
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The Vergecast 072: Facebook goes Home

hey and welcome to the verge cast for the week of april first 2013 I'm Josh Topolsky nilay patel david pearson yes yeah and uh just today you're nilay patel yeah note and we're back we're back on the verge cast uh and actually well of course the verge Casas the where we discussed the weekend uh I just we were just adjust what's good talk about that we're at the point this forward to tell you what we're talking about uh but we're actually starting this one off on kind of a kind of a downer note kinda sad note we just learned that Roger Ebert passed away at the age of 70 after a long battle with cancer which I guess just he kind of beat it yeah and it came back which is which is cool of cancer by the way to do that uh it's very surprising right yeah yesterday published a long piece saying he was taking a leave of presence yeah that's what it was his phrasing uh and he was just gonna publish less he was he he'd been at a frenetic pace so it's very surprising that uh yeah you don't expect he said he was gonna take he was just going to kind of step up step back and now he's dead yet which is very depressing and weird yeah so I don't know we don't know what have I don't know what that with how you know I assume the dudes cancer-related yeah and I nothing s impossible it's not but no details I have been forthcoming and on but what will the post up on the site about it because I think what's interesting about Ebert is that he he went from uh and he was always a multimedia guy mean he obviously had his column uh and then he had a show yep uh and but he really you know when he when he lost he lost his voice due to the yet the cancer uh and he really started blogging and tweeting like Twitter was he was all over for ya I almost from the start and he really had a second life I feel like online yeah and they're always wonderful stories about like he people would ask him and he would describe I guess he wrote everything on like little pieces of paper or wood type it and he would always talk about like I'd still feel like I have my voice because I have twitter yeah I was like that's the best reason to use Twitter I've ever is pretty cool yeah and and um you know it's uh as a film critic you know you could agree or disagree with them I had both experiences and often where I was like yes totally with you on this one then that time fan but you know great writer great great storyteller about stories you know one of the things I thought he was always uh mazing that is being able to say to tell you about a movie about telling you about the movie yeah yeah they talk about izing the plot talk about a film and tell you what it's like and what you you know whether you like it or not or whether he thinks you like it or not or whether he liked it without sort of just telling you what the talent of ur of a crabber reviewer of a critic night the only movie reviews i had read is a method do something else we only reason I ever ran Reba tree really you mean day AO scott or i mean i would say that those would be like metacritic and then i would click over and then every day I I I read a lot of reviews I did to ironically Berman who I should agree why do you I read them for like their literary value mostly but Eva was the one was like if he hated a movie i just wouldn't go see that movie and he was the only one who ever really really to me yeah i feel like you know just in terms of film criticism in general uh it's very subjective I mean it's one thing to say like this phone is sluggish bris with this one's not but I'm saying yeah you know like that's not really like an opinion sure either is or it isn't er uh I mean to some degree you know art is a little different to review and you know film is the most is really like filming music of the most reviewers right uh I always take reviews the grain of salt but his were always the first ones that I checked yeah you know you guys I okay whatever give it yeah I was very definitive a lot of movies that I definitely did not like pretty high ratings now I mean Ebert loved like he kind of went for the big spectacle movies in addition to the weird small movies a mass-market movie yes just like her guy you know like the movie man of the few times he would leave and be like I like that movie and I shouldn't have but I don't care he's a man of the people he spoke he spoke his mind it is very sad though yeah I also like really really hated some movies and was like not afraid oh you back you know when he really hated movie that was his bet I was Ebert at his best like there's this one I was looking at her a bunch of people were tweeting his North review which is a movie I remember nothing about I guess Elijah Wood isn't it more Rob Reiner directed it okay the Jason Alexander's not wearing a bad not ring on how it wasn't good but he the third the last paragraph in this review is I hated this movie hated hated hated hated hated this movie hated it hated every simpering stupid vacant audience insulting moment of it hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it Wow like a kind of really want to see this movie I mean that is really intense yeah that is amazing and it's like he you know printed that in a newspaper he put in his paper that way into the hands of the public yeah how depressed for the people who made that movie the movie probably made eleven dollars yeah we've never heard of it perfect what's it about I don't know it's that it's about it if you know what north is about call us something going up north I don't think the opposite of south I don't think it's a sequel sir I'm having a hair issue if it's back shot oh wow return he plays a kid with inattentive parents he being Elijah Wood decided to go into court free himself of them and go on a worldwide search for nicer parents yes I'm shocking this I'll be honest that sounds bad that sounds like a bad idea for a movie yeah any also so so very sad news today and obviously our condolences to his family his wife and uh and that's just a downer but this is like what they do on the news this is said they're so good on the Doozer like you know for dead in a you know shooting and coming up it fuzzy the bear he's not real some people think you uh know but we're not in today was actually a big news day Hugh James day yeah the biggest news day ever in the history news wait can I say one more your birthday I just thought of yes because we ran a big piece from been about bioshock yeah earlier this week and Ebert was I would say the one place where I always disagreed with Roger Ebert because I read his reviews canonically like they're the ones that i read right but he was insistent that video games could not be our yeah and I think that's the one area where he just didn't have it daily didn't bat a big thing about bioshock infinite yeah but how this is conclusively art did he back away from that a little bit now he was a he he was actually very much like I'm not acknowledging no more I'm dying yeah yeah what was his logic was it his logic was that because we did it you interact with in it's fundamentally game right so there's like checking which asses on art which I think like chess players would often be like you know you're right and I think that's actually very interesting i think there is there there was his ability to like write a review of movies like unquestioningly great and then there is this now this burgeoning additional type of narrative and story yeah i'm in it that to me is the the one place where I think he had a little I think he had a blind spot for that but it's it's understandable i mean if you spent your life reviewing film yeah it and you don't intuitively your natively understand or play video games you know i think our generation comes to the minute from a very different perspective than his generation you and I we should actually shot but i think he reviewed a couple of Game four wire nosy and i think that's like you know that it would have been irritable of yeah for a while ago i would have loved to see him review bioshock yeah yeah are like so this new breed of games it is like deeply immersive and like very narrative driven since that's like since you brought it up we talked about bioshock you haven't talked about yet right on the on the verge cast Oh Eva I'm being told you were backtracked yeah I just saw that he did backtrack yeah that's what I thought but I'm but it's just one person well III hope you got a chance to see bioshock infinite it's all ok so the have you played i haven't played