Eddie the sound with the verge and we're
here at stick and find at CES they can
find is a location-based sticker to help
you find things that you've lost it uses
Bluetooth Low Energy or bluetooth for
point of and the idea is this this
sticker here you can just put it on any
item we have like a TV remote control or
your keys or a cat or something and this
app will track where the location is so
the app tracks distance not direction so
it appears on this radar kind of screen
and it shows you how far away the
product is and if you move you can see
you now if the phone move far away just
stick against other away on the radar
and once you see the thing on the radar
you can try and find the product in
different ways so you can make make the
sticker buzz for example or like pay it
makes a little beeping sound or you can
make our little red light go off there's
also a virtual leashed feature which
it's time to set a kind of maximum
acceptable distance between your phone
and the sticker so if you get too far
away from the your keys or your suitcase
or whatever it kind of it gives you a
notification through the phone and
there's another feature called find it
and this is like it's kind of works in
the other way around if you're if you
have a broken connection with the device
if there is no if there's no connection
if it's too far away out of the 100 feet
range it'll let you know as soon as it
comes as soon as it comes back into
range so for example a situation if it
was your baggage at an airport it'll let
you know when it comes onto the conveyor
belt within range of your phone so yeah
it is scheduled to be shipping next
month and it costs 4999 for two stickers
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