The Verge Mobile Show 067 - the Nexus 5, the Google in KitKat, and BlackBerry dollars
The Verge Mobile Show 067 - the Nexus 5, the Google in KitKat, and BlackBerry dollars
greetings mobile accomplishes welcome to
the verge mobile show we are here and
we're looking at the all new google
hangouts interface which doesn't give me
a countdown which is awesome so we're
starting we're live I am dieter bohn I'm
glad 7 i'm dan seifert and we are
broadcasting without mr. Cruz Ziegler
although rumor has it that as a
situation which will be resolved in
short order so let's hope fingers
crossed how you guys don't I can't stay
this new interface man it's so bad it's
like I mean we've been in to blame him
Chris delaying us but the truth is we
spent the past 20 min screwing around
any hangouts the effects on Johnny's
face yep yeah the effects that cool
talked up in its announcement and press
releases and all this stuff are like
terrible like they're just amateur hour
all over the place and this new
interface is just bad so I've ended okay
well I think the thing to do is just
start talking about this ritual if you
got'em it's really a bummer we don't
have course you're doing pretty sure he
doesn't have one okay so they they
announced the thing we reviewed the
thing we review in case you you are
listening to the audio only one and
we're terrible we were talking about the
Nexus 5 and we held it all up so yeah so
they announced nexus 5 on kind I don't
even know what day it was anymore was a
Thursday I'm so faithless it wasn't
Halloween Halloween or said other's
birthday happy birthday dad and man this
hair is just one railing on my processor
unbelievable so thursday 31st it is 349
off contract for the 16 gig version and
399 for the 32 gig version so that's one
right yep that's right the black one is
way better than the white one
yeah I agree yeah what a come on that's
much better I don't know what I say this
and I've been outside the white wine
phones but the way it's like an
off-white it's got glossy sides it wears
them black one or mat and it's got this
stupid accent for the earpiece in the
middle of the thing and I just rather
the black ones better and just what are
you showing off that it matches your
gallop your gear or lots of pebble
nevermind yeah Yuki's was born again
I'll day you yes I would like to point
out that the white Nexus 5 and the white
pebble I pretty much made for each other
like so your say some white pebble is
actually an off-white and not really
white well nothing is really white just
like nothing I mean what were you being
pedantic I get enough pedantry for my
paddle in the UK team and I would get
you and podcast come on man give me a
break no but seriously Sam say we really
wanted to make an underline the point
about the galaxy gear and the Galaxy
Note free be made for each other and the
two really had nothing to do with one
another but the nexus 5 in white which
isn't actually why it's like it's got
more black on it than white and the
pebble which also is a really perfectly
why it has a whole bunch of black exited
parts on it so they're like 5050 black
and white there is a perfect match
they're beautiful together okay but but
the thing I'll say is you guys are
probably right i haven't touched the
black one but everybody's been saying
the black Nexus 5 is better so it is it
all comes down to the fact that the
sides of this 10 glossy whereas the
black one they're mad and that's really
a difference Matt always beats closely
yeah so they announced it at an event in
San Francisco it was kind of a strange
event I wasn't a big public unveiling it
was just a small room with some
precedent and then a little hands-on
area and I was there my was our David
Pierce and I did the hands-on and I
guess we should talk about that hands-on
because all of Google+ is ridiculously
pissed off of me and it did not like
your dieter dude so I mean the first
thing I'll say is I said I I did I made
did make a mistake in the hands on and I
will cop to it I made two mistakes
mistake number one as I said that
Android cameras are traditionally bad
but really what I should have said as
nexus cameras are traditionally bad and
then you know I was just it was fast
because it was a weird room and I was
trying we're trying to get the video up
and I needed to run and go interview
people and so it was just short and I
didn't spend a lot of time with it but
people were pissed off of me because I
thought I came off as unenthused but
here's the thing and I didn't like get
into it with everybody on google+ and on
twitter and in our comments because when
people be mad people just stay mad I I
think I've been getting death threats
which is awesome it's been a long time
since I've gotten death threats for a
hands-on and wasn't really that wrong
about the scrolling it's way better than
it is on most android phones but it's
still a little bit you know it's not
perfect on Chrome uh but I mean that
said it's totally fine but you know it's
this like when when the new Nexus phone
comes out we kind of have like high
hopes and dreams that the things that
have been bugging us about Android are
going to get fixed and I'm like you
laser focused on those things and so I
was laser-focused on are they finally
going to make scrolling feel like as
great as they promised are they finally
in a fixer camera and are they finally
going to give me you know a phone a
nexus phone in particular with really
really solid battery life and the
scrolling is better it's not totally
perfect the camera is it's better than
the nexus 4 there's no getting around
that dude it's better better than the
next four that's like the worst thing
you could posit it's the faintest of
praise but if you are comparing
year-over-year Nexus device to the Nexus
device I think it's actually saying to
say again faintest the phrase that it's
the best camera on any Nexus device to
date but as you've noted numerous times
already Nexus devices are not really
known for having great cameras it's like
really purchase like owning the fastest
RV at the campground Wow so I mean
google has told
that there is a software update coming
that should help with some things but I
mean the camera software itself is like
this this standard camera software it's
pretty lackluster it does take a while
to focus and you know the pictures I
don't know it's the low-light
performance is not what it should be no
but there's a number of issues but I
think the best way to describe it is
that I feel insecure when I'm shooting
with the Nexus 5 yeah which is to say I
spent some time shooting saturday
morning i think it was around london and
you know being a morning in London you
weren't getting a ton of light but what
end up doing was every shot every thing
that a frame-up I'll take like four or
five attempt at because government
doesn't like once it focuses doesn't
take that long to grab an extra few
pictures but it's the fact that you feel
the need to take a shot multiple times
just in case something went awry and it
often does and it's just it's just weird
I mean there's a lack of quality time I
just took the original show i just
posted to google plus i've seemed
appropriate continue so you just need to
rub to me because you posted the goo
plus we're pretty much nobody is oh boy
they're gonna burn you down Vlad okay
we're gonna need to have a discussion
about this whole over reaction but we
can't we just did I said that I wasn't
as enthusiastic as I could have been on
the thing yeah but it doesn't put like
I've seen comments the regulator's
coming in hi Chris hey Chris we all have
X's fives where's yours hello can you
hear me now yeah yes fantastic I do not
have a nexus 5 and I'm I but here's the
thing i'm not real do not own a lamp
look do you want more light do you want
to see the the right side of my face is
that what's going on there i can hold
hold the smartphone tax burden light
come on is it is that better you're fine
which you're totally you're right you're
you're a handsome devil
so I need to I realize I'm sorry to let
all of our listeners and Watchers and on
this sausage making that's going on
right now but I'm not recording this uh
nope I need to set up some recording one
second the important thing I apologize
to everybody for this nonsense okay
anyway I'm sorry you were talking about
something very interesting when I came
in the main time and again let me just
add a few technical notes on our
bitching about the next spot camera so
there's a lack of contrast there's a
lack of saturation and biggest problem
there's a lack of sharpness wait is this
is this on the Nexus 5 or the nexus 4
cuz it you could be describing either
well I mean they already made that joke
Chris this is what i was saying we're
