welcome to the verge live for Google i/o
2014 I'm Josh Topolsky and i'm ross
miller and if you've seen this to us
before you know the drill we're going to
talk about all the news relevant and
irreverent about Google i/o developer
conference 2014 all of it and a reverend
I see you like that i don't know i don't
know how much your Reverend kind of
stuff I'm go to bring will do will do
again and uh hopefully later on if we
can get ahold of them are San Francisco
crew who was at the event will be
joining us yeah um yeah those I mean if
they're still in you know we don't know
what kind of condition they're in
because the the i/o keynote was long as
long it was arduous it was uh with a
protester were there were protesters
there were long periods of extremely
boring coating on stage I know and look
I know I don't wanna get into I know
their music it's a developer's
conference but you know what it really
is so much more than that and I think
that you guys all know in your heart
that this is Google's chance to talk
about their new stuff and right how
great they're doing in blah blah blah i
mean look apple just didn't developers
conference there was some nerdy stuff
going on yeah and then we reel whirring
but they had a flow yeah i mean by
comparison like this is like if Apple
was a let's say WWE see was like a I
think that's strong 8 for an apple for
an apple pie intention or a presentation
in general relocate relatives all
presentation this is like a six five and
a half six I wouldn't go to that little
boy doin well unless I'm into coding
stuff was boring the empathy did your
pro front low with a bunch of stuff it's
like android android android android l
android wear hot choco they not say the
name of android no it's okay so let's
talk about let's go through some of
these okay well i'm getting some weird
pirate stuff happening with a sleeve of
my shirt it's kind of a billowy pirate
situation I don't like that that's a
little better i'm gonna tip this table
you are dead table okay so here's the
thing so uh android l yeah the next
version of android and frankly there's
this whole refresh a chrome i think
google on the web chrome OS google on
the web and android have like a whole
new visual language which they're
calling material design
right and we did we actually saw
material design leaked just before or
just as they were starting the
conference I think it's a progression of
what Google has already been doing in
the Google now yeah well now in Google
and frankly with with Android but it is
a to me this looks like a completely
end-to-end redesign of every element of
the interface I mean it's really it
really is I mean there are clear
similarities but it looks like they've
touched pretty much every single thing
in the interface here and and sort of
painted it with this this new brush and
and or new paint I don't know they used
a brush and paint at any rate it looks
really good I think I mean I feel like
this is you know people talk about flat
designed this to me feel so much more
modern I mean you know how I feel about
iOS 7 right I've never been I've never
to update that after iOS 8 came out like
do you need any changes to that opinion
are you a little more warmed up I mean
iOS 8 had some very minor visual tweaks
but I mean overall i mean i think if you
look but if you look at these side by
side to me that what Google is doing
with design looks so much more
forward-thinking and so much more modern
and it feels so much more complete in a
way right then iOS 7 I mean the
iconography the color schemes they're
using and frankly some of the interface
ideas I just feel like it's a much more
lively much more modern take on what a
mobile interface be actually what's
interesting about this is that it's not
just a mobile interface they're looking
at this as this kind of holistic it's a
web interface it's a tablet interface
it's a phone interface and I think that
is informing a lot of what they're doing
and it actually is improving what
they're doing you can actually get a
little taste this they have a and and
the part of the platform they're
building this stuff on it something they
call polymer which right which I'm
jumping around a little bit but there's
actually a quiz they have online right
now that you go is well you can go play
around with it it works brilliantly in
in Chrome I can't people were like yeah
this doesn't function in ie8 or whatever
but that's probably not where Google is
intending for you next but not yeah but
to anyhow they have this polymer quiz I
tweeted it earlier
just look at my feed I just go through
my twitter feed I don't like this shot
at all what's going off my hair in the
shot there's like some weird some like
tendrils and tentacles of anyhow not
important hey let's go to Joshua to
Kodiak Joshua Topolsky on Twitter and
check out my feet you'll eventually find
the link for the polymer quiz anyhow but
so a lot of lots 1 pack but there's also
also this is not I mean this is not the
craziest event ever okay wait actually
let's talk about what happened at the
end of it okay really quickly so at the
end of this event I'm just jumping ahead
at the end of the event uh they were
like we're giving all the developers
here with this cardboard yeah this
google cardboard hell is a google
cardboard is a like basically a
cardboard craft virtual reality headset
you put your phone no you put your phone
into okay and uh it you can do the our
projects with it okay it's actually
really awesome I think that we have a
post going up on it or maybe it already
is up and anyways a very it's a very odd
can we get it up on screen can we get a
shot of the cardboard this cardboard you
can find it device they're actually it's
really quite impressive there's a damn
kind of a sub-site for it this is just
us or searching for things this is
always good this is good TV I mean there
we go there we go can you go and is
there a source link on this can we just
see if there's the cardboard we are
literally a backseat browsing right now
compelling got well I got the wand but
click on click on that check this out so
scroll down ya know ok I scroll up
slowly scroll to fat yeah you can see
how the cardboard is I like how I'm just
like controlling a person's man
virtually so you can see here how this
thing actually gets construct okay and I
have to say it's a pretty cool weird
thing for google to give out by people
and it is easy the phone getting
inserted there and it basically this
works as as the oculus does is like it's
a flat panel and there's two lenses yeah
turns out like you don't need it turns
out you don't need all that oculus crap
just you just need a cardboard box that
you can slide your phone right and two
lenses of ass why we should all this
time money
energy its disposal on this
when we could just be slide into a car
inside to the cardboard and with this
you can take outside I mean people look
at you funny but you do have a space for
the cameras maybe you can take it aaah
strap is there something you can use to
strap on that you could just build a
strata know any all right let's go
through the let's go through the
announcements okay uh so the first big
one the one seems be prevalent
throughout most of the IO thing was
android l which is the developer preview
uh-uh not a candy name yet you know the
official one will probably be like
lollipop or ladders you know what I like
what's going on at Google they couldn't
decide you know what they have they've
had they've had literally years they're
like hey we're gonna use this naming
scheme where it's going to be some kind
of dessert and we're gonna go through
the alphabet so you could have come up
with every single name for the for every
version of Android day one so what is
the issue that they don't have the El
name maybe there's called an Android L
everything's going to it really see
because you know they have simplified
the design they had just true up
considerably but they have this big and
Google hick horses this big long full of
candy ornaments I'm like ranaut Olivia
Hughes gonna be a huge letter just a
huge lead in gigantic owl we're moving
to the sesame seaweed styling hair just
a giant cartoon letter L I don't know so
what do you think is gonna be a lollipop
uh lollipop lemon think of some let's
think of some some things it could be
yeah if they like I mean if the lollipop
limited lemon head is it is a
trademarked product but kit kat is too
um licorice licorice could be one that
would be good uh they could just call
something like lime just be a just a
didn't do key lime pies there's a
certain oh yeah they didn't do key lime
pie that's true is there an issue is
there something going on there's some
behind-the-scenes stuff happening or
should I be worried what wanted it lorna
