Yahoo's new CEO, Office 2013, and more - 90 Seconds on The Verge: Monday, July 16, 2012
Yahoo's new CEO, Office 2013, and more - 90 Seconds on The Verge: Monday, July 16, 2012
it's Monday July 16 2012 I'm David
Pierce and this is going to be the best
90 seconds on the verge today former
Google executive Marissa Meyer is now
CEO of Yahoo Meyer led the teams that
developed gmail google news and all the
company's location services she replaces
Scott Thompson who was ousted after only
five months when it was discovered he
falsified his resume Meyer comes in with
a very real degree in computer science
from Stanford she begins work tomorrow
Microsoft has released the consumer
preview for the upcoming office 2013 we
spent some time with it and aside from
cloud syncing and a more Metro feel this
isn't a crazy departure from the last
version of microsoft office or any
version really office 2013 is compatible
with windows 7 and 8 but not vista or XP
but then again if you haven't upgraded
windows why on earth would you be
interested in upgrading office this
weekend at comic-con microsoft unveiled
a limited edition halo branded xbox 360
for four hundred dollars you'll get a
specially branded console with matching
controllers plus a copy of halo 4 the
bundle will be available in november six
the same day as the game's launch Spring
has officially launched its 4G LTE
network in 15 US cities including
Atlanta Dallas and Kansas City the
carrier says it will announce more
cities in the second half of this year
skype confirmed today a rare an
unfortunate bug that would occasionally
cause messages to be sent to the wrong
contacts the company said a fix is
coming in the next few days for now
please defer all your gossiping and
trash talking to gchat and AOL instant
messenger and that's it for today's top
stories tune in tomorrow where i will be
going kidneys on with the very latest in
synthetic organs
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