
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

On The Verge, Episode 010 - Dennis Crowley, NASA, and more

I hello thank you thank you thank you thank thank you hi I'm Josh polski editor-in-chief of The Verge and welcome to on the verge I hope you're ready to have a devilishly good time tonight we've scared up some ghoulish Oh screw this I really want to do a halloween show we had one planned for the 30th and we had to move it because of the hurricane that's what the smoke was for kind of likes actually like something was on fire not like a I said I want to look like a graveyard that didn't really happen anyhow yeah we did have to move the show as you know a hurricane hit new york and jersey and all over the place a very bad hurricane named sandy and i just want to tell you guys if you want to do something about it you can go to the Red Cross org can donate some money they're probably 'king blood I mean I don't know how they do that over the internet but I'm i understand it can be done anyhow but so we had to move the show and we thought let's pick a day where nothing's happening let's let's just find a day there's nothing going on in the news we can just have this all to ourselves and we thought november six is going to be great it's going to be perfect for us and I think you'll agree we chose correctly haha any other there's an election happening right now which is exciting but we have a big show we have an exciting show and I'm really glad that you guys are here apparently we're live-streaming this they've told me which is terrifying so if anything happens that seems like it was a mistake that's part of the show and we are very good at faking stuff so we have a great show the CEO for squares here Dennis Crowley we're going to talk about the yeah we're going to talk about for squaring whatever that is gamifying I understand it's very exciting some of our friends from polygon are here Russ fresh Nick and Chris plant we're gonna be talking about yeah we talked about video games and and emotions it's going to be very heavy very heavy stuff and Paul and Neil I hear of course Paul went to NASA he went to make her fair we've got some videos from that stuff and they're very cool I think you guys will enjoy it and if you don't that's tough we did our best so we should probably get underway I want to see the show tonight is presented by Samsung so give them a round of applause they put this on and and on an unrelated note we're giving away we're giving away three Galaxy Note 2's tonight so so some of you guys some of you guys will leave with the device and many of you will leave with nothing as usual so I think that's it we should just get started so let's do this it's a big week as you know and we had there's a bunch of news this week there's been a bunch of news this month in fact I don't even know why I'm telling you about all the news when I could just be talking about it with paul miller and nilay patel so please welcome Paul Miller and Nilay Patel right there straight right there here oh right there okay good all right ah I feel that really cuddle I was worried I don't know why you did that that was normal right that's normal stop you do that when we would have just done it on around yeah you're not that you don't have to force me to cuddle me like hell normal people touch like that that they do right okay good I'll take that weird like me you know when your silence in the room when it's actually the sound has been removed it's not just like people aren't ya anything that's what's happening right now so as you know first off hi hey are you so i just mentioned that there's an election there's the election going on right now in America the presidential elections over uh-huh the candidates are it's a heated get hotly contested race yeah Barack Obama berry o the the Pratt current president yes and his his his rival mitt romney the the pret the guy who wants the guy who wants to be President many are anyhow so so we realized that even though we're streaming this live now we realize that many people would see this after the election and the president will have already been decided yes and we there are there are things we want to talk about as far as the president is concerned and technology so we thought we just run through whoever wins we do one for each we talk about their views on technology and talk about them having won the election what it means yeah and and then we'll just edit it then retrospect will seem smart it will seem like we had a great talking point about the but the winner of the election so so let's just do that now so the election is over and and the winner has been decided Barack Obama is returning he's returned he's he's returned to the president what welcome i learned barack obama head rock the world Obama you want me to tears no after we get some help this would Obama is so amazing I Leon us which I've ever seen using confetti explode right towards your face that was horrible that was really how Barack Obama hat has a ruckus it's I'm so excited as once I got frightened as one second term in office and me like you wrote an editorial about it about how you were voting for obama does he is for net neutrality a dead what do you think the next what's gonna happen the next four years how do you think obama's next four years which he won in the election how do you think those will look which conclusively won't you totally won in the election many days ago how that affect our how will that affect our lives you notice to be better if i had a small american flag to waver oh oh yeah wait a second sorry um here you are and i have where to listen Alex I read all about that uh you know when I think about America and I think about the next four years with Brock my buddy um you know I think about the future of the internet I think about the few short company yes and you know the thing to me is that net neutrality is the only issue which i care about is it your it's really sad people are single-issue voters yeah me like there are people in America without jobs right now yeah they should get jobs in the internet on the internet yes but we if only we had net neutrality we would have everybody would have a job yeah that that's the serious point is that there's a secondary economy on the internet and the companies that provide access to the Internet want to be in want to be the gatekeepers to that economy and I don't think that they should be allowed to do that right and you're in your if you guys haven't read this editorial that he wrote it's quite good and it basically I mean you know you might agree or disagree on lots of different things when it comes to these guys but I mean I think a lot of people who work or at least spend a lot of their time on the internet we know we think and i'm sure you guys hear think and everybody watching net neutrality is important it's important to find a way to have a free and open Internet that everybody can compete on that everybody can use and you know what i find what i think is really interesting is that when i do other editorials and I criticize ATT or comcast over nobody ever like disagrees with me we were a death threat to you yeah nobody ever knows like you're dumb and you should be shot right but when I say you should vote in a way that supports those editorials then the death threats come then those people find you hard and fast yes yes they want to murder you let me tell you where Neil I lives it's no he lives in Brooklyn back there the other day and I slipped a death just right over hey hey but you know him I mean I mean Paul I think it's even a place where obviously we have you know Paul Paul and I and in perhaps an Eli and Paul have differing viewpoints on some political items all of them but uh you're at net neutrality believer you believe in net neutrality or am I putting words in your mouth you're putting words among you hate net neutrality I am I'm always scared of regulating companies regulating especially regulating somebody in the name of freedom but because I think sometimes you end up picking winners so I don't really know too well we're either candidate was on net neutrality because I voted on other time there's non non debt to child yeah you had this is this has multiple other single issue yeah