a little bit cheaper I would legit buy it because I'd like to I think it's a cool piece for your house put it right next to your Dyson fan yeah I put it by my circular mirror and it looks great well I for one cannot wait for my daughter be a teenager so I can buy these the coolest 13 years ago it's gonna be great we are gonna watch a quick video of Dan Seifert with the phone with the s9 which is a Joe well you're all here for ask your questions about the phone that Hans him join us we're talk about the one-year anniversary show you the switch or answer your s9 questions when I look at a bunch of switch accessories so check this out thank you very much Ashley hey this is Dan from The Verge and this is the new Galaxy S nine and the galaxy s 9 plus from Samsung now if you're looking at these you probably think they look pretty familiar and that's because they do they basically look exactly like the Galaxy s8 from last year except for one major difference we've been complaining about the placement of the fingerprint scanner on the galaxy s 8 since it came out so for the galaxy s 9 Samsung fixed it and moved it from next to the camera to below the camera which is way easier to reach even on the larger model now otherwise they are very similar in design you've got a five point eight inch display on the s9 six point two inch display on the s9 plus there's still Super AMOLED screens there still have the same high-res displays they still have the curved sides that Samsung calls this infinity display that spills over the edge and simply has actually made the bezels to say that specials are the same size but they're a little bit better mask than last year's model so they don't quite stand out as much you still have the power button on the side you got the volume rocker over here and then of course there's the big speed button that hasn't gone anywhere and on the bottom there's still the headphone jack which you get on both models a lot of the new things you can't actually see but they are appreciated it's got stereo speakers now so the earpiece speaker works in conjunction with the bottom speaker to produce stereo sound the camera has been new and improved they don't get into that in a minute it's got a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor inside of it there's four gigabytes of RAM in the small models there's six gigabytes of RAM in the bigger model 3000 milliamp hour battery here thirty five hundred million power battery here both of them a fast charging both of them FS wireless charging both of them have ip68 water and dust resistance both of them have 64 gigabytes of storage both of them have microSD card slots and both of them have gigabit LTE so a lot of those things are familiar to SI owners we're back so I my question for you I've an answer for you max on Twitter asks will the Galaxy S to have a better camera than pixel - I'm just putting you on the spot judging based on what Samsung has done with these phones my guess is probably not even with the aperture stuff I feel like it's not going in crew I'm really on this - walks backs walks back it's processing yeah I think I think they're at the point now where they make some of the best hardware yeah a lot of people it's all on the software side yeah and Google Google I mean has been dominating the software side for a while like they just need a little toggle but it says process the hell out of it yes all right Meccano and our chat says iPhone 6 plus I'm dying for a smaller phone pixel - s9 or iPhone pixel - if they want the camera still the best camera out there yeah I don't know where you are if you are in the States you're not message person just slide into that life picture - is nice because it's one of the few Slyke typically the big phone gets all the best camera stuff Google's like we can do cameras on small phones - also I mean - Excel has kind of that OLED like the nice Angeles we can't pretend like small phone isn't valid desire okay so Anthony says I think this conversation interesting cuz every question we're like the pixel - Anthony says is just me as a very little talk about the s9 and I think the answer is yes well they first off though they reinvented the photo camera you know they've got the new Dex thing Adam says coming from stock Nexus if you've got an old phone dog here's what you wanted to you want to load to touch get out of the we have a duopoly here they are controlling our lives and they're taking all of our data and terrible leaders in a chat he's asking what color of shoes to spics beware here's the thing I'd like if you're watching this wherever you're watching it hmm in my mind Bixby you know Samsung's assistant they have literally read a hardware button on the phone for but he's not a voiced assistant it's a dog wearing shoes so if you could draw a picture of dicks feet like a cartoon mascot your Samsung send it to me tweeted me Twitter at reckless hmm next week we'll show it on the show the picture has to be family friendly and the best picture show them all on the show next week we'll send you something from the closet if you win it's up to me I'm I'm the dictator of this small right Snapdragon 835 Snapdragon 