
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

iPod SSD hack, weird toothbrush dongles, and iPad accessories

hello bonus circuit breaker live the best show about dental hygiene on YouTube I'm assuming there are no other shows about dental hygiene on youtube I hope several guys show I'm the I've saw the energy for the birds Paul Miller's here at all hello we were just we have it loaded show today so we're just gonna get right into it Ashley Carmen is here and you have brought us toothbrushes yep I brought you a bunch of connected toothbrushes I feel like by the way the chats going asked his questions in the chat about the segments and we'll answer the questions she asked unrelated things I will look at them you might see a smile across my face and then I won't answer them so a segment at the end we'll do open questions but Ashley I feel like your beat is basically we put a chip in it and now what happens yeah and proprietary things and proprietary lots of proprietary boats if you put a chip in a toothbrush what happens tooth brushing sucks more than it already did but I'm very excited about these toothbrushes okay so this is the play brush actually saw us at CES okay and instead of a full-blown smart toothbrush which are these over here this is literally just a bluetooth dongle if I can it's a dongle for your toothbrush yes you can put any regular plain toothbrush inside this dongle okay and then it has a companion of course right so I could show you guys the companion is a track your brushing data and send it to Google your parents will know that's a big brother it's a Paul yes one of the big things about this toothbrush is it's for kids and kids hate to brush their teeth and you want them to brush for two minutes so you have to play games to get them to do this what did this two minute thing come into play touch all the surfaces right so this is my avatar yep this is you Paul wearing nice night's outfit how do I know what to do now okay so I'm gonna press play somebody says Gabe says how do you dongle a toothbrush you literally just stick it on the end of the tooth yeah there's just a literal Bluetooth chip two minutes okay so I'm gonna press play not gonna brush for two minutes that's for sure okay it's saying brush twice a day cool all right three let me see if I can get this volume up to okay there's some great music so see there's some like enemies coming up you gotta figure out oh you're going the wrong way see I see if you have the toothbrush in a very specific direction mm-hm now I come over there you got it you gotta figure this out no I'm just brushing the side of my tongue that's what they want to be Oh No yeah so this is the thing about this the play brush is it's not too I don't think it's super accurate I don't think it gives you the best clean but if the whole point is just you want your kids have a toothbrush in their mouth for two minutes then you're killing I'm killing it when I fake it yeah I feel like kids love to fake it when you're a kid don't you fake washing their hands anything responsible no thing my niece and nephew just turn on the water and then turn off clever full minute and a half ago how did you on score you got seven of nine rewards you did a terrible job though so caught you run so then what I really love about this is they've gamified the entire experience these are just random kids from around the world you're first in your own game Michael Singletary says I can't wait for the first smart toothbrush company data breach oh yeah yeah so it's just show people that dongle here is people are asking about it so just it that's all it is mmm-hmm it it just accelerometer is rubber you can take this out and then there's a little micro USB my god are you charging yeah Wow Wow yeah and it's all just a moment and accept what this product is and that you have to plug it into my well and then they want to sell you on a subscription service so you get one game for free but if you want all the games you can pay $2.99 a month and then they sell another service where they'll mail you toothbrushes I feel like your beat is also the darker side and there is one free game there is a free game yeah okay we'll work our way up okay so this is the Colgate one right here you've made me heard about this because it's apples first like health type product that they're selling them there for you so this like connects to like health kit on an iPhone right yeah yeah yeah well I don't know actually if it does I don't think it does but it's just there it's only on iOS like you can't buy this for Android yeah yeah so this is an iOS only toothbrush I want everyone to be extraordinary that makes an Android version a Colgate has branded the iOS version in Apple stores only runs Apple music yeah okay you've got another no this is another and this one's a little bit more like they accept that parents and kids will play this so you have coach Plus like coach this will guide adults through their brushing and then you have the kids games which obviously you're gonna play okay we're gonna do this game go pirate all right I feel like when I want to start brushing my teeth I like using an iPad app yeah well that's the whole thing I've been using it says put to threat so we did that fresh in my mouth then you turn on and then really do the same so yeah down here this visualizes it for you I'm winning yeah you're doing great really use this kind of visuals oh good already a lot of spit and we did plan for that there you go there you go and then you'll basically go for two minutes you'll keep we'll just go ahead and assume that yeah it wants you to keep going you're gonna this is just like a really basic yeah so this is just again like an accelerometer inside and then it's just one type of brush head mmm wood you'll see it with our next toothbrush is kind of a bummer yeah it's not really how much is this situation that one's a hundred dollars a week is there like an epidemic in America of people not brushing their teeth what are we trying to