approaching this from the wrong
direction when we say the nexus 5
cameras bed in the next four camera
that's like a distinction between shades
of really nasty great I that's not the
thing that we should be talking about i
think the Nexus 5 is much more mature
device to the Nexus book particularly
because here's o te and it has the best
processor inside of that you can get on
the market at the moment so it sounds a
value for money does the thing I
mentioned it one of the articles I wrote
about it this thing here in the UK is
competing against device like a
blackberry q5 and it's only something
like 30 pounds more than the samsung
galaxy s galaxy ace free so I mean it's
like do you go and get like galaxy s
free an older generation samsung galaxy
or do you get the latest nexus with tio
te and the KitKat and we have trinkets
to come in what's the difference between
the galaxy a3 and the galaxy s4 mini I
couldn't have knows I mean matter i
don't like as far as I've descend we
don't want to know the difference those
are just things you should be looking at
like if you're looking at that sort of
budget range you might as well just
start looking at knock his ashes devices
it's that's fair yeah cuz that cuz those
are pretty I do want to like I do want
to praise the hardware the first
impression that this Harbor goes it's
kind of like yeah it's fine and like I
don't know why the camera ring is so big
and that's right
this little like aluminum thing and it
doesn't nice design touch the buttons
the buttons are I think it's too it's
just funny looking the buttons are
ceramic which I mean Matthias torrid I
talk to us a little bit about this when
I do find them to be a little bit sharp
but the more you live with it the more
doesn't just feel like a generic big
phone and the more it feels like I don't
know it just it gets out of the way it's
it's very just simple and unassuming and
I mean I think the word I'd use is
handsome um I would agree with you it's
like it's like a slightly less
stunningly good looking Don Draper you
know it's it's very it's very nice and
it's instinctive that with it and yeah I
mean but it's I mean it has character I
mean the thing to notice is I compare it
to the Nexus 7 and you can see like
Google's decided what it wants Nexus
devices to look like simple black
unassuming soft touch plastic back and
you know the word Nexus and lowercase
letters in the back and this is what but
yeah well but who would buy a white one
I mean seriously um me I bought one
about a black one so here's what bothers
me it's it's not a the nexus 5 looks
again I'm speaking as someone who has
not touched this device but I think we
can all agree that from the you know
from the reviews that I've read and from
the experiences that all of you have had
it's not the best camera on phone right
right and and so why can't we just have
the nexus experience in an
uncompromisingly high-end experience
like why is that too much to ask for is
it is that is that the is that the role
that gpe is designed to fill or is there
room for a high-end nexus well I mean
that's the thing is the the nexus one of
the things that defines what a nexus is
these days is price and if you're going
to sell a phone for 350 bucks that is
got some top end specs I mean the screen
is great that's super light it's lighter
the nexus 4 even though it has a bigger
screen you know they like everything
about the like hardware quality and feel
this phone is really good it's not as
primo as an HTC One but it's you know
it's in the ballpark if you're gonna get
a phone to that price and like that
hitting that price is super important to
you at some point something has to give
and it looks like with the nexus 5 it
was probably the camera but the
alternative it's one that both myself
and Dan have lusted after was something
like a nexus pro so put it put an extra
two hundred dollars on the on the Sphinx
price then you actually go to match the
iphone 5c price unlocked and stick a
great camera on it and a great battery
and then everybody is just going to go
nuts but here's my alternate theory to
that which is that google actively wants
to avoid having the label of being the
absolute best android phone because that
would be problem for gu insofar as
google's relationship with OEMs like
samsung LG etc i completely disagree i
think we have this discussion with every
single nexus phone that comes out and
you know i don't think google sells
enough of them to matter to samsung or
HTC yeah it doesn't solve anything I
think that's I think that Google wants
out to change at the Nexus 5 I really
doing I think they want to sell million
of these things 10 million of these
things I know I think they want it they
want at least here in the US they're not
going to do that at the Nexus 5's not in
carrier stores I mean nowadays I guess
because now it's with sprint you'll be
able to get it for 150 bucks with a
contract it's not a little stories i'm
betting money it will be it might be
into mobile stores you know but it's not
on AT&T Verizon and let's be real that's
where it needs to be to get a vm 10
millions figures of sales and it needs
to be available for on a contract price
for US consumers that are going to walk
into a store and be like I want a new
phone there's a iphone 5s for 199 and a
gs4 for 199 etc etc uh that's where
you're going to get those sales figures
from otherwise it will be permanently a
niche device especially if you have to
order it online from google and an
unlocked price yeah but then but imagine
you wanted no they're gonna sell their
best buys they're going to sell my best
buys they're gonna have another
retailers and imagine if you wanted to
break that dynamic
how would you do it well you try and
like take it head on and like beat the
carriers at their own game and that
would that was the nexus one that
strategy that work out very well and so
their new strategy is just sell the
thing for as cheaply as possible and I
mean who knows I don't know that they're
actually going to succeed but i think
that with this phone in particular they
want to succeed but but then what i was
going to say is if you make that
imaginary nexus pro if you make that
Olsen phone it doesn't matter how niche
the distribution is like all of us are
going to cry to the high heavens about
its awesomeness people going to find out
what a mouthful spread people will make
the effort to go and get the best
absolutely untrue front but let me make
the point man I mean I need like more
than 20 seconds here okay with him
please dear is interrupted me enough oh
I'm like raging at you now but deters
the one who keeps jumping in all I'm
saying here is at the moment the LG g2
and the nexus 5 are very differentiated
devices and as far as I'm concerned I
can see good reason to spend the extra
money to get the LG g2 because it's
better camera because it's better
battery and I can see good reason why I
want to get the nexus 5 so for LG both
of these phones are going to sell it has
two strong phones if Google went and
took the LG g2 spectra spec you know
priced it at the lowest possible price
which Google seems to be keen to do with
every Nexus device and try to break even
Google wouldn't literally be screwing
with LG's business model whereas the LG
right now is thriving it's getting older
benefit of doing a Nexus device or brand
equity that you get out of that annie
has differentiation for his hyland i
just don't think google really cares
about the absolute high end it can leave
that to the company's it just wants a
baseline of a really good device at the
lowest possible price I'm done how are
you yeah so um battery life for we
talked about it in the review of ran
tests we everybody's got a bunch bunch
all been trying it I think what Josh
said in the review is exactly right it
is wildly inconsistent I will have it
one day crap out after you know seven
hours and then the next day it goes for
12 and then the next day it's back down
to eight and I'm just sort of waiting to
see where it's going to level out at and
part of that is like heavy use thing
that you do but you know I've been using
this thing for a while now since
Thursday and I like still have no idea
where the battery is going to be added a
pointed day like ever yeah so I'm i
guess i had a charging earlier today um
I will say I've made this point before
but I think for me anyway it certainly
found this to be the case with the nexus
4 in the Lumia 920 when you have a
device that has wireless charging you
tend to top it off more than if you did
so like you know I have a cheap het even
though I don't have any chief owns right
now but G pad on my desk of a cheap at
my bedroom of a cheap ad next my couch
and you just naturally set the phone
there and then you know over the course