835 new year new Snapdragon that's that's what we're dealing with right now if you wait for a camera lens don't worry about all this these Nokia phones there's the new 88n a matrix phone the matrix phone Nokia is just cashing in on nostalgia to hype up the fact that HMV global license the name and they're trying to build some hype because every launching there's only one true matrix phone by the way which is the one from the second Matrix movie which is a Samsung phone that looks like a cyborg explode I think this is a good time to tell you that we do not discuss any matrix the first matrix opened our minds to philosophy of reality in the second and third or what made us grow up and learn that we can't always have my station capitalism anyway speaking of that look we are obviously going to cover the hell out of the switch cover the hell is 9 that that team is still in Barcelona we have way more covers on the site you can watch Dan's whole video on YouTube it's already up Vlad has a piece up he already has some judgements about the camera already calling it maybe it's not so we'll see so keep tuned for that coverage we have a bunch of other coverage from MWC Chancellor Mobile World Congress people are asking in the chat check that all on the site well I want to talk about is stuff actual stuff it's the one-year anniversary switch on Saturday huge hit for Nintendo games are just coming out as surprises now for the switch like just ports of games yeah all kinds of games you would not normally see and there's like an accessory ecosystem because it's a mobile device so what do we got all right we got lots of stuff yeah first up this is kind of your basic most vanilla switch second accessory this is the pro controller you've seen this yeah it's not it's like weirdly disassociated any of the switch because when you think of as much you think of you know the switch with the bright colors and the slide off controllers but it does make like a regular controller for it this is like the this is like the home console expansion pack yeah this is this is the alternate universe where this is not the switch yeah and this is the controller on the Nintendo so you're really high on this thing yeah yeah I I almost never use this I know I've used my switch on my TV like three times in the entire year that I've owned it and two of them were to play Mario Kart with friends yeah and one of them was to play the finals absolutely great for Mario Kart but this is great for my record if you want to beat your friends Mario your poor friends either one if you want the controller advantage that's great for that here's what I think the switches on you turn on one of those new Netflix series they take about six episodes to ramp up into having a plot check in yeah I got heirs it's like it's plot buffering yeah iron-fisted still walking around doing nothing all right I played I played the first switches on phone yeah you can play switch any Netflix series goes okay that's per controller but what if we're actually not matter yet we're gonna try but our next step is to try and solve one of these switches main and biggest flaws which is the kickstand which is possibly the worst kickstand ever put on the technology device what's happening here so what's happening here this is a third of the chat is not trolling Deeter and asking if the switch Hall wrote a piece someone has hacked Linux on to a switch true you would like it to be vastly less functional so this is actually a third party case we had this in our gift guide if you wanna like spruce of look your switch they have them in all sorts of clear plastic they also make them for the controllers but they are much harder to put on yeah you also have voided your warranty but we're actually looking at here though is a metal kickstands any regular kickstand on the switch is awful it is flimsy plastic it feels good to use so Nyko this is literally just a five dollar piece of aluminum it's metal I just yanked it out there when it feels slightly sillier this should be everyone's first like 3d printing project yeah I want to get into 3d printing I don't know what to do it's such a kick stands but so here's my thing so this is the other this is the stock switch kick stock switch to be my problem is actually not that it's flimsy it's that it's like yeah it pops out of here do they solve that problem so no you can actually just get right off and you can see when you when you pop this one off this enough you can kind of see oh it clicks into this metal thing know that every time we demonstrate this we are just breaking off little pieces of plastic on this one - metal yeah yeah so if you look on on our on our skeleton switch over you can see you're literally just flying into this giant black chunk of plastic which is why this falls off every time and there's nothing really can do about that Nintendo just needs to build a better one honestly until the switch gets sailfish OS all right the kickstand next up is batteries so switch is great you can use on the go it's gets you know two three hours of battery life but that's not enough to get you through like a flight you know runs out so we have this which