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Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' mutates into an unstoppable monster

I want you to stop what you're doing for just a minute and imagine yourself standing on top of a mountain with nothing on your mind except peace freedom and financial security we know why we're in this business right we call ourselves internet marketers information marketers we know we're in the results business I'm going to share with you how you can get started right now today and have money deposited in your account by tomorrow this isn't a get-rich-quick scheme a short 18 months ago this isn't a business opportunity I found a way to live the life of my dreams there's nothing to buy travel the world this is a legitimate work from home position and make more money than I'd ever made in my entire life everything about the world of scam is about people working together against the customers without informing the customers that they're working together the Internet is sort of the dream platform for scammers I'm Jason Jones I guess or the salty droid which is like a way way cooler name so I guess I'll go with that so the salty droid started as a sort of Twitter account blog account it's just supposed to be about jokes over the course of the first few weeks of it I figured out that scammers don't like jokes and it was clear to me really early on that there was a whole weird subculture lots of brainwashing going on very much like internet an way the blog has gone from like sort of corny jokes into more like a much more important mission hey hey sir launch manager that I told you about yeah read in there I think there's a chance to make real progress and so in order to do that I've surrendered more and more of anonymity and letting the scammer be in my face is like by 2012 every form of scam is coming to the Internet and they're all trying to use these same cartel tactics and stuff that these internet marketers have been using for the last five years or so I looked at my computer and I said I'm gonna stop being a wussy I'm gonna start getting money now I know what it feels like and I know what it feels like for so many people I've been able to help to have money no longer be an issue first they come in through some paid funnel where this scammer is paying a legitimate company like Google or Facebook to run some scam yeah sad on some site then they come into this squeeze page all you need to do this point is put in your contact information into the form where if you just give them your email you know they're gonna tell you this great thing it's gonna change your whole world I really want to help you I want to encourage you and motivate you my biggest goal is going to be to show you how you can start it before we put in your email address put in your contact information sign up with a program now click the book click the red button right now join the launch look what it did for me you build up a list by getting people to opt-in to your scammy sales page those leads are there like chattel you know those aren't people anymore they're they're commodities and they get traded around with no respect at all for like the humanity behind those names you have say 300 thousand people on your list you only have one or two made-up big products per year that you can pretend that you've done the product is really irrelevant now that's not to say that you can't or don't need to or should not make an absolutely kick-ass product that it's not what I'm trying to tell you at all but we should never put the cart before the horse in the interim period you Hawk other people's fake products and some people will do one a month or one a week the market is the most important factor and all of this stuff and don't worry else Blaine to you how to make products and everything that takes four minutes scammer who's really got his stuff together once he gets someone into his list he'll have a series of offers of increasing value so that he can take all that person's money through all of his various info products or coaching things or private clubs or all his whole lineup of upsells yeah this is underground online seminar 8 it's been eight years of what we do is we bring in these real world people that most most the world doesn't really know about and they're quietly making their fortune online with all sorts of crazy stuff that they're doing on the internet and we keep this spy theme we keep it very experiential and keep the stage really interesting and have all sorts of fun parties involved in it we have a global financial system on the verge of meltdown and a middle class up against an economic source of tsunami there's never been a greater need for contrarian financial advice to help us not just survive but to thrive in the greatest wealth opportunity or greatest wealth transfer of our lifetimes you know it was is literally I was sitting in a bar with one of my buddies he's like I just got back from this internet seminar as a complete pitchfest all these guys are doing was selling how they make their money on the internet and that's the only way they were making their money he's like you know a lot of people he's like did here's what you need you need to put on this event with all these people that are really doing it and literally I took out my Delta boarding stuff I'm like huh all right start writing down some names and that was how the first underground was born and uh you know I'm a big believer in and creating a whole different angle than what other people are doing so there's a lot of internet seminars at the time there's a few bless right now but we've kept the same theme the same kind of experience allel iment and it's been sold out every single year for for eight years when you come over to internet marketing from the real world launch means something different like it's the day a product is released but they're talking about making something that should be perpetually available just available for a falsely short period of time so you can print in like you have to buy it now or you'll lose the chance um x lane LED will have a company called mind movies which is in the personal development arena are you searching for more happiness in your life we're basically a technology software development side of the business are you craving positive change and longing for lasting success well you've come to the right place welcome to my news I guess when we got into it we knew nothing about the Internet at all and I suppose the mentors that we kind of resonated to the Frank Kern's or Jeff Walker's those guys doing the product launch style thing with affiliates you know something is happening but you don't know what it is for launch the launch is everywhere it's all around you it just worked oh you know paid traffic media buys pay-per-click so let me explain the irresistible offer I've put together for you in the first three years we kind of doubled each year the first three years we got from zero to six million which in the affiliate world is pretty significant we're on track to probably do 20 this year using other forms of traffic is well bit but you know a lot of that is still in the affiliate model so you know we're getting some TV stuff mail stuff phone stuff boil around you is set up to process leads to take big lists of people and really of pressure salesmen will call them up using a script this is a boiler roll a trade name for the headquarters of the telephone pitched man and these are the angels of mercy unceasingly dedicated to