I yes I'm a single issue voter and multiple category no it's very confusing i hear ya but I under and net neutrality was not the reason I voted but you know it's still so what's important we figured out what do you do you think the next four years are gonna fair under under Barack Obama Barack Obama um well now that Barack Obama has been elected president again yeah sweet as we definitely know as we found out yeah we are you as we've known for a few items I think the Internet is gonna be kind of in estates is I think we're gonna have this back and forth argument I don't think we're gonna figure at least for the next couple years I don't really know what its gonna look like past that but I think I think we're kind of in this holding pattern and we're gonna argue I think we people still need to figure out what the words net neutrality mean because both sides use that term not anymore oh really no can't just call it that well we got to move on because we got a lot of stuff to talk about yeah give me those flags yeah okay here we go let's clean this off let's get this all right okay i really put these here like so okay all right all right good wait let me just move there okay hmm I didn't work is everything we're here you ready okay good you ready good you don't have to do this now yeah okay uh so it's been it's been a big week in news big month and news and of course we just had that the election the presidential election and bit bit of a shocking result Oh Mitt Romney has been elected yes Mitt Romney has cheering success on so many different levels it Robbie has been elected the 40 the next president for 2045 45th president the united states he's going to be gliding on into the White House yeah thatthat slicked back hair and anyhow Neal I recently wrote an editorial about net neutrality and why he was voting for barack obama and i believe did yeah yeah what do you think about yeah how do you have another no way that we've been beaten now that it's set time to sink in yeah god this be so much easier if i had a small american flag oh you know what let me actually just pass one of these down please we are right there you know the way of displaying in sadness today really yeah you know I believe that we should move forward not backwards and onto the Internet yeah and not onto a highway often not off the internet yeah online so you're saying the cutoff line whoever is the president of the United States which we just found it is Mitt Romney definitely met I was the Internet yes should tweet could you be be your hanabi rely your premise your premise of your editorial was that Mitt Romney is against net neutrality that he would partner with or he would he would not partner with but he would a stand for the rights of AT&T and Verizon and Comcast over the rights of American citizens to have access free and open access and competing businesses on the internet and now we're living in a world where Mitt Romney is the president definitely the preselected president okay America of the United States of America and so what do you think can happen in the next four years you know I don't think I don't think Mitt Romney thinks that we should side with 18 teen and Comcast I think he believes that there is a free market that exists that will achieve good things and I like waving while you're doing I don't believe that market exists i don't think that people have a real choice for their home broadband i think people in the aura of Time Warner Cable would tell you that time warner cable does not feel that the pressure of competition I think people have ATT and have to upgrade to a mobile share plan what's the I guess days time it's the opposite of pressure of competition cuz that's what time glorious freedom to squeeze you for profit monopoly glorious monopoly you know I just don't I don't I don't think companies in our hearts wanek what like want to compete right I think you have to Ronnie you think Mitt Romney will keep those policies in place that are letting them dominate yeah I mean I think I think you already see it I call you now Paul you're a mitt romney supporter your thoughts in the next four years I just think we're gonna run we're gonna find out now that he's president we're gonna you don't have any other thoughts on that I'm gonna find out all right well we've got to move on it was an exciting election and I'm just a little sad to my dad like the sweep Romney no I don't think so give me that I've you ever in the Boy Scout we've got a lot of the news to talk about out of other news a lot of other things yeah it's a really festive surface let's move along put these here like so um there's other big news a lot going on Lucasfilm you guys know about this Lucasfilm selling to Disney and making more Star Wars films yeah seven eight nine and they and what I learned this today it's the its earlier charge following the story is Jar Jar Binks as he becomes a Sith Lord say thanks sit sit sit baked it goes very dark untold yeah very dark constant this audience question what do you feel more trepidation about your candidate losing the presidency or Disney making more Star Wars films definitely the star wars like it stuff like sometimes like everything more worried about that like destroying the United States ihop a big night or not near Barack away are you you're more worried about Disney making a Star Wars yes that you're worried about George Lucas making in other stores Lulu and you not to do it you know no that's a good that's like GW running for a third term look no but no not gonna do that all right I'm not gonna all right but need more you think he would have stopped yes he's probably fright like you don't I'll do this deal but you have to promise to make more and here I eat like a thousand page thing he pushed towards the music here's the way I see it going yea big focus on Jar Jar Binks Oh anyhow so other in other news we celebrate our first birthday yeah Virge one year we yes thank you you can why might why my squinting you ended up more tepid applause yeah that's the third one here there we go you have a real problem on this show getting my place is like a good website yeah a year I didn't think we'd make it a month to be honest with you so I'm excited yeah and I feel like at any moment it can be taken away from us today much like much like the collection was taken away from Barack or MIT depending on which edit we use um what are your favorite memories from the last year give any favorite memories I think it's fall quitting the internet for six months that's right that happened I mean that's a new Paul and I have to talk uh well you know i think that's that's part of my favorite memories we've had the opportunity to do what look and feel like crazy things they are they chase kind of big ideas and paul leaving here something one of them that's a big one I'm yet yes we do this which is crazy has been crazy released the surface we released the surface after a meal I developed on this baby I worked hard on this touch cover we lied to people's faces about who is currently the president of you guys or did we or did we uh but anyhow but rocker Romney I have to say but i will say a lot of disappointed last III i will do i would just like to say about our first birthday yeah that I when we started I really didn't know if what we were trying to do with work yeah you know and I don't think we reinvented the wheel or anything I think we were just trying to make something really good that we were proud of and that other people really like and and i have to say that to have done it for a year and had success and to have seen our numbers grow and our readership grow and people liking it and loving it i was at the airport in in LA a couple of weeks ago and somebody randomly come out to me and they were like hey you're the dude from The Verge like I read the site every day and it was insane and incredible to me that like people out in the world or reading what we do and so I just want to like thank whoever's watching live and and you guys in the audience here and anybody else give give yourselves a round of applause because you're I mean without without you really you're really applauded for yourselves longer than anything else but without but without the audience which is grown and grown