it yet but the one thing I renders injury or me you're you're in life is meaningless I that solon told ya but I want to know if this is true with the guy i read a review i can't remember where it was but what the review was saying was basically all of the bed parts of Bioshock are when you're not actually playing the game when you're just walking around seeing the world and well there's new distracts from what so awesome okay so I think that it is it is an action game and that the action is fun and entertaining have you played it no okay the action is fun entertaining and it works and it's can be thrilling at times very much not the thing that's most interesting to the air seems really awesome yeah it's cool it's fine it's nothing it's not like incredible like I've never had an experience like this the thing that's incredible is that the world is is ridiculously lavish and and clearly like the attention to detail so overwhelming in the world that they create and that just the the idea of the world that they create and the the storyline is uh just uh you know unbelievably compelling I have to say I was it of extremely compelling storyline extremely well formed characters I mean what is like the basic story can you tell me that ruining the whole game um you play a character named booker dewitt strong name who is uh I'm just as a spoiler alert I don't know what constitutes a spoiler anymore who is sent to retrieve a girl that uh named Elizabeth from a city that floats above the America that floats in this is as much as in the trailer you should a city that is basically a sovereign nation called Columbia uh which is based on I would say it's a it takes patriotism to a religious extreme it's like a religiously like like Lincoln and George Washington and Jefferson are deities to the people who live in columbia and and so there's there's there's a religious fervor to all the citizens into and it's and it's it's run by a the city is run by a guy called the profit that his name is Comstock general Comstock also a strong name um and that's as much as I'll say about that and then you shoot is about it's about a man in trouble okay in a girl in trouble and that's a by the way that David Lynch he went on The Tonight Show and and uh when he was promoting lost highway and and Jay Leno asked him what it was about he said it's about a man in trouble and he went on to promote Mulholland Drive and he asked was by accident it's about a woman in trouble uh it i would say it's about it is this game is about a man and woman in trouble but but justjust and we don't we can move on Joseph talk about yeah I just have to say um just an incredibly compelling story incredible pacing it definitely is a is a game where you like kind of immediately fall in love with the characters in it and you understand them and they're really well formed and and and the deeper you go the more like I was playing just so I could get to the next part of the story you know I was like exploring the city but and you can do all sorts of different things and I probably didn't see all of what you can see but I just I just wanted to know what the story was because it creates an incredibly interesting fascinating story and um and I have to say that the that the game completely fulfilled you know my wildest hopes for it and when it ended I had a feeling that was and I don't think these two things are really related but there's a kurt vonnegut book called breakfast of champions which is you know might be my favorite certainly my for a favorite kurt vonnegut's story book and it might be my one of my favorite books ever price second favorite book ever and when it ends you feel just like speechless mhm and that's how I felt at the end of Bioshock in five so somebody send me the Ebert stuff here's what happened okay so he wrote in what a good could say we're back to Ebert Eber 2010 right he wrote video games to never be art and then later he wrote my error in the first place he didn't backtrack off the statement he said my error in the first place was to think I could make a convincing argument in purely theoretical grounds and I still believe you video games remember you are with capital a but I should have never said so some opinions are best kept to yourself mmm interesting which is like another like a snake like Ebert not quite a backtrack yes I mean he does say what was it I would never express an opinion on a movie I hadn't seen which is like him being like I don't know yeah that's a really good point though if you don't if you haven't played all the best game yeah it's kinda hard to say whether or not I met but I think this is like to me this is the the fascinating thing it's I for somebody whose opinion I valued so highly to see where that the point had come where you could be like to play this one it will definitively change your mind yeah and that yeah that's that's me is like that what up with bioshock yeah it seems to me I don't know he may look he anybody may have some people may play this and go I know Josh talking about I don't know what every so up in arms about I mean it has been a critically like almost universally critically acclaimed game polygon gave it a 10 right which is a huge deal yeah basically perfect and I and I don't disagree I mean I've never felt more um satisfied or excited about you know it just is an amazing experience and I was probably near tears at the end of the game yeah i mean really is it really is pretty bonkers like and as a person is read a lot of you know I've done a pretty good amount of fiction reading science fiction and fantasy uh and just you know straight you know literature uh I think it works on the in the way that like the some of the best artworks yeah and in fact you know that I think you I think the people who play it will see similarities to a lot of modern serialize modern stuff uh-uh I don't want to say what but i think it was it let's just say that there have been a very popular serialize modern works of fiction on television that that that took a lot longer to get through were far less rewarding uh then then this game so I in storage wars story I mean Pawn Stars seasons one through three if you see the one that's in a trailer park that is uh no whatever I called if it's not duck dynasty I don't what it's called like it's all everyone or something it's it's just what duck dynasty's okay like a breakaway runaway hit not break it's amazing yeah yeah everybody should watch it immediately okay let's talk about let's talk about to talk about Myrtle Manor is what it's called okay watch we are sticking in there is like Myrtle manors at off Brad no because there's no in duck dynasty it's like they're successful because they make the duck calls right Myrtle manors just literally it's TLC exploiting people live in a trailer park yeah they're like are you poor yeah and it's amazing a camera here it's like shot beautifully like they shoot everything like the magic hour so it's like gorgeous oh yeah yeah uh I saw I just saw show that was like this on on like the UH some weird channel like the detective Chandler where was it was you know but cajun justice or so yeah and it was like they were falling around some new orleans and so beautiful and it looks like it looks like a documentary the most beautifully shot documentary what are you doing yeah I said I saw they were gonna fire the security guard cuz he kept on hitting himself in the face of the like a water like what am I watching here with you saw it was a given his I even another one TLC show ended and the other one began yes of water what has happen initially was 11 hours yeah I blame I was really worried about this security guard I don't know if this is founded but I blame Ryan Seacrest for this I I mean I feel like it's subway he's responsive look at my facebook Myrtle Manor of the internet so facebook today so I get so distracted by people walking by your I should I should learn to ignore it but I haven't I don't hate by the way can I just say I hate this arrangement i feel like i'm doing this is russ 5 it's yeah but like I need to be just looking so honestly look at the viewer yeah I'm look look into their eyes I like it knew I uh yeah you guys look at each other worse so now this is uncomfortable time so Facebook huge news today yeah Facebook home a launcher home screen replacement for Android not that big of a deal that has a bunch of it is pretty interesting function but it kinda is because it seems like it like it doesn't sound like that big deal because it's just a launcher know there's a million launchers out there