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Phone with a molecular sensor

this phone has a molecular sensor this folks from Cheng Hong it's called h2 and it's got this sensor from Co that scans molecules it's basically infrared sees how molecules are moving around and then it can basically determine what's going on so like you can check your viagra to see if it's fake you can check your drink to see if there's alcohol in it you can check your strawberries to see which one's sweeter it's kind of crazy and then it's literally inside of a mobile phone so there's a lot of ways to use this sia sensor you can measure a lot of different things but one of them is kind of like a sugar content of something so you need to pick which fruit you're going to scan so I'm going to skin an apple I'll just put the sensor right on it scan I want you to guess at home which of these is going to be sweeter now that's a pretty good pretty good Apple above good let's look at this red one that one's a bit over good I think this one's supposed to be sweeter I'm not a picky eater but I think I have a very discerning palate so I'm going to see what I think it's a very sweet apple they both rated pretty sweet oh yeah let's look the way through them this app's a lot different we're going to measure viagra pills to see which one's real which one's fake so f can also measure meats for water injected meat or for alcohol content and drinks we're going for pills put this over here BAM got it again okay what one more thing we're going to scan my body fat to be really embarrassing who knows maybe I'm great maybe I'm just the best at body fat so I'm just at the skin my bicep was the direction right here so let's put this right here please be good please be a good one whoa 27% average I've done this four other times it was always above average but this time when we got it on tape I'm completely average and very healthy individual thank you sigh oh what a great molecular sensor I think
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