and is amazing like we would be nothing and so like it's all thanks to people who want to read this stuff and you know what's really I think whenever we try to do something that's very different and crazy when we're like let's let's let Trent take adderall for a month well we tell him to take out or I'll he was just doing we didn't tell him yeah I mean him the bus but like and let's write about that or let's post that it's worry a lot too i'm voting for and like we take it never like when we do things that are way outside the box there's a lot of feedback that's not gonna like it they like they either i will say that the one thing that's been most exciting is that when we think to do something and it's like this seems weird and maybe people won't be into it our audience is always like we love this yeah we're we're doing or making a website that we would want to read and words just so awesome that other people want to want to read it yeah so so there but we have done a lot of like straight-up news coverage read yes and we should talk about on that as you know like the surface just came out there's been a ton of gadgets release recently surface just came out the this is the nexus 4 this is the nexus tens the new google products this thing here which somebody spilled water on is the ipad was the ipad mini here's what used to be the Lumia 920 which somebody also somebody also spilled some kind of liquid on Neil I I'm not naming names there's nothing about this bright colors that make something look waterproof even if it's not uh yeah right well they're not oh there's really this is really soaked okay it's a review unit ah but um but there's been it's more than this like with the release of Windows 8 mm-hmm things have got like this is a wacky form factor like we know tablets and we know phones yeah they're kind of familiar to us now this is getting a little bit weird and we actually have a bunch of new windows 8 devices that we brought with us so we kind of want to show how people are kind of pushing their boundaries on design a little bit so let's let's walk over do we have a gadget table let's walk over to it let's and yah and take a look yeah klopfer got potato so these are these are all they're all sleeping they're all sleep they're all asleep well that tell us about these gadgets Neela uh god I love windows said yeah so these are all windows 8 device they're always a and here's the thing so all the stuff we saw in the desk is their tablets and phones they've been tablets and phones for a while for five years some of them you know now they come in colors right and that's the crazy thing about them but the crazy thing I got very exciting to me well that maybe I'm crazy but we went through I feel like we went through this with the imac where somebody was like you could put a collar on a computer did you know you can just put if you want yeah and then it was like hey colors that's crazy yeah and now like we forgot all about it everything was what we forgot we definitely forgot about that with pcs yeah pcs have been been our kind of all got about it for a while to their back into colors a little bit no oh they have new oh they die pods but you know whatever grab on sorry um but the thing about pcs is that Windows 8 because they've actually grafted a touch screen all the way to say for real they're allowed to do crazy things so obviously you have the surface there it is it's got a type cover and we've seen I think this is Microsoft saying like here's what we think pc should look like but the thing about Windows 8 is that the other companies get to do where they want to you so here's a sous that's true right maybe sell the license together anymore so here's the suits and they you know they did did transformers with Andrew I like so this is actually a this is a Windows 8 is this a witness windows 8/rt or regular wait outside this is RT so and it has you can just um you can just break it any way you want yes you can do it man look at how strong it is is what I'm trying to show you any how fast is right oh oh there's a latch okay I actually think this is the winning form factor for these things like it's a tablet this is kind of like an iPad yeah right and then it's got this thing which you can throw in a bag which is its okay its not this kid more is a key words a little small if it's also a battery yeah no no it's great a smaller yeah yeah I need a little like Sodom the thing about this and the services of these are 69 right I think yeah they're a little business really silly for me and tabloid Wow but could be a lot worse yes could be a lot worse Neal I let me allow me to show you what's ice cream is this this is like a 13-3 toshiba and this looks like a tablet it's huge but it turns into a laptop like that and then it does that what just mean this is crazy I mean and the amount of engineering they had to do if you look at this hinge it's got like I think my tracks it's got spike this is the thing that's most exciting is that people are finally innovating on hinges yeah and and this is just good like a you know I mean it's like I'm for that you donated crazy on hinges and then and there like hinges are a bad idea I'm reading a book just comfortably read one-handed reading and then I got an incoming call after five years that guy every day the huge up to your ear hello it says you're not connected in giant letters that is true that is true but it's a touchscreen yeah you know Sean reviewed this thing it's interesting I mean this is like the explosion of ideas of how computer should look I wish it did more folding well the thing with this other thing with all of these to me is like you're supposed to touch them but the hinge is here so it's like that that didn't and that's not great okay you're forcing out a little the thing that scares me about this reminds me of like the original tablet PC era like Windows tablet edition sort of complaint lightweight whenever just like doc you've got a stylus and they're just a little it's a little so I mean look this thing is like this is a really great movie problem you know it's like oh yeah hello I've got a call hello it costs idea that's what I Sheamus I but this is your favorite this is my favorite did you love this this love is a strong word this is the yoga from Lenovo yoga so it's a tablet but it has maybe the smartest hinge we're just turns into a laptop and then it is about it's better when you show this just so you understand what's happening with this particular it's a 15 inch display to the touch screen yeah it's a touchscreen and then just it's just the one is that one girl and then it does that right right seems comfortable right and you've got a keyboard and it's weird because you're holding what is what come on guys seriously like whoohoo here show of hands yeah would use it like this literally from two one guy was like just kidding it was like the third guy I don't think so so like here's what so here's what school I think let me just do this can i er um you just put this like so these guys I think what's really great is that people are innovating on ya hinges and form factors right but I just don't think like I don't know of any human beings really want to do to do that and that's that's the problem I'd like Microsoft has the best thing I think I actually think the surface is of all well I think this kind of the asus is getting there it's girls yeah where's little small is closed this is what's strange is that in operating system is that's why these manufacturers are like we can't ride or wildest idea yeah and they send the designers like into a room they do a sit there like will fold it all the way back we know I mean I mean as we know Microsoft they primed the better they open their mind they prime the pump with the surface yeah they did you know and i will call it alright that's our gadgets at her show we have a video it all went to NASA and he became an astronaut he went into outer space and he found aliens and and we have it on video so uh take a look at this we'll be right back with Dennis Crowley from foursquare Americans don't fly spaceships anymore we catch a ride with Russia commercial spaceflight is awesome and it's doing really well and it might get American humans in American vehicles up soon but it