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T-Pain on how technology and apps shaped his sound

you know just how apps and technology have changed music you know both your career Watergate affair yeah mine is a little more quiet I'm gonna say like find your Co oh forgot about that damn it now of course oh look they look terrible what's good man it's your homeboy t-pain aka your girlfriend's boyfriend right here with a verge yeah so I guess I mean the first thing to ask is we're here to talk about GarageBand and some what I understand you've actually used GarageBand which is you know known as an amateur piece of stuff right or make some of your hits that's pretty crazy I mean how is that still possible to use like a piece of software like GarageBand to make something that is a like serious piece of music well the great thing is that it's even more possible now you know because they've heard the voices of you know their users and you know when it started coming on the laptop like I did my whole first album on GarageBand because you know it was just it was so accessible is there a reason for you to go back to grudge band ever do you still use that when you're on the go I still use it I just got off of it right before you guys got here so yeah I use it in my big powerful studio like you know ears people just have to see these things and people have to know like if I tell you that the last song that I released was completely done in GarageBand you neither wouldn't believe it or you would go I need to check out garage yeah was it yes Wow yeah I'm creating like stuff for my new album couple scenes yeah I'm doing full songs like you know there's a you know the entire audio app there's always third-party apps that you can bring in to wear it make the fogers a little sweeter and you know that I got to have my pitch correction so you know there's always after you can bring in for that you know saying I got my I am t-pain app I can bring that in you know different if you want some different drums from a different place and you can bring in an throw out of your app well let me ask you this I feel like I've heard a lot of musicians they're you know almost embarrassed to admit that they use garage yeah or they'll be like oh no I used to or like I tried a little bit yeah you think it's just like perfectly totally legit it's totally legitimate it's not it well to me it's it's the carpenter not the much of your career has been defined by which is really wild right because you're you know an incredible singer mmm by yourself right you didn't need to use autotune but you decided to bring that in right you know is that because you know the technology is going to bring attention yeah definitely not a technological prophet or anything like that I didn't I want to take that I just I felt like I was out of would have just been another singer there's so many people that can sing and have wonderful voices and you know a lot better than mine I always thought to myself what's gonna make me different and you know sacrificing people hearing my voice and you know being ready for the ridicule and stuff like that I just said you know what here's what's gonna make me different I'm gonna stand out nobody's gonna be able to copy this boy was I wrong super wrong but you know it was it was a thought process of how do I not become just another guy that can sing and this was at a time where I was building computers for people in Intel a say yeah that was my big mouth yeah I charged them 400 bucks forget the parts of Steel build your own computer absolutely yeah I can't I can't have anybody so you know it's always been like that man and you know one computer I was building for a guy and he didn't have all the money so he gave me a he gave me a CD of cracked plugins going through it and you know I had one one region of vocals just had that looping and what's going through each plug-in and once I got to an Tara's auto-tune I stopped and I was like this is it this is what's gonna make me sound different and that's why we're so hold on you mentioned it you actually use the I am t-pain app for your vocal bar absolutely seriously yeah there's nothing better really hi I'm t-pain take it home with you yeah absolutely I have to call this yeah yeah you know not everybody should be using I am t-pain app I'm using I am t-pain app because I am t-pain now so I guess you know the big story about having all this stuff on our phones and the fact that these are all really easy to use tools just it's opening up music to more amateurs I would imagine right is that intimidating that there's that literally anybody can become a huge star I don't think so I don't think so I mean it's not intimidating to me you know I was that amateur do you think it's easier to get out there now or is there too much noise for anybody to actually easier to Gay's it's either to get exposure to get the right exposure it's harder to get the right exposure but you know all you got to do at this point is I know in an urban demographic you just got to dis somebody and they'll be right so you're using streaming services then oh yeah after are you sorry musicians seem to talk about them like their apocalyptic for for actually making any money no no not at all because I mean do two streams like I mean sound like a jerk right now but if you got more streams maybe a show prices can go up maybe different things that your revenue would come from different places due to the amount of streams you have let it stream and we don't get the iTunes money we don't get any of that money like even if we even when we sell albums we're just paying back the money that we borrowed from the label to get that album out so you know it's not a fact of making money off of things and asking Spotify where's my money at it's not all that it's about what you do with that opportunity afterwards streaming it's just giving the giving the customer more availability you're selling an idea now now you're selling to the person don't you want to see this live come to the concert and don't you want to that don't you want to come see me a person somewhere that you got to pay for so when you put out you you want people to listen to it and then get excited and come see right this is a new tour you know a new cooler for the avenue tool for the single new tour for something you know and and a new a new way to make money the surprise album drop is like this unique little thing well seems to be like can we can we get as much attention tell you what that is that's a contest it's a contest between artists to see who's more famous than the other one that's all that is I'm not risking it I need to take my show prices up I need everybody to know about my album actually leaks and mixtapes or two other maybe interesting things to touch on before you why you a mixtape versus a CD why people just to basically to hold it down you know fans on hold your attention to keep the attention on mindset keep their attention gon keep letting people know that you are still making music and you know just you're in between album cycles mixtape nowadays are purely digital because if you're not if you're not planning on making money you try not to spend any I'm printing up CDs and now you're gonna get cover made you got to print those and there you got to get cases and dogs too much and you got to actually hand them to people who does that anymore skin-to-skin contact no one's doing that have you had experience with leaked albums at all many really any times is that frustrating or is very because you know like I said we had the whole we have roll outs to where we have plans on when things are gonna happen and when would be the optimal time to drop certain things as a collective we found out what studios not to use because some of the employees may leak it and something like that or what email like we've all have a collective just found out you know the most common ways that we've been leaving some users are sharing absolutely we have to so what do you do want something leaks is it just you just throw your arms up or do you kind of very harmless with me with me I reformulate and make newer music you know I kind of give it to him like I he thought you had it they did have it but but my quick planning is like y'all just gonna make new music and I'm gonna make you think you got the wrong stuff well thank you to appreciate you having us it's been great talking about thank you guys it seems awesome
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