but which seems to totally hide everything else about Android no ish but present so Google now I talked to dieter it was at the event so we did her and brian and alice there and they play to the stop I just tossed me the dialer is going to be whatever your the dialers there right even it's it's over touchwiz it's it's over sense yeah it's a launch I mean I use apex launcher on every phone that I have that's not a stock phone and like this one x sorry not with this one and it's just a while it's just a 1 i'm sorry um and it just is the home screen in the drawer right and then when you leave that you're in another app yeah and it's whatever that Google now is there yeah and I don't know after they're they're not doing the little chat heads right in it with that just a home launcher that has to be the phone itself now I think China ads are I think it is part of the yet part of the law so how could you how could you be in another app and have chat heads appear I know because they were demoing chat heads on TouchWiz phone they had three phones we you know obviously our team is like nerding out one or what is Jack now how did that ? because I don't know of a I mean I guess it's a messaging absolutely they were showing dizzam they were showing a vacation they were switching back and forth between an HTC phone and a samsung phone yeah during that when they were doing it during the stream and all of that swiftkey installed like literally our team was like zapper during the stream when they were showing us yeah and the chat heads were definitely in a samsung phone um okay so I don't know that one so maybe it's more than a home screen home screen replacement but the gist of it is that it replaces your home of your home screen your home area on your it also does the lockscreen I'm yeah the lock screen is that's so what happen on then that's got to be a separate app no you know emitter apps to replace a so screen no they're replacing your lock screen but I'm saying right so what they the facebook home it was described as a family of apps ok so you but they're all bundled under face with them so you download it from Google Play when you open the facebook app on your android phone if you have a gs3 or a 1x or 1x plus one of these supported phones yeah you open the facebook app on your phone it'll say download facebook home you push it it takes you to google play right you install it and you launch facebook home and it like runs five apps ok that's that and that's fine but then that would mean that the lock screen is like a secondary sort of component you know if you're in chrome yeah you're not in their meat anymore right so I don't know how chat heads work there maybe they were just showing because it replaces like the it replaces the SMS app as well yeah butBut inhibit it's a totally custom notification that would have to sit like as a layer over top of the rest of what you're running right yeah like cuz even those notifications aren't native to maybe dieter else but now we're definitely on his stuff on top let's not get hung up on this particular point but the point is that the gist is there's it there's an app or a suite of apps you can get for your any Android phone running four-point-oh basic well so any android phone that Facebook selects so right now it's the popular ones from HTC in Samson okay fine and but they've said they're gonna roll it out it's basically but it's basically a home replacement says yes it's a launcher um but they also announced uh a phone from HTC Amaze he called the first which I was which is really hoping that wouldn't be the name which is thought to tell me it makes it really that makes sense as an addition yeah we should we call the agency like yeah it should be um the first should be like a YouTube phone but the first is basically let it fact it is basically like the it is the bastard child of the iphone 3gs like a random android phone and ryan win in windows phone yeah yes it's like it's like the new facebook stuff is all like Windows Phone II it's like they're all of your stuff you know of your you know people imitating the lines are like your phone should be about people or not wraps yeah like somewhere you know Joe Belfiore is crying crying and riding into his head yeah lucious he's playing that journey money is flowing longer Dabo a tears but um but uh so here we have a video of it which you guys can run if you want while we're chatting yeah we have to Vidya to pick we can run the hands on and we have a supercut of the event we don't have the hands-on aren't you looking at it right now on the screen yeah but they can't run it there why do we run the supercut of the event and what's up Zack talk to us are we gonna do they are we gonna run the whole supercut now it's will run a couple min let's look at let's take out of the event is for those listening to audio you can listen in on zox thailand's yeah hey what's up today we're finally gonna talk about that Facebook phone if we're all spending so much time on our phones interacting with people then how can we make this easier what would it look like if instead of our phones being designed around apps first and then just being able to have some interactions with people inside those apps if we flip that around and made it so that our phones were designed around people first and then you could also interact laps when you wanted to what would it feel like if our phones were designed around people not apps we're not building a phone and we're not building an operating system but we're also building something that's a whole lot deeper than just an ordinary app you don't need to fork Android to do this it's a family of apps and you can install it and it becomes the home of your phone so we're calling this home here's what you're gonna see you can comment right there from the home screen and cover feat is great for being able to stay on top of what's going on with all the people you care about but sometimes there's a more important message and you want to get notified so let's say I got a message from my friend I'm gonna get a notification with her face and her name so I'm easily gonna be able to tell if this is a person who I want to interact with now and if I do that I could just tap on it to pull pull her up and interact with her or if not i could just swipe away to throw her horny how so let's say you know i think this is a you know it it's clearly i'll say this from a design standpoint pretty pretty good you like it I like it and I'm super cartoony at sucks avatar yeah as it shows your avatars like the thing actually an icebound was the idea of like a smiling I think it's a nice balance between between no real real realism and sort of computer yeah scheme offices I morphism then in the opposite okay I kind of agree about the faces thing now it's like you spend all this time the home but going home you tap your face yeah yeah I'm is weird well well here's the thing I okay so here's the thing you know he's like what if we flipped it around it was about perhaps it's like well here's the deal um I'm doing a lot of like checking stuff out of my phone it's not a lot of direct interaction of people yes I email people yes i will text or or have a google chat with people or whatever google talk I am conversation i'm on twitter mostly reading on twitter not interacting directly with people facebook i don't really oh boy i can hear them into me it's so it's like what yeah but like here's the thing but the apps are the thing that I'm using Yeah right and I feel like there's a little bit of a I mean yeah you're going to interact with people in your apps that's what's gonna happen I mean I just feel like everybody at Facebook walks around with like a professional photographer all the time and they take gorgeous pictures of like skydiving constantly and I'm like that's what i wanted my home screen like i would to make that girl friends pictures yet to make that work me i need to get rid of like half of my friend know these like it happens my pictures i just a nightmare mountain like where it's like I take out the phone and it's like some girl from high school tweeting a bikini photo my wife what is yeah yeah yeah that isn't my fault facebook sorry they on the on the one on the new a new sense they have a thing if you put your facebook account in it like throws the photos into your yeah photo um like gallery app and when I open it up the first time I was like whoa what's happening here like I do not want to see other people's stuff on my phone in that way ya think i want to show you it if i want to see your