might take NASA a decade to build its own capsule and get astronauts back in space so what what happens now at NASA what is happening now I'm here at the Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas opening the doors to shed light on the future of human space travel this is Robonaut 2 he's a collaboration between NASA GM there's a guy exactly almost exactly like this up in space right now this is in Houston and NASA's tests out new routines new behaviors and they ship them over to another lab where they have an exact replica of Robonaut that's on the space station where they finalize routine then they beam that up space and they do it for real well the whole idea behind Robonaut is to provide an assistant for crew a Robonaut could work side by side with the crew like a nurse to a doctor or you can also take down all the tools and everything all the infrastructure after a particular task is completed I think it's important to keep in mind that Robonaut is a tool many people talk about science fiction robots and how they can go and do things on their own Robo Knight has been designed specifically to be a tool for people it only does we tell it to do and it's been designed with the safety and the reliability to be a useful tool around people not to go off and do anything on its own I'm just going to show you a quick little scene from national treasure 3 at the start of the movie Nicholas Cage is sent to space using one of the Russian vehicles that currently takes astronauts to space because the the Space Shuttle has been decommissioned and he's looking for the lost US Constitution and unknown to the other astronauts since Robonaut outside the space station to retrieve the the Constitution and so Robonaut can fold back thermal blanket that's hiding the US Constitution and Nicolas Cage back inside the space station because Nicholas Cage doesn't know how to spacewalk he's like oh thanks Robonaut i will take the US Constitution to the President of the United States and ask him why did you hide this in the space station well don't you look in the envelope look at the avila it's just not a constitution it's just so this is called the Robo glove an exoskeleton for your hand it's basically designed to help you grab things and make you stronger in the glove itself here on the thumb we have something called the four sense resistor we actually actuate the tendons and we pull them down and then release them when you let go the f sr and that's what gives you the extra power to lift an object like a heavyweight or something more so now I can I mean I can lift heavy winter well I guess I want you guys to know very capable of lifting heavy weight sure i'm here with front of the multi-mission multi-mission space exploration vehicle and so this is a capsule with a dead pot heat melted to the outside noise so explain your ears telling me this is like a modular system so that that's where multi-mission comes in the chassis is effectively a robot this robot has wheels and that moves around the payload is the cabin so can I hey driver yeah let's hop in before I do I'm the pilot now go to pilot so pretty much push the stick in the direction you want to travel and the vehicle will do what it needs to do to get there here we go so you'll notice we're not just tipping into it so right now if you were outside you can see it forcing this right wheel down into that hole incredible this world it doesn't make any sense it's just like a really need a weird random direction at a floating and a bob the cure itself won't allow you to to do things that are gonna jeopardize the safety of the robot as you're going over the hill you're starting to pick up more speed because your vehicle weighs a lot but the wheels notice that and say well I'm only getting a command of one meter per second and it's so you maintain that speed man I just feel like it's like just giving me out of a pinch every time that it got a little rescued basically by a robot we can venture over to Mars if you want that was good I'm sick of the moon can we go through the wall at hand yeah yes pretty girl's life down there I saw dragonfly lot of people that's our star c300 so sixteen thousand dollar camera I'm gonna run over it I'm gonna close my eyes and you're gonna tell me go straight and you tell me what's that okay ready yeah push you push your stick forward my eyes a club stick us forward we're doing it we're looking good oh my god it's probably not quite center but I loosen up I don't see anybody in the cameras crying it's okay already trying to back off just look at that we beat Louisville rear-view camera this is the space vehicle mock-up facility where they have space vehicle mock-up within the facility this is a ryan this is NASA's next generation space capsule so this is how we would get back from the Moon or Mars or wherever we go next this is how we land back on earth but you could live in here for a while for people could be in here if they really liked each other to be in here for 21 days basically this this room is awesome and I'm gonna live here NASA Johnson Space Center Visitor Miller Paul Josiah inspires Wednesday October stoop to over 70 that's today some say space is the final frontier and you know that's a final frontier that's a lot it's like in Little House on the Prairie when they you know they moved to the little cabin in the Big Woods but that wasn't far enough so they they move further the little house on the prairie and you know and then one day we found the UH notion to New an ocean on the whole other side of the country there's an ocean this whole time and Isaac spaces like that the scientists that I met today in Houston at NASA are they're working on human spaceflight we are not there yet but we're working on it that's cool how I I have to say I am I am very jealous of Paul for getting to go on that trip it's very cool stuff and and and Paul is a he's really good at that he's really good at going and doing things and I envy that all right we shouldn't waste any more time I want to bring out our first guest please welcome the CEO foursquare Dennis Crowley all right thank your company what you're very careful it's like good we try to make it kind of like a difficult for people to get over we've got you gotta step over that thing you've gotta step up and that arm is broken yeah it's a little mini of course officially brought back the broken arm sofa just for you uh Dennis thank you for coming yeah thanks for having me in the zone psyched to be here well uh you know it's it really is our pleasure to have you and you're here in New York you're based in New York yeah we're down and uh we have offices done so and now would you say now I want to talk a little bit about I want to get into the roots of foursquare but yeah the first I want to talk about the East Coast West Coast startup battle and you know it's got very heated can you trash-talked Silicon Valley at all there r us right now and I'll talk about how much better New York is for startups oh I think I like the New York seen a lot right because there's just a lot more people here it's like 8 million people here versus I don't how many people in San Francisco 15 but considerably fewer the right and then on top of that like there I like about building a tech startup in New York is that you know tech is not the most important thing here it's like fifth down in the list we've got like you know fashion and finance and media and publishing and advertising and pretty much everything else except for tech and tech is like way down at the bottom and so when you meet people out and you ask them to beta tests of things you're building or get excited about the stuff you're building either just regular people yeah like they're not early adopters and its really i think it makes it much easier to kind of build things in this and body you're not like hey I'm doing foursquare you can check in place you become mayor place they're like oh I'm using a different thing that does exactly I don't start up the day yeah i know my sharp is actually doing so i can't really test it that is the thing that I mean it is you don't have like a million different startups all doing trying to do similar things here it's like there's a few I feel York startups and maybe you know