hey dis is leveled a virtue i'm here at
Nvidia's CES 2012 ooh and we're taking a
look at Skyrim being played over
splashed up on the sous a pad
transformer prime so you want it tell us
a little bit about how this is done how
it works short things as you can see
you're actually running Skyrim which is
a very demanding next-generation title
on the assistance on offline the way
this works is we actually have a geforce
gtx 580 pc right down there that's
running the game the splashtop THD
application running on the transformer
prime what the application does is
streams the content of your PC over the
network on to the tablet there have been
a bunch of remote desktop applications
out there but the cool thing about the
splashtop th devotion i'll be showing up
over here is almost no latency as you
can see with every mouse click every
controller button press it's
instantaneous what you're seeing here is
what's on the pc and what's here there's
actually what's being rendered on the
tablet okay so we want to take a walk
around the place you can see how it
animates I will shouting
so right now you control them this with
a gamepad over here which is connected
to you tablets yes but everything
happens over the internet and it's being
processed by the computer exactly so all
most of the heavy lifting is actually
being done on the GeForce GTX powered PC
but then since this is a Tegra optimized
version of the application of the tegra
chips in and make sure that the
experience that you have is flawless and
as smooth as possible right so can you
give us any idea of a frame rate we're
actually seeing on the tablet itself
well what you see on the tablet is
basically what's being shown on the pc
so if you get 60 frames per second on
the pc that's exactly what to get on the
tablet Oh awesome so you just need to
splash to application also in each estd
this backsplash top th the application
on the tablet and the server application
installed on the computer it takes all
of two minutes and once that's done
absolutely no configuration whatsoever
it just works
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