is the Nyko power pack which shows battery case the battery case are you kidding what is this nonsense it's a chunk of plastic and we're gonna swap this in charge I usually why don't you just leave that off why do you need that cuz I don't know I guess it'll fall out all right so we're gonna I need I need the battery to be secure so it turns on it actually charges by USB see you nice wonderful we're finally getting like you may go in a bold move use this metal kickstand the metal kickstand is incompatible with this other Nyko products okay it is actually worse than they've somehow done it I scientists have been wondering what caused this costs like thirty five dollars scientists have been wondering could you build a worse extend than the switch Nintendo has put basically an Xbox 360 inside of a portable tablet you can know they can't make a picks I feel like the people who made this kickstand like this team was like I wish those kickstand engineers would come by it's like a we have no idea what but surprisingly this actually delivers enough Howard you charge the switch while playing games yeah so you're gonna get an hour to two hours extra battery life but it's you know kind of small it slips onto the backyard device you're not getting like through the roof battery but if you need a couple you know extra you get about another extra charge okay now if you need a lot more charge you want this this is a full-size anchor USB battery pack is you are a TV executive is a USB power delivery is one of these subsets of the USBC spec for power it supports much higher rates of power than other specs it can support up to a hundred watts us USB CPD you can run your switch off it and then some that you're gonna want to see for for switch or basically any USB see device coming forward the switcher proof when the switch came out people kind of surprised like oh I was charging my phone just fine but now I can't check my switch with promises I realize the effort the surface team putting the kickstand until I saw the switch you're right but also I could tell you the iMac g4 is the best surface accessory that is ever existed kick stands just as an idea like check out a cool guy on a cool bike sometime look at the bike see if he has a kickstand never has a kick night we're just talkin oh we hit step how much is this battery this battery is 120 dollars here's my concern is a lot can you take that on a plane because there's a lot of an argument with the away smart luggage people yesterday on Twitter because Delta is I take the batteries out of your luggage you there's no weight suitcase is probably fine yes so this is if you look closely the fine print over here this is a ninety six point four eight watt hour battery pack the limit is a hundred watt hours you got three ports over here so when you're not it when you're also on the go though you're gonna a want to recharge this and be power of your switch from a wall you also want one of these which is a twenty seven watt anchor twenty seven twenty seven so it's just under the tweeters twenty nine yes network charger cost fifty bucks though this cost likes for thirteen come on oh you can charge like the bigger MacBooks that needs just slow and it'll charge a little slower but yeah I was using my switch charger to charge my macbook for everything again because my charge on my desk which is like the one time USB C has so it seems like the interesting accessories are all about charging this thing yeah right we have a headphone cable over there so this is this is a life hack for the switch because the switch has a USB CPT but does not have Bluetooth audio support so the only way to listen to you know switch music if you want to use your switch on your TV from a distance ya can't use bluetooth headphones unspool this 20-foot cable oh my god and you're golden alright not truly a switch accessory just a very circuit breaker yeah I got a bunch of cases ranging from the sock that thing is nasty so this is our producers like switch go mag I think everyone understands what what is this thing this is one of my biggest disappointments this is a switch third party switch dock this is the regular switch dock yes it's big its bulky it does the job but like it's a it's a statements to put in front of your TV there's no like you can't put this under your TV you can't provide yeah it's big this is a third party one that is much smaller it offers more ports because this is like a giant chunk of plastic this is all that it does this is a giant dongle for this huge chunk of plastic all you're getting is pass-through power one USB port and HDMI port its USB ports on the side three USB pay I I stand corrected yeah only one of them is use it's a giant uncle this is the first expression of the dongle line so what do we got here so this is miniaturized same port selection but it's like 1/6 of the size real there's tons of like hacks out there this is a real product that ships No okay the problem is is that it is not licensed by Nintendo and there were multiple reports of this yes you can use usb headphones on the switch you can't power but you cannot use Bluetooth headphones the only way to use bluetooth