photos I'll go find your photo right I know where they are yeah I know how to look at like I said unless there's like about my locks here in my facebook yeah also like you're right about this thing with like the skydiving it's like my photos are a lot of my photos are of my dog and they don't look that great they're like grainy nitromethane of the men's bathroom at work that's not well that doesn't need to it immediately appear actually like that on my why did exact cuz they were streaming orchestral like a prayer through a huawei cell phone speaking of uh just amazing you streaming I think we need an independent I think we need I think you should have a little bit of music in our bathrooms here we do have you been to the bathroom in the studio you should go like now I mean I want I upstairs we should get another Wallace also another JBL bluetooth speaker understand sir it's actually in there yes amazing thought that they've been worse for wear jam where is the speaker located just walking amend existing one whole day was the angels in the outfield theme song is incredible more I think I did know we had like a thing going a serious even working on it yeah but okay so so so lets up with the phone so there's this home suite of apps and there's a phone the HTC first 4.3 inch display we assume 720 it took a mid-range to very middle-class generation is probably like basically the guts of a Galaxy Nexus telling is 39 and on it comes in four different colors white black red and light blue yeah which i think is cool I wish there were more phones with colors but I kind of like basically I like the blue to basically looks like an iphone is like a 3gs not very friendly and that is like is that Foley skinned or is it just is it so here's that here's the other so that net in addition to facebook home the thing you can download for your Galaxy Note 2 yeah um which you can do today anal or else uh giant face photos are huge enormous face because uh you can the manufacturers can participate in the facebook home program where they get facebook essentially gets deeper access to android you know and they can roll out these additional hook so they can take over the notification center they can take over there's a few other things that can do mess i love this i love this is the new thing now it's like Samsung is doing touch with agencies doing sense in that face was going to sneak in on the side well what are we doing a couple little things in here changed it pretty much and so it's like I mean I think this is this will be the new mid-range phone for a lot of these companies so so so anyhow but the phone is so here's my figure out who it's like Samsung Sony 18 th t see ya and they were showing their partners they have partners HTC Samsung Sony and ATT and actually showed an xperia phone again zapper during every minute yeah yeah of the event they showed an Xperia yeah while they were demoing so so here's what I think so I before this I was like who would want a facebook phone and they ACC made an attempt during a facebook phone they made a device called the status yep which had a facebook button that allowed you to I guess jump quickly to Facebook or do I look like a like a window yeah it was a Saturday as well but I now I now see first off I think that they're that their UI design is is kind of pleasant enough that I that I get what they're trying to do and after seeing this phone and seeing their the UI design um I actually think this is a fairly viable product for a lot of mid-range phone buyers are gonna walk and I think it is real so uh there's a deli in our building and the checkout lady always has she's a mid-range samsung phone yeah she's like an older lady and it's everyday it's opened it yeah I don't think this is I don't think this is for us necessarily not at all but i think that that there is a segment of buyer out there um I think like your mom on faith your moms on Facebook yeah yeah she needs a new phone I could see her going into the store seen that red phone or the baby blue phone or the white whatever vivid black phone with a black fur hood if she's like evil real badass yeah uh and got and the guide the story's gonna say like do use facebook and she's like yeah I look at my kids photos on here all the time this is the phone for you this is the facebook phone and may got super easy and they'll be eight people be like yeah I'm into there is a big outcry in our comments on Twitter when dieter was at the live dog and I to QA and some we had soccer world support widgets it was like not yet so important and they're like you know the Nerds exploded right but that all of the numbers if you ask HTC or Samsung nobody ever changes their home screen nobody ever joins true look at right now agency just blinkfeed right yeah they were like nobody does anything me get in a just look at anybody if you're on a trainer would ever check out if they ever go to their home screen it is I don't know what's going on there it's wild it's like when you see people with like their computer desktops and it's just four hundred thousand files all ya know is mine looks like people but I see people who have who like leave the Android help thing on it's like click me if you need help start it it's like dude you bought the phone a year ago you you know they started this band even they're like there's a UH you don't even know how cuz it's a secret function you've done hold it down and then take it to the trash like you know how to do that so I do think that I'm you know there's a certain buyer ninety-nine bucks is the right price I think the phones are attractive right i think that the interface is attractive i think that you know if you use facebook a lot yeah which I do not right I barely touch it yeah but if you use it a lot I think there's actually kind of attractive you know this will steer you might steer you away from windows phone so here's that he'll say look you look you get all the google so here's a big question Julie & weavin that's the well that is a quick but right so we and our team has been talking about it since the event happened and I tweeted facebook is stabbing google in the back about as gently as possible because they spent the entire event talking about how open android is and only andrew it allows us and google did such a good job well there in the back as much as as amazon therapist but this is like this is less than this is the first step jam is on is like not really a stabbing isn't gonna have that so we're taking on do we know ya know it's it's a google phone it's a play so i could certified right all the stuff like you know your Galaxy s3 how is it bad for google I think it's terrible for google once once Facebook establishes that your primary interface to a phone looks like this right all that back end stuff can I move away but that what once Facebook an established that that first like bulkhead beachhead yeah but Beach habit but anyways search away from google and direct it to grab sir yeah you can do that for the small segment of buyers you're gonna get the facebook phone but like the core or does not do a huge segment of buyers it might install this other thing I mean this is if you have a GF screenshot facebook home on it and I think that are gonna do monthly updates I think the home is a much less compelling argument like I think a launcher replacement is some people try and get stuck with it and use it because they don't know how to get rid of it mm-hmm some people try it and then just go back to their launcher most people probably won't try it you know well I mean that's if you open facebook on one of these supporters phone it's going to tell you a big thing is it's a big part of the deal well you tell you are changing the way the tire phone works I think once people experience that the Billy wait a second I don't want that I think messaging is easier to get during one is the biggest chance they have to do kind of what you're describing it's like instead of having you know that they're trying to say just message with a person like don't care about the platform you use to do it I am texting and yeah faced with me right that's a that's a lie because when people ping yuan on google talk you not responded in with facebook Messenger right but that you know I will be a separate app that's they rolled up SMS and facebook message made the same thing like it'sit's all is it were camera rolled up things like Google Talk right or it works like I did acceptable work on every platform and it'll work on the web and you'll be able to have their they're saying like here's this one