Will cars ever drive themselves? - THE BIG FUTURE Ep. 6
Will cars ever drive themselves? - THE BIG FUTURE Ep. 6
self-driving cars piloted cars
driverless cars automated cars call them
whatever you want we've been hearing
about the technology for a long time
you're near Google headquarters in
California you've probably even seen a
few self-driving cars putting around
it's going to be years and years and
years until we can actually buy this
right not necessarily dynamic cruise
control has been around a long time it's
like the 90s started on just a few like
super premium models now you can get in
all sorts of cars dynamic cruise just
make sure that you stay the same
distance behind the car in front of you
so the car in front of you breaks you
slow down it speeds up you speed up time
to touch the gas pedal it's really cool
current cars can also do something
called lane key which basically uses
cameras on the windshield to make sure
that you stay in your lane you start to
drift right to get a warning
even steer back into the lanes the you
have to touch the wheel next year's
Tesla's we'll be able to pick you up in
front of your house on a schedule of
your choosing in 2017 Cadillac is gonna
offer something called super cruise
which is basically the same thing that
Tesla is doing next year it's just going
to take control the car for you you
won't have to do hardly anything before
too long we'll have highways filled with
cars that are chatting monks themselves
keeping a safe distance or maximizing
speed so what happens when cars don't
need us at all becomes more of a legal
question like who's going to be liable
if your car crashes who's to blame is it
used at the car company who knows we got
to figure that out but if we do then
becomes an open field anything's
Google's latest self-driving cars a
little two-seaters that they built
themselves you know the ones that kind
of look like emoji don't even have
steering wheels and you'll be able to
summon them with a smartphone app uber
has already said that someday they're
going to just replace all their cars
with self-driving cars and one of
drivers in the future new cars even need
to look like cars maybe not maybe
they're just dark compartments where you
can get a few more minutes of sleep
before you get to work shipping trucks
could just be giant rolling warehouses
for this package is too big drop-off by
delivery thing why do they need to be a
certain size they can just be miles long
because they're controlled by computer
the expressway becomes a super
expressway a never-ending pipeline of
cabins and containers traveling at
speeds impossible by today's standards
so once we nail this self-driving part
cars really don't need to look like cars
at all
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