what sort of game of fight Nilay yeah yeah and I think for kids it makes sense I don't know if adults really need this much particular help maybe they do okay I mean I just like I grew up in the 80s and I was taught to brush my teeth did you yes John says at least there is an argument for a dedicated bathroom tablet now oh yeah you build it into the Oh finally a reason to use the smart mirror yeah you load the toothbrushing app into the smart mirror and it tells you how good you doing yeah positive reinforcement but what if you actually are I would say a fancy person a fancy person well then I have a $220 smart toothbrush for you this is the Sonicare DiamondClean smart time and these have different brush heads these all do different things this is the tongue scraper mark and every brush had the smart ones because you can use regular ones have a little RFID chip inside so when you put it on top of the handle it recognizes immediately so this brush head is for whitening so you can see it immediately lights up like it's in the white program if I did the tongue scraper it'd be a shorter program things like that so there's always an app I've been actually testing this for a month or two now and I never sync it with my phone because I don't bring my phone in the bathroom in the morning I'm just like I just need to go brush my teeth that's not a thing it's a means to an end yeah is for adults there's no game no there's no game this is truly like just you need to brush this is the area you need to brush if you want to set goals for your plaque or it doesn't measure knee that though it keeps track of it for you other modes if I just take this off let's do the tongue scraper yeah which I have already seen Ashley put on our tongue tongue mode yeah and what does that change exactly there we go well so now if I use the tongue mode which I can hit horrible disgusting things that were on yours yeah can I just be very honest with you so I'm scraper is like a very Indian like Indian families have them they're just like little loops of metal that cost like five cents a lot of Instagram influencers have really been pushing the tongue scrapers regular manual toothbrush on Amazon and it just has like rubber scrapey parts on the back of yeah but what you want is an app with an animation and a timeline so this is 220 bucks yeah are they making any of these people making medical claims beyond we will incentivize you to brush your teeth I don't think so I think they say you can work with your dentist like if you're Dennis s - hey you really need to focus on your lower teeth sit down also each of these smart brushes cost more than ten dollars and they want you to replace well so this is the reason that we care right that's right so this is its wireless charging hub popping in there that's was charging and I was like okay what is it about this Wireless yes already cut do you like me Oh cuz I have an iPhone 10 yes so it's cheap that's I don't know if we've solved any problems here today but I do like this I just throw my phone down on this electricity yeah you're charging cuff great do you think I'd feel good about so you have you've been using this one yeah are you into it so I've actually been using electric toothbrushes since forever my parents are very big on the electric toothbrush for you yeah it's definitely better than a manual tsearch but I just don't want to sink a nap I don't I'm not gonna look at my screen I don't bring my phone in the bathroom with me right when I wake up in the morning I just go straight to the bathroom and then brushing my teeth so it's like I'm not gonna look at my thoughts tell your phone about how you did yeah you can go back and revisit like oh you missed this spot you can tell it's in your mouth if you don't know where you missed when you brushed your teeth you need to just pay more attention to your sign says I like it so what you got one customer out there we actually have a super packed show for all of you yet we got to move right on I'm Garten burgers gonna join us we're gonna take apart an iPod and replace its hard drive with some SD cards mm-hmm Donny's gonna be here we're gonna play with some blue to styluses and see where that leads us but next Ashley's gonna run over there to the a circuit breaker corner and Ashley and Jake are gonna answer the questions that people have been sending in all this week that's right we have a new segment asks circuit breaker the news actually literally nothing happened this past week so this is why we had to fill this in but we got some questions from people over the past week we had some good questions Twitter came through we may or may not answer them we've only promised that we will ask the big questions but our first question is about smart homes and how do you get started with them which i think is a good question something that I think about probably a little bit too often for just my own purposes even though I advise should I give but I actually think the answer for this is getting like easier and easier so first things first is an echo dot you can get one for like thirty dollars on sale basically all the time and that will give you a sense of whether you like I mean voice control is basically the way to control smartphone products right now and that'll give you a sense of if you're comfortable with that if that feels natural to you and you know you'll get a sense of if it's gonna become a thing yeah gonna make your brand I I thought I'd be very uncomfortable with it and I'm still a little uncomfortable with it but it's it grows more and more natural and then I would say the second thing to get is some smart lights my favorite are the Philips hue they are really easy to set up they are very reliable which is the most important thing here and they're very expandable so if you decide that you do really like smart lights there are a ton of different options you can get I would not necessarily start out with the multicolored ones that are like really expensive I don't you think you should