running conversation that you can literally have anywhere and that's what the SMS won't won't copy that's something it's like messages on the iphone said yes messy a green and the facebook messages right okay right but that's all won't won't show up in your facebook account will and no well gee just on the phone right but like I message it'll privacy does they do show SMS is I mean if they're part of if they're like I'm saying if you send somebody a and I message it will only show up in your computer if it's not right it doesn't show up the but the but yeah I guess there's no distinction between like an eye but if you're on your computer you only send like I messages on your phone it's like right they access it send something to you yeah right right right but Sir they have this that's why I mean I'm not that's i mean i agree with you that's not a great because they don't they change the what you're actually doing inside of messages right so they're doing the same thing for fits almost exactly the same right and I just think like they have I don't think launchers like alternative launchers and Android are like big outside of the small market of people to use them right rennard's right yes I think Facebook home when they start pushing that out and they're like do you have an android phone you can it's almost like getting a whole new phone that runs facebook I think I'll be compelling for a lot I actually outta people probably pretty upset about that you thinks I think when they install they don't know what it's going to be in a changes like they're like where my stuff go where's my weather widget that came installed on the phone that I look at the weather on yeah I think though people will flip out the people who don't understand what's going on will be very upset yeah I mean in its name it had to explain sir not a over they'll explain on stage like if you just want to try it out yet hit justice ones right if you want to do it permanently like when people hit always and can't get back to what they are regular home screen is like that's the thing yeah I mean most who are putting apex on their phone most people are just running TouchWiz or whatever I don't think that that's necessarily a compelling way to get facebook into people's lives I think it will be seen as a UH very like disorienting thing as you know what you're doing I think I think that's why I made a phone I mean because they are they there his whole big thing at the beginning was that you know we want to do this to any phone but then I think people will just deal with whatever you give them and you know they're always like the 10 million strong against new facebook and everybody's like oh right this is just what facebook right yeah sure that and I think this is like that phone is there you know hundred-dollar foot in the door where it's like I they sell you this thing you get used to it you know you you know show your friend or whatever and then they're like oh I just can go down by I was this the strategies interesting we've never seen a larger company besides the the OEMs besides the people who are making the phones we've never seen a larger company like Amazon could have done this yeah amazon could have made the Amazon home screen with the amazon searchbox and like all kinds of deep links to their store and stuff and their app store we've never seen a major company try to do a third-party launcher yeah on Android as a real part of their business I think it's genius i mean i don't it's a pretty smart thing it's I think it's tripping I will say that the downfall is that at the end and during the QA when they're like will you put ads and cover feed yeah soccer is a yep right and that sucks well that's a bit like making phones or making launchers it's making its selling advertised right and that's a bit vets like that sucks like ultimately that's I don't want a phone it's like hey you're in a place by the way this is also the hell of a thing so yeah this is also the Google's desperate trying to sell rice also the facebook phone in the facebook home screen you know and you have to ask yourself how important facebook is to you and to the people the target audience mm-hmm I mean that that stat he quoted that people on I don't know if it was just phones general or Android spend twenty percent other time in facebook and then twenty five if you include Instagram like that's crazy yeah I'm definitely not one of those people yeah I do look at Instagram a lot yeah I mean I look I check it I have you know I have I go through my process of checking stuff right I've got like Twitter all the time emails like always coming in so I don't need I mean I know it's there so I just go and try to deal with it but you know Instagram is like one of those things but I'm like oh god what can I check next yeah I need to look at something something new yeah I'm always like oh instagram yeah I could look at Instagram yeah i trow our forums what do i do after what do i do after instagram what's my what's my troll the forums it's really quite entertaining i'll look at the forums I Bailey tend to live that are monism I look at the forms on my desktop or my laptop because you know and get a couple of tabs open yeah a couple tabs of insults or or or why did why did you why did you write this yeah uh but but then would I check after that there's really almost nothing tumblr all look at tumblr yeah um that's it and then I'll then I'll go to my RSS I liked my thanks google yeah or you I liked by the David Karp tumblr CEO was at the event and there was like 10 minutes of just wild speculation that Google Earth at Facebook was buying tumblr what was he doing come see our new home on Android it he come down that would be kind of what that would be kind of monument yeah I mean I would be crazy I don't think I think I think he was just there did not happen to he was now he was apparently just there I don't say Ralph delavega for eighteen t got on say he would really thought he did a howard dean remember Howard Dean he was a presidential candidate in the primary thousand four Democratic primary candidate and he lost one of the major primaries and you know during his like what is your dream that our area during his like we're gonna beat this thing it's we're not done yet give us a new hampshire he would really loudly yeah and literate like this is how stupid are you our new cycle is people are like what's going on with howard dean this would seem really crazy you bet he had to he was forced to drop out of the race be like an hour is he would yet as he went to now and that now Joe right now Ralph de la vega's has to be dropout lv man it's all over he's never get a president yeah yeah I don't he was pumped though he was super excited this is like the save us from the iphone he said I quote I've played with a lot of phones this is the most immersive experience I've ever had it doesn't make any which is just I mean like that's like saying that's like say nothing about to say lose very high in the HTC first you think I play with a lot of phones and this is one of them yeah pretty much the most immersive we shall we should move on yeah do you wanna do anything else two more things to buy this week uh ones little wonky but it's actually very important uh area Oh areas serviced you explain the area of situation so area is a company okay that's great Greg ran a long explain around this we need it but there is a company and owned by Barry Diller they own a warehouse in Brooklyn that's full of tiny little TV antennas be deal I love Barry Diller's by the way yeah they're really if you don't know about Barry Diller like read up on Barry Diller yeah he's amazing he's an awesome crazy dude uh and he has a long history of taking on television broadcasters and winning and just invented the miniseries yeah like no joke yeah yep strip what was what was it no I don't know but now using programming just walked in he was like you're like what is he's like what if we did like six hours of TV programming like serialized that's awesome anyway so area is warehouse in Brooklyn full of dime size TV antennas and you log into their service and computer somewhere signs where those antennas to you and lets you either record stuff onto it he must have a lot of loud devia it's like thousands right yeah there's more than wild lights why I mean they're like what do they have what do they have 10 million subscribers they're gonna have to get 10 million and I think they're gonna have to do some math and figure out how many are going to concurrently use the service yeah yeah they're