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This is Airlander, the world's largest aircraft

what do you get when you combine an air balloon airplane helicopter and what the hell even a hovercraft this is the airlander the world's largest aircraft think of it as three airships in one which means the hull itself can generate lift like a plane and it's over 300 feet long it has a max speed of 80 knots or nearly 100 miles per hour originally developed by British company hybrid air vehicles in partnership with Northrop Grumman in June 2010 the air Lander was chosen over Lockheed Martin's p7 9:1 for the United States long endurance multi telogen s-- vehicle project the goal to create an aircraft capable of staying aloft at 20,000 feet for three weeks without landing here it is in August 2012 when the project was cancelled following US defense budget cuts hybrid air vehicles bought the aircraft back for $300,000 the air Lander is currently being built or rather rebuilt in Britain's historical royal air force carting tenango with our 101 airship was built nearly a century ago the first British flight is scheduled for later this year or early next already the company has plans for an even larger airship that will be nearly 400 feet long and 200 feet wide with the ability to land on water and room for up to 50 passengers that's right luxury airship cruises think about it you
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