
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The Verge at CES 2017

for five years the verge stormed the floor at CES and brought you all of the gadgets robots and other crazy tech we found interesting this year the team is packing up and headed to Vegas like never before everything's under control we're cramming our reporters back in the trailer tossing them in drunk ages and sending them racing down the Vegas Strip and questionable vehicles all for your benefit we have new angles new platforms and an entirely new brand to bring you the best at CES all right from the newest and latest tech trends two gadgets that border on the bizarre will lay the path for the technology we see today and what we'll see five years from now the verge defines the world by its ever-changing technology and CES sets the stage for that in 2017 and beyond shining on my face so park your hoverboards land your drones and keep your eyes locked on the verge for all of our CES coverage
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