you like them but I think they're cool I don't but you have to know what you're doing with color that's I'm not like a multicolored lighting extra I can manage to like Bluto orange ones they're like choose your tone relax I mean I have a light at home that I've been testing the sole from GE and it has an Alexa actually built into the light and I love the smart light aspect of it but only because I use actually its app so when I'm on the way it's my apartment I'm connected to my Wi-Fi so I'm like walking up the stairs and I turn on the light from the hallway which feels like an act to me I'm like it does face you've made it yeah I don't use the odds I actually amuse the Alexa mobile that's your goodnight I mean I do feel a little creeped out about the always-on stuff but it's just so convenient I never open the app yeah and if you're gonna get started with a smart home it's like get a smart speaker just try it out see if you like it you're not putting that much money up front for the dot for sure and then there's some like obvious next steps if this is all going well for you Nest's thermostat and smoke detector are really cool ring has you know doorbells so there's some really you know natural places to expand to if you decide that you kind of like what's going on there yeah so our second question of the week a circuit breaker is do we think that phones are getting more delicate over time I really love this question too because it's something I hadn't really thought about exactly in this way and it's interesting because you have the media phone in case my iPhone time because like oh my god you don't want to drop that thing the glass on the it's more expensive to replace an actual screen and that that's the same with Apple care too so it's like okay that's a really delicate phone that you just cherish it hold it close to your heart at all times maybe even put a base on it same with the other knife knife on eight but then at the same time you have a bunch of phones now that are waterproof and that's a really like great utility use where whereas before if you dropped it in the shower of the toilet the pool whatever your phone was dead it was gone now it's like you could take photos like me waterproof I think it's like a great argument for phones being more sturdy because this is like a serious quality of life improvement people were like constantly worried I like what if my earlier phones nearly died because I was I got rained on and there's just not a thing I had where I was like taking pictures outside the other day with my pixel because it was raining and was beautiful did not have to worry about it getting dripped on that's great yeah and I think to like our phones now are kind of our main accessories right and so back in the day when we had our big bulky plastic or whatever our massive phones that we could drop from rooftops and they would survive it's like those didn't look good yeah even if you could get that now as a smartphone you probably wouldn't want it because you're like I'd look no it just doesn't look good our design sensibilities have changed also now phones are just infinitely more expensive so whether or not they've got more delicate you definitely want to just take care of it they're scary yeah exactly like where's we really good right the cracks okay now it's like no that cost me a thousand dollars yeah the answer is like yes and yeah it's a little bit of both yeah you know they're always just saying there's new gorilla glass no it's like I'm so excited than you gorilla glass yeah so that's ask circuit breaker be sure to send us your questions write them in the comments as you might notice YouTube people these were all tweets this week do not be upstaged by our our Twitter followers this is on you many good questions in the comments YouTube on this video if you're watching it right now we'll see you next week and that's him all right hime hello Thank You Ashley and Jake by the way we had a question in the chat by the way it said Union upgraded router force more time stuff I'll say that until I got a mesh network system I haven't here oh but I think anything would work all of my some experiments failed they all have tiny little Wi-Fi antennas hidden in tiny little spots so you need the coverage they can't pull the weak signal anyway hi I'm here I'm here you have brought us a number of iPods in a state of disarray mm-hmm and I just want explain what is happening here we're gonna take out the hard drive of these iPods in real time mm-hm and replace it with this custom board it has micro SD cards in it yep it's basically an SSD upgrade yeah so here's the story here's why this is happening this week I am just like this story by the way it's called my friend ryan johnson i'm eli patel for weird old gadgets and I was looking at iPods I noticed there's this huge proving market for upgraded iPods and I tweeted I might buy one of these because I'm a sucker and I will buy anything and ryan johnson who directed the force awakens tweeted back to us mmm Lester I'm sorry when John Hsu directed last ride I tweeted back at us he has won any scheana's picture of it and he loves it my beautiful beautiful cloudless light sorry but just chatting about how much we like not having shooting services in our lives and like having music so we figured we got to just show people how this works so Haim show us how this works all right so we're gonna start out with our ipod which we had you select which is fifth-generation 32 gigabyte iPod the iPod video this was the last generation before Apple switched to thee generally in my opinion inferior aluminum front did you know boring iPod Classic this is still your you know classic platonic white iPod right click wheel whatsoever here so this is the first one with a mechanical quick mule this is where they've the landed this is a classic yeah what you want is a fifth gen yeah because the 50-round had the best DAC I had a Wolfson people liked the fifth and the best of all these and apparently is very hard