of day it ends up being close to a
hundred percent Chris like I was no pads
and lights I think we established that I
have chris's condo is a store sales
store for a cheap at scared like I'm
like I'm going to get cancer any second
from all this like constant power on
being radiated with yeah I have a cheap
ad and it does charge the nexus 5 but it
also seems to get it really hot if I
don't place it right and so I'm a little
bit nervous about is I'm waiting for the
official charger which will have the
magnets to a design it because it's got
magnets because this is today when I was
hungry I'm telling right now I notice
today when I was charging over USB that
it was getting considerably warm while
it was charging so I mean I don't know
wasn't there a whole story he's been all
started shipping that new charging pad
no not yet it wasn't their whole story
about how Qualcomm there's a new like
there's some crazy new Qualcomm
technology in the nexus 5 to reduce heat
output from the radios yeah I sorry i
was just playing a see if we could turn
on Q&A but we can but if you have q's
nexus5 you should tweet at us I have q's
I haven't used an exercise what do you
want to know like should i buy one dude
it's 349 I'm Chris you're an iOS fanboy
so it like the the between this and an
HTC One get the nexus 5 because the HTC
one's camera is a beautiful experiment
but it's no great shakes and you're not
losing out that much here and the HTC
one's battery is I think a little bit
better than the nexus 5 but not enough
to be appreciable and this feels you
know just as nice in the hand I'll say I
will say that this you know barring a
major price reduction on the GEP GPE
models like it completely like obviates
them like why would anyone buy a GP EGS
for our one when you have this for three
hundred dollars less it's insane yeah if
the price was like a hundred dollar
difference I could you know justify
spending a little more to get the one
you know for the nicer build quality and
the added features but at three hundred
bucks it's just it's completely neutered
the value yeah it's a non-starter yeah
yeah but those are also agent Moto's you
have to anticipate that come January
come see yes we're gonna have a lot more
alluring devices we live in a world
where you just called five month old
devices agent yeah they didn't wonder
what June I think they hit you right the
google editions yeah well yeah that's
what I'm talking about yeah even even
the the Brandon models though aren't
that much older maybe April yeah so
anyway I just want to put things in
perspective for everybody here what else
wrong I didn't know that would fit go in
every single month so we haven't really
talked about Kit Kat so at all ya know I
was trying to you do Nexus 5 and then
KitKat so I mean you know I put up a
report today about about Kit Kat after
having talked to a bunch of hundred guys
so I have a you know a theory of it like
there's KitKat and then there's KitKat
on the Nexus 5 which are two slightly
different things but very different
so what's interesting is as of right now
and nobody believes me about this for
some reason including dan it's dude the
nexus 5 launcher is only available on
the Nexus 5 right now and Google doesn't
hasn't said and hasn't I don't think is
decided if they want to put it on
anything else including the nexus 4 or
google play edition devices they want to
see how people like it that just sounds
so insane to me that the fact that it's
like would be on the Nexus 5 and not on
the Nexus 4 or the nexus 7 or any other
Nexus device for that matter like it
just it's it's hard for me to wrap my
head around it may I mean that's what
they told you and I don't disbelieve
that that's what they told you and
everything I just feel like it's one of
those things that in a couple weeks when
the nexus 4 is 4.4 update arrives it's
just going to be there yes I see this
going one of a few ways i mean if if
they do in fact keep it exclusive to the
nexus item even if they put on the nexus
4 i mean the thing to realize is that
the nexus is no longer about like being
the premier just android device it's now
like a google device the you know google
now is right on the home screen and you
can search google from the phone dialer
and your default oh no stop oh my god i
didn't say okay whatever search google
whatever um sorry it's just responding
to me automatically the sound of my
voice in the launcher on sedar hangouts
as a default messaging app etc etc etc
so like yours if it goes that way then
like what we're looking at here is like
there's samsung's version of android and
there's HTC's version of android and now
there's google's version of android
which is kind of crazy right but the the
thing that makes me believe that they
might even consider putting this thing
into the google play store the this
launcher available for like any device
is if you go into settings there's a top
level setting for home and you tap that
and then that is how you choose your
launcher you don't have to go into app
settings anymore
and mess with this garbage of like
clearing defaults for mantra rap it's
just right there and you can switch
between them very easily this just
worked like apex didn't need to update
itself to to make this happen like
Google just figured it out same thing
with their cloud storage picker like
Dropbox was just in there which is kind
of amazing anyway so like if they decide
not only do they want to put it on Nexus
devices but they want to just put it on
google play like they did with their
keyboard it would be a huge for you to
Samsung and makes you see an LG
everybody else because they are there is
now at the very very first setting after
like your radios is switching your home
screen to something else and it's like
sorry Samsung nobody wants your skin
we're gonna give Mars so that would be
sorry blinkfeed right yeah this isn't
that this is like the ultimate security
because like HTC blinkfeed is the
leftmost screen and now it's google now
yeah it's well it's really interesting
HTC has been very aggressive in saying
that they will be deploying 4.4 to its
devices I think even all the US carrier
devices within 90 days so we really
interesting to see how all of this
google now integration stuff works with
HTC's launcher but i just wanted to say
that the reason that i think that this
their google has literally no reason to
keep this exclusive to the nexus 5
simply because you can turn off the
google now integration in the launcher
if you turn off google now it's no
longer your left mouse home screen
you've got a standard type of home
screen that you know android has had for
however many years so if they're
concerned that people might not like it
there's always the option that you can
just turn it off even at every OEM
they'll want to push it on people you
have an every OEM seems to have its own
idea of how Google now should be
accessed right like yeah nobody is doing
it the same way and I think that that's
going to continue to be the case I mean
there's no sign that samsung or HTC are
going to let off their their
customizations or Sony especially Sony
especially well I'd say especially
samsung I mean Samsung's got competing
services for everything that Google's
pushing right now they've got chaton no
wait that's oh that Simpson yes
sorry no something just triggered Google
now and I don't know what I said that
triggered it it's really creepy I just
realized that that Samsung has chat on
and LG has not gone yeah but those are
actually like two totally different
features like they're using like what
like yes and I would like to point out
that the knock-on is exponentially more
useful than chat on but i will say that
when when when LG launches its own
messaging service which you know by all
accounts are probably will it's gonna be
called like talk around or something
samsung has launched its own messaging
yeah yeah yeah because it's gonna like
run Samsung's name through a translator
and then back again it's gonna be like
I'll talk around ok so that whole like
Android politics aside like a kit kats
really nice they got rid of almost all
the tron there's still some blue here
and there if you go hunting for it like
like the switches are blue and then like
not the main power down menu but the
last like that we're going to turn it
off now pop-up is blue but on that
everything is white when you scroll and
you hit the end of a scroll thing it's
white it's wicked fast on this phone
they've added a whole bunch of just like
plumbing features they added the file
picker which i think is still like one
of androids key advantages it makes it a
real computer and you can actually
attach stuff to stuff and not have to
worry about you know will your phone let