getting they like a big part of their plan is to get new data centers which are be sure and the antennas like mounted on plywood like it so we're gonna need a bigger boat haha bigger your warehouse in Brooklyn um anyway so the you basically stream live television to yourself over the computer they need to put the rain wet right high-precision they need to put that warehouse somewhere else because Brooklyn is not that I have to sort of geographic spacious there geographically limited right so yeah they want New York could they go to the Bronx cuz they get a Riverdale Brooklyn's a big place anyway could they go to Rivendale Rivendale yes uh so the broadcaster's sued them and said you can't you can't capture our signals over there using these little antennas and stream them over the internets people you can treat which is insane an area said why it's just like we're just renting the antennas out and so basically the argument came down to the broadcaster said well when the cable company puts up one big antenna and runs a cable to your house they have to pay us right you're putting up thousands of little antennas and using the internet and saying you don't and that doesn't make any sense area said no you're stupid this is like we're leasing you an intent on a slingbox and that's all that's happening and the court basically stomped the broadcaster's they said there's no that broadcasters have yet to explain why this is different than putting a roof on your intent on the roof of your house that's perfectly legal I just a got a black series going into my TV and that works from the roof is here here's why broadcasters are freaky now right they believe that if enough people do this they will start stop subscribing to cable know what they believe because Q is the real customer the broadcaster it's not you it's it's time warner that's what I'm saying and they know and they believe that Time Warner will say screw it why am I paying you for my one big antenna I'm gonna just put up a thousand little antennas and stop paying you the billions of dollars in reach I was asked the fear because I was think that's the oh I wellman to fear I wrong in this fear was like if people can get this the basic case some of the like a lot of what people want it's like local channels they can get that without having cable at all well I think so that's fine so that mean these are these two there are two revenue streams the broadcaster's right ABC right whatever you put up the antenna they're legally required to like broadcast you stuff you watch their ads that's great the other stream which by the way sorry go ahead well but the other revenue stream and the more important one is they they literally send the stuff over satellites to Time Warner and Comcast and they are eels they have deals with all the cable company they deliver their deals the cable companies pay them billions yeah and and and and they and that's where get bundling and after another otherwise they sell advertisements ending right but that's why Fox can say well you want to carry Fox proper broadcast you have to carry FX yes you're saying that you're saying the time warner could say and I by the way I don't think that they could do this no they definitely can do this now yeah butBut so area wind up but ups but a single person like 88 a point-to-point deal vs a like I guess it'd be the same it's actually it's exactly the same exact if they can say if they can say well now that working yeah goodnight Anna for all of our customers yeah I mean area is basically just a cable company Aereo's like it has always been a severe guide they have a guide it's a cable company they've always been differences it doesn't go to your television it goes here but it cool but they have an app for every Roku yeah so just go to your television right so it means literally in the argument this is bonkers by the way like yeah it goes your television through Roku through the internet and it's again the argument has always been from the Cape from ABC CBS of course is one of the lead CBS looked at innovation and like immediately began throwing Thunderbolts out of the sky here's what I've here's that I would but you know the area's argue the CBS's argument has always been you're just a cable company in the fact that you have a lot of little antennas and you found a loophole and they went to the court and I said look this company is designed like their technology is designed to evade the copyright law and that that should be legal and the core came back and said no their technology was designed to evade the copier which makes it Linda it works and that's like it was remark so here's the quest at E what's going to happen is our they're going to see of a little chain Greg interviewed him Greg's amazing by the way yeah great guess reg Sandoval is like one of the right Sandoval is a beautiful man and a people wonderful wonderful I mean just having somebody else who's isn't already about coffee no you got bad for Greg bunch of he walks in it like i like i think i know i know we have a bunch of people on our team that you are like it's having a weird love affair with of her over nerdy copyright look it's like it's really intense it really does anyway so nice to greg did interview with the CEO very own i forget his name on top my head but jerk oh I just always remember Barry Diller but his his line was if they fail in the courts their next move is inevitably to go to Congress and Greg's piece was very much like he doesn't sound like overjoyed he sounds like he passed step one and that's true like they can go they're gonna keep they're gonna go back to trial to have some other Cal Supreme Court wet/dry all right well so it's like do they have to go over here in part of the argument and the preliminary injunction to stop stop running your business while we figure out this legal argument failed right so they're gonna keep running the business and ultimately like when it's not about you know I mean there there are cases like this when you want some kind of congressional yeah you do I want a congressional ruling on a naughty to take it and if you ask the TV Paul's team you know it's weird that we think about Internet policy is being like this new thing like why are why are they looking at the internet because the last technology that ever the last two were satellite radio and cable television you know that had the same level of like immediate interest from the government and it's literally if you ask the teacher bossy guys they're like all you have to do to swing a district is to tell them the congressman is going to make TV more expense let me ask you this what's to stop another company from basically utilizing in areas business model so they're so this is here the area story gets really incredibly weird there's billionaire named alchy David oh yeah yes he has a company for another guy worry David algae David emailed me uh another David is the heir to the email me about a story I think he might send a mass email but it looked like it went just to mean otherwise alchy Davies is crazy is like Israeli Billy easy and he's only Israeli he is the heir to the coca-cola hellenic shipping company or something which is like a he started film on just please I'm sorry not not Israeli yeah as in Nigeria born greekcypriot no yeah i got that about his wrong as father please welcome i endeavor i'm sorry i encourage you his full name is alcovy ah tease i encourage you to find his Instagram feed no no let me just finish a good look cuz i did a little research into did al-qaeda so he started a company called film on he's like a billionaire but he also started a company california called Aereo killer I don't know why that's the name of the company or companies area killer same business model power move and the goal of that company is to lose the same lawsuit in the California chol courts he's a little he wishes crazy I saw that there is commander the guy I don't slander algae David cuz you'll probably see thats insane he might be a little bit of a scam artist that's bite that's well he's a very rich camera but area so there's so all this area stuff is happening I'll be saying then on the other side of it there's just like weird Aereo killer in another he's got other he's got other designs I think you need to look into his work his previous work I mean algae David is not like just a regular guy who happened to do that he also was in lawsuits with cnet we actually wrote about him we made reference to him in one of the stories we wrote about CNET's right so Aereo killer by the way has lost their case