because we're we're sort of like a publishing part of like a publishing startup really I am biased but I think there's something a little bit more like the startups here are much more real if they're real things like they involve real world either real world activities yeah are there things you actually need for your life yeah its verses like stuff like hey what if we had Yelp for shoes yeah i mean that's Yelp isn't it i don't really have well there's like no there's like a smaller pool of them here so like you look at the big ones and you know where one of the biggest ones here and then you've got you know your your tumblers and your etsy s and your Kickstarter's and your meetups and it's just like a smaller pool to compare yourself with and when you look at like the big startups that are out west you know it's like it's just a big tech companies you've got your Google's and your Facebook's and your twitter is your apples it's just like a different breed of big tech company right no but I mean they've but Facebook and Twitter they've kind of graduated to a different sphere of their not like a startup yeah but we think upon your in that sphere too yeah I mean like we're not really even start up we're like 150 people right it's over 50 years old yeah exactly right so like how Wes that's I think it's still considered relatively small where one of the bigger players in the and the new york tech scene right and so it's just it's like a different you know distinction of scale I guess so to recap the west coast startup scene lame East Coast art scene awesome is that I'm hearing Sonia I quote you on that I see I don't want to I don't wanna poopoo the west coast cuz we have an office out there yeah time yeah uh so I actually talked about that the the beginnings of foursquare foursquare was not foursquare originally fourth quarter was like you know if you go way back in the day it's um you know it's me building software from my friends I've got laid off from my very first calm job which was what well like to my second job so I worked at a company called Jupiter research which I was the guy like making PowerPoint slides and then I worked at that was your job you were just like I was pretty much awesome era pretty much like making slides for other people to give during presentations and things and I worked at a mobile I product shop called Vindico that was building city guides for Palm Pilots and that was at this company Vindico I really got bit by the bug of hey you can make stuff during the day and you go out at night and you see people using the stuff that you you know that you were working on during the day and they're using it on their palm pilots and like that was kind of a big deal I know palm pilots like super old school but but I mean I was like oh my god I you build stuff during the day and you see stuff you see people using at night like that's incredibly rewarding and so this idea of just building stuff that my friends would use in building stuff that I I just got really kind of bit by that bug right and you know so the first version the dodge ball ended up coming out of that we ended up can you explain dodgeball hello sure who don't know what it is yeah dodgeball is um you know we I can remember how we used to pitch it back in the day but it was just like a basic friend finder for text messaging and so you know this is before you a GPS and phones or color screens or apps in general but you know anywhere that my my friends in New York would go out you just send a text message to like NYC at dodgeball calm and say I'm at the you know the magician I'm at Tom and Jerry's I'm at Central Park and then that message will get rebroadcast I'll do all of your friends right yeah we had like a poor man's little social network built into it and like it didn't work who's SMS base it was SMS yeah but didn't work because I no one really kind of knew what social networks where there's back my 2001 people to know what social networks were like text messaging barely worked and we kept trying to like resurrect the idea we did it after friendster kind of hit pseudo mass market it's like oh now we can explain it as it's like friendster for cell phones and then we try to resurrect it again when we're NYU and did it with them you know then we ended up bringing it to google and you know i feel like now you know a couple years later some of those ideas are a bit more in the right time right place right the device is a more mature like everyone here knows about apps on your phone you all know that you have gps like everyone here has phones that can do these things and so like we're just you know it's just a much larger audience you've been so you've been trying to do like I mean you've essentially been trying to do something like Foursquare or been trying to do for us but for a very long time for spare was that what is the year for a force press started we started 2009 right and even so be way before that day you were kind of trying to find a way to say pan out of place yeah cuz I'll be all about it yeah I say you could it goes back to I 2001 or so right which has which is insane yeah it mean but it barely worked wait 15 people usually really really want people to know where you are well it's just like it makes meeting up with people easier and more fun and right so so so foursquare was a few years ago everybody talked about foursquare yeah it was like we're game gamify everything we're gonna game if I our lives like four squares one of these things where it's like I get achievements for doing stuff that I'm doing anyhow yeah I can become them or somewhere and get bad just for stuff yeah I mean obviously that stuff is all still baked into foursquare but it seems like the last you know couple of years certain the last year things have been moving towards not just about hey I got an achievement or I'm the mayor of something but foursquare is going to be an engine for finding things yeah for discovery and for discovery and getting recommendations yeah can you talk a little bit about the shift or if there is a shift and what what that means to you you know I don't I don't really see it so much as a shift right so you know what we're trying to do like the kind of essence of foursquare is how do you use software to encourage people to go out and have experiences that they haven't had before right and a big part of that is like the recommendation engine that we've got you know a whole bunch of data scientists working crunching the three billion check-ins to make these recommendations happen in real time and there's another part of that the part we weren't able to do that in the early days we just didn't have the team of the town or just we weren't sophisticated enough to do that in the early days we were using like basic game mechanics like the badges that probably most of the people in this room know about where it's like can we use software to encourage people to you know go to places that they haven't been to before like initially it was you know I live in the east village and there's a bar that I always go to called 7b and it was like you know this is just my default place like how do you make a piece of software that encourages me to go to some place I haven't been before to bring my friends there to go to another borough to like travel uptown to get a group two people together and do something none of us have done before and can you make a game out of that and can act like you know if you make the game if you design a game well enough can it encourage people to do those types of things right we're finding that a lot of that stuff works like the game mechanics have worked pretty well on foursquare like if you level up in coffee it's like am a level 6 coffee person because i've been to 30 different places in New York people feel some kind of sense of accomplishment over that right now aki I unlocked the gym rat badge for going to the gym you know ten times out of a 30 day period like that's a it kind of works right do you ever feel like I'm gonna get a little bit deep on you here let's do you ever feel like the idea of gamma fiying for adults who like going to a bar is very adult activity right yeah do you ever feel that the and i'm sure you have a wonderful responses did you ever feel like