hey guys it's Neela the verge I'm here
with the pebble smartwatch an accessory
for your iPhone or Android phone lets
you check notifications and control
music right from your wrist the pebble
started with a massively successful
Kickstarter campaign and the final
hardware is actually really nice there's
a backlit ePaper display up down and
select buttons on the right side and a
back button on the left just under the
back button there's a set of contacts
and magnets for the pebbles pretty cool
power connector the default watch band
here is fine but it's pretty boring so
it's a good thing you just swap it out
for any standard band that you might
want to have as far as the screen itself
it's actually kind of hard to see
without the backlight on and the
backlight makes everything a little bit
more blue than I was expecting it's also
not the highest resolution screen in the
world but overall it's basically just
fine it works really nicely but there's
obviously room for improved in the next
version setting up the pebble is really
straightforward you just pair it to your
phone over Bluetooth and then watch the
pebble app after a little bit of setup
that's different on iOS Android you'll
immediately start to see notifications
pop up on the watch accompanied by a
little vibration and the screen lighting
up it's super convenient and I really
like being able to check incoming Taksin
emails without having to pull out my
phone you just glance at your wrist
it's a dismiss the notification you hit
the ok button and you're back to the
clock peb will also alert you to
incoming calls and let you dismiss or
answer them you can also use a public
control music apps any app that supports
Bluetooth control works on Android and
every app I tried just basically worked
on the iPhone it works well but I often
found it was faster to just pull out my
phone and the dig around the menus and
open the music controller using the
pebble app on your phone you can
download and install a new watch faces
which is fun pebble says they'll soon
expand that functionality to allow
entirely new apps to be downloaded on
the phone but for right now you can just
download a handful of watch faces I
actually in the end preferred the basic
analog face but there's some cool ones
in the mix too but the most important
thing to know about pebble is that it's
really different experience depending on
whether you have an iPhone or an Android
phone on the iPhone it pretty much
everything is directly controlled by iOS
the pebble app has basically no settings
outside of helping you connect and
downloading watch faces notifications
don't appear for every app unless you go
into Notification Center preferences and
like Rito go the banner individually and
your settings go away if the pebble gets
disconnected it's annoying
and there's really not much proble can
do about it because Apple has to fill in
the gaps here this is just
ralphe foundation of support in iOS
because it's supported the system-level
pebble basically supports all iOS
notifications out-of-the-box now that's
really different than Android because on
Android everything goes to the pebble
app but it also means you have to give
the app really broad permissions to
watch everything that happens in your
phone and you even have to give it your
gmail password so it can figure out mail
notifications it's an interesting
contrast between the platform's the
pebble kind of has more potential via
killer iPhone accessories if and when
Apple builds out the OS support but
right now the Android experience is a
little bit better even though it feels
like kind of more of a hack in the end
though the pebble works and it works
well it's a huge accomplishment for an
indie hardware company funded by a
Kickstarter campaign I think it's a
little bit expensive at $150 but if
you're in the market for a SmartWatch
it's much more worth it than any of the
other competitors that I've seen if the
pebble team can deliver on the promise
of apps it will get even more useful in
fact the entire time I use the pebble I
found myself daydreaming about all the
other stuff it could do there's no
reason they can't replace like a Fitbit
or a Nike FuelBand it would be really
cool to send replies to text emails
rather than their seeing them and be
cool to control any other of the various
functions of your phone but in the end
it's a great product
it's a good story they're off to a great
start and now pebble just has to make
the rest of my dreams come true
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