is if you have headphones that have a bluetooth USB C dongle and you plug it into the bottom then you can use Bluetooth audio through the dongle there is bluetooth the controller's connect by bluetooth there's bluetooth on here it's just Nintendo has blocked it for the headphones back to this thing so the problem is is that this has a slight issue where it has damaged some switches irrevocably and broken them I mean people are saying people in the comments says the official dock easily scratches the screen I've read this everywhere yeah has not been the case with my solution so I know people really care about this the leader is saying that there's an hdmi dongle called the fast snail that works really well over there deeply cares about this Kenneth says a super mario odyssey we're buying yes yes it's really good even okay that goes on there is this terrifying thing here this is art this is the company this is becoming a switch that we've like we're not gonna break someone's pretty sweet smile this is horrible you wanted to take a switch stock on a go and hook it up to TV it's Hey did you say that you want a dongle just I don't like this we've broken Eli's yuck right it's not the worst it's the worst also because you can if you want I'm gonna break something doing this you can use that as a stand and actually see the screen and place width while you're charging it like this it's an option looking all this stuff it seems like really where you want the action to be is this yeah it has maybe pretty low a year though and and we're still it's still very emerging console us PC as the spec is still young and I'm honestly happy that Nintendo went with that instead of just like doing their own thing which is a very future standard which is such an uncharacteristic Nintendo moved you to embrace the future ahead of schedule is a company that I still think is honestly not entirely sure how the internet works I feel like their Gameboy advanced multiplayer cables or somehow associated with the firewire spec if I recall yes they're in a weird with yes and and Varon was the issue yes we just gotta wait for a few more kick starters come on through John says the back of my switches horribly scratch because of the official dock yeah but if the official dog scratches our screen that's one thing if this breaks our USB ports so you can't charge it that's the different issues yeah this is last one actually this is the 8-bit gamepad this actually connects via bluetooth unlike headphones connects to the switch it's honestly like a pretty good portable thing if you want a full gamepad yeah so the joy come on setting on the go it also works with Android Windows and Mac charges by USB C so you got that see this is this is what Apple didn't do with the Mac folks like the switch only has USB see and it's driving us BC accessories books on the USBC and that's nothing yeah so no is driving the USBC revolution deters us up he would like us to compare deer bone would like us to compare this accessory market so one that existed for the Wii U which is unfair because no one bought it we you couldn't really the screen head would like you were carrying around you weren't taking it outside also no one bought over you I bought it with you okay the best thing I think of is like the weird Wii Remote accessory market where you could just get like plastic things to slider me is it gave me a years-long head start practicing for Mario Kart 8 market Mario Kart 8 deluxe get off with a switch my ringer I just want to see more battery cases more battery stuff because that's really what I need out of this I want to see kickstands big sans just keep kickstand but then I did buy a screen protector and I do use a screen protector on his hands like the first thing you should I traveled mine everyday I don't keep the screen protector here lives live life live life dangerously Ronis ah here's my question yeah Nintendo loves to come out with new slight variations on that on the D s and the vs they really benefited from the fact that they were using something kind of like mobile hardware that kept on getting smaller and cheaper so they were able to come out with better versions the switch is basically mobile hardware is there is there gonna be a switch you can have like a mode for like better graphics or for a longer battery life I can see it happening it would be a very gender thing to do yeah alright well we have gone way over because I love fighting with this stuff and there's so much MWC news we have to bring it all up but thank you so much for watching keep asking your questions or doing a circuit breaker every week so ask those questions we're saving them last one's if you want to draw me a picture of Bigsby dog with shoes Sagwa shoes Samsung's assistant it can be it's open question whether it's on two legs with shoes or four legs or shoes mm-hmm and the answers to but send us photos of they speak your your drawings or conceptualizations of Bixby they'll show them on the show next week Oh which happens at Tuesday four o'clock it's circuit breaker live they use so much for watching mo back next week
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