in some way gamifying things we normally do is a way of infantilizing us like it kind of making us like I mean I don't play you know in my daily life I don't think of the things I do is an achievement that I need to unlock or yeah game that I have to play is there something about taking tasks or things that we do recreationally and turning them into a game that in some way diminishes their their value or their importance or does that was a big difference between like trying to turn everything into a game and try to make everything playful right so I never I don't ever think of foursquare as a game right there there's game mechanics in there but I think of it as like you know there's been all these just utilities like things that will help you do stuff on the internet for a long time it's like we should make those things more fun they should be fun to use and fun to interact with and so that's where a lot of the game mechanics come from I want to make you know everyday interactions if I going to the same restaurant by commuting every day traveling in between cities I want to make that stuff feel playful and rewarding doesn't have to be a game but I think there's it's important to note the distinction you you think that it's do you think as people as humans like we need to be rewarded for doing I mean is that something that you think is baked into our DNA that we want to be rewarded or we need to be rewarded you know I don't think rewards come in different sizes and shapes like every time that you get a like on Instagram like that's like that's being rewarded that's like the little bit of a dopamine hit right and I feel like it's like you know that's that's a multiplayer version of it right because you post something and then your friends interact with it that's two players interacting you know the Foursquare stuff was designed to be more one player like you do something in the real world and Foursquare rewards you for doing that and so you know the badge am Aaron walk you know you get a tip that tells you about something you should order at a restaurant like those are all little dopamine hits in the same type of way that make people feel good like hey if I put data into the system I'm it's enhancing my experience of the real world and so you feel like and you so you feel like there's a physiological like that there is I mean obviously there is you're right about the dopamine hip yeah but you feel like that's actually fundamental to what you're doing that you want people to feel this sense of hey I've you know this like visceral sense of hey I've got some dinner I accomplished something yeah it doesn't need to be down to like the chemical level of it but you know this um you know I always think of foursquare as like we should be able to make you know these little guides that live in your pocket like a guide to the city that basically has all the knowledge that your friends have about all the places in the world and that wherever you end up bringing your phone that guide can come to life and say hey these are the things that you need to attention to and so it doesn't have to be like one of those one player rewards like a badge or mayor mayor mechanic right those might happen all the time but as long as you know I can be someplace they haven't been before and Foursquare can surface a little bit of information for me that helps me understand that place or make mine you know my 15 or 20 minutes I spend in that place a little bit more interesting again that's really like no one's really done stuff like that before right we're showing that when you do it like it works it works pretty well so you so you talked about putting data into it kind of it's sort of incentivizing people to put data into foursquare yeah we have a video and I don't know if we can cue this up or not but it's you guys posted this thing which is the map of guest check-ins director hurricane do we have this up so this is it you can see the dates going by there and you can see all this activity move literally move out of the the lower part of actually I haven't seen this yet this is gonna awesome you haven't seen this it's really crazy cuz you can see them migrate she kept up late again play again we run that one more time so you can see this a lot of activity downtown and then that's rad right how I mean it goes dark yeah well the way though the power does in a way and the way people's ability to get down there so so this data is obviously very valuable and I mean you're using it for stuff that is like hey I love this bar or this restaurant there was an article in the believer kind of a little bit of a mean-spirited foursquare article where they said they're kind of making fun of the idea that people say it's it's like saying cigs that things like people talk about mac and cheese in williamsburg it is very surface information yeah do you see that date is valuable I mean what you just show what we just showed is important that's like a lot you know life-threatening situation you guys are collecting all this information yeah are there other uses for that data are there other ways that you can utilize that data that you can share that data I think everything that you see going on in foursquare now like an hour explore recommendation engine that's that's like the the you know that's the you know all the magic that we're trying to deliver to people like we we have all these folks that give us you know a little bit of information about what they do every day with the types of coffee places they go to the different places they go to in williamsburg please they go to all over the world and we take all those check-in data points and we can really we can start making these recommendation engines that are personalized to people like four for the history of local search on the internet it's always been like if everyone here goes to you know Google or Yelp right now and we search for sushi we all get the same results like that is that's broken that's so super broken because we all have different tastes our friends have all been in different places we all had different experiences like it's just it's very clear clear that that stuff is going to change you want you want that to be for a person not yeah just a generalized yeah the big thing that we're able to do that no one's been able to do before is be able to have personalized local search results for every person for any person at any given point in time right so Foursquare search results are different depending on the intersection you're standing on the the day the day of the week it is the time of the day it is like we can potentially get into things where it's like you know is it colder than it normally is is it warmer than a no noise where would where do people normally go around these times and so you know you look at that those check-in points there and you know sometimes people look at Foursquare back oh it's cute it's about points and badges and stuff and like that's great that like you know people get that part of it but mean that was four days a data up there and that just shows like how Foursquare foursquare in New York is like a living breathing type of organism there's all sorts of interesting data that's being teased out of that and it's are responsible to take all those data points and use it to help everyone in this room and everyone in New York ever in the world use that to make better sense out of what's going on nearby interesting so I we have to wrap up and fortunately there's a lot more I want it there's a bunch of questions that didn't get to but tell me about do you see Foursquare as a company that IPO is like are you gonna are you if I mean are you a facebook is this does this become a public company is that your everyone asked us this all the time like what when you guys going to IPO how soon is going to be a tight it's like one of the last things that we think about right so our job is just to build the best products that we can right now we've got just over 25 million users almost 3 billion check-ins and in order to compete in the scale which we're competing with like we're one of the like we're the smallest of the big companies right now right and so we've got to grow our audience we've got to grow the business we're going to figure