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iPhone 5 sales, Facebook privacy scares, and Galaxy S III upgrades - 90 Seconds on The Verge

it's Monday September 24 2012 i'm ross miller and this is 90 seconds on the verge epic 4g touch ultra HD LTE hyper turbo remix edition version 2.1 epple sold over 5 million iphone 5s in its first weekend that's 1 million more than the 4s sold at its launch last year but the year-over-year growth doesn't look quite as impressive several early adopters are reporting seeing scuffs and scratches out of the box if you happen to be one of those unlucky iphone 5 owners go ahead and go to the apple store and try to return it for an exchange jellybean is now coming to the galaxy s3 I'll be it slowly Poland is the first market to receive the Android 4.1 upgrade other markets are being gradually rolled out later the company is also committed to bringing Android 4.1 2 15 other models including last year's galaxy s2 and galaxy note 1 the timing of all the updates of course depends on location and carrier just be sure to director blame accordingly finally another Facebook privacy scare a news story first posted by Metro France alleges that private messages sent in two thousand eight and two thousand nine or now publicly viewable on some users timelines facebook says it has gone back and checked on every reported error and so far has found no proof of private messages being exposed the company instead points to a change in behavior back when friends group for smaller and you couldn't comment on specific wall posts an entirely unrelated note myspace today is teasing a new design the timing could not be better and that's it for today's top stories tune in tomorrow
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