doone is that an actual dessert it's a
cookie apparently are you looking I'm
being told that it lorna doone is a
cookie way you enter the dramatic hand
yeah you're looking i'm getting the
report now that lorna doone is an action
is actually cookie so you can see here
here's a great example of the living of
material design yeah and some of these
notification enhancements are really
interesting they've got at you know
they've always had actionable
notifications for the past couple of
versions of kit kats Aarav android right
wait did they introduce them in in
no no no it was before that's Joe
gingerbread hell yeah jelly go ahead any
raves they have they now have a whole
new realm of actionable notifications a
life something just a lifesaver they
tweeted that may lifesaver be located
but so material design is a big deal
yeah and then they've got this polymer
project where they're showing how you
can really build can build one thing
across platforms which looks very
impressive I thought that it was you
know it's actually a nice
forward-thinking concept from right
google and they've always been sort of
playing this game of you know is it
native is it web and they're clearly
trying to get those things together
especially with sundar running you know
he was running to the Chrome OS project
right chrome and Chrome OS he moved over
to Android everybody was talking about
how they're gonna bring these things
together and they they did get into that
during this presentation yeah I mean
this is with me with one exception that
was all Android event that one android
event was really other one chrome thing
was oh you can do android apps you can
log in with android they're still
merging these ideas together right no i
mean and you know so so i think the
visual refresh is good i feel like that
was strong then they announced they talk
more about Android wear okay we've
already seen a lot about or an Android
wear right you basically have these
watches that people been showing off and
it's essentially it's google now cards
on your wrist yes it's a little more it
seems a little more context really aware
like he knows where you are reminders
say I've come home which may be
something you want maybe something you
don't want right but I'm having a lot of
problems this sleeve right now your
pirate sleeve did a lot of my virus Lee
was causing me serious serious start all
the way out I want to today so what I
want to do is I just want to loosen up
here a little bit okay I don't know I
don't know it is working my TV no I feel
like this is working okay good here's
the highway there's good okay here as
long as the hair is intact I'm a happy
guy um so so we didn't really see
anything new with Android wear but I
think the big the big announcement today
was that these the samsung is making an
Android wear watch no wasn't making it's
coming out soon it's coming out soon you
can order it right now they were like
well I guess we'll do one why not I
wouldn't we've got these we've got these
uh what is their product called galaxy
gear Galaxy together like we've got this
gear the shell ash what's on it throw a
droid where audit is is that what it is
it's not new hardware at all it's just I
didn't get a good picture a good shot of
it myself it looks a lot like the gear
okay it looks a lot like the galaxy gear
and then the LG G watch right just rolls
off the tongue what are you getting for
Christmas so the LG G watch which it's
I'm sorry it's ugly as hell I look it is
casio calculator wall I mean it looks
like it it looks like a square yeah
digital watch right it's not i once it's
ugly as hell it's not attractive it's
not practice elections are both
available those are both available to
order today right and do they say when
they're shipping do we know we don't
think we know when they show exhibits
here and then if you want the pretty one
the moto moto 360 is going to be
available later in the summer and and
there was just an audible disappointment
in audience when they announced that
that was the case but they're giving
everybody there they're basically giving
away 360s to everybody there right when
they are available right not right now
today they get a piece of card about
sure and a cardboard voucher and
cardboard but in the future they'll have
an actual device right so that's kind of
a big deal they did Android auto might
as Blum's barreling through these mica
moving differently I don't think the
loss of it in Android auto which in
Krita now let me get this straight so
Android auto the way it works is I'm
taking a little bit of setback because
I'm not a car person at all so the way
it works is you have to get a car that
has android auto installed on the head
unit is already a part of the ok I mean
I don't I'm not sure I fully understand
this I'm a mess I feel free to tweeted
me if you know better than I sure will
be able you need to go get a car that
has android android auto in the dash
then you sync it you connect it to you
bluetooth it to your phone right and it
pulls the data off of your phone but
only android yeah android no no i don't
think i don't i don't think it works
with iowa know it must know i guess it
doesn't I probably doesn't work with iOS
I didn't rate it actually looks really
intuitive right and really nice it looks
way nicer than car play yes in my
opinion I think it's a much more
attractive interface and also it's
google map so there's a guy in a ver
chert in the audience
yeah um one of the limited edition for
insurance actually but it uses google
maps for navigation which is awesome and
and and you know now that Google Maps
incorporates ways data in it that's
super handy so this would obviously be
my this is my interface of choice if I
had to choose between the two men with
all these auto once again this is
seeking completely of ignorance I
haven't driven a car in about a year um
it's wonderful I'm sure it is incredible
you going out you just go out a road hit
the road see trees which is really
awesome in a while um no but like when
you buy the car you're buying is like
system how do you update it like how do
you actually it's a dated it's updated I
think so somebody just tweeted at me let
me see I mean this could be complete
fabrication let me see what they're
saying it says the head unit support a
display protocol not specifically
Android auto runs from your phone
plugged in via USB this is what this is
what Dylan Staley just said to me and he
could be a complete liar we don't know
but if that's true i mean here's the
deal i just got a new car right okay i
can use this an audi audi q5 family have
a family but y'all judge he's a family
judge me I have a family I'm a family
man uh and I needed a luxury vehicle
that'll arouse my family it sure looks
nice i'm looking it is a nice looking i
didn't actually want to get if I can be
honest with you it's a crossover
whatever they call these small SUVs okay
I didn't really want to get an SUV but
what I wanted was a wagon a station
wagon right the station wagons are cool
this looks good but I'm just immediately
going down a rabbit hole here is that
what you want to do of course okay this
well I wanted to get the Audi Allroad
which is kind of an awesome a little
wagon so the audi allroad is based on
the a4 chassis and the a ford chassis
has like no leg room very little lady
has less it had less leg room in the
back then my honda are sorry my than my
volkswagen golf okay okay so it would be
a step backwards in terms of legroom for
the rear passengers AK members of my
family right my growing family well one
of them will not care about legroom for
a while that's true but to any how they
grow up they r up fast easy thing and so
uninsured as I and the mine it okay but
you don't think you ever really about it
this discuss the allroad i did buy i did
not get downtown say so this this luxury
minivan here you don't think a bill to
add not a minivan what is going on what
is that all there's a thing right here
it's not a minivan it's it's an su a
little since okay it's a crossover yes
way of saying small as you date okay so
anyhow apparently so apparently uh you
know I'm hoping see okay so it's now I'm
getting conflicting reports software's
already in the car I think here's the
boat Aaliyah oh my god somebody just
mentioned the water glass so if I think
about fall and they were they were right
they were otter was that right that's
amazing anyhow so my complaint is that i
can't do anything about android wear and
mike or android sorry Android auto in my
car right android where i can i can be i
can get in my car cuz i can just wear
out an Android wear device right when i
get into the car but but I said that's a
little annoying right so may need to
come up with a solution where you can
