- Hey, I'm Vlad with The
Verge here at CES 2019
at LG Display's booth,
which is where all the cool
concept displays are happening
and this is the latest one.
They call it the Neo Art Portable Monitor.
(soft techno music)
The fun thing about it,
is it's powered by just
a single USB-C port.
So, we've got two examples of them,
and they're both powered by
one tiny little MacBook Pro.
It's both sending the signal
and the power to them.
So obviously, they're
extremely power efficient,
it's extremely space
efficient, they're very thin.
LG Display's showing them
off with a dock down here,
and we've got this wall
dock sort of situation.
And the whole idea is that
you're saving a whole bunch
of space when they're over here so you can
decorate your desk.
When you want to move them around,
you just pick them up of the dock.
You're saving so much money.
I mean, how many rooms do
you have in your house?
If you have five rooms,
you don't need five
monitors, you just need one.
This is the ASMR of my
portion of the video.
So, very gently I'm going to pick it up.
(monitor taps table)
That was as gentle as I could do.
Okay, so the other
display still keeps going,
connected to the MacBook Pro.
This one switches off,
there's a little dot
in the center of the display to
tell me where the USB-C port is.
This is the biggest tablet
that I've ever held in my life.
It is very much like a tablet.
There is practically nothing
distinguishable about this.
It's a 27-inch slab of
display that has two buttons
here and a power button, a
USB-C port and that's it.
I mean, the whole purpose of this thing is
to be as simple as possible
and as light as possible.
And it really is, it's not feather light,
you know you have a display in your hands.
But neither is it particularly heavy.
The only issue, the
only way that maybe this
can be improved upon, is some sort of
magical fingerprint resistance.
Because, if you actually
try and carry this around
without being extremely gentle
and holding it like a baby,
it's going to be a fingerprint mess.
But, aside from that, I
mean, this is really cool.
Somebody really needs to make this into
an actual device or display.
And now, I'm going to try
and line that with the dock.
Pop it back down, and it should
automatically turn back on.
And it does.
Now, in terms of spec's,
these aren't the most impressive displays.
You know, these are full HD
resolution, 1920 by 1080,
which isn't going to blow anybody away.
And they're also LCD's, but
the colors, the contrasts,
the view angles are really
really good actually.
So, I don't see much of a compromise.
So, the final thing that
is suddenly cool about this
technology is how simplified
and streamlined it is.
We already have monitors
who accept USB-C input,
but they also have a whole
bunch of cables around the back.
You know, they still have a power cable,
they still have other
inputs and connectivity.
This is just super super basic.
The whole idea is, it's a display.
You jack a cable into it
and it gets both power
and video signal in there
and that's the difference.
I'm not aware of any other monitor
that gets everything from a single cable,
and as far as the future goes,
this is what we're looking for.
It's not pure wirelessness,
because we're never
really going to get that.
But, when you do need a
wire, it can be simple,
it can be standardized such
as USB-C and Thunderbolt,
and it can make for all this
extra space on your desktop.
Just that first look
at LG Display's Neo Art
Portable Monitor Display.
This is the first one
that I'm aware of that
takes both power and
video via single cable.
It's cute, it's simplified.
Okay, there's no webcam,
but come on, it's cool.
For more coverage like
this from here at CS 2019
stay tuned to theverge.com
and youtube.com/theverge.
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