you do that are leave using to me how
many how many apps that are on iOS where
you have to like that there's like a
file attached feature and it just like
it takes you to the photo roll and it's
like what that's not that's not what i
mean by attached like that you can't
make make the logical jump from i want
to attach something to this 20 that must
mean you want to attach a picture
because there is no other kind of data
yeah and the the dialer is awesome i
mean the the search google stuff is fine
it works but the the the smartly putting
your your most contacted contacts up
there like so far it's been great
figuring out who I actually want on it
and the my favorite feature though is
they finally
finally added smart dialing to the dial
pad t9 so you just type somebody's like
for dad you know be three to six there
you are like so I hate to burst your
bubble on this but they added that in 43
no they didn't yeah it really an iPad
autocomplete try some reason it wasn't
4.3 it was it was not enabled by default
for some inane reason you had to go into
dialer settings and enable dial pad
autocomplete but well now I feel like in
maroon thanks a lot oh this position
raises a good point here which is that
I've jumped into 4.4 with the nexus 5 it
just being pressed by so many things but
in writing up on notes for the review
for kit kat what I've noticed that what
you guys have pointed out to me is that
quite a few of the features that you
impress me now have been implemented in
like 4.2 and 4.3 actually brand-new to
ya to the stock Android experience and
this is actually the fact of the matter
i've been using pretty much every one of
the latest android 4.1 ever devices out
there and all of these skins have
managed to hide really nice really
beautiful designs that Google has done
and just obscure them and just not let
me know that they're they're out there
um but I mean just to add to what detail
said it's mostly white this some of it
which I can see there like a light grey
but that I'm falling into the penalty
that I accused ammo but I feel like this
neutral color scheme is very nice it's
very easy on the eyes and the apt role
now is just beautiful you know all the
icons have been kind of enlarged a
little bit so just simplified and there
are no settings which I things were
bonus they took widgets out of the app
drawer which never made sense to me ever
and they put brought back the long press
on the home screen to add widgets which
we haven't seen since what 2.3 I think
yeah so you wouldn't cause a community
that shows a few things and I don't I'm
not worried about anybody getting
confused by that to be honest yeah yeah
you know I think it's a great cake with
I'm going to settings yeah but you know
it's like just go into the nth row this
is really symbolic for me because there
are no settings it is organized in a bit
cooler you don't get a choice to screw
around with you order whereas i'm using
things like nova launcher whatever and
they have pages and pages of settings
for trolls and app talks and home
screens and whatever and they're fun to
square around with but ultimately i
really just want to pick up a phone and
have somebody make these design
decisions for me and this is what I like
this is what I'm droid is saying that
like that they're actively making
decisions and saying this is a good way
for you to use this get used to it home
screens for example on have one but if I
want to add a new app you'll
automatically generate a new home screen
for me and I don't get the choice I have
like five blank home screens and I have
to delete them all there were just all
of these subtle little things which is
just automated and dumb for you and just
make the process of using the phone that
much more straightforward this were like
I really feel like the whole experience
in the stream line and my favorite
highlight actually is when I got to set
an alarm and you try and do that now and
it is just beautiful circular you right
yeah the time at the hour in the minutes
and it's functioning not any more useful
to know the other interfaces but it just
makes me happy to do it I don't know I'm
actually my favorite alarm feature is a
something like I don't know a half hour
before alarm is going to go off some
some period before I don't know what it
is it actually pops down a notification
for you saying that your alarm is going
to go off in 10 minutes or five minutes
or a half hour or whatever and then you
can like dismiss it right from there
like no I'm awake I don't need this
alarm now and get rid of it it's amazing
it's great I use it all the time because
apparently now i wake up at four thirty
in the morning everything I'll tell you
what's a hot mess though is hangouts
yeah I Wakata business but I don't hang
out with anybody other than you guys so
so the big thing with with KitKat and
the new version of hangouts that came
with kick and it's going to be delivered
to other phones or whatever is that
Google's finally integrating SMS
messages into hangouts which people have
wanted since the day hangouts
launched arm but it's doing it in
probably the most ham-fisted clunky way
that it could possibly be done instead
of threading your conversations with a
single contact into one string of
conversation whether it's on hangouts or
SMS it's forcing separate threads for
SMS and separate threads for hangout
conversations which is just bifurcating
and confusing and messy and yeah oh I
mean that now I mean you know if your
google you can't make it work like I
message and just have things switch over
to a message because you don't know what
the recipient but what what phone
they're using you know we're hangouts is
installed whatever but yeah it's like
you know it's not that hard to just you
know have a single conversation per
person and have multiple accounts I'd
much rather think about conversations
per person and switch between my two
google accounts or SMS then switch to
one of two google accounts and then look
for the SMS conversation or the Hangout
conversation like I know that like
there's some level of confusion by
threading everything but it's way better
than just sticking stuff all over the
place like I need to remember that is
one good eye on yeah right I mean you
said level s 1 point 0 actually did that
it threaded google talk messages in with
SMS and that's exactly why Pena is
supposed to do and later on other
services as well but you know that was
2009 come on yeah but I mean blackberry
has been doing that for a long time too
yeah yeah I'm just saying like there's
there's lots of examples of people that
have solved this problem and not that
their solutions were perfect but they
are better than the solution that
hangouts is going with right now how
much the only benefit is now I think you
mentioned this in your either your
review of KitKat or another report on
Cake Eaters that now I only have one
icon on my home screen as opposed to two
or three right yeah so they had this was
this was Hiroshi eighties point Roshi
lock timers point they had a Google+
messenger and google talk and SMS and
those three are now a single icon so
that's nice actually there's something
somebody ate was asking on Twitter I
on the Jergens was asking how do you
know you have a data connection so now
that all the icons are white the status
bar icon the signal strengths icons are
always white and it used to be that like
those would be gray and then they would
turn blue when it they knew that they
had a solid connection to google and
then you also got little up/down arrows
in the inside the little status bars
tell you what your data was doing if it
was downloading a bunch data or
uploading a bunch of data and so far as
I can tell all that's gone so you just
have to trust that you've got a solid
and good internet connection I guess I
haven't been on a captive portal since I
started using this so maybe it gives you
some indication if it looks like you've
got an internet connection but you don't
but that's sort of like instant quick I
know that my data connection is solid
indicator in the status bar you've lost
that but you do get an indication that's
better about when GPS is active that's
over on the right now and there's a
location shortcut that shows you the
absa to like most recently paying your
location and like how much battery
they're using so they fix just similar
to yeah that's similar to what iOS does
this for data it gives you four recent
location I think that's great and you
can now choose different modes of
location services you can choose a high
accuracy which group will tells you will
use the most battery life you can turn a
battery saving mode on which will drop
GPS and only use Wi-Fi triangulation and
cellular triangulation so that's that's