to open this yeah the fifth generation also has a big advantage which is this is really hard to take apart the classic is just bolt it on here so we're actually just gonna go get right in we're gonna take our trusty iFixit makes a repair kit which is this beautifully arrayed thing for tools for cracking open your devices so we're gonna take this bespoke plastic iPod opening tool and we're gonna just crack open the case here you've already got it's for yeah I started this because this is a bit of an annoying process will sound like you're breaking your iPod don't break your iPod is my best advice and be patient this is this is why we do this live because this is not terrifying I mean I'm I'm not even doing it I'm afraid for you so Neela when you're hanging out with your best friend Ryan you guys like to talk about we today we shared each other photos of a record players oh it's a very early stages it's just planning on streaming sir would you say this has something to do with being like sort of like a Luddite or like like a hipster or what does this come from you know I think for me in particular with music it's I hate being walked in I've always hated DRM I love the iTunes store in the app I came out so remember Steve Jobs wrote an entire letter that's like against DRM and he convinced the music industry to drop DRM there was just a sense that you would you would buy files they would own them you know they were they were standards right like they were you know some sort of Amazon sells mp3 is iTunes stores whole day ACS and you had them and you just play them on any device he wanted but and apples big advantage was that this was a better music player and all the other music players and that was what they had to compete on it's what they eventually won on but it wasn't hey you're an Apple music subscriber now you can just buy this one thing or hey your Spotify there was news today Spotify was working on its own hardware right like all that just lock-in and I like that to me I'm over it I just want to point out I don't want yeah we've got distracted the audience with our arms trying to be radical open ideology so I actually open this missing the corner over here is the power supply which I actually got it this corner right here about to yank the power supply from the base very carefully it's a bathing I mean I'm so nervous right terrifying in here with our tweezers oh my god so that what are you what are you disconnecting here so now we're disconnecting power which is this tiny little great thing over here and the goal is to get it out without ripping out the entire board if we mangle this cable it's not a huge deal though because while we're in here we're also gonna remove the battery I'm just like holding my breath I know I'm pretty excited all right nailed it okay I'm everybody could you possibly believe that this is actually a more convenient though than just putting songs onto your iPhone with like I think convenience is this principle it's about print it's also about focus oh I I why what's the string music service so there's like zone out in the playlist all right so here we go now we have the we are inside an iPod right over here this big chunk is our hard drive do you think Johnny I've picked this shade of blue very very healthy and Steve Jobs like I don't know can we see 10 more shades so we're gonna peel with these rubber bumpers now the next thing we got to do this court over here is super important this is the headphones hey so if we break that this basically becomes useless we're gonna undo this little latch right here and just slide that right now yeah look at that so this is your back of an iPod case again growing with the 32 gigabyte for a few reasons one is they're just like one minute this is I mean this is a lot mm-hmm I mean this hard drive is huge we have one here this is like all of the weight of our drive if you think about the size of the components in your phone now it's like all battery and this board powers everything that a phone does we're bored of this size basically even smaller in some cases it's like kind of remarkable but remember this the iPod is played to break out if they had the one this is the video iPod holy stuff okay so you just took out the battery which is literally just glued to this board we went to I fixed it and bought a reputable new battery how much so the replacement battery is about 15 bucks okay yeah not that bad so I'm just gonna get this lined up it comes pre-made with with good old fashioned 3m adhesive okay you're just gonna kill that sticker and slot it into place press down yeah all right so now battery replacements done now I get to the fun part so this is again this is a 30 day bite hard drive there's two reasons we're using the 30 gig one is that it's thinner and lighter and two is here we have over here this is an 80 gig video iPods you can see it's like much chunkier yeah I always bought those and I never bought these and yeah owed me this one and it's kind of way smaller so we're gonna get rid of this hard but I was always the person who bought the biggest iPod they could yeah did you fill it I came cause I definitely never had 30 gigabytes of music on yeah any one device uh it was as I started ripping my CDs into higher and higher quality hard drive out hard drives out so now we're gonna take this this is the eye flash quads this is a company that actually makes these bespoke boards as you can see perfectly designed to fit right here into this iPod but they they basically sell a whole bunch of these they have ones for SATA hard drives they've ones for full sizes to you cards with micro SD cards because my christy cars are super cheap yeah so we're just gonna slot these in these are two 128 gigabytes samsung micro SD cards uh and now this is a 256 gigabyte hard drive Wow this was 30 that's crazy how far we've come how far we've come in a previous life Paul and I would write posts all the time like a new bigger micro SD card is gonna do it's a little known secret of circuit