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We got drunk to test a crazy Vegas hangover cure

you guys go atomic liquors I did a cool establishing shot that's video team lingo for a shot of the exterior of a building so when you see that I think you're probably gonna be pretty psyched so we're drunk in Sin City in Sin City so I apologize if I'm not making a whole lot of sense but I am theoretically at least a science reporter and part of the reason that I'm doing this is because I want to talk about the science of hangovers so I'm going to this place called hangover heaven which is a really good name he's a great man in fact when doctors are hungover this is what they do they hook themselves up to an IV - like rehydrate themselves and like there are also like vitamins and things in there that may potentially help with like processing alcohol and feeling less bad and how much science do the like Hangover Heaven people claim when they are discussing I had a little bit of beer come out of me how does another science type of event that will happen in a man's life the thing that I was going to say is that there is some evidence for certain kinds of drugs for hangovers and if you are a big old nerd you can pull it on PubMed yourself I'm not I'm pretty cool I'm have to leave that to your kind sorry so I'm hoping that they're right I'm really really hoping that like it will take 45 minutes for me to feel better when I'm hungover tomorrow because Casey is that going to Hangover Heaven he just gonna have to tough it out hey over a hell y'all straight to hell oh Jesus Christ I look like my own dad which is always how you want to appear on video light is not my friend right now well I think I have it better because I'm gonna I'm gonna drink a lot of water and I'm gonna take some believe and I'm gonna feel like 80% better so I can't wait to find out what her experience is like because in a lot of ways like I do think I have it better I mean don't get me wrong I still hurt all over but they're not gonna stick with needles today I refuse me I'm not feeling good I I sincerely hope I do not have a car second I have done some dumb things in my time but this is like I wouldn't say a top three but maybe top five you know oh yeah here we are what's your hangover cure I mean I just take a rub or neck surgery floor I had to take a few more shots I know I feel like a dog shitting my mouth is dead and stepped on my head I get it yes Magnus save my day I got a little bruise right here yeah we do yesterday yeah and it's nice that the porter subs right here so we're gonna get a sandwich and then we're getting our drip eater sandwich and we're gonna watch the interview so basically this started while I was working in the recovery room I'm a anesthesiologist and seeing people in the recovery room is post-operative nausea and vomiting at a dizziness and that type of thing and seeing that you know it's same symptoms in the recovery room they're exactly the same ones that people have with the hangover and I thought these same medications would work well for hangovers I came up with a protocol gathering at a few volunteers and tried it out it worked great and it was just a matter of figuring out a plan that worked business plan that worked if somebody could just distract me while this is happening that would be really great because you don't like needles I really do not like I don't like needles either to the best of our knowledge that a hangover is probably caused by your immune system what seems to be going on is that there's a your immune system is responding to the alcohol inflammation seems to be the major cause of the hangover you feel bad you're like a key your stomach hurts like all the things that happened basically when you have the flu which like have nothing to do with the flu virus and everything to do with your like immune system fighting off the flu virus pretty much there are things that make it worse dehydration is one of those things like dehydration is not great for you in general you know a maker hangover worse is texting your ex-boyfriend at 3m and just trying to figure out where things went wrong between the two of you don't text your ex-boyfriend I strongly strongly recommend deleting all of your exes for there's a lot of hear from you it was never gonna work Casey so I am I'm being rehydrated here what else is what else is happening you also have some intravenous alpha lipoic acid going in which is a very powerful antioxidant and then they're basically hydration and a little bit of sugar well let me start from the beginning that hangovers are not dehydration right it's inflammation isn't it yeah an oxidative stress and the dehydration makes the symptoms worse from a concentration in fact with a hangover when you're dehydrated the concentration of all the nasty stuff and your blood is higher you rehydrate people that concentration becomes lower people feel better a little bit better just from the rehydration and in terms of inflammation is there an anti-inflammatory thing happening here or okay yeah if you had taken in the advil today I have not guys actually this will give you intravenous Advil okay great a small dose it doesn't take a whole lot so my headache has been treated my nausea has been treated I have been rehydrated and I've also gotten some other things going on in my body just to try to catch up from what happened what happened to it last night and this morning while I was asleep overall what's your underwear now I would I would get I would give it maybe a one like I am I am feeling pretty normal and recovered which is nice yeah you can get back to your you know back to your vacation back to what you have to do here so Liz how was hangover heaven well the taxi ride to get there was something but you know I started feeling better probably after about 15-20 minutes and I was feeling pretty good by the end and I am like obnoxiously perky and like full of energy right now maybe I mean like I might it might just be like you know the placebo effect that's totally possible but I feel good I want to be clear I search the literature for IV cures for hangover and I didn't see anything there's no evidence that this works that doesn't mean it doesn't work it just means we don't know that it works I feel like there's a bias against research on hangover is just because it's felt to be so like superficial or silly probably in the last 15 years there's been less than 50 Papers written on hangovers and maybe even less than 15 but a lot of the papers works for the social science research looking at behavioral issues rather than the actual blood levels of inflammatory markers and that type of thing the kind of joke kind of like atmosphere about hangovers probably needs to change this is going to take some hardcore science I mean gas chromatographs liquid columns animal research we don't know a lot and that's sort of a problem so I would I would like to see more work I would like to see more studies I would like to know more about what parts of the immune system were involved how other things interact and I feel like once we know those things we can actually potentially do evidence-based medicine I'm going to continue to drink because it's fun and so I'll probably continue to be hungover I'm never driving my ass to a clinic while hungover to have a needle stuck in my arm and be pumped full of god knows what so let's meet somewhere in the middle and find a way to get me back out on the town to dance the night away I think we can all drink to that Cheers like it seems so silly that people don't actually really study it even though virtually everybody gets hungover can you hear it
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