a much more user-friendly way to manage
it and hopefully save some battery life
so actually just about a status bar the
thing the you know the signal bars that
used to and blued it's only white and
they're kind of I don't see an issue
with distinguishing and you know when
you have a good signal from a bad signal
that there's a good enough contrast
between the white Edith are gray there
but yeah I'm not noticing like you're
saying the up-and-down vertical pause
when you're having data transfers which
were handy from the previous interfaces
but it's something else I wanted to note
on Nexus oranges don't have service
sorry Vlad and I'm interrupting McGee
again but twitter tells me I'm rather
it's orange if you don't have a full
connection man I like that orange I've
seen it on my Wi-Fi and I
you think that's just like a good
highlight color to replace the blue it's
just party Wi-Fi I was like that's a
nice subtle orange color yeah easy it
really is i mean still a nice color just
not a happy one you look at it on this
phone but um a couple of quick hardware
points to add with a nexus 5 the owner
brightness is actually driving me nuts
are so much better you're wrong well I
mean I might be wrong about one part
which is that I find it too bright by
default which you know kind of a
subjective issue but it also hunt around
and look for me so I would just be
reading a piece of play white text and
nothing would change about my lighting
it would just go up and down up and down
and try and figure out where the hell it
is so that's one huh that the speaker
the loudspeaker in this handset is an
afterthought it's just really really
weak yeah I mean it's fine for ringtones
and notifications but I mean the HTC One
Syria just embarrasses this yeah that's
there just say that because it's not on
the back anymore it's down at the bottom
with the charging port is and in theory
that you know makes it a better
projection if you have a place on them
it's exactly the same places in the LG
g2 but it is nothing like the one of the
LG g2 interesting it's exactly but
nothing like I'm not another point
actually comparing it to the g2 is the
microUSB port at the bottom somebody
asked me about us on Twitter it's it's
upside down on the Nexus 5 rights to the
g2 so it's not the same orientation I
don't know what to say about that hey
very someone wanting to know in your
opponent has a whole lot of hunting for
brightness level problems but i will say
like it maybe it might is a little bit
too bright on the auto brightness but
i'd much rather have that than the dim a
cluster that was not much religious how
work correctly well it doesn't the g2
and you and the g2 should start on G and
the g2 and that knock on function dude
we're in love
it's the reason that knock on function
exists is because it's fixing something
that's broken with the g2 to begin with
well you know what it double tap to wake
the kid did it in the end nine and all
of these other devices i'm just saying
everybody every single phone
manufacturer needs to have this on their
phone double tap to wake that would talk
to put it to sleep it just makes sense
but also LG that skin it is terrible I'm
install cyanogenmod on g2 and I can't
everybody it's easy enough to root it
sent your motor stable enough to use on
a daily basis so thumbs up but LG does
actually have good things about it skin
probably like one good thing which is
that when you plug in a headphone or the
micro USB port you get a little
animation showing it as if it's like
going into the device it just kind of
pumps in and pops out and just tells you
yes I have a headphone jack in me and
it's just really cool to me I just
really like that animation okay I'm not
getting in support but I say it's a good
thing about that skin I like that
anything else that we have to say about
I mean you know I wrote the kick-out
review we've all you guys helped
pitching on that we've got the nexus 5
review got the report that went up today
like there's we've heard a lot about
this thing what doesn't what I really
want to know and if we're gonna just
leave on Google stuff ah it's like the
unanswered question of google has talked
a lot about how Kit Kat has been slimmed
down and tightened up and runs good on
or runs well on devices with lower
memory devices you're slower processors
and stuff like that so I want to see
what Google put its money where its
mouth is I want to see one of these
low-end devices running KitKat it runs
great on the Nexus 5 but by all accounts
the next 25 is one of the fastest phones
you can buy right now well so glad
actually wrote a report about this yeah
I want I want to know I want to see it
so I'm saying yeah a isn't that is the
billion-dollar question the way that
they did this Dave are told us that the
way that they initially tested it on low
end as they took a nexus 4 and they
crippled it they cut it down to 512 megs
of ram and they hop on the processor so
that I couldn't go at full speed
need to look like a cheap dual-core
processor and they lowered the
resolution down to qhd and like they say
that it runs great they say that there's
going to be devices coming up pretty
quick with it like they were down to
like they know the exact like model and
type of ram that these people are using
and that's what they decided to target I
mean they need to get gingerbread off
the market just period like every time
that pie chart comes up and it still got
a huge wedge of like the installment
well it's still greater than twenty six
percent and this is great and twenty-six
percent of devices with Play Store axis
which is terrible like that means
there's way more that don't write
earlier this year I don't know if it's
still there but earlier this year there
was definitely at least one device on 18
TS online store that had froyo I that's
not a joke it was that's that's that's
not going to change ATT is not gonna
push an update to that whatever that
device was and give it well I think it
was a ripe industrial scanner or
something knows it was the phone LG it
was a phone that they launched and
immediately forgot it was the sharp FX
plus or whatever oh my god the one that
looked like a sidekick but running
Android so anyway that's neither here
nor there I would just says you guys are
saying about Q&A somebody asked us is
the nexus 5 a good upgrade if you
already happy with the nexus 4 and i
think the answer today is absolutely
obvious know if you're happy with your
device there is no good upgrade might
just stay happy you have your device
carry on with your life III don't
necessarily buy that because you don't
know what you're there are many kinds of
devices where you don't know what you're
missing and that like I think that the
for me personally the ipad is the most
obvious example no and more generally
tablets but that that specifically
because it was the first like really
huge mass market tablet that everyone
owned we're like you don't understand
how it fits into your life until you
own it and that was certainly true for
me and obviously upgrading from one
phone to another is a little bit
different than upgrading you know buying
an entirely new kind of class of device
but still there are definitely features
or like transformational differences in
performance or screen quality that could
qualify is like yes you don't know it
yet but you need to buy this device but
I i think it's a chess out here correct
me if I'm wrong but that the Nexus 5 is
not that kind of upgrade uh it is if you
live in a place with LTE and you're not
oh yeah oh yeah that's like if you got
three or fifty bucks to burn and you've
got LTE in your area that's compatible
to Nexus 5 then dude spend the 315
you're gonna be pretty happy right but
the point was the premise of the
question was I am already happy okay
I'll ruin that haha best of old deaf
person is such a rarity in bottom world
like I want to congratulate them and
just say you know carry on whatever the
hell you're doing and you guys like what
about the opportunity cost you have to
really consider sister such no I give
you a happy carry on I one day why wish
I could be my it with a gadget like that
man one day you might just encounter LTE
randomly and fall in love with it and
have this you know runaway bromance
together but let that be in your future
and it just happened that's right I I
say if you're happy stop just stop not
i'll be happy i'm not i do not want you
to be happy whatever phone you don't
currently own is better than what you
currently have don't care what it is
what phone you currently have what phone
you're looking at like you're not ready
not as happy as you collect if you can i
was actually trying to you know take to
demia 10 20 in the nexus 5 together that
would have made me happy so before we