breaker you know if you didn't know this by the way people are watching on YouTube circuit breaker is also a website that you can go to if you go to the verge comps our circuit breaker we right about technology - and storage posts are big weight loss every time large there's like a hot new SSD right now like a 30 terabyte 2.5 inch SSD yeah top of the site it's a huge hit for us I'm everything you're doing is filling me with dread it's like absolute now we're just like a position that you need to know that you're in no I'm just on the cable without ripping out the cable so this is an in okay so one of the reasons this hack works so well is if you look under this board we're not touching any of the the core circuitry here yeah so that's how the screen connects but this is still the same memory same firmware what we're doing is we're taking this just hard drive and we're just kind of swapping in this yeah exactly like replacing a SATA drive so at the end of the day when we plug this into iTunes at the end and yes you you have to use I see the one downside one your one side it's just showing up as oh this iPod has a lot of storage but it shows up the same actually I guess systems one the weird quirks here which is you can put as much storage as you want you have a terabyte worth of micro SD cards thurman here yeah there's actually a track limit though of how much how many songs you can put on quantity yeah which is basically defined by the iTunes database size like the metadata yeah so this is the third gigabyte 1 so this can take about 20 thousand songs give or take a few for metadata regardless of how much storage if you feel like a terabyte of storage on here you're still stuck with twenty thousand as the hard limit one of the weird quirks this process actually the firmware on this has a hard cap of 120 gigabytes of storage on almost all classics with a couple with exception of a couple yeah which is another reason that the fifth gen is good for this project is that this does not have that limit so you can put you know as many songs as many songs even for 20,000 an interesting thing was the 80 gigabyte version because it was designed to hold more stuff has more memory this actually can fit like 50,000 if you have the storage for it walkers I think 20 the 20,000 songs on my custom SD iPod yeah that's all you need at the party then yeah I mean so for for 250 gigabytes we ran the numbers you can get like 14 megabytes of song hit the 20,000 limit which is already in like Apple Lossless kind of territory so you should be fine iPods do play up a lossless they do not play flat they don't play flat so now we're going to reconnect our headphone cable over here again very carefully Alexander says I like my Windows Phone it's out there meet you there's one there's one stand and every chat they do that so yeah that's already reconnected hopefully now we're just gonna take this bumper from the hard drive I'm just gonna wedge that in there so that this doesn't Bank around since generally mysterious rattling noises coming from your iPods is bad yep you're saying the foam on these originals was because you're actually trying to reduce the the motion mm-hmm because this is a spinning platter yeah so you'll notice ours doesn't really need the foam because there's no spinning platter this is all all flash and the iPod have like a cache for like skip protection like you would spin down 32 Meg's of skip protection Lane answer because yeah they put it out at a time when people understood CD players okay so your CD players that like three minutes that's good protection that was a real arms race yeah so then Apple when they put out the iPod they're like that's five minutes of skip protection what are you gonna do CD player moving discs all right so now we're pretty much done way to do is this is our battery cable it just need to slot into this terminal over here okay and then literally just snap everything back together all right what about that pad right good call we don't need the phone mmm the foam over here was again to protect that from bouncing around first good protection we don't need this but there is this pad that gonna stick on which is just literally just going to space against the back the iPods that we've removed a lot of volume from this thing alright so now I'm just going to flip this over it is fine I've held the ones with the harddrive and I'm held one with these SD cards it's surprisingly lighter and also why I point out that iPods fit in your pocket better than a phone does yeah much smaller the link baguette phone I thought you were with the real problem this is terrifying everything you're doing is terrifying I mean I really want to do it because this is sort of thing like doing but I think what I'm discovering now is I like watching you do it here's what I really like is wait what's the overall cost of this hobby if you just like ripping open iPods and putting SD cards in them that's it nailed it started so now you just plug this thing like that Wow all the clips package Wow so now you just plug this thing back in iTunes so now it's going to turn on is going to tell us that it is going to have a freakout and that you need to restore with iTunes because we just basically took out the entire that's why fully recognize it so to cost before we get into it before we pull in a computer and start forming in this so cost you need to have an iPod which generally can run you for the fifth gen for the fifth gen 30 somewhere between 30 and 60 bucks on eBay yeah you need the board yeah which was roughly $45 on also eBay the battery is 15 from iFixit if you want to replace the battery which while you're in there might as well I get a fresh battery this also will get better battery life then the hard drive right because these pull less power so the uh you'll get roughly 20% more battery life okay but all in what's the number so almost number probably around 200 150 200 well things SD cards I think is remarkable yeah one that works works so yeah magic we did