out how to work better as teams and everything and so if we figure out all that stuff than those are the questions that we got to start thinking about but for now it's just you know how do you build stuff that's better than the stuff we're launching today and how do you build stuff that just people love using every single day well thank you very much for coming everybody you got to come back there's a lot more way to go to UM stick around does you stick we don't go anywhere and you guys don't go anywhere we have a Paul went to maker faire another wild trip with Paul take a look at this and we right back with with paul young guys it's copy a lowball time I'm in here at maker faire which is kind of like a Renaissance Fair for for nerds for no I guess rid of thoughts fairs are for nerds it's like a to renaissance fair for makers I'm gonna see what a see what I can see and maybe maybe learn how to program a tithe on and build my own robot I don't know whatever so this is Tommy Wars is the official name that was we came up with at the beginning of the 72-hour build off so everything in here was built in 72 hours yeah we actually have two potentiometers there's one in this thumb and one on this thumb and there's an Arduino program that's basically monitoring those two potentiometers and determining whether or not there's a pin based on the threshold and the amount of time that the thumbs are down so these are the 12 unusually for I bear the pub or yeah and then basically tell me nobody says that uh-huh yeah are you really that bad it's so cool when I was covering it this kid with his dad look I like I skated past them and he's like whoa and I like I was like wait for it wait for his like he's got a skateboard I felt like just like a superhero it's bright up just before I'll do we got a straight okay I can go all the way it'll do you like four miles an hour yeah oh my gosh is this like the primary expression of what you do absolutely the blog there's there's nothing better in the world and taking something up here and then transform you into reality and having everyone enjoy it it's the best feeling in the world can you power side in this it's a blue sparks gone well you've transformed relaxation into reality and just kind of positions oh yeah I don't have to go anywhere you know it's I've gone to the relaxation town on the scale stop so he's like gonna be about it's about to be impaled this is vertical how do you turn you figured out oh yeah right of Portsmouth Virginia um yeah totally schoo stirs we're right on the ocean road this all the way up oh no you can't handle top speed we took an electric wheelchair basically cut it up welded a bunch of stuff onto the chassis modified a little bit and no now it has a hammock that's suspended in this is awesome you said it could get up to five g's its person has a Deadman switch whoever lets go of the Deadman switch first losers obviously but then it slides down anyone died yet you have a barf bag ready dad it was nice knowing him oh my gosh totally fine the whole time and then sooner to stop my eyes are like yeah like getting my eyes kept going I'm like shaking and I'm like woozy I actually want a hot dog now I want to do it again really bad I'm not really into the spinning that's how goose died now I'm having a lot of fun here but uh I don't know maybe I'm having too much fun you know America used to build things he's the go places uh feel like I should make something myself green LEDs I really need soldering iron few days I don't know how to solder I don't hold a soldering gun I have some stores this is the Raspberry Pi starter kit which I've been told to get and I gonna fill with this stuff but uh it looks really cool so I'm gonna try to build something with it and you know we'll see what we'll see what happens it's gonna be an adventure and I can fall on my face but that's what this squirts all about its discovery yeah sad the sad truth is that Paul discovered that you need to go online to use the Raspberry Pi kit and can't make anything with it all right i want to bring out our next guess they are editors from polygon calm our new sister site that covers video games i'm told so please welcome Chris plant and Russ fresh dick yeah have a seat be careful be very careful oh my god I'm firefighter the irony i'm telling you to be careful than I trip that's what how do you imagine can you imagine that happening I just hadn't uh Chris and rush rush rush can call you rush you can is that the dog hey man I just how you hate your name really hate the whole thing Ross rush thick is the hardest name to say but you're doing such a good job at oh but it's I just feel like I gotta I gotta try did you know fresh dick is German for breakfast that's how i remembers all right the obverse time I landed in Germany every woman was like frost exact I and I am hungry just thinking about your name right boy so um anyhow so if you guys don't know have you gone des has everybody here gone to polygon have you gotta fall back well everyone guys here clapping icmp over here not clapping do yourself a favor okay you're abusing yourself by not going to polygon and reading their news news it's new cures that doing alright the things we've got a few think of IDEO games and actually so you hasn't been doing this thing called press reset or press reset you know I don't want to go out people pronounce it okay I go with press reset anyhow you've been they've been doing this this multi-part kind of documentary about building the site launching the site and it is really cool it's very cool and we actually have a clip from the launch this is like the launch video take a look at this you get a taste of what they're doing which is very interesting the best thing about working with these guys is I love competing with them and they're my best friends the best start performing with these two guys is that keep me in line and it's a lot of time describe our acting when we rid of her hot you yes thank you budget towers I'm going to take weeks or practice you had two great movies we really weren't great great preparation and uh no but but but and we will look at some press reset but you guys had this you let you you know you you had this big launch yeah you've been working on it for how long how long had you been working uh since January it's pretty much when we brought the team together and brought everyone in and talked about what we want to do did anyone cry when you launch boy yeah they were time een chris grant just he's a man of lots of ammo chris grant is he here is he here somewhere I think he's always right there there's bald man are you crying right now yeah Lissa it's okay you cover video games yes right yeah let's talk about video games okay have you heard about this new halo mm-hmm halo 4 oh yeah you seen it yeah yeah oh yeah what do you think uh I think it looks great it's fun hmm but you're we're talking back slate I played it and you took issue with the fact that much of halo 4 have you guys seen a lot of these halo games Amelia within five minutes you're shooting aliens what more do you look at you looking for something a little bit more you know raid negotiate also have my crazy but are the halo aliens like a little outdated now they're pretty cartoonish cuz these little guys boy shells and they like a silent cartoon guarantee mortgage-free had to like you immediately sat down at the table and it was just a lengthy conversation about how to work out your problems you know what if instead of a gun what if instead of a gun you had like a I don't know a really advanced smart phone bill you can find some bills yeah yeah you have you carried around to scroll with what it one-handed a quill in the other the red team only wanted to get 40 all right okay fine halo don't buy it that's mine that's why Wow hey no no I could have made it what did you know wait do you review yet we did review it what'd you get what'd you give it what are we a 9.5 it was a very pocket but I give it a you know an eight yeah and eight Wow a point 80 point uh new assassin's creed buy it or don't buy it that's a bit of bit of an issue there uh what do you mean well apparently you need about 10 hours before you actually kill anyone in the new assassins clear that sounds great that's