get this into your car without having to
get a new car is it just putting your
phone on the dashboard is that well I
mean so what I do now so maybe maybe
that's a problem that Google can solve
for us you know but they probably can't
solve it immediately so they announced
android auto well they had already
announced android auto they just kind of
gave us more detail on right and jumping
again to all civ like that was the only
other thing they mentioned there was no
self-driving cars and weird google was
not here today which was kind of
disappointment we're in I oh there's
like weird google just like Oh your
google ya know eight years weird google
wasn't there and I was thinking that
doesn't make any sense because sorry
event very upsetting to hear but uh but
yeah there is not a lot of weird stuff
no this is a chilled out in comparison
to Apple in terms of wdc this was like a
chilled-out laid back not really in your
face what was that I didn't like that
that you're doing a Larry Page
impersonation in my ear a lot of
shenanigans going on in the control room
right now but yeah they were and then
this is a okay so they did that then
they showed off android apps for Chrome
pro so I mean no one understands this
yet it's you can run you can run android
app in a window on a Chromebook right so
little I think a little bit back story
um you know Andy Rubin kept Android very
separate from the rest of Google Chrome
was do his own thing at some point these
charge emerged there was a Chrome
browser for android Andrew was going to
laptops a little bit and then around
that same time Andy Rubin move over to
robots while sundar Pichai got Android
and chrome there was talk about put them
together he said I'm going to keep them
separate but now we are starting to see
them merge a little bit with Android
being the dominant force here if you say
so if you that's what you want to
believe oh no but then our jenner is an
early version yeah but i will say it is
a great idea it makes a lot of sense and
i love the idea that you basically can
run these you're running these windowed
on on a chronic crumble yes so so to me
this is kind of a huge deal now I'm I'm
assuming and I don't know does this mean
I can multi yeah it means well you can
multitask obviously you've got a browser
here right but can you run several apps
at a time can I run like my twitter app
and Evernote while i'm running a Chrome
browser and you could do you see here
here's mine and it's basically running
it's running off of a device right or is
this being run by the is this being run
on on the plot I can't tell this is
being mirrored or if it's a part of that
that was for a little it wasn't it
wasn't clear and so I think that so
anyhow but the interesting part is that
you've got real native now you have a
real native app environm one where
weather for a chrome and so this is so
wait this is running off of the webcam
okay seen there so it is it's running on
it means basically running on the
platform making sound here it's not just
your it's making calls to at least yeah
exactly so it's very interesting
development I think it's kind of a huge
deal it changes i think the app outlook
and sort of the usability out outlook
for Chromebooks I mean far more I find I
think if crumble would be far more
useful if I could run android apps on
them yeah it's already wildly successful
like the cheap laptop market yeah but
it's so that's interesting but they
didn't really say a lot about it
and okay something's actually saying
they were installed I mean by the way in
the midst of this there were things I
missed because we were actually working
trying to get in data up so somebody
said they were there installed on the
Chromebook okay so they are all directly
on the Chromebook so they are they're
running natively there which is
fantastic all right by the way people on
Twitter highly highly helpful thank you
thank you you were watching much more
closely but so that's great but it's
early they didn't really have they
didn't have a lot to say about I mean
they weren't like okay this is coming
and it's a this year they weren't trying
a new chrome blog there's no Chromebook
pixel or anything like that this is no
they didn't show you a new chrome and
there was no real hardware I mean they
show any new hardware at all Nexus is
typically they don't show hardware here
right they have done in the past they've
done I believe they did nexus 7 last
year or was that the year before he
befriended nexus 7 Nexus Q and so that
your ex is here or don't want to get it
dharmaiah the nexus q speaking of the
Nexus Q they did Android TV yes we did
we did a we called it we had an
exclusive on I mean we got some
documentation that we published on
Android TV so we knew this was coming
basically they're saying hey we're going
to do android for the living room and a
full version this is not the chromecast
where you're basically just streaming
you're basically just streaming from a
device to something that's plugged into
your TV this is a full version of
Android that's being run on your
television it's either I mean do they
say how it's coming to your TV um I mean
we know that we know that razor is doing
a razor to the main box razor in suits
are making set-top box right Sony
obviously Phillips might be also are
doing TV the 2015 lineup will include
Android TV yum degraded yeah and so so
this is all over a so I think that
actually the thing thing here is gaming
I mean they're gonna they're kind of
pushing gaming for the set-top boxes and
for these televisions and that's not
something we've seen Google do before
they clearly see that there's I mean
there seems to be some interest at least
I mean I don't think leah was a huge
success but now clearly like people are
going after this more casual gaming
space and maybe even not as casual
gaming based on some of the demos they
show well I mean this is what I think
David reader once in the live blog these
are android games they're good but
they're not mind-blowing it's casual is
a little bit
what we're seeing with fire TV which is
Amazon's you know kind of half-assed
addition to the to the gaming set-top
scene right yeah i mean i think that so
you know we'll catch on do people want
these are people i mean they're buying
Roku's a little bit they're buying apple
TV a little bit there apparently binding
chromecast doesn't find a lot of do they
want I mean is android TV something
they're thinking about something they
want something that feels like a vital
part of their TV world i mean i'm not
sure that it I'm not sure that it does
it's tough because I think and this is
when we came from the fire TV which
everyone was saying like if you have a
real coup or Apple TV and you're happy
you're set right you don't need it says
best seneschal the same function
outright if you're starting to scratch
that's where it becomes interesting and
you're dealing but you're dealing with a
new ecosystem you talk about buying from
google play exactly they didn't make any
mention of presumably amazon can have a
nap here i mean google has been far less
restrictive than anybody else in this
department well certainly less
restrictive than Apple so presumably
they'll be in an amazon app on here
there certainly is on roku right uh and
so you know i think that there's some
mean this is pretty impressive they like
what we're seeing right now i mean the
this is i think the the the big question
is can they make it into something more
than just a TV box can they make games
matter for this thing and you know i
don't know that's the case and in going
back to android l cuz this is running
the android l developer platform if you
make a game for android TV right
probably can work on the android well I
think that's the time they were saying I
think they're saying that a huge self
that it's built it's built once the
deploy in a bunch of different places
and I think there was some some
statistic that came out recently was
like it's a mind-blowing the number of
people like it's freeware that's the
most the biggest thing for that Google's
like the games are coming but like iOS
is still the big big pusher for games
right and it's all the way to well I
mean this is how to get ahead of it but
I mean this is interesting too as well
as you've got this this uh you know you
sort of interactivity between tabloids
and controller I mean it's a cool idea
will it take off to people uh two people
want or need this I don't know I don't
know that it's really this stuff is
caught on at all I mean I know that
there are certain look I i have several
boxes my living right you probably do
way more than actual word but we're not
normal people no normal people are just
like they're still
it caught the complexity of something
