Pot shops are open and people are getting high for the first time
Pot shops are open and people are getting high for the first time
this week Washington State opened the
doors to its first recreational
marijuana shops and the turnout was
pretty large I will take two grams of
your sour cush yeah go often with no
legal reason not to try the drug curious
people of all walks of life now have the
opportunity to smoke marijuana risk free
for the first time expect things to get
very interesting when she learned that
marijuana was legal in Washington she
decided she wanted to try it I was kind
of looking for a marijuana cigarette I'm
not even sure how do you talk about this
stuff and what the words are and there's
some recent chilling Joe Moffett exists
enjoy birth my thumb
now I'm hold in but I don't think I got
much smoke may be supplied in marijuana
so I asked if I could pay for it said no
it's free then she said the first one is
free and I'm not sure exactly what you
meant by that
sorry like this guy up it's like oh you
know we get to take this MOOC you're
supposed to like hold it like for a long
time to get all the business out of it
I've seen it in movies I don't know this
first time I've ever run in it
see I'm not a professional don't let it
burn your ass
I would just love your time
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