wow that's a full rainbow all the way
double rainbow oh my god I saw God I saw
God and put it on youtube hide your kids
hide your wife a hedge hook because they
rapin everybody out here I don't even
know how to explain it like cuz i'm
pretty much all over the place i'm a
taxidermist i do really good work SI
ohno there's a bear in my bed nope Chuck
testa I'm Jay Maynard Tron guy i am most
famous for nyan cat I heard it was like
meme central here and so I figured I
better get my Mimi ass down here at
first it was kind of frustrating you
know you you just scared especially if
you've never been in this type of
situation and no one ever taught you the
ropes for six months solid my phone rang
as fast as it could ring and I knew it
was going to go viral I so I sent it to
everyone I knew and said send this to
everyone you know because this is going
to be a viral video they just like
extremely blown up I'd never experienced
anything like that gingivitis has been
eroding the gum line at this great
nation long enough it must be stopped I
did get 833 votes new hampshire primary
this year they put me in put me in third
place the first couple of weeks after i
became things was very negative
was until the larger mainstream media
started taking and interesting me that
turn cause a lot of people they they
can't relate to my reaction other than
to explain it by being high but they
don't know my reality I was not high on
a double rainbow video but I was hand
I'm video before the real quality of
something comes when people sit and
think about what other people have done
before so there's kind of like this
two-stage process that that kind of
involves nostalgia and reflection and
copying you know the whole thing about
copying and pasting on the internet
there remix culture it has to be
flooding in you're able to run this from
video enhancement better than your hands
or something I've been working on this
reflection someone's reflection
supercuts are as coined by Andy bail are
kind of obsessive fan boy videos it
could be a word or a parade or an action
it focuses on television and film
there's some crossover to to audio
projects I find kind of give it some
kind of story or like make it look more
like a song or something I like there to
be some kind of meeting to the video i
think that like you definitely there's a
hypnotic kind of element you want to
hypnotize people yeah i think this is
the initial kind of laughter where
people are like oh yeah I've seen that a
bunch of times but never really cared
about it and now I hate it I can't put
my finger on it it's like this in this
meditative moment where you you know
when you hear something and it makes
sense or even when you read a read a
word on page like if you look at it long
enough it stop stops making sense maybe
like that's not how that's spelled that
makes these word no longer makes me
I myself struggle is calling myself you
know referring to myself as an artist
and then trying to apply that to others
people's work and saying that's not hard
this is not our if something is
successful or popular or divisive or
just interesting for any other reason it
probably has a good as evens chance of
being preserved forever but sometimes we
don't know what was good until he is
later we don't know what was interesting
right now lately I've been actually
working on nan cat nyan cat the official
website fern and cat that's that's most
of the what I've been working on an
aside from like my full-time job which
takes most my time when I'm not trying
guy in the computer consultant I travel
for customers that want me there and
pretty much all over the country I've
had several that have thought it was an
easy thing around to have Tron guy come
in and do their system setup I've had a
couple tell my employer that no they
didn't want me after finding out that I
was Tron guy because they didn't think
they can take them seriously to which my
response was okay your loss hey why my
t-shirts I'm sorry at my website oh hi
taxidermy calm cuz I'm broke I just like
it you know I want to do everything that
the sky is not the limit anymore it's
been giving me a lots and lots of love
I've received just amazing amounts of a
recognition appreciation goes your
thank you people talk about me as being
the the elder statesman internet memes
and that to me seems just kind of weird
it it's it's only been eight years and
you know in wonders in one regard that's
not a lot of time in another guard I
can't hardly remember any time when I
wasn't famous but you know like I said I
really don't think that there was
anything I could have done different if
I'd tried running away from it it would
have it would have simply taken off
without so we're really grateful because
you know the alternative is what nothing
you know so anyway
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