like this is just not attractive too but
the cell is if you do not have a box and
you're starting fresh which are gonna be
a lot of people especially not us for
other people know those people I mean
well the Android TV could be a
compelling case to cheat box it does the
chromecast ups if you have your browser
open it just doesn't feel to me it
doesn't feel I mean if Apple does
something in the fall with TV right
that's that moves the needle at all I
think it's going to be tough for anybody
to be in that space and make an
effective argument but that's a big if
because we haven't seen Apple hasn't
done anything that's necessarily we
don't know what Apple's doing at this
point there's a lot of room arein and
they've yet to do anything that is
moving the needle real and the big the
big apple rumors have been and apple TV
other games of summer TV set and the end
by the army and revoir going back even
going back from the roku uh the apple TV
interface I mean that's gotta change i'm
assuming it just is but it is not fun to
use it is not an enjoyable experience
and i think that that's a place that's a
place where google has an advantage this
interface looks a million times better
than what Apple is doing as far as
interfacer and also you can just use
your phone right the interactivity with
the phone or even a watch you've got one
is really interesting I mean this is
something I'm interested in the question
is how do they sell it to the average
consumer right you know you've got all
these people are buying smart tvs with
software already on them some version of
you know it's some variation of what
they're doing with Android TV
essentially are people paying attention
you know are they thinking about this
stuff I mean I've done a good job market
in the chromecast if they can market
this the right way I think it can be a
success but it is going to require some
real work I from google this is le
everything this is a chromecast but also
plays games and if you don't have your
phone with you you got netflix and hulu
yeah and that's that's a nutshell what
this is doing so that's android TV and
then protesters protesting google
announced a series of protesters today
ya know they had up they had several
people protesting the first person was a
woman protesting the event because of
the housing situation in silicon valley
that wishes I could not hear her to save
my libel Eve the first one was about
that the bad housing shenanigans there
happening in Silicon Valley which a lot
of people blame google for among others
among others but google seems to be kind
of the lightning rod for a lot of the
stuff and the second protester that
correct me if I'm wrong but was shouting
about Google making killer robots I can
and I feel me definitely there yes there
is and and I can't help but feel
slightly responsible I was gonna say
this in particular protest because
yesterday we published a story the
narrative which is can we get that up on
the screen which was called hey remember
that time Google accidentally made
Skynet right and it actually that was
born out of it was a little bit of like
fanfiction from brian bishop but it was
born out of this conversation we were
talking about all of us optics is
orthotic yet TT does that all the stuff
that google was making and I said you
know it's weird but they kind of have
all of the things you need to build
Skynet I mean actually are laying the
groundwork for really risk i net is in
the Terminator movies and and one thing
led to another and then we had a we had
a protester at the google event yelling
about killer robots and I mean they do
they did they are they did by military
military robot Gary other things we've
told me years how scared the cp's boss
and dynamic are that's what's called
right positive dynamics yeah it's not
the fringe science fiction company
that's massive dynamic no you're you're
right Boston dynamic is is by dynamics
is the company that you're thinking that
you're thinking fringe no no I don't
know about fringe okay I don't watch I
don't watch garbage all right that is
not okay i know i just i know people are
gonna freak out of me no i actually
never seen an episode of fringe so i
cant can speak to it here's boston
dynamics wildcat here just in normal
just something Google needs for its
stuff that it's doing let me know let's
put android lollipop on that oh yeah no
seriously here's the thing this guy ok
here's what this guy could be doing you
know taking walking tours of cities yeah
going into going into shops feeling like
shop view and street view doing all that
stuff I mean I think you know right cuz
what am i amazing you copy that going
down to whatever this infer and put some
some like googly eyes on it
you wouldn't see that terrifying I I
don't think it would you'd be like oh
look at this ski time now you want to
put it in further it's like blue or
something so you didn't think it was an
actual animal I don't know it's I think
this is kind of cute and adorable and
I'd like to hug it you just refuse it
all I can think about is like that
Simpsons episode treehouse heart gotta
come in rushing the simpsons I'd like to
curl up next to that it with a cute
crusty doll that turns 10 the nice
little cute smile because I don't know
you're tough are you talking about the
simpsons right now with the simpsons I
don't know what you're talking heads
I've watched the Simpsons in 20 years
it's been on the air for 50 years and I
haven't washed it for 20 of us but but
but you know this was it was a weird
event for google mm-hmm in that they
didn't have anybody skydive yeah they
didn't have any weird they didn't have
any ending bits with Larry where he
talked about Google island or anyway
they didn't really I there were no maybe
the biggest thing that they announced
was this new design language in my
opinion yeah that really is the most
notable piece of this and I think it's
great i'm excited to check it out and
real quick just to catch everyone up so
I'm what we're hearing yeah your yahoo
sorry I'm getting something dieter bohn
should be joining us 15 sometimes next
15 minutes 15 minutes want to talk about
4 15 minutes no we've already burned
through all of our topics here it's all
we've literally been on the air for 10
minutes or something not long at Annette
has it been 30 it feels like it's been
just a moment with these with this
audience with this wonderful audience
yeah I can spend all day and all night
with them world and manly Boston
Dynamics robot that I was just a cuddle
of the taco yeah but uh okay so we're
gonna get to bring actually speak to
dieter who's at the event live in about
15 minutes right um I think that I think
we should take questions from Twitter
right now what do you want to know what
do you want us to talk about right now
what would you like to hear while you're
asking well the question coming I
jeribai the other thing that we're not
there uh google glass completely
completely missing there was no Google
glass right uh I don't know what the I'm
not sure what the genesis of the of the
issue is with google glass at this point
I feel like here's the thing that I've
always thought about google glass that
they were google did this thing and it
ended up taking off a lot more than they
expected it to the google glass is one
of their way weird experiments and for
some reason it just took off
and people got very excited about it and
I think they felt like they had to keep
talking about it and promoting it you
know it's not really a central I think
it's a really central product to what
Google does no I mean it will be I mean
it will be you know part of the Skynet
system but somebody wants to know why I
back with an iphone you know look I I
use a lot of different devices okay I
like to stay I let you stay fresh and
updated how many do you have on urinal
I've seen several devices for my vantage
right now and you know no I mean but you
know you gotta you gotta you to use
everything mm-hmm you know NEX it'll be
windows phone then it'll be then it'll
be a Firefox OS for the phone then
whatever they call it and just you can
carry a giant whether it's giving me
even I'm gonna go back to my asha s40
all right I'm getting some questions
here okay let's see if any of them are
oh did I test drive the motor 360 um
well I if anybody I think some was
asking about the Moto 360 I mean let's
just say that I've I'm familiar with the
360 I can't say much more about that but
it is a beautiful device let me just say
can you talk about how beautiful it is
and i will say that of all these Android
wear devices that we've seen and having
seen this up close and personal the 360
is far and away the device that I think
people going to want and want to wear
