hey guys sitting on a verge I'm here
with Adrian Jeffrey's Adrian has been
working on a huge series about Comcast
called Comcast confessions exploring why
customer service is so bad at the
company so Adrian you've interviewed
like lots of people of Comcast I think
over a hundred employees now what have
they been saying to you at this point I
think it might be close to a hundred and
fifty I lost track we keep getting
people new people writing in so I'm
basically drowning in emails from
Comcast employees so thank you guys for
that a lot of them are verge commenters
which is awesome we wanted to talk about
why Comcast customer service is so
notoriously bad it's pretty much at the
bottom of every customer satisfaction
rating and then there was this call with
Ryan black a well executive my former
boss with his very last former boss
which is a funny parallel and he just
had this insane conversation with this
Comcast rep who tried for 18 minutes to
talk him out of canceling his Comcast
service and that just kind of sparked
this whole conversation about customer
service at Comcast which is the largest
cable provider in the country and which
wants to buy Time Warner Cable and
that's the other thing right which wants
to buy the second largest cable provider
in the company Time Warner Cable after
that acquisition it would be a 30
million subscriber company which is
massive right and would cover most of
the major metro area isn't it right and
would be in New York LA Texas every big
every enormous market so after all these
conversations why do you think what's at
the core of why the service is about
right so um the big themes were there's
an emphasis on sales on pushing existing
customers to buy new products to upgrade
their products you know they have people
who are dedicated to doing sales but
they also wanted their customer service
reps their tech support reps the people
dealing with billing to try to sell
stuff - and the problem with that is you
call Comcast because you have a problem
and then you end up with a service
representative who has to meet a quota
for a certain number of sales so they're
like you know they're kind of thinking
more about what to sell you than how to
fix your problem so do you think you
have to split that out for better serve
is that what you're hearing from the
employees where's your way to do it
right um I mean they're they there is
some selling that happens during
customer service like if you have some
call and say like my Internet's too slow
maybe you need to upgrade to a faster
tier that makes sense I think where they
went wrong is when they started giving
people too much incentives to sell that
stuff and then they started giving the
managers incentives to put up numbers
for their groups so people started to
feel like they would get fired if they
didn't sell right enough
so Comcast says and I'm sure they told
you that they're trying really hard to
improve customer service we ran a memo
today from Comcast to its employees
after the rhein block incident saying
this is what we want to do don't talk
about it too much they've reached public
statements saying we're going to get
you've talked to Comcast do you what do
you think about what they're saying
about customer service right now so
Comcast has always been and I'm reading
the internally published story of
Comcast which is called an incredible
dream which is really interesting
like just wait a mainline company
propaganda yeah um well there's a little
bit of it I mean it is like a family
that started existence it's about you
know it's a cool company actually um
despite how miserable it is to deal with
as a customer and they have been just
sort of like constantly changing things
and experimenting with things they're
always like trying new ways of doing
scrapping that moving on like I think
that that is that is a cool thing about
Comcast and that they do seem to be
doing some things differently with
customer service but they you know the
sales thing is just one part of why they
have these problems the other two big
things that jumped out at me were
dealing with technicians they they kind
of I think they understands their
in-house technicians and then they try
to fill the gap of contractors what ends
up happening is everybody gets over
scheduled and technicians are late to
appointments missing appointments
they're not given enough time to get the
job done like they're basically given
in trouble call or one installation an
hour and if they don't get it done in
time then they're just late for the rest
of the day for all their appointments
for the rest okay and then besides that
Comcast is also grown by acquisition a
lot of the time and so it's still kind
of fragmented in a lot of ways and I
think that's that's a big problem for
them to resolve particularly information
is not super great they make another
huge acquisition right everybody really
frags right exactly so last question
just what would you if you're running
Comcast right now what's the easiest way
to fix this problem oh my gosh um so
definitely toned down this incentives
for sales in customer service hire more
in-house technicians tone back you know
pull back on the contractors for in call
centers and also for field technicians
and then like try to as much as possible
make the company more uniform so that
you don't have like in different
packages being sold in different markets
and like your customer and you call in
to a call center for that inter that
serves like the entire south where there
are a bunch of different policies so
that the the rep on the other end has to
look up and see like where you are
before they can even start talking to
you because their products are so
different depending on what city and
what area you're in and then you know
maybe they could read our stories and
take some take some learnings from what
people are saying on the front line I
think they've got you know they've got
one thing they're saying at the top and
people at the top of Comcast's love
their company they think it's they think
it's a really great place and it is in a
lot of ways like a pretty good company
and has pretty decent benefits among
other things but their message is just
like getting totally lost in translation
on its way down to the front line where
people are actually dealing with
customers yeah that's great
yeah everybody should go read Adrian
series called Comcast confessions it's
on the roads right now thanks for
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