move on from google i want to touch on
another subject that i think frankly has
not gotten the attention it deserves and
that's a this absurd like arbitrary
18-month limitation on upgrades that
disqualifies the Galaxy Nexus from 4.4
oh yeah and Google is not trying to hide
this there
very very open about the fact that it is
just getting forgotten because they have
this 18-month rule even though you know
it's there very two-faced about it
because on the one hand they're saying
4.4 is great for low-end devices and
then on the other hand they're saying oh
but this this two-year-old phone that
could very very easily run for this new
operating system isn't going to get an
upgrade and I think it's it's little
it's it's it wouldn't be as weird if it
weren't for the fact that Hugh you have
apple basically on Anna running there is
give me a rolling three-year upgrade
path for all of its phones and then
Google just hasn't even for its own line
has no interest in in following suit and
when you consider that the the two-year
contract still isn't dead in the US
they're basically saying your device
will be e 0 elled before your contract
is even over which is just kind of a
slap in the face basically if I owned a
Galaxy Nexus I would be super upset
there's millions of these Galaxy Nexus
is out there they sold a ton of these
things to a bunch of developers and just
everybody everybody they're everywhere
they should really find a way to do it
and the 18-month thing like I'm sorry
that that's that any any policy that
google tells you that they have about
upgrades is a lie it's like it's it's
whatever whatever makes the most sense
than to say based on what they've
decided to do that day and with the
Galaxy Nexus the story is that it's got
this TI processor and TI's not around
and like they don't have somebody to
like help them do the thing they need to
do to make it work on 4.4 like that's I
think that's the real thing it's that's
got its got this TI processor on it but
that's still BS because like TI still
exists and they're still making o maps
they're just not selling them to
smartphone vendors you can't tell me
that they can't like I first of all
google has a copy of the of the omap
three is a sitting in their lab like
they can figure out how to program for
nomad 3 like anybody has if anybody has
resources to throw at it it's google
it's receiving i'm out here now to map
three and yeah we're not talking about
some tiny startup manufacturer we're
talking about one of the largest
Internet companies
world that has tens of thousands as
engineers right and just man they got to
make sure that they are putting either
good guy resources into helpouts so that
people can get their multi-level
marketing MLM schemes running oh boy and
with that we should director our viewers
to go watch scam world again which is
still a fantastic piece on our site so
there are no MLMs on helpouts yet but
there aren't any now because everybody
gets back crunch ected and whatever from
cool it's only only well you can only
get your makeup checked with Sephora and
have someone teach you how to spackle
the wall or learn to play the guitar I
don't want to talk about helpouts um
okay we got a blackberry we gotta like
so they didn't they do we have to have
you as a strong word they just did we do
because this sad blackberry is actually
interesting they they they they didn't
get that they didn't get sold they got
an infusion of cash from the investment
firm that wanted to buy them but
couldn't pull in enough bankers to
actually support buying him so it said
they just threw some money at him which
is totally insane and torsten Heinz is
out and a new guy John Chen yeah is in
and let's just be very clear that
tourists in hinds was paid 22 million
dollars to fail he walks away with more
money than most of us will make in our
entire lifetimes let's just get that out
on the table so absurd I mean I've said
numerous times about how he walked into
a really bad situation and a lot of what
happened with blackberry was not
entirely his fault but at the same time
in the 18 months or however long he was
in term as CEO he didn't do anything to
improve its situation it just got worse
and worse and worse and so by all
accounts he failed at his job and he
still comes out walking away with a
eight figures in his pocket right that's
the guarantee with any CEO position this
was the thing that I was thinking the
other day while I was eating parsley I
don't know I just had this strong
association obviously partying thinking
about my crucifix firstly is not an
entree parsley is not now safer closely
the stuff but it was the strongest
flavor at the time okay just personally
has no flavor it's like I'm talking
about my god dammit leave the posse of
parsley has flavor posses beautiful I
don't think there is anything that
cannot be improved by you know little
sprinters policy I think of all right
but seriously so you can have sympathy
for thorsten heins because rather like
steven e lub he was left in a situation
where they weren't that many right moves
for him to make like whatever decision
he was making ultimately he was also an
issue execution with blackberry like
yeah here's decision to switch to
blackberry 10 and be aggressive and the
earlier yadda might have been perfect if
they actually could code a mobile OS if
they were capable of doing that and you
know doing things like an emo plan but
they just weren't they kind of suck to
their job wholeheartedly and university
like I wouldn't just pin it on post
Heinz I don't think you really helped
things there was that quote from him
saying we're innovating too much to have
differentiated products we should
differentiate it because they're like
three years behind the curve etc etc he
didn't help things too much but we can't
have too much sympathy something so my
biggest question is uh you know
everyone's calling this interim CEO John
Chen the fixer-upper guy but wasn't
forcing the fixer-upper guy so is just a
fixer-upper for the fixer open he must
be well I mean John Chen has actually
has credentials in doing that because
his previous row he led what was the
name of that company well he led the
revival of a company that was kind of
down in the dumps and was ready to
failure basically so yes a perfect
experience perfect cretaceous for this
job whereas thorson hands was an
internal hire for blackberry so I mean
John Chen has at least more of a I
didn't know if has more of a chance to
revive things now because it's you know
18 months on situations gotten worse but
he seems better qualified at least
okay okay well since since that's that's
all of a hard hard analysis I would just
like to point out that maybe just maybe
part of BlackBerry's problem has to do
with the fact that it just appointed a
new and give me a chance to read this in
full lead director and chair of the
compensation nomination and governance
committee most of those words have been
capitalized Alicia Keys and strange
enough no this is a position that
Fairfax is CEO prem watsa is taking
upper to come at blackberry Fairfax
being the investors that wanted to take
over blackberry and just go to get the
money together but it just kind of notes
that there's like so much middle
management going on and so much like
senior vice president deputy of
management for something in charge of
etc and it just it just sounds like
another terrible model to me but also
notable in the entire blackberry
announcement there was nothing said
about the future even John Chen is an
interim CEO yelled mmm CEO executive
chair of the board so essentially he is
the man in charge he's got the Steve
Jobs position of PEG berry which is
funny cuz see jobs never felt this bad
but anyway he's got his pretty much as
it sounds like he's got as much power as
him but he's an interim position so
blackberries are really committing to
anything in about well they did they did
say one thing and that's they are not
gonna not killing the handset division
dude that that six months on that yeah
yeah we know Keane enhancer division
today right right we're not eating a
cheese sandwich today via every single
um actually parsley out of cheese
sandwich very good yeah geez purse I'm
telling you guys parsley is just for
decoration it has no flavor I'm like I
had this full of vitamins it no it is
full but I'm not disputing that I mean
lots of things are full of vitamins
kales full of vitamins kales hob tail
has flavor ya know kayla is a lot of
flavor okay Kayla's like really
like you have to like either cook it or
like blend it those are your only
options you can t get it wrong oh you
can well you catch I should not have
this outrage spoke against raw
vegetables Vlad I would just like to
point out something you once said to me