compared to these three yeah yeah you
know the stuff that looks like a digital
watch like you've got to really be
interested in wearing something like a
digital watch and get to get excited
about it the 360 really legitimately
looks and feels like a regular watch on
your wrist okay and I think that's a big
selling point and I think that I think
that the the fact that that so many
people were were you know sort of upset
when they said that it wasn't available
immediately is a great example of just
how important this that device is going
to be for Android wear in general right
and remember when he came up with it the
story wasn't just Andrew where it was
the design and hardware of moto 360
Motorola really playing up that part of
it it's like this is we're trying to
make a pretty watch that just happens to
run android wear yeah no I mean and I
think that that hopefully we see other
manufacturers do a circular display and
I would like to see other designs that
are more traditional but not you know
this one's just very very plain very
basic ya think you could do a lot with
it it's a bit big to I'm interested to
see if they can do a smaller a slightly
smaller version but that's just one one
man's opinion so we asked about Android
one which is a project for building the
Google's building its own this is the
third the third one third will mark it
with developing developing countries
third world is actually pejorative and
has been deprecated guys I'm really just
so you know so please apologize to our
viewership for developing for developing
nations they're working on developing
countries they're working on lower-cost
handsets that are actually designed for
those particular markets sundar was
talking about a device for the Indian
market that was dual sim had FM radio to
certain things that like you're
obviously you're gonna think is every
country every region has its own needs
Google is thinking about that presumably
they're also working on I mean not
presumably they are also working on
building a android to fit pretty much
any device that's been an ongoing
project for for Google generally but I
think they're now aiming really
specifically at lower end devices that
are much more affordable and they can be
you know that you can that can give you
a great experience without having to
have massively powerful hardware that
reminds me Google fit all right sorry
for that slightly weird even taco
relation is a so Google fit is their
health platform yes basically it's it's
their health it's yeah their health
kit I think it's weird I mean dude our
Apple Google talking more I i think
there's so much there are so many
similarities between the apple event in
the grill event it could just be an
accident or could just be Google trying
to sort of get in on some of the stories
around it's like oh well apples rumor
have a TV and a watch it goes like oh
well here's our TV and watch by the way
we're doing the same thing yeah
no I mean it makes sense i mean the
problem now is you've got everything has
to be I just wish everything didn't have
to be about these competing these
warring platforms you know be great as
if if Google and Apple were like hey
listen we're gonna create an open
standard for exchange of this data
because what happens is like you know
it's like oh well we're building these
devices for apples health thing and
doctors are using this right thing and
then other doctors will be using the
google thing and all of a sudden you
have all of a sudden you've got you know
look I need to get my glucose levels to
my doctor and I can't do it because he's
on he's on he's on iOS oh yeah he's on
trees on Android or whatever it is i
think it's it's you know when it comes
to your health there should be some open
standard you know we should do let's
have the government create an open
standard for health data they did such a
great job with with healthcare.gov I
feel like how that can process is
possibly go wrong that second I thought
you're being serious well actually there
is an argument made that there should be
some some group of technology should get
together and say let's create an open
standard for exchange of health data
because it's actually really important
was it so the future of humanity my
opinion who was the don't doing we don't
really have yeah there was one big
health from that was a part of health
kid was it was it Mayo Clinic yeah Mayo
Clinic yeah but I'm saying I know I know
you get that Mayo Clinic buys in on
health kit and somebody else buys in on
all you get me on Google fit next thing
you know it's bedlam well TV says it's
it's it's total terror total madness um
but nike who is long been an apple
supporter and obviously didn't call this
big nike fan fuel is a part of this
health initiatives Google fit initiative
you can actually use the fuel score and
track that throughout whatever Google
fit platform thing majig is gonna do
yeah well I mean I just think that all
I'm saying is I'm just calling for
people to be reasonable right human
beings need to get their data out there
to doctors and also out into the cloud
for hackers to get so they can they can
hack their pacemakers right well it's
fortunate because my other thing that is
the thing my pastor is always my glucose
levels so someone does get that I'm
verily and also dying wait a
second so me just say Google Drive just
did a one more thing what is it no it's
better be good I don't know how Google
Drive can do anything because it's a
it's a
it's an inanimate I literally just said
one more thing oh yeah look at that new
home screens on the web okay whoa oh ok
so there's kind of a drive redesign
that's interesting we're just learning
that right now which is material design
first hand which is is it material
design it looks like it I think so it is
it is similar yeah I guess it is sure
anyhow I think the design is that to me
is the most exciting thing they talked
about today right and I feel like it's
really fresh like fresh in the kind of
slang use of fresh and also so fresh and
so clean exactly the fresh also like
it's like a you know like you got some
celery and you just ran it under cold
water that's and you took it out of the
refrigerator so it's cold and crisp I'm
actually a little hungry this might be
but you know talking about you know you
bite into a cold piece of freshly washed
celery and you're like oh man that is
like a refreshing experience if I see no
that's more reflective on my dietary
problem that's a refreshing experience
that is just filling my mouth with a
pleasure you'll never feel that way when
you bite into celery I'm my own person
no no maybe it's a little bit of peanut
butter no I no no come on don't wanna
mess up you don't mess up a beautiful
piece of celery with peanut butter you
actually maybe you're five years old or
something uh uh on a second I'm gonna
let me ask me to tweet the Google Drive
link okay uh I mean I'm gonna do it do
it do it um alive that's live tweeting
right this interesting we've been
talking a lot of this look at that
beautiful calculator look at that sexy
calculator I just want to I just want to
make love to that calculator by the way
somebody mentioned that Matias today
looked like somebody from Panem in The
Hunger Games and I have to say like he
definitely looks like what is the name
of the of the head game guy in the first
Hunger Games movie oh right wes Bentley
right he kind of had like ten crazy like
facial hair going on control room please
look up and and he also is wearing like
kind of a futuristic you know mattia
style outfit it's just no no not that
wrong wes Bentley you gotta find wes
Bentley patiently talking about you
failed me you really fell to be in the
control room I got to say that was um
that guy is the what
he's the TV shows name is like tally
something or other you know I I just may
like that might not be right it's sleep
Stanley Tucci right just do a search for
Hunger Games wes Bentley I'll give you
five dollars of there if you could do it
look at these I can see them furiously
type in the control room right now wait
wait in my very disappear here we go so
can we get a picture of Matthias up just
as I am or I do feel look you got it no
problem I'm fine google st. can anybody
tell me this guy Oh Seneca Crane so we
just said this is named Seneca Crane
like okay uh so let me just ask they
take off my shirt by the way for the
people i don't know if this is related
to hunger games or not but I'm
considering it some one button that just
one slope by the time this broadcast is
over I will be one hundred percent
shirtless don't hold me to that anyhow
Seneca Crane and Matias Duarte I feel
like there's a little bit of a get the
side by side it ever happen I think
they're working on it it's happening I