magic we don't have one that's format we don't have time format this but this is a finish once the circuit pod one you can see over here we're not lying this has 240 gigabytes memory yeah yeah you know what's remarkable thing about this so you think about Apple through the clothes company everything sealed this was the product that started at all right like it literally everything in consumer technology is descended in this moment is descended from the iPod and Apple strategy the iPod but this is just a little Linux computer right look it's running that portal player OS it is you can just crack it open and put in standardized storage and you plug it in the computer the computer isn't doing it's almost like a weird hardware DRM feels like it's your own iPod yeah man this is like wait people are asking in the chat why I'm so into this this is why because it feels like something it belongs to us hmm like yeah what are you doing to celebrate times amazing achievement it's here oh my god I pulled this is a whole product I like to call the home this is this is the Apple - check this out check this out it's good audio in who would have thunk it was possible yeah but it's got a little talk right up here no it's it's not it's a spatial place in in the room I mean I'm just gonna play something that's gonna get us it's in the room is to rock the party so while you're looking for something the other advantage to the salsa drives is we had our producer cretin who is a huge iPod fan yeah we had him take this for a test drive over the last day and he says that it is much snappier yeah then the hard drive loads things faster well in honor of the home pod reviews repairable it's not that in there that sounds beautiful all right we have to stop it cuz we're good soon thank you so impressed I'm super into this I'm very happy that this is inspired so many people on our staff to buy iPods desert they're starting to flow into the office now and I'm weird rate Paul yeah you have started making videos mmm and no one seems able to stop you yeah yeah last last week I premiered a new series that's called explain yourself and I can say without a doubt glowing reception across the internet this week did a different video that has nothing to do with explain yourself but it's also great and I think they're gonna really like what happened hello I'm Paul Miller and today we're gonna do the one thumb test everybody knows you're supposed to be able to open a laptop using only one thumb and no knuckles that's why I have bandaged my hands to make sure that I don't cheat this is my personal laptop this is how it's supposed to work put the thumb right there we had a little bit of sliding but we're okay the the chui we're gonna get to two attempts per that's a fail okay that was one nope that one really doesn't count cause it's for old people this is a Microsoft Surface laptop so this is a pretty important one hey good job Microsoft way to go how about Lenovo nope try number two nope got a pixel hey there's a kickstand on this one that's not gonna that's never gonna fly but we got a Spector 360 nope nope the original Chromebook little bit of wobble but it's safe sliding well it's cheating if it's got the back stop let's put that at half half mast this one's interesting this guy actually has a latch that works this is not gonna work at all I don't know if I could get this open with two hands there we go that's the future of laptops not not really pixel book mm saw that little slide they're gonna dock points for that I'm gonna say half-mast Oh getting tired the entire just go fight through the pain keep going the slide slide is always what gets ya when we got here a lot of Chromebooks it turns out that's not a Chromebook it's that Chromebook I don't even know that worked we got a why away NSA hates them oh no nope Samsung its end on a classic ThinkPad we got latches on the side this is back before we knew this one's a kind of a like a trap because you you open one side yeah this is never gonna work so we just tested 21 laptops eight of them full point great job everybody five of them you just kind of imagine five of them got half points that's not that bad that's not that bad I think in a couple years with the you know the forward Mark Moore's law and the forward march of technology we're gonna get a hundred percent very soon I'm convinced thank you for watching enjoy the rest of the show welp alright dami is here I want to we're at the start asking questions is the end of this we're gonna take your questions to wrap up the show it's thinking of some questions you want to ask but first Tommy you have brought us I think this is the most circuit-breaker of all circuit breaker segments accessories that plug into headphone jack yeah it's a really novel conflict one that I missed dearly today I'm here to talk about the sonar pen which is a headphone connected stylus and what makes this better than the Apple pencil is Apple pencil is $99 and it only works with iPad pro this one is only $30 granted it is a Kickstarter project but it it's really cheap and it works with all iPads really after 2011 so I specifically had to buy this way yeah just to use with the stylus but before I begin with this let's go back and take a look at all the other headphone connected accessories that have paved the way for this so first thing I think everyone probably pretty much knows what this is is a square card reader mm-hmm they release this little thing for free to like business owners just because they can take so many iced coffees what's that thing so this is really interesting it's a smart guide er counter and it connects to usually would be a headphone jack but my phone doesn't have one but also and it helps detect the radiation in your home so dedicated to detecting radiation highest radiation thing you found in our office so in the office so far it's not much it's if I just put it up to this iPad here it should flash like a warning bright red and it's like slightly high point that's what helps that's