5 Amazing DIY WOODWORKING Tools you must have 2018 | Amazon.com
5 Amazing DIY WOODWORKING Tools you must have 2018 | Amazon.com
without a big expensive drill press
you've only got one shot to drill a
straight hole or ruin your project with
the V drill guide you don't need second
chances new from big Gator tools the
drill guide lets you drill straight
every time with the precision and
accuracy of a drill press drill perfect
straight holes on any surface even
corners and awkward angles all with a
hand drill thanks to the drill guides
patented V great get drill press results
for a fraction of the cost with the be
features an asymmetrical aircraft-grade
aluminum base where the stainless steel
blade splits the quarter and three
eighths inch sides so finding the center
of 3/4 inch saw or playing out mortise
and tenon joints is quick easy and
dead-on accurate the base also boasts
quarter three ace 1/2 and 3/4 inch setup
block references for drill press saw
blade and router bit depth of cut
adjustments plus the innovative design
of the dull square SS is essential for
layout work make perfect scribe lines
using the precision drilled holes at
every eighth of an inch along the
90-degree edge use the hypotenuse edge
calibrate it in 1 degree increments for
quick and accurate layout of angled cuts
the 6-inch model includes central
cutouts that provide precise 1/2 3/4 and
one-inch references while the three and
a half inch model features 1/2 inch cut
out references and both versions feature
a hole mil to perfectly locate a self
centering drill bit at the center of a
3/4 inch edge
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