in California leave one because they're called area because you won with this is like crazy like I mean you start a company which want to lose it to they wanted to they could set a precedent so they could seneca say like Aereo is illegal and we can tell you because here we fought it in court and it was beat so Eric so an eye out for so we now have a precedent yep so if they fought two lose which is crazy like higher terrible lawyers and let's like drug yeah you hire me what it boils down to is that there's something very wrong with our legal system in America watches you split up right i mean it's i do think i don't know why we keep acting like these states are in any way related I mean honestly I don't understand it we're just like a bunch of little countries and I think we just need to get just that's always get the United States not the not there's a king of America ya know there should be a king of no I don't want it to be a king of America maybe several I wanted to be 50 kids and a what let's say a seven season battle I wanted to be who's I wonder a 50 kings and you do whatever you want your Little Kingdom yeah we'll see how it all turns that worked really well for Europe everyone has never tried it Westeros it worked okay for England wait so I want to know I have another question about area not even work on it rings all right there's a country yeah yeah what for their country for their little country you know tiny England is you can put in your back pocket so we have to divide America into England sighs yeah England sighs you don't you they basically are all england sighs look well I want to be king of Montana you can be there's no one else there exactly let's go now I don't it may I limits get around Anah that I think these Montana there are like more of cows and people actually that's cool king of the cash okay okay my people here i'ma tell ya here baby site they're like finally some representation about how in the cow world um okay anyhow what else do we have one more question area before so at this point like what's to stop Ariel from going to you know ESPN or whoever and knotting them up to now so is that is that the next to this is or I don't think areas key innovation in the world is the thousands of little renas I think they're key innovation is that they exist but if they cut right but but here they deliver television people over the all-area has to do at this point is is is look you evil you roku right at areas a channel on it Netflix is a channel yeah area to ESPN could be a channel yeah oh they Bloomberg right yeah a Bloomberg right so but I'm saying but they could sign up uh ESPN or HBO that flex their innovation is it literally that they exist and they're providing people with television that they want so it has to happen now is comcast shows up and buys them for a tremendous Madame is all goes away and then with it I don't think Barry Diller sell anything to come yeah i think uh i mean literally it's Apple might buy them right there's an apple TV treat monster that so they have only but they have all these problem but the promise yet areas like they can't stream New York television to people in Wisconsin right also also so they got to build aware of hair I also they're not we're here being done getting sued Joe there's I mean in a year's time when a year's time they could be shut down right said like and that's like a real possibility that's not like well that what happened ball they're nowhere near being done being sued in the nowhere near CBS and fox and ABC going to Congress and me like check out our my will I will say this though if you I'm just gonna say this yeah you know uh if you want to watch New York television and you live in your live in California you you definitely can do it with area as long as you tell them that you're in New York just getting your IP wrong yeah just an iWatch New York TV yeah if New York you gonna get a leg yeah but you don't stereo you have an area in every area is great you didn't marry region Montana for instance lots of room for areas yeah antennas um but you would have to have them in every state ready they dress every market where we market that and those markets are caught up by the like which is like an area but also there is current business model is like the key innovation is not we're going to put the antennas everywhere it's not we're going to follow these old byzantine rules for broadcast television and like hack the internet on to it their key innovation is they found the loophole that allows them to exist like this and once there's once now they can go to AMC and Cartoon Network and whatever and say we're delivering ABC and CBS you could be next with you you have to you have to which is what the what the cable companies did initially does this become you know my eighty dollar a month cable bill I just get it over the internet now yeah don't say I'm that's what everybody was me that but that's what I mean that's where their heads were 12 put 12 bucks a month 12 X month yeah which is expensive but I remember like coming back from CES with you and the the package i watch amazon and you watch the game in the cab and I was like this is the coolest thing one area yeah yeah there's our works really well we haven't spent a lot of time I can't get outside in New York right but if you're here it works awesome I mean I get it outside of your long as you tell them you're in New York yeah um but but they're big gonna go out of business right no we'll see ya I think they're the company I mean assuming alchy David doesn't get in the way love ya like a fight between him and Barry Diller yeah I think they just don't like each other yeah I think that's why he started company called Aereo killer in the main purpose is best uh I'd say yeah but now I think there's a I think they're the company that other companies will not latch onto you right there they're winning these victories have got the Barry Diller money behind them yeah they're gonna be a lon they're going to be the one that that makes TV over there like happen in a real way right and it's just slow and steady I'm excited about it it seems like a real thing yeah I mean it's real for now the technology is super interesting yeah what happens what happens Aereo in a bad storm just go out do we know so i have so i have a belief that they're saying that there's this is how it works and that they are they're backing out there some redundant that they're doing a good job of like making it that would be illegal that would be illegal but i don't i don't know how any the way the law is structured i don't know how any like IT guy is like you know what we'll do we will make 10,000 copies of the same show on 10,000 hard drives like yeah that is done like that's just openly dumb and I they're gonna have to get around that somehow and I think that they're doing it in some way cuz it's dumb to do it any other way iCloud pretty much all right what else we have sir just gonna wrap up the last one is Leah which a TV story it's like a fail yeah so David review the changing food were you calling it the review yeah for like through video your fire the John Locke marcin a--they got me fired it's an interesting time for the living room yeah talk about to you I want to start with you you back this thing on Kickstarter ooh why I did uh well I wanted one why I I only back to Toki get one I I wouldn't say I paint ninety nine dollars for this I don't consider that back in it cost me nine is I doors okay you know one I bother I did you want one backing but that was on my intention this is a huge fight in our comments but go on my intention was to buy one yeah cuz I wanted to check it out why why why what does anybody do anything the world is a mysterious but full of full of light and color mom I don't know it seemed interesting I just just like a $99 android-based console with a whole new you no idea why not sure i'll check it out it's no very low risk for me $99 right I mean it's plus if it's bad you know expense it and we all go I really expensive um no and and uh it just seemed like an ambitious crazy thing and I thought like if they could pull this off it'd be really awesome and if they don't well yeah it's not about yeah um and and they didn't pull it off yet yet I mean I'll say this it's very disappointing I played I was very disappointed with it uh the game selection is bad the implementation is bad this interface is sluggish the hardware is extremely mediocre um I did I did think I mean you know for nine bucks it's you know not bad sure uh might exists in like that you can see