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Sony Xperia Projector Prototype hands-on

hi I'm Paul with The Verge we have sony's new Xperia projector this is a prototype it is basically an Android tablet but it's also projector that look at that so there's an infrared sensor right here that can tell if I'm touching the table basically it's multi-touch it's 720p the other thing is it doesn't have to stay right here sync portable so let's check it out the most important thing to remember is this is an Android tablet so any apps that would work on the Android tablet are going to work here games you play the piano you can browse the Internet look at photos pull up recipes a lot of stuff you can do because it's just an Android tablet it's also basically a Google assistant there's a microphone there's a speaker ok Google give me directions back to New York New York is one day in 12 hours from your location by car and light traffic and I think most importantly for something that is this close to Minority Report multi-touch works because it's based on a sensor that's like infrared if you're blocking it well for one you can't even see the screen and it's not going to type touch but when you got your hands in the right place it actually works pretty well another place that this is going to work is where you normally put a projector which is in the living room so when the screens vertical like this touch still works but you're probably going to want a bigger screen for watching movies and stuff it goes up to 80 inches and it just automatically adjusts how looks here we go nice nice and sharp not the brightest screen in your house but this is definitely definitely works what touch doesn't work anymore because the sensors right here so bring your controller swashing zootopia my big question is who is this for I don't have room on ax on a huge kitchen counter to plan my day I just pull out my phone I already have a TV so I'm not going to move my TV all the way whenever I want to project on the wall it's just not really clear who this helps it's really cool technology but I went to buy one so this is a little pico projector right right oh I already ruined everything yep
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