which was that you said to me that the
only part of the Apple worth eating is
the skin and and you you got rid of the
rest so your opinion on like the flavor
and value of fruits and vegetables is is
just teetering on the edge teetering on
the brink just to defend that I never
throw away the rest of the Apple I just
let some poor victim eat it because it's
all sugar where's the skin of the Apple
is where the good stuff is also the riot
a pumpkin and squash and all of those
things is the best if we hand started
talking about blackberries yet that
would be great because I could say
speaking of threes and then start
talking about blackberry but we're
already an appellation so anyway the the
z30 I haven't touched one I'm not sure I
ever will touch one I can't wake up
don't you do but every first take I've
seen of this device across the interwebs
seems to suggest that it is the answer
to a question that no one asked which is
it if you love the z10 what would you
buy next so you know it take that for
what you will whoo oh okay Segway Segway
Allah this is the best speaking of
devices and answers to questions nobody
else the LG G flex yeah taking away
Chris I'm give it I'm giving it the
stage is yours you need to tell us about
the flex so the the Flex is a it is not
just a curved phone as we learned from
the many people pointed this out to me
the vaguely sexual video that is honor
on our site right now there is a picture
of a guy pressing repeatedly on top of
the phone to flatten it out of his way
with that thing man he really like if
you looped it
and set it to some sultry music it would
be really over-the-top but but then my
guys are like so god I thought it looked
like CPR I thought he was giving the g
flex CPR but you don't you don't think
CPR is vaguely sexual any way back to
the back to the G flex for one second
the question becomes is so this this
phone is actually flexible hence the
name i guess but like it's just barely
Fleck flexible it's like it's mostly
rigid there's just a little bit of give
in it so it's like what is the point of
that M as Neil I pointed out to us
earlier he's flexing it in the direction
of just being flat so just make a flat
phone what is the function of this
device like this is absolutely this is
like a the most crystal clear focused
case I've seen of both Samsung and LG
flexing their engineering prowess
without putting the cart before the
horse and saying is there actually any
reason for this device to exist because
the answer is no it's very clearly when
I was watching this video the only thing
I could think of was there was a spat of
nokia flip phones that were really thin
and they were you flip him open and you
could put it face down on a desk and you
could like literally like punch the back
of the thing and the spring would just
kind of like give so that it wouldn't
wouldn't snap the phone in half and
that's that's all i can think of when i
was watching him press down on this
upside down g flex we used to do the
flex test on every phone where you would
take it and you would put some torsion
on it and then if it bent that was a
sign of poor quality and I mean
yesterday and that was a sign of poor
quality and you know it's now it's
innovation yeah I have nothing to say
about the g flex other than no no thanks
but as far as I'm concerned and again
this is kind of like comparing Nexus
cameras the g flex is definitely the
better choice than the galaxy round
that's fair although I haven't I haven't
held the galaxy round I haven't seen to
get somebody try and hold the galaxy
round up to their head either I imagine
would be ridiculous yeah cuz nobody's
headed I'm working like an Islander the
pocket ability I'm concerned about
everything why does this phone like I've
you I didn't think why didn't LG and
Samsung just wait another year until
they could actually put this component
this which is an absolutely like magical
wonderful like sci-fi component the the
the concept of a curve bendable display
why they just wait a year until they can
make the rest of the phone bendable and
then show us something really impressive
you know that is a good point you raised
Christian and it's nothing was thinking
of we would go to smart watches and I
think Apple Microsoft Google the big
companies that are holding off on their
smart watches the ones that we keep
hearing rumors that the building one but
they're not releasing one I think
they're doing the right thing because
there is a risk right now that people
will see smart watches and they'll get
birds by the fact that they all pretty
much suck apart from the pebble and then
the whole category kind of just picks up
a terrible reputation and now this kind
of that risk with these flexible devices
you know if they all seem like gimmicks
if they all seem like terrible ideas and
just engineering demos the next time one
comes out it might not get the
perception that it deserves you know
because somebody might actually make
something useful out of the technology
so are you blaming samsung for tanking
the SmartWatch uh market before it began
and Sony I've gotta to SmartWatch 2 from
sorry it's atrocious yeah I had the the
first one the live whatever it was
called like yeah yeah live you who's it
was a heartbreaker really bad the world
of hurt um you know who's not a
heartbreaker no like this is a terrell
transition Chris talk to us about I'm
ignant climber and it sounds like when
we wrote a really good story about her
and I just want to have us all thanked
her yes we should all we all owe our
livelihoods to this amazing woman no and
look no even you've led even though you
are not an American citizen we should
say who she is for people who don't know
yeah so Megan Clyburn was the interim
chairwoman of the FCC for span of about
five and a half six months between the
end of Julius Genachowski tenure and the
beginning of Tom wheelers who has just
confirmed yesterday no that's not true
he's confirmed last week we was sworn in
yesterday and what and she was
previously a commissioner there's there
are three people on the Commission there
is Oh what is her name hold on I'm
getting it a lot of Jessica rosenworcel
no no it does and I'll tell you why it
matters dieter because Jessica
rosenworcel who is a member of the
three-person commission that the FCC is
composed of is the sister of the lead
singer for Guster so I want everybody to
know that um this is a true story you
can look it up so there's Rosen
rosenworcel there's there's Clyburn and
there's a Jeep I all of whom were
appointed by Obama anyway long story
short she was temporarily put into the
position of being the the chairperson to
fill in and she just accomplished a
ridiculous amount in her very brief
tenure typically speaking the FCC is one
of the more bureaucratically challenged
organizations in the federal government
they tend to take years to get anything
done and if you look back over a Jenna
cows Keys tenure really what he did I
mean look I can't take a lot away from
the guy because you know broad wireless
broadband use exploded and he had a
number of like really important
initiatives but at the end of the day
the one thing that sticks out in my mind
that he accomplished was putting the
acts in the ATT tmobile deal right in
the six month span that Clyburn was in
office she uh she basically fired up two
new bands of spy
drum and we all know how rare that is
like spectrum never frees up she is she
freed up two bands well she didn't
personally free them up but she like
launched the the the rulemaking that
happens before the auction she signed
the the enormous sprint clearwire
softbank deal which had been sitting on
her plate for approval so she pushed
that through which ultimately led to
sprint being able to launch this spark
thing which dieter will be talking about
a minute and yes you will you will and
she uh she pushed through some
legislation on Prison long-distance
rates which had been a surprisingly like
big issue that had been like going on
for a decade we're like but basically
what was happening was there these
monopolies providers in prisons that
just completely extort people make phone
calls so it can cost like several
dollars just make a connection and then
several dollars a minute and you can
understand how like you know not
everyone that is in prison is rich so it
makes it very difficult for people
communicate with families and so on and
take it really that is the most
politically correct Peggy door said not
everyone in prison is rich it's true uh
so she was able to push that through
which had been on that CeCe's played for
a long long time so she was just a very
very productive chairperson i think that
the FCC would have been well positioned
to permanently give her the job if that