feel like you guys really slipping since
we've not been doing the verge cast you
can tell that they're off their game
yeah these guys have like just don't
know how to we've been taking get here
no wait here in the studio they don't
how to do this you get it happening you
don't I mean is there still nothing they
unbelievable I'm disappointed when I
blame Billy dis ting you can email him
at Billy at the verge calm tell them how
you feel about this some how you feel
about this disgraceful lack of graphics
on this broadcast uh we will have in a
set hopefully in a second Billy I'm
going to just let your thing to you
hopefully you get um hands on a hands-on
from uh from google i/o we can show that
soon who's that who's that who's doing a
hands-on um I don't know stuff you see
here's the thing as we speak yeah there
are on the ground there are people on
the ground at i/o not us but there are
other people human beings mmm from the
verge we're home we're furiously working
to get you more content we know how much
you love content furiously working to
get you a bigger better meteor juicier
stories I am definitely hungry yeah I'm
definitely starving you know this is
what happens when you only have a little
snack and then you sit through a long
Google event it was long I was so long I
don't understand why Google can't get
this right well I mean that stuff they
were doing like some of us that they
were showing was definitely in session
territory I mean let me
just explain to people who don't
understand developers conference has
sessions that follow the main event
right Dave this keynote is a kickoff
thing and then they do sessions with
developers they break out they go
through new things that they're working
on they want to share with developers
totally a great idea there is a way to
communicate what your thing does and why
people should be excited about it
without having to show the functionality
of it straight through yeah and so like
I just feel like Google need to get a
little bit better at demonstrating those
things without going into a full-blown
like session style demo do we have the
Seneca Crane to the TS Duarte side by
side yet because I was just I just
thinking about it the back of my mind
and getting angry again wondering why
it's taking so long this is clear the
most important thing to do right now
yeah no we also we are just publishing
the hands on google android TV okay
we've got a hands-on with Android TV
it's excited they will hopefully be
coming soon by I need to get a hands-on
with with this L version of Android does
anybody know how I can do that right
this second it's developer Fiat now is
it coming is there a developer version
of it that I can get my I can sink my
teeth into sure there's somebody I'd
like a delicious piece of celery I mean
for all the time it took you extremely
bad really bad quality I also say for
the time it took you to produce this
image on the screen I should have seen
more but i will say there is a striking
resemblance here striking resemblance
and i think we should take note of that
we really should have it and frankly and
frankly and rightly he'd you know this
the possible message right which is you
know we've already talked about Google
becoming you know turn building skynet
could they actually end up creating a
panem style situation just want the
Hunger Games I'm could they create the
Hunger Games I mean think about it
actually you know they wipe out a lot of
the u.s. citizenry terminators okay and
then they subjugate them Google island
is actually in Colorado into the city a
glorious shining city unto itself and
and then you know the rest of America is
broken up into
into uh whatever what do they call them
district district districts and every
year we have to we have to go fight the
hunger games it's not so far off from
reality I think possibly but probably is
very far off so anyhow a way I'm way off
topic now is there any already snacks
does it make me celery here that can be
brought in and maybe not silly I'm sure
their chips but while we're doing that
we do have the android TV hands on which
is got posts if we can take a look at
that now we take a little look we take a
look at the video Z of the android TV
hands on I'd love to see this thank you
so we're here at Google i/o in San
Francisco where google just announced
android TV it's a big update to the
long-standing Google TV platform it's
basically part of their initiative to
have Android everywhere and it starts
off with a TV interface and a remote app
on their phone which is the basic you
know d-pad controls and along with that
there's a new gamepad controller because
Android is showing off lots of games in
the TV so with this you can go across
the dinner face at the top it has
suggestions for content that you may
want to watch or view from google play
TV youtube travel channel other options
like that and if you move down you can
see all the apps that have installed you
can use the google play store to add
more but it has your typical options
like Netflix YouTube Showtime as well as
other things like eat24 which they
showed off on stage and there's a
special link for Google Play games the
games are broken out into a separate
category down here you can see all the
games installed the TV and jump into the
most recently played games here the TV
box itself it's running is a reference
platform that Google built specifically
to let developers start program with the
Android TV and the controller is the
same a deal and that's basically it for
Android TV all in all it seems like this
is probably Google's best effort yet at
building a TV interface that people will
want to use and it seems to get my ex
should be a good way to you know bring
casual gaming to the big screen in your
living room as well certainly a better
effort than Google TV we've seen thus
far and given Google's success with
chromecast over the last year this could
be you know their next big thing
here's my question 1 why didn't Google
build an actual box and give that box to
all the developers there today do we
know no they're not giving that box out
to developers right that's not coming
until like it says like it's come on the
fault was developed for you a lot of
time to wait I don't have time to wait
for the fall okay so the first question
is why don't they actually just make a
box the second thing that I've got a
question I was just thinking they did
google TV Nexus Q yeah and chromecast so
this is their fourth attempt to do
something for television yeah was the Q
the Q had a it did do video right mm-hmm
it was just an audio device it did
YouTube did just er you to just YouTube
we have a cue somewhere in this office
it's a door it's literally a door stop
somewhere I'll need someone's actually
using as a doorstop yeah it's on this
floor I think so no no no it's it's up
on the upstairs someone's gonna find it
that's like a rare that's a cool weird
thing to have you think it's pretty it
lights up nice i mean lights up nice
it's up nice well it did happen hack it
he probably did all he did there it is
but so they made a lot of attempts to do
this and and my god i hope they get it
right this time here's my question
universal search for content does it
have universal search know we know oh
wait wait does android TV or just cute
this is why we need an expert on the
ground in San Francisco but
unfortunately i don't know that deters
gonna go to break away from all this
action we've actually just gotten word
that leader may not be able to join us
for this broadcast he has been punched
violently by other members of the team
there for canceling on a protest is
broken protests broken out protesting
the lack of dieter on this broadcast but
i think that i think that uh you know
the and repeat yourself looks
interesting I just I feel like they've
again they've only taken it halfway
right I know that I know that Google
wants it to the thing where their
partners make stuff for them but I don't
know it might be time for Google to take
its take the first party game more
seriously yeah that's just my this one
has all the way to say um let's start
let start wrapping
we wrap up is there anything else that
we didn't cover oh the somebody a couple
you'll mention this airplay the sort of
airplay like mirroring yeah yeah to the
chromecast I think that's very cool they
were already doing tab mirroring from
browsers from chrome so from devices
kind of makes sense mm-hmm I don't know
how that's going to feel in the real
world right I'm gonna have to go test it
immediately that you can and they showed
they showed i will say that that some of
the some of the not to go back to the
design stuff some of the the performance
that we saw in the material design demos