that's great Joe so you love this Martin talking I just think that can't we get somewhere in games I know this is not your fault it is actually my job you baby so cut responsible how'd you think we get somewhere in games where we're not where the thing in your hand is not always a gun there have been games were like the thing in your hand is a flower perhaps or like like what what game is that flower yeah let's be fair you play as the wind so okay there you go yeah this is yeah but a game where there's this fall okay fine civilization you can be diplomatic oh don't give me the strategy game stuff I'm just saying what about uh what about what's your voice your favorite game right now right now a big fan of dishonored Oh dishonored I've been playing good name right there's parts that game read on to kill people but there's a lot of part you don't even have to kill people that's true there you can make it Michael dishonored I'm like the I'm like an old grumpy Andy Rooney guy my word is all these games our kids do you ever kill I don't know what that voice is um so what is your favorite game right now I think probably Dishonored XCOM is also very good but that's a strategy game and you don't like tragic I do hate strategy and there's no diplomacy I like need for speed most wanted really yeah what driving what youyou we're going right in the joggers you're like I'm sorry strategy out the door racing man maybe not what is the job my favorite game probably of the last I don't know ten years is fallout 3 Oh excellent game yeah you don't kill anyone better you kill people yeah I don't get me wrong I love killing people okay okay hi and I'd like to do it in real nasty ways yeah I mean just the other day dishonored I was throwing people into the fireplace after I killed them hey you didn't even happen I just partly the Bob okay by the way I recommend if you if you're anywhere where there's a fireplace just stuff for the bodies right in there talk but um you know what but I like games where you have to do a little bit of talking before you kill people sure who's that you know yeah get to know him get to know him a little bit you do and then merge and give them a little nice out there oh all right we have to wrap up fortunately a very short amount of time but we do have a real clip of press reset they don't show you guys I want to thank you for coming I'm sorry that we have such limited time I promise in the future that I will talk to you again not on the show but I think maybe imperfect twitter at the office perhaps or uh but take a round of applause for Russ and Chris I have no idea what happened I'll just be bitching and take a look this is a clip for press reset you guys should go check out polygon and watch all this stuff because it's awesome today is day one of pgs only gaming convention with Wi-Fi is banned I don't really understand how that's possible being in Japan TGS is definitely a different beast entirely there are many cultural and language barriers that Western members of the press have to get over let me move this up it's good here good bad there's something that I love and I'd read about video game shows for the moment you get there you're exhausted you're stressed out it's like a lot of process to just get me here and then the moment it's over you're like man I really miss it okay yeah can we address this though because say I had never been in Japan before I think before I went I was envisioning a very alien experience it was more grounded than I was expecting it to be what is it focus on what that in all seriousness I was that was I was very abusive to our guests yeah I look Paul O'Neill I are back but I was very abusive to Russ and Chris and I'm sure they'll never come back but they are wonderful men and the site is really awesome then you should go check it out we've come almost to the end of the show let's point out that i brought a flag an american flag in a lumia 920 two things that go right great day and i believe that i am now immune to any sort of criticism no I mean while you're holding this as long as you put them down these things our tokens is mindy i think when i think of the Lumia i think of America um okay so thick America so we're we're any way to America we're America that buys huge foreign companies without actually buying I'm from Wisconsin I just mean a weighty weighty American guys outweigh just carry on okay Solly we have a show to wrap up yeah okay these people want to know who the big joke you want to know I want to know what president Romney / President Obama's policies are going to be uh since they've since he has already been elected yeah okay final final move of the night everyone giveaways phone giveaway we're giving away we're giving away we're giving away three Samsung Galaxy Note 2's we have one here in the box I'm gonna unbox it right now go here we go you ready you ready for this that's not-- style here we go hello you know this isn't that big actually I mean everybody talking about how huge they are it goes you see gigant I have big hands but look I mean basically fits in the palm of my hand a massive happy it covers the entire fall by hand anyhow so we're giving three of these away and what we're going to do is we've got some some tickets here with numbers on them we're going to we're going to call your number I have not been told how to do this and we usually screw it up hold on a second don't you want to come down if we call your number hang out up there raise your hand or scream or do a combination combo those things is fine and we'll find you and then we'll give you a phone after the show is over so we're just gonna get started and you'll like I just remember you don't win a phone call cool pictures with the stylus that is included inside of the phone and I love that if you don't win a phone tonight um you know why did you think you were gonna win a phone why do you think you're different than everybody or special yeah you don't deserve it any more than anybody else in this audience just don't forget that okay here we go who's gonna be our first special person all right oh boy the number is 4 7 7 8 9 5477 895 right there yeah all right don't do anything stay where you are 847 7 8 95 you don't have to just stay where you nursey think about using a stylus on your phone think about stock stay where you are think about think about how cool it's gonna be here go ahead go Neal I your next s calendar calendar telomere snow so no they got snaps memos memos note actually I will say uh I've been playing around with the gs3 which has S Memo on it memo memo it's pretty cool yeah I got a bit I'm admitting it they've got some good ideas you got me all right there's not not just because the show is presented by Samsung no but mostly okay there's this one alright uh don't do that um you pulled out to these tickets were stuck again or you pick your lines you gotta choose will give the cheese wine this is fine we could just do this let's give you the winner election where you have to chew you have to choose you know you want me to flip it rap you wanna flip my note what's here I haven't seen them so one of these care wait I'm gonna split them up give me one that but you only want me what do you want yeah just there you go anyone are you looking at them like you're picking my using my x-ray vision it's the one that ends in 0 I was wrong 47 791 Oh what why is this section winning all the phones there's a conspiracy there this is definitely a conspiracy recount recount Wow someone's stealing these phones give me this I'm gonna the way the election was stolen clear I'll pick something oh look I picked the ticket already 852 what boy to regard to Bullock if that guy if a guy over here hadn't want a phone we'd never hear the end of it all right that is our show I want to thank you guys for coming first off thank you so much I when I Dennis Crowley chris plante Russ fresh dick I said it and obviously samsung for helping us put this on in America and America and Paul and Neil I go home it spent time with your families watch the election results which we already know all about and and we'll see you Oh November 20th we're back November 23 have another show so so come back thanks a lot guys
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