their labor of love love of money that a pressure salesman will call them up using a script designed by the boiler room they all sort of use equivalent scripts and the idea will be to get to people's vulnerabilities get them feeling bad and then take as much money from them as possible so let me ask you then since we're at the beginning stages which you would actually brought you into or wanting to bring you into the internet business well you know you know how everybody is nowadays you know we've lost half of our retirement I was just wanting another income okay try to max out their credit cards try to get them to get new credit cards where that can be maxed out tell you the honest truth I cannot do five thousand I don't have any money laying around okay let's see what level we can get you in on and like I said I'll march down there and go to my marketing department immediately and see and and actually get them to fill in the rest so if you can only bring a thousand to the table then we'll get you in on that or 1500 or whatever we can let's go ahead and see what we can get on an a what level we can get you in on and what happens if I don't make good money at this at the industry at lose my at the unit out at the end of 30 days if you if you have not returned on your investment we will give you a refund back I was gonna says not a cash refund because it's on a credit card it will be a refund but you are guaranteed to make your money back we have clients that actually within one week usually have a sale the idea is to get all their money any money they can get their hands on you just take that do you work better with Visa or with MasterCard because we're going to do is try to get you approved on some type of level and see what we can uh with level I can bring you in on okay well what I have is a Visa Card okay alright with before we actually if you want to go and grab a for me and I'll go ahead and get your address and start getting clickbank set up at the same time we'll go ahead and uh we'll get the clickbank in there we'll go ahead and see what level we can get you on the syndicate as they call themselves is like a group of twelve or so internet marketers who early on decided that they would all band together work together against the interests of the customers to maximize the amount of money they could make in order to really dominate a market and get lots of money fast you first have to lay a foundation I'm advising you to form a syndicate within your market a lot of people think syndicate is like mafia sounding you have to run your business like the Mafia actually syndicates a fancy way of saying trade union if this is the customer right here it makes sense that you align all of your peers right who some would call your competitors all the people in your marketplace if you all work together to constantly be delivering value to this guy they plot out their prices and their launch schedules they talk about who's going to be on the em group and who's going to be on the out group the only people who make money are the people on the end group the people on the a team is Frank Erwin said if you're out there pitching something alone if you're like here's this thing it's going to make you a million dollars I promise it is everyone's going to feel like that's a stamp but instead of just one guy it's ten guys twelve guys all of those guys are saying the same thing this is the thing you have to have and then all the wannabe guys are saying yeah this is the thing you have to have then people will buy it not enough just for five people or 10 people go this guy's awesome they need to see it ever about half the members of the syndicate have contacted me everyone wants to believe that they're not one of the bad guys I think often these initial contacts with me are like tests to see if like are they just as horrible as as they know deep down they are I was anonymous for a year completely anonymous like trying to hide my identity and stuff sort of I didn't try very hard just they're not very hard to hide from but for the last couple years my they all knew who I am I got some asteroid asshole that's just driving me crazy right now good for him screw and fuck you okay there are people who can only get noticed by being assholes and haters that's what they did there senator broke-ass house with a broke-ass computer bitching about your broke-ass life and then want to bust somebody else's balls so if anybody gets a tweet about me tell them to go fuck themselves okay the government doesn't understand the internet first of all they just don't have a baseline understanding of how the Internet operates of how social it is of how important it is you know sort of to control the conversation or even that there is a conversation going on the crimes are not very complicated but the medium on which the crimes are being committed is complicated to the government if legit people on the Internet banded together and try to do something try to help stop all these old ladies from getting screwed make a huge difference probably even a bigger difference in the government getting involved they need to redo the way they do business if they want to continue on making money the same thing won't keep working now that the truth is out there they're going to have to come up with a new thing which they probably won't be able to do or be replaced by a new batch of scammers which is probably all will happen there's never going to be everyone's going to be an entrepreneur but I think the entrepreneurial thinking is a key element that that that has to be instilled into into the next generation know we have to bring you in on at least it out that way that's a it's a secure tool into your investment and we invested more actually more into you also we went ahead and invested the four thousand dollars into your marketing you have to accept the responsibility that that I'm in charge of my destiny whatever's happened that's good I'm in charge of whatever's happened that's bad and what I need you to do is just be just prove to me that you're actually going to be a loyal client and willing to learn okay and that entrepreneurial thinking is what helps you to basically you know create a solution for other people that creates value for them that's good for me okay I can all right that's not my learning more on the computer myself anyway we really make it a part of our our mission statement to be authentic practice what we preach do what we say you know not sell anything we don't absolutely 111 or even support anything well this will be fucking honest here have you ever noticed that all the people in the internet marketing world are promoting each other I mean we're not psychic you know it's not like oh I suddenly realize that he's having a lunch today I have to mail it we all work together all the top people work together you have to stop the people and you have to stop the cartels hopefully I'll be covering people from the syndicate getting arrested and if there are a few trials of these big-name guys who thousands and thousands of would-be scammers are looking up to that would change sort of the face of internet marketing I think hope is an evil profane word in business you need to not hope that your products going to come out that you'll have success you need to engineer your success this is your time this is your year this is your life and by god this is your mission you can make a difference and I'm fighting whatever we have to come back right now
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