and some of the performance that you can
see now with the quiz i was talking
about on the web suggests a kind of new
era for how we think of app design and
web design a native Native native versus
web and I'm actually really excited
about that because it's a really
impressive it seems like a really
impressive and powerful platform yes to
be to be harnessing and it brings all of
their products together in a real
material way no pun intended but so I
think all-in-all here's my here's my
take on it yeah because we do have to
wrap up its rapin and will end on a
supercut but we are we have a super cut
already so already um here's my take on
it I think design is extremely strong I
ring right now for a mobile platform I
don't think there's anybody who is as
focused and doing as good in terms of
design as Google is right now okay
especially cross-platform I mean I think
there are places in iOS that that work
there's a lot of stuff that still
doesn't work in iOS a we didn't see any
significant changes to that I think the
notifications is as an example not not
to not to go back to iOS on that but
wonder how they're continuing to develop
notifications in Android is really
impressive and this and some of the in
some of the ways of their tying in was
that will or won't will not will not
sorry some of the ways they're Chinese I
just got a message in my ear by dieter
and I couldn't make it out it is
I'm just going to actually join us or
not some of the ways that they're
utilizing some of the new API is the
calls they're making where you can you
can load straight from a web page into
an app on Android to me seems extremely
powerful right so I think that I think
they're making the right moves and that
in that space you know I think that they
still have this they don't they don't I
mean one of the most compelling things
that Apple did at WWDC was to show us
how connected this family of products
can be they really brought together the
phones and the desktop and and frankly
the clouds yeah the first time in any
really meaningful way and you started to
see how Apple could do that ecosystem
really right and make all that stuff
talk to one and even with carplay they
show that you could you could do it in a
car as well android has that going for
it google has it going for it across
these platforms right now but it just
doesn't feel like it it's as cohesive or
clean or clear in a lot of ways on how
it on how it's going to all these things
will talk and here's here's my here's my
theory to wrap a bug because there was
so much didn't bring up a tap project
ara glass you know a lot of the final
deliverables with where and TV there's I
would imagine is another event coming
this would be a little bit atypical
google but like i imagine we'll see
something else a long time when like
android l becomes lollipop yeah
lemonhead or so I'm sorry I'm not
laughing at you I'm just laughing some
be tweeted the picture a woman eating
celery at me and i have to say that
celery looks amazing well the celery
basically has no caloric content
whatsoever so wouldn't really help that
much it's a good snack if you're dieting
I'm not I'm ready to eat just about
anything already go totally ballistic on
some food um hey what do we think about
the new iconography at the bottom of
bottom of Android nice and Purdy we're
about the fonts well somebody mentioned
somebody mentioned to me that you know
if you're confused about the share icon
in iOS 7 you know these these icons at
the bottom of Android are going to be
really confusing but i have to say
they're only a slight deviation from the
current iconography in android right now
in KitKat so it doesn't strike me as
tremendously difficult to understand but
you do there is a learning curve to
begin with when you get
android right you have to understand
like the back button does this in the
home that Home icon takes you here and
building loads up multi yeah Oh
multitasking let's talk about
multitasking really quickly did they
just blow a multitasking on Android by
the way we need because this interface
that they have the new multi tasking
interface have you guys seen this it
looks like it looks a little bit like
the new safari view for tabs in iOS yes
but the idea that you would want to
stack a bunch of your apps and not be
able to see any of them and have to
swipe through them to find the thing
you're looking for is a little bit
insane wait what they have going right
now actually makes some sense Kent
argument that was like you can see ten
you know more apps at once so you can't
really see the apps because they're
buried behind I mean look at the can we
get a screenshot of the multitasking a
view before we sign off we can round
this out to like a nice hour of us just
be a saying if you can find this graphic
can you get wes Bentley overlaid on top
of them the multi-tenant we be eating
okay I get it can I get it I'd like to
see wes Bentley eating celery while
multitasking with the new version of
Android is that possible because that's
what I'd like to see today anyhow but if
we can get that but but the multitasker
it looks like they maybe have ruined
some of the multitasking for for android
in my opinion it was very clear before
oh very let's see it lets see the
picture might I don't know I'd love to
see the picture this is like a Seneca
Crane situation where we may never get
it up yeah on screen right now our poor
viewers tens of thousands tens of dozens
of viewers tens of thousands this visit
is it tens of thousands give or take so
sorry yeah I'm high ball goes so sorry
uh ah are waiting to see this they're
dying to see the malta job so you can't
find it anywhere i cannot find an image
out as we can just put up static a crane
while you're looking at very least could
we get a picture of west bed Lee well
before poor Billy look at him it there
for you searches a little heart out real
quick look little quick nest no mention
of nest nothing no mention of home
automation knows no mention of anything
about Dropcam which nest just by oh
that's right
nothing really that even indicated that
they're interested in the home I think
you know it's weird but I think they're
they're aligning themselves to an apple
schedule and they're doing very much
they're basically copying wdc were those
saying like oh here's some stuff for
developers this only the groundwork and
then they're talking about this fall
date Ryan there they're saying you know
we're going to show you more stuff in
the phone maybe that means they're going
to show us some integration they're
going to show us some home automation
they're going to show us actual products
as opposed to these you know phantom
phantom that would be very nice really
no no can't find them all details on
their loss ever literally several people
now frantically searching I bet you if I
took one second right now I'm not going
to do because I don't want to neglect
our viewer or in that area pirate is to
break away for a literally a single
second I could immediately pull up I
will never be able to prove this out
unfortunately but I know would I be able
to pull out the multitasking view all
right you know it looks like we're just
gonna go there every to get to the Balti
tasker you can find it yourself at you
can fight you Virg we have several
articles on the on the i agree with
somebody just take it too long i agree
with you we have several articles many
many articles today about what all of
google's announcements go to the verge
calm read all about it we have a bunch
of verge update videos probably some
more on the way we're doing hands-on
right now and uh anyhow it is a big day
of news for google but did they did they
achieve what they need to achieve today
i'm not sure what that was at the very
least I'm excited about checking out the
new version of Android and I think
that's the best you can buy any much
tinier comparison yeah shorter really
literally am i living a little like a
little my son you like my little with a
beard Oh dad teenagers teenager you
always giving me guff all right anyhow
this is a bad and dark way to end their
Darla verge live at Google i/o but um
that's it no thanks to dieter bohn for
not showing up guy was too busy getting
you news game but still or no still he
should pay some in some way and Ross as
always it's been a true pleasure it work
it's it's been the thing that happened
really was a thing that we did yeah
today Oh Anna died I like oh there is as
that's completely insane these guys are
high and drunk if they think that's a
good way to multitask and they are there
seriously smoking some good and by
the way they probably are because
they're in California where weed is
basically legal decriminalized
decriminalized the very least um anyhow
uh said thank you guys for watching