what happens when you put the Geiger counter up - he's fine we're good but yeah basically nobody should really use this as like a real Geiger counter the reviews on Amazon we're not great people were like I have this next to my TV and it's giving me super high readings and I should be dead by now so it's not super accurate it's just use this as a toy to gauge like okay so let's go back to the stylus and this stylus for 30 bucks it's really hard to find oh you're so it's really hard to find styluses at 30 bucks that can also like detect pressure sensitivity and also have palm rejection so right now it only works with two apps this is an app called Zen brush 2 kind of mimics like East Asian calligraphy and it's a really cool app but the only downside is that it only works with two colors but super simple to use I'm just draw like so you guys should all know how is Donny in addition to working Virg is a super talented cartoonist her he's called as per usual she should follow an Instagram she won't let me plug her book book forthcoming so is this better or worse someone you used to make for usual this is definitely worth it I mean the app is worse the stylist I think works great there's no Bluetooth you don't have to charge it yeah I do have this cable it kind of gets in my way sometimes but it does have this advantage over the pencil where you can remap like a little button here so you can do like undo right now it's undoing my strokes but yeah it's only 30 bucks it's really great for kids or any iPads like old iPads you have a flying around so you don't have to go out and like buy and you I would you switch from your Brittany the back home is everything yeah you switch me walk onto this thing the this yeah no you've been coming on the show with different drawing devices for a long time and nothing's replaced the wax the top it's the best but if you want to find a really cheap e stylus is only thirty bucks anything else like we have this like Adonit jot Pro this is all the same weird oh yeah it's like this weird like plastic disc but these work as dumb styluses meaning there's no pressure sensitivity or palm rejection and though charging no charging but it works with any app but this is 30 bucks if you want to get something like with actual features you have to go up to at least 75 you can find those with like the welcome into it was creative stylus or though John it picks a don''t pixel yeah so that's basically it does this Pikachu yeah today we're gonna be sued by the Pokemon people and doodles this is the best loss this is a remix remix there we go we're sorry to the Eagles I would say we were playing a remix of Hotel California as well yes you are the Eagles lawyers yep this is great this is beautiful so here's here's the thing we had a lot of fun when we found out about the Geiger counter it's like what else is there for the headphone jack did you do something else turns out not a lot there's a laser pointer for the headphone jack we couldn't get in time but it's fine and there's an app for this saw this sonar pen thing is like it works in a really cool way definitely the most interesting thing we found but I also found a my favorite category which is basically devices that allow you to use an iPad and yeah yeah how do you need help to do that this is called the iPad this is put my wine glass well this has a little slot right here slide in your wine this will go across the bathtub but I don't share kind of guy but I just want to register my own fleet disapproval all time along the fact that you're doing this and then look at the convenience put all your snacks right here Oh what are you doing in the bath this is not good enough no this for the bed here we go this one we've called the spice this is a tablet do you put your tablet in here with this right imagine you're the human posture right here you have to be almost upright and when I'm watching Netflix on my iPad I want to be fully prone okay a lot of questions okay well this is the ie geek tablet phone stand so this has an adjustable little holder here see and put stuff in this is a company that tried to be a tripod company and failed what you're looking at I feel like my dad had like the world's cheapest tripod and it was made by these people for sure see they invent these for like previously for books like when people read books in bed where they like try this book spider yeah absolutely so this is adjustable no I don't think they made these for books is what I'm saying so you think iPads made us horrible and lazy and now you can buy an iPad look your iPad right how convenient but best of all solves the fully programmable Tommy he's got the pop can see so you just put this all right past your head that looks super comfortable oh wait oh yeah oh yeah have you seen the new Netflix show altered carbon while I want fall [Laughter] all right will you just stay there we've got a few minutes a show left we want your questions we can see you let's see what you got what do you guys ask first questions will answer and we're just gonna leave Paul Martin says this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen I want you to know that okay Michael says Paul is clearly an Amazon seller Chris says Paul Miller 2020 that's happening yeah what you don't know is I'm I'm in all your affiliate links Josh what's your editorial well all of these all of these iPad stands were between 20 and 40 dollars yeah so less than your your stupid iPod you could find this at Bed Bath & Beyond shoes get that like 20% off coupon which of the four of these would you would see most convenient store my goldfish Paul this is a real question for you Sam Church says what do you think of Mike Ross Mike Ross is the open source voice assistant that you wrote about over the weekend here's the thing everybody knows that one of the big advantages that companies like Google and Amazon have with AI is vast amounts of data collection and that's like the scary thing but it's also one of the reasons they can get good yeah and