was an option but it's not like obama
can just say like oh wait nevermind on
wheeler you can just keep the job it
doesn't work that way she would have to
be confirmed and it's you know it's a
whole thing so now we get Tom wheeler
who is a former lobbyist for the ctia
and nacked i think if i remember
correctly so it so in other words he he
represented the wireless industry and
the cable industry and now he runs the
FCC so i think that we are probably in
for a much more pragmatic and borderline
consumer hostile rain as opposed to
who did not come from that world and
previously served on South Carolina's
public service commission so anyway I've
talked about the FCC for far too long no
so saying the important thing to
remember here is that you convinced me
that her name wasn't pronounced minion
Ming Ming gon shoot I just had it minyan
yeah I was watching she's on she was on
c-span and I'd someone just pronounced
her name and I was right and now I
joining us on but i believe it is for
late for hidden is pronounced missionary
go me on minion I was right I was right
the whole time I've heard it pronounced
look I've heard it pronounced both ways
really uh yes um I just I refuse to
refer to somebody as a steak that's
that's my that's my core problem and
when I when I hear mignon I think of
beef and she just gets really weird my
koala nobody really talks about Barack
Obama just use her surname and
pretentious as them first thing in cyber
I guess yeah exactly so or we could give
her a like a cool top gun style nickname
like like fireball or I have to have to
share I did I did have a vision in my
mind when chris said that she opened up
two new bands of wireless of like storm
from the x-men just rising up into the
sky just here somewhere way to say yes
his super wireless we people that is
exactly how it went down by the way um
so anyway she is she was just unusually
productive for someone who was never
expected to really get a lot done she
was effectively a caretaker right she
was a lame dunk a lame duck who was just
there to like fill the seat until tom
wheeler got confirmed and instead she
ended up getting a lot done so kudos yes
okay sprint spark as so sprint they've
got a whole bunch of like random
spectrum that they've acquired over the
years including stuff and clearwire and
whatever else so they've got 800 they've
got 19 and they've got 25 and stuff from
the next hole and so they
finally got everything cleared out that
they can run LTE on it so they've
introduced a sync on spark where they're
claiming they can get speeds up to 60
megabits and it can go faster than that
some day in the future and they say that
they can achieve this by using all that
spectrum on a single phone and so it'll
the Brady pick which one it needs so if
you're in building you lit up with 800
but if you're outside where you can get
the faster stuff you'll get that and
that's that's the story with sprint
spark I've launched it in a few cities
and my guess is that it'll be just like
Sprint's has been for a while where
they'll be like 10 people that have got
amazing service and become sprint
fanboys for life and everybody else sort
of wonders why Sprint is kind of crap
that's really a really hard take but I
know it it seems like a big promise from
them and we've been hearing a lot of big
Network promises from sprint for a long
time and if the wimax thing didn't
already hurt their credibility they're
like everything that's happened since
then certainly has and they just need to
start delivering and they need to start
delivering really fast and hopefully
they can hopefully softbank is going to
dump some money in there and I can go
back to thinking dan hesse is the most
trustworthy guy in mobile but he's not
because a crazy guy McGee over at
t-mobile is that's a good way of putting
it yes also dan hesse doesn't work
neutrality that's right yes right i mean
i will say that you know sprint good am
I here yes i will say that sprint is in
the best position now a better position
now than it's really ever been in the
past five years in order to do these
network enhancements now that it has
softbank's bankrolling and everything
like that and the sport behind it and it
got the approval from the SEC though so
desperately needed um yeah it's just
Alexis 5s camera is the best Nexus
spring position silver linings theatre
where we're pedaling hope you know it is
a long game it's like most people won't
see the benefits of this product until
late 2014 at the earliest assuming they
see it ever so you know sprint really
has to come through on his promises and
really just needs to you know deliver
yeah if they can pull this off it would
be amazing because we're talking about
speeds that make you know my cable
broadband look kind of pokey right right
really Jen a bogus cable modem
do you have I can get 100 megabit in
Chicago well I'm getting files soon so
don't you worry about me I get 100
megabit in the burbs man anyway it would
be a huge deal if they can pull it off
and they've got a bunch of devices they
like tease the nexus 5 at this event
because it was the day before and they
like had it under a little thing and uh
I don't know the other thing that
happened was like you know if you're
talking about speeds that fast at some
point you're like well you're starting
to look like you know standard broadband
provider are you going to do the things
that standard broadband providers do
which is you know charged with different
tiers of service or whatever dennis's
know they're going to continue they're
not going to change their unlimited plan
all that's going to stay the same but
there was sort of a whole I don't
understand why anybody would believe in
net neutrality doesn't make any sense to
me at all I mean you're allowed to
charge more for first class seats why
can't you charge more for first class
internet service ah okay look you're
never going to get anyone in the
wireless industry to tell you that they
want to be regulated more heavily I
guess it's just not gonna happen like so
like I an on one level I understand what
Dan sang uh pesi not seaford just if you
clarify no um Chris Chris never
understands what I'm saying no I never
understand what what Dan is saying um I
understand what he's saying from the
perspective that like I do think the
wireless carrier should be allowed to
to investigate the possibility of
charging different monthly fees for
different speed tiers I would be okay
with that I just like I'm okay with it
on my cable modem like it makes sense to
me I pay more for faster service like
fine that's totally okay but when when
you start up putting when you start
putting up arbitrary barriers around
services or protocols that's where you
start getting into a really nasty gray
area that the FCC so far has refused to
regulate more heavily on like if you
read all of their net neutrality
language throughout the years like
they're very very careful to carve out
an exception for wireless yeah and that
was that was one thing that that Clyburn
didn't change and I'm like I'm sure
there are many good reasons for it not
the least of which is the fact that like
you know they're just too many like
lobbyists hands in the pot but it's yeah
unfortunately there are no strong
regulations preventing that kind of
nonsense from happening but also these
analogies is just bogus this is kind of
like all the people making the argument
comparing things like US government debt
to household debt and whatever it's like
the weather you treat and you manage
your debt in your household which is
like a few thousand dollars or whatever
versus the way that you treat and manage
you know trillions of dollars in us that
and be the world's you know reserve
currency know that those just like
completely not analogous things they
just kind of look the same superficially
so this is where you know dan has his
comparison like well if we offer such
and such service is fine for us as I'll
charge a different price etc like we
just private individual is not supplying
a fundamentally important lifeline to
people I mean literally sprint so some
damn bunch of a lifeline because count
that many customers but still you know
it's it's a vital service you can't just
treat it like it's you know some luxury
to people you know pick and choose angry
with Chris different prices for
different levels of service here fine
but you shouldn't be prioritizing
traffic right
that's it that also is it I believe for
the Virgin Mobile show thank you
everybody very much for watching us
listening to us and having feels with us
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dan's dtc for chris's that power Vlad as
Vlad Sabbath not to be confused with lab
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