yeah good why don't we just like scrap
this video all together and just like
record a bunch of these clicking sounds
this is like really really satisfying
watches do that no okay
um let's do this for the last week I've
been playing the new Legend of Zelda
game pretty much non-stop
it's an expansive and ambitious game one
that probably sit on a couch for hours
and hours at a time to play but I
haven't been playing on the couch
because while the new Nintendo switch is
pretty interesting as a home console
it's also capable of taking that exact
same experience on the go for over a
decade now Nintendo's been making these
kind of weird non-traditional gaming
consoles in the case of the weave
company found massive success its follow
up the Wii U not so much the difference
in dose which actually feels like a
mash-up of both those consoles it's a
tablet like the wii u although way more
portable and also has to we remote to
sensibly improved versions that
container is called the joy con that
attached to each side
now the biggest selling point of switch
at launch is without question the Legend
of Zelda breadth of the wire and I can't
stress this enough there's something
very satisfying about playing a full
Zelda experience anywhere I want this is
me killing goblins while moving to our
next fill location and again and again
now I'm killing goblins I'll launch a
magic and yep this is me killing goblins
and a surprisingly rain-free day just
outside the Ferry Building the tablet
itself is slightly heavier than a
Nintendo 3ds or PlayStation Vita but
with a 6.2 inch 720p display it's also
easier to hold at a more comfortable
distance found myself slouching less for
example it's also large enough that if I
want I can pop out the kickstand and
play leaning back so let's talk about
the toy cons combine it they form a
console style button layout complete
with two joysticks and over a dozen
buttons including a dedicated capture
button for taking screenshots there's a
bundle grip peripheral that you can
slide the droid comes into it does make
it feel a little bit sturdier but
honestly you can play without that
much like the Wii remotes before them
the joy cons can be held out of
vertically like a wand or horizontally
like a little Super Nintendo gamepad and
it's through these that you really see
weird Nintendo come out the launch title
one two switch is just full of minigames
but you do things like eat sandwiches
like literally with your mouth or milk a
cow do I really need to give an example
that those are little things that happen
and I cannot get weirder than that but
today isn't about shared social
experiences today is all about Zelda and
being called a play and explore its
crazy open-world environment wherever
and whenever I want at least for about
two to three hours which is the battery
life I consistently been getting so
while it is a portable machine we really
want to be playing it in small bursts it
does have a standard USB C plug for
charging go to be honest at this point
we have yet to find a battery pack that
will charge it fast mode actually drains
so I've spent a few hours getting some
fresh air and shooting this video and
now it's time to return back to my TV
leaned back on the couch and continue
the game where I left off the switches
dock serves to both charge the console
and output a video signal over HDMI it's
a bit bulkier than it feels like it
needs to be and I have to believe in
Tenon's going to make more pair down
version in the future but I will say
that it's impressive how smooth it is
when docking the tablet but the dock is
really just a place to switch to go
charge while the tablet handles all the
processing the NVIDIA Tegra chip is
nowhere near as powerful as with the
Xbox one or PlayStation 4 offer but to
be fair the switch isn't trying to
compete in graphical prowess and as far
as online goes that's still a pretty big
mystery with just days ago before launch
we know next to nothing about how the
switch will handle down in games or
playing online with friends but all
platforms evolve and with a switch
you're not only buying Hardware you're
making a bet on the software content I
was taking some very weird creative
risks here with the hardware and they
largely pay off the switch is the best
way to play one of the best Zelda games
ever but the big question is what comes
after that and when the switch has all
the potential to be a hit
Nintendo it just has supported
we get a free portrait
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