Pocket wants to help you see the best of the web - Small Empires S. 3 Ep. 5
Pocket wants to help you see the best of the web - Small Empires S. 3 Ep. 5
pocket is a web tool that acts like a
Save button for the internet you could
save interesting articles videos pretty
much anything for later consumption and
the San francisco-based startup has
actually garnered 17 million users
worldwide now it just has to figure out
how to grow that product into a
profitable business so I was working at
a web design firm in Minneapolis and I
was just always emailing myself links
and never getting around to them and one
night just decided to like take a crack
at solving that and made this really
basic Firefox extension like literally
put it up on my on my personal site
which nobody ever went to until a writer
on life hacker picked it up and found
out a lot of other people have this
problem too and I kind of just blew up
from their pocket is basically like a
DVR for the web you see something you
don't have time to read it or watch it
you tap a button and it saves the pocket
and then we have time you open up pocket
and it's there for you to enjoy we
believe pocket is a fundamental tool of
like using the Internet you know you
have these kind of core tools that
people use when they use content every
day whether it's you know search and
browse and share believe save is just
one of those critical components just
like anything else
that's why we've always believed it was
like a system-level feature why it makes
sense to us that it's built into a
browser like firefox people were
constantly finding all this content on
the web but having no place to put it no
way of being able to come back to it I
always thought like how cool would that
be if like you did something you built
like a million people were using you
know and like actually benefiting from
that's like always been the thing that's
been driving you which is just like how
do you have a big impact how do you
reach a lot of people and it's that
level of awareness that is really
important to us as we grow they've
raised several rounds of capital into
the millions of dollars and they've done
it while maintaining a pretty small team
like it's something like a dozen people
so they're pretty lean and mean raising
that money gave them an opportunity to
just focus on the product and not worry
so much about figuring out the revenue
piece because we're pocket the revenue
piece is actually quite a trick
like a lot of venture-backed startups
pocket has decided to focus primarily on
pleasing its users and scaling its
our challenge is just like getting the
word out you know it's the things that's
like drive me crazy
when I think about it are like I'll be
at an event I'll be trying to explain to
somebody what pocket is that it's never
heard of it and all of a sudden their
coworker will walk up and they'll be a
pocket I love pocket I use the thing
every day and they like sit next to each
other in the office and somehow just
like never talked about this thing and
we are you know actively pushing to try
to reach that audience pockets biggest
problem is most people don't go through
their day wondering how to save things
on the web they're not even really aware
that you can do that and pocket hasn't
really figured out an easy way to just
let me I don't know log in one time
click yes and then just have it
everywhere yeah and for them to become
the save button for the web they're
gonna need to figure that out they would
hear about this product they're you know
somebody would rave about it they could
download it and they land in this empty
queue and it would be like go give the
app and go follow 17 directions to like
set up pocket and people would just like
maybe later like you it's service for
like procrastinators like and then
you're telling them to go do all these
things they're like I'll save these
instructions for later right it's not
that's definitely been a challenge there
are just you know 100 million users out
there today who are emailing themselves
links to or keeping tabs open in the
browser or not able to find like the
best content that's out there and we are
you know actively pushing to try to
reach that audience you know getting
built into a browser it was a huge win
for us in terms of just like you know
reach if you think about it's like
Firefox I believe has you know 150
Internet's browser share it's like that
means 150 the browser's are the users on
the internet whether they're clicking it
or not like see our icon every day all
of our growth today has been completely
organic we don't to paid it at marketing
it's grown because people talk about it
or because we're built into all these in
places that they're discovering us but
the truth is in some ways pocket really
is a feature and so
do you justify that how do you build the
company going forward how do you get it
to its own profit making machine or else
do you just sell it eventually
while pocket continues to fund
development on the product side and is
figuring out a consistent and scalable
revenue model for the long haul but its
core mission hasn't really changed much
since inception and that confidence in
its products ability to stand alone is
what is set it apart from the
competition ultimately the impact that
we want to make is actually just raising
the quality of content that people
consume out there no matter what
application you're using no matter what
publisher that you go to that you can
save from those places we actually think
there's still a really big opportunity
like help just facilitate that take the
billion things that are out there every
single day and actually just still it
down to here's the cream of crop a big
part of it was actually talking to
Evernote about an acquisition and the
reason it was interesting to me at the
time was like oh I have this thing I
want to be able to do so much more with
it they're this big company they have
all these resources and they could help
me do that
Evernote approach pocket expressed
interest in buying them and pocket
turned it down because they believe that
Evernote was just going to take their
app and turn it into a kind of feature
within the larger Evernote suite and we
want to be able to have a bit more
control over our own destiny in that way
over the years we've been doing this I
would say that's like one of the things
I'm probably most proud of with this
company is that we've always had this
just one clear kind of mission one clear
problem that we've been solving we
haven't been pivoting it around it's
always been about trying to enable
people to capture all this stuff and
actually consume it in general there's
so much on the internet today it's so
vast there's so much information and
people are getting their information
it's flying in sideways from different
websites social media and that sort of
thing it's impossible to consume
everything if you think about pocket as
like you know the 1 990 rule the one
percent create nine percent curate and
90 browse right you can think about
pocket as the nine percent who curate
and we actually think that 90 percent is
a huge audience that doesn't necessarily
use the product or know about the
product today and we think that's that's
one of the next big kind of places that
we'll see a lot of growth
pocket has rivals like Instapaper and
there are big new entrants in the field
like Facebook which is created a save
button to stay relevant pocket knows it
has to move beyond just saving content
for later and so it's turned its
attention to curation by tracking its
users habits and recommending items from
other people in the pocket community the
company hopes to be a platform not just
for saving the best of the web but for
discovering it as well another value
proposition of some of these read it
later apps like pocket or Instapaper is
that they're also suggesting news for
you to read so it's not just let me save
my links for later but it's also here's
the news you should be reading today we
hope to be able to play a part in when
it comes to content it's like actually
create a channel and a platform where
high quality content can exist because
right now it's like content is
constantly buried you know it's just
like goes into this wasteland that
nobody ever finds again and we want to
want to be able to take all those great
things and make sure that people don't
miss them one good way to think about
pocket is it's the best stuff on the web
everything that's in it is something
that somebody picked and they picked it
because they wanted to read it
themselves not because they wanted to
promote it right but just because they
thought it was cool coming in the future
our you know everybody is using this
thing in these like very kind of private
silos but they're all doing this like
great work like I am out there capturing
all this amazing stuff about you know
technology or entrepreneurship or
photography and we want to make sure
that you know we can open up a couple of
windows that help like stuff that I
capture about technology that if
somebody else is interested in that like
that they benefit from me finding it he
deeply believes in this idea that the
web needs a Save button and while a few
people have tried to build it nobody's
built anything as good as pocket yet I
have the belief that if you actually can
create this platform that there would be
more creation of high quality stuff
because the reason that that doesn't
exist as much today is just because
there isn't a platform for it to be
consumed or even discovered it's it's
having to constantly compete with like
what's new over time I think they have
an opportunity to use that to kind of
surface a better version of the web so
that pocket is a place where you can go
when you just want to see great stuff
that was picked by humans
thank God
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