here you can get a sense of the slow interface we see some of this video it feels a lot slower than it actually looks like it actually looks sort of these in here uh it's sort of a shame because I think there's a lot of good ideas letting it stop at play uh and it just I don't think they should release it in March yeah they should have released this is the big this is the big argument about coming holidays it's coming out it there it's it's coming out in June uh yeah like a UH 60,000 people who you know backed it on Kickstarter that what they're trying to spin this as you know if you backed it on Kickstarter you're admitting you know you signed up to get a beta product that isn't finished and you are like along for this ride with us but like I don't think that's what happened i think people paid a hundred dollars for a hundred dollar product because they wanted the hundred dollar product yeah right now they're getting it and I think anybody who did that is going to be deeply disappointed by this thing yeah I asked your developer right if you're a developer this means I yeah honestly it's all they had competition right you know in the ninety nine dollar right Kickstarter console they could have been like listen guys the games aren't ready yet we want to make sure the experience is great developers are hard at work we're gonna hold this until June for our full global launch right and tough tough cookies yeah I mean and the thing is like the cookies that's being something totally the whole this software isn't final it'll get better is a lie that every company tells remember it's kind of like kind of like yeah I mean and sometimes they're right like in in in this case it's not hard stuff to fix they just need to make the interface faster and also my mortification yeah that makes the interface faster what's been trying to do that no I cried your google got it you you you but after five years its Android for it's not like rocket science e1 yeah yeah I'm just made it whoops oh why they made it worse but I've heard over and over and over again the Android on TV is like a problem and the reason the goo tvteam kind of fell apart is that they never got the support well I'm not gonna play movie on Android just yet well I mean I thought I think it's playwright I think it's much harder to do what they're trying to do sure then anybody's it's not just make Android run faster optimized Android I think there's another step which is optimized Android to make it work on anyway you know it and that has been very difficult on the Xbox interface used to be really sluggish too yeah I mean I'm not I'm not I'm not worried about the interface much i'm worried about this is the thing that's hard buy-in from publishers yep buy-in from developers and maybe they haven't but there are some key games that seem they seem like they should have been easy to port something like shadowgun well they could they could show off what the hardware can do and is actually like a decent game yeah um and the hard part there is that and this is I think the mistake that we may have made is by saying every game has to be free to download like period right so in in it the two things that you have to do to portion android no it's also hot dollars that trigger or something which is free free free so the two things you have to do our make sure that works for the controller which is easy it's just a Bluetooth controller people that devs have been doing forever and you have to make it free to download which sounds small but it's actually for if you want to like make money off your game a tremendous amount of work because you have to build either in-app purchases or an upgrade system where you have to have a demo version and it just like if I'm shadowgun and I'm like I'm making a ton of money off the Play Store and there's not that many people buying Lea's why would I take time so they end up with again this stupid developer chicken or egg problem there it's it's a real look it's a huge undertaking look at this this is yeah that game is fun so strong you just beat up a pig where is for like a long time it's great the game is this it's called beast boxing oh you got shot a gun right on there yeah and that's that's the other programmers okay is yet shadowgun is is totally playable it is just frame rates a gigantic amount of work to get it onto the device itself and this is why it's such a cool developer play thing and why like I hope and that's not even awesomeness by the way know the time I had to spend you know ten minutes remapping every button to do something right in shadow guns I did the game works fine I think could be great but it's just not what some what'swhat's troubling about it is that you know yiling you only get one chance to make you don't get a second chance make a first impression right right and the first impression here is well the hardware a little bit janky and I mean you know and the games aren't there ready interface is sluggish I mean this this is I think that there's a bigger thing about Kickstarter here to understand right which is well Leah came out the Astron what nine hundred thousand dollars i'm gloria saying a meeting earlier today and it's like they just want enough money to build a prototype I wanted to show what they were gonna build and then right and I go to like a store and be like Best Buy like invest in this yeah or like place an order or like give us some way to build the rest of them with the ended was they ended up with eight and a half million dollars wells in 2000 PP ended up pre-selling sixty thousand of them yeah which is essentially what what happened they didn't get this like investment round they pre-sold and then kept selling them Ryan capsule they didn't have to do that I a patent is not the same i mean yeah i think the age of my massive Kickstarter projects from indie devs i think is I think Kickstarter doesn't want to have them I think I think everyone just learned i got i don't think that i I don't I don't fault Kickstarter here but I think that well Kickstarter's like you know they put up the post we're not a store they're doing a far more controlling of what's going on but I do think it's fine if you have a prop I don't knock the ambition we were say I said earlier I don't knock the ambition I'm all for people being ambitious but if you're gonna be ambitious you need to deliver on it right that's the thing about being ambitious and the thing to you if you're gonna do to say unit make this cool new kind of console like deliver on doing that well or else people are gonna be like well who care and I have a really smartly was they they waited forever to get it out the way they got out they got it out that's my point first sometimes you gotta admit the Pebble watch is not bad no no he does a lot of pretty cool things right it's not perfect I purposely don't have one cuz I'm a like I'm afraid of like having notifications on my wrist talks all the time about the phantom vibrations now that he gets on his wrist yeah like I liked it so much when I had it reviewing it that I was like he's gonna get glass I'm glad and we gotta wrap up we have a lot more who you talk coming up with you on top shelf right yeah you guys are doing topshop okay fine so we should wrap up that's fine a yellow sorry I gotta pack but going to the west coast tomorrow yeah so we watch areokay work on my tan delay to work on my balloons Corky to work on my much needed to an AA that's the verge cast for this week if you want to get in touch with us you can email us at verge cast at the verge calm you can find us on Twitter it's at verge I'm Joshua Topolsky Neal I is reckless yeah David is Pierce David which your again just deeply disappointed about just socks just ever at David Pierce's that guy get who is that guy oh nice guy and Twitter a buncha time and you can you can also leave a comment on the pathetic say this but you leave comment on the post when it goes up we love that uh you know right in our forums you can you can put them in our forums we wouldn't we wouldn't stop you from doing that uh and yeah that's old back next week with more verge caster have any other announcements no announcement more verge Cassie get goodness and stay tuned after this in a little bit we're gonna have when does it stop shelf go on the air 530 at five-thirty I was so really sooner soon ah just in just a few moments 15 minutes top shelf will be on the air and and as always I wish you and your family the very best for this upcoming a holiday weekend rock and roll member
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