thank you weirdly always would love we
love live doing live postgame wrap-up
for you and then just around a table
talk now I'm gonna go get some some
celery so please by the way several
several people on Twitter found the
multitasking before our guys did so uh
gonna be the only several canings
tonight when when i'm going to all said
and done this is true that's how we
that's how we deal winter actually a
problem uh yeah please enjoy a 90-minute
supercut of the our press conference no
another 90 minutes 90 minutes 9 minutes
9 million on that or anything else ok we
have a supercontinent we were super cut
of the three-hour event if you could
possibly watch it stay in nine minutes
we've got nine solid minutes of all
everything that you would need to know
so take a look at this and and we'll see
you guys soon we'll be back I'm sure
very soon very soon ayos when we talk
about our two large computing platforms
Android and Chrome we're very excited as
of this year's i/o we are over 1 billion
30-day active users they take around 93
million selfies every day the team tells
me about 31 million of these are duck
faces user experiences are evolving
rapidly and we wanted to rethink the
user design experience and Android to
have a fresh bowl and new look Android
and across all of Google to craft one
consistent vision for mobile desktop and
beyond and this led us to a way of
thinking that we call material design
those scenes and shadows provide meaning
about what you can touch and how it will
move and we've also updated our system
font Roboto so that designers and
developers can use one typeface designed
and optimized for every screen from your
watch to your laptop to your television
so in another area where we've improved
the user experience on al is around
notifications I can double tap on a
notification to launch the corresponding
app or if there's something I don't need
I can just dismiss with a single swipe
and to unlock the phone well this is
just a notification shade so you just
swipe it away and you're straight into
the device so from here I can keep going
or if I want to act on it like non strip
or if I'm busy swipe it away and what
you're about to see is epics Unreal
Engine 4 desktop rendering pipeline
running on Android L on the latest
Nvidia tablet hardware it was a bit of a
flicker here
and we've worked hard to make sure that
the battery keeps up with the
performance so battery saver allows you
to clock down CPU the refresh rate even
turn off background data to conserve
battery so battery saver is really great
if you're about to embark on a light
long hike or maybe along protest and to
say you want the battery to last evil on
both with elder leaves and chrome we are
bringing a whole set of new experiences
too many connected screens around you
we're right at the beginning in a new
phase in the miniaturization of
technology which means that it's finally
possible to make a powerful computer
small enough to wear comfortably on your
body all day long here's a live demo on
the LG G watch you can see that it
hasn't always on display but at any
given time shows you the most important
thing we know for you swiping up and on
navigate you through this stream of
cards which includes information from
google no apps running on Jeff's phone
and apps running directly on the
wearable itself you can see that there's
a broad selection of analog and digital
designs in a variety of styles to suit
your tastes when you swipe away a
notification on the watch it disappears
from the phone and when Jeff receives a
phone call you can either swipe to
reject the call from his wrist or swipe
up to choose from one of these quick SMS
replies now you'll see that Jeff has
music controls on his watch you can see
what song is playing he can pause the
music or skip to the next track Jeff can
see how many steps he's taken today
along with a step hunt history for the
week on devices that supported he can
even check his heart rate after a jog
pinterest can notify him that he's near
one of Susie's pinned restaurants
allowing him to quickly glance at the
details then swipe to see a map and if
he likes it he can start navigation
right from his wrist today we're made
a fool android wear SDK available it
enables you to write code that runs
directly on the wearable itself and here
I'm presented with a beautiful interface
that lets me confirm the kind of food
I'd like today let's stick with pizza
and then I can quickly swipe to see and
repeat my last order just one more tap
to pay and the pieces on its way when a
watch is connected the wearable portion
of the app is automatically installed
and kept up to date on that watch the LG
G watch will be available to order later
today on the Play Store we're very happy
that Samsung is joining the Android wear
family with the Samsung gear lives and
the samsung gear life is also available
to order later today the Moto 360 is the
first watch to adopt the rond Android
wear UI and it will be available for
sale later this summer those are just
the first three watches cars are an
integral and essential part of life and
today we're happy to announce Android
auto it looks and feels like it's part
of the car but all of the apps we see
here are running on andy's phone the
first thing NBC's is the overview screen
which shows personal and contextually
relevant destinations reminders contacts
and music from google now and other
routes Andy has access to all of his
curated playlists radio stations albums
and artists you can also use voice or
the steering wheel controls to control
the music in the car how late is the
deyoung museum open today the young
is open from 930am to 5 15 p.m. on
wednesday navigate there navigating to
the young museum new message from
Hiroshi Latimer here it is Andy are we
there yet we're starting with a full set
of api's for audio and messaging
applications and the Android auto
experience will be available to users
with the public el release later this
year the first cars with Android auto
will be rolling off dealer lots before
the end of this year so I'm going to
talk about a different form factor and
that's TV today we're announcing Android
TV and android TV requires just a d-pad
with voice input and that can be made
available as a hardware remote control
as a game controller or even a virtual
controller on a phone or tablet and the
UI provides a unified view of your
channels in a familiar channel hopping
you I with the channel information as I
scroll down you get immediate access to
applications ordered by how often you
use them Breaking Bad Google interpret
the results get me a result for the
popular TV show now with one click I can
then watch you to google play movies and
TV or any other service that have
installed so from here I can actually
enter I can interact with the TV when I
droid TV bein able you to take your
games to the biggest free in your hands
I'm Tomorrowland so I don't really
understand this game android TV includes
full google cast support so you can use
it just like a chromecast i'm super
excited to announce that the entire 2015
HD and 4k smart TV ranges from sony and
the 2015 ranges of sharp and TP visions
phillips will run on android TV i will
also be seeing streaming boxes powered
by razor asus and others launching this
fall we're launching a new google cast
feature allows you to mirror any android
device to to your television and we're
actually gonna mirror in live action a
little nervous in live action all of you
on the big screen
our journey here began with Chromebooks
let's say you get an incoming phone call
you will start seeing those incoming
call notifications on your Chromebook if
you get a text message you would see
those text messages on your Chromebook
as well we are very very excited about
bringing important favorite Android
applications for users straight on their
Chromebooks and it's been battle-tested
to run at 1.3 million queries per second
today we're announcing a platform
preview of Google fit we want to help
users keep better track of their fitness
goals you can choose who you share what
with and you can delete your fitness
activity whenever you want adidas has a
collection of smart sensors that they're
opening up to developers for the first
time and we're thrilled to announce that
Nike is allowing other apps and fitness
devices to integrate with Nike Fuel
through this API and of course there are
many many many partners that are joining
the Google fit ecosystem it's tough to
believe the personal computing started
only a few decades ago we feel humbled
to be part of this journey with you all
and we look forward to building more
amazing experiences with you thank you
have a great conference
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