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Roomba vs. regular vacuum

this is a Roomba and this is a Dyson this is a robot a robot vacuum cleaner what is better than that and this is a vacuum I push around like a capable human being yeah but this one makes my life so much better because tech and this one is a fraction of the price of that one and it also has basic vacuum stuff like a hose which one should you get first the Roomba the Roomba has a bunch of tech inside of it including wall sensors and an infrared receiver but basically let it size up a room and chart its own path for cleaning even if there are obstacles in the way that sounds a little complicated you know what I do it this one I push it and I avoid walls and furniture using my own eyeballs yeah but the best part about a Roomba is that it's a robot you don't have to do anything you just set it on a schedule and then when you're at work you're out with the kids or whatever you're doing the Roomba does all the cleaning for you does it go upstairs it does not do that so how do you clean multiple levels of your house well you just you just pick it up and set it up upstairs or you do get another Roomba wait get another one how much does it cost okay rubus can be a little bit expensive this one the roomba 790 can be found online right now for around $500 but some of the more high-end models like the new one with Wi-Fi can cost as much as $900 that's a lot of money do you know how much of this one cost your basic run-of-the-mill dyson dc33 $250 yes but does it come with a remote the Roomba has a remote okay so there's no remote with this Dyson but I'm willing to bet that my dustbin is bigger than yours this holds 2.3 liters of dirt and dust what does that hold six point is a little bit smaller but it's really easy to remove and dump which I'm guessing yours isn't also the battery never runs out of this because it's plugged into the wall don't you have to charge the Roomba yeah but it finds its way back of the charging dock by itself when it's finished cleaning also it makes this triumphant little Berber brother Cooper noise when it's done cleaning which frankly is just adorable and I still don't understand how you clean messes or get into small corners with a room but oh it has a spot cleaning mode and you just press a button on the top here and it will spot clean for you let me ask you a question when's the last time you actually vacuumed I vacuumed a fair amount I mean I like unless I forget Aurum we're kidding your grocery shopping and all it but I mean I I mean I I vacuumed right right exactly also this thing is great if you have pets do you have pets you look like you maybe have a lot of cats I actually do have a pet and you know what I can do with the Dyson I can vacuum pet hair off of the couch or I can clean in small corners or I can vacuum the curtains I mean if you have vacuumed the curtains with a Roomba oh yeah well people name their Roombas we they love their Roomba so much they actually give them nicknames like this one is named Truman after the Truman Show what do you call that thing a Dyson because I'm a grown-up look Roombas are great there's a reason why people love them myself included I mean aside from the fact that they're so expensive you kind of wish it would go to the fridge and get a beer for you they're pretty cool technology they run on their own you never have to push a vacuum around yourself they keep the floors and the carpets clean with the push of a button or with a remote or through an app if you can afford it I highly recommend it okay I have to admit room bows are pretty cool but just know that they're not going to do everything most people I know who have a robot vacuum cleaner end up buying either a second vacuum or a pretty powerful dust buster just to get in corners and putting couches and curtains and other things that a Roomba just won't do so I would just keep that in mind before you spend that much money on a robot vacuum cleaner also did I mention it's adorable this is a Roomba and this
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