it's actually one of the things that holds Apple back because they do a lot less data collection so to do an open-source voice assist and this mycroft thing is a it already exists a software but they're doing their second generation of a actual hardware you can opt in to let this open-source project collect your data but it's definitely almost positive positively not going to work as well well I just want to try it out I want them to send me one one there it's gonna ship in December of 2018 yeah and I'll play around with it it might be super bad I'm just like this um but you know we were talking with the iPod it's nice to have a computer that you own you could take it apart you can put it back together I want similar things with software so I'm gonna check this out and see how works Tommy jr. asks is this a Titanic what someone asks what are the best in your headphones with the headphone jack that's an impossible question and because there's just too many but the one yeah but the ones that we have recommended that most are the zero carbon to nor cheap they like I blad wrote them about them a long time ago now we're all locked into whatever Bluetooth nonsense we're all locked into yeah I was trying to use those and then my dongle died I want a new dongle and that one died so I can't use this headphones anymore but they're great yeah I'm still here we had a question how many practice attempts a time have to do that iPod upgrade one that's the answer the 1-yard in his pocket is the one he did yeah before we bought four of them we went three for the show and the night I bid on one eBay and accidentally one okay that was a mistake so if four of them mine is I think way in from China but we bought a whole bunch too made all the classics and other things I think we can all agree that was an impressive it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life okay da me and you don't talk about what John says where can we buy it on this book or when where and when August out in August pre-order should be available soon we follow you on Instagram yes you'll hear about it first it's my name Tommy underscore ly yeah someone keeps asking me future keeps asking what are the favorites from Black Panther I thought see what I couldn't even get tickets to it like I went to the theater and there was like a super long line and I couldn't see yeah I saw shape of water that was good we got black panther content all over the site so look at the verge you'll see some black panther stuff hopefully I'll see it soon a little phones in them I don't know what newer phones are unknown so I can't answer that question all right bring back the scissors vodka t-shirt a lot of urge cast fans in the chat what else we got Wow the Black Panther question just keeps coming we got some black panther astra channel all right that's all question like what is your favorite notes taking up mmm I always like to plug Google keep it's a really good one I read on all my comic ideas on their tweets that can't make it out onto Twitter I'm just like every is you using things that's on the web yeah I feel like it's important to plug the Google services like a little-known Google services you use so they keep them a lot yeah like well Google keep is gone so how do you use Google key it's just like a little post-it notes I would show you guys if I could but I don't want everyone reading my thoughts but it's just like a post-it note I kind of I use simple note which has a website and also native apps for everything but it also used to seek with notational velocity but nobody updates notational velocity anymore and then the new version of Mac OS broke notational velocity and I usually simple note it's great and the people who run it they run it because they want it and they're all like well it's affiliated with like the WordPress people and then all that PHP word prosperity it works for me Paul do you think the purism laptops are worth it given worth the price given the added security features they're shaken a Chromebook so you're actually reviewed the purism on top yeah they weren't worth it for me and the default OS that it came with was kind of for the sake of security kind of like stripped-down so therefore like kind of harder to use actually like spent more time with Linux since then I feel like I'd be better at it now but it's it's definitely not nearly as convenient as using like or Mac laptop so you have to know that you need and want those security features otherwise I mean Chromebook is not Linux that's important to know you can do some of the stuff you can do on Linux but it is pretty difficult as well if you want a true Linux laptop there's a one system76 or something like that I think though and then there's also people who like will just help you like put Linux on your Dell XPS 13 some people are really asking at home pods and echo dots and home axes try whatever you like man just turn it up get homes in California buy it from the actual store just listen to that one song over and over again I can't tell you like the answer is by the thing you're locked into an ecosystem yeah look around at the prison walls around you in the small cell that you're let's see one more let's see this one's for me this is for G news it's impossible to agree on the headphone jack problem the world should be wireless don't you agree and I do not sir I do not agree I think we need standards and I'm living a bluetooth life I'm just disappointed almost every single day about something breaking alright that unfortunately is our Shiva thank you so much for watching we're back next week we don't have that combo on this week the crazy AI remote control thing because it's just really hard to set up and we didn't have enough time because yesterday was a holiday so we're gonna have a Cabo odd next week that'll be a fun demo we have a bunch of other stuff going on Tuesdays 4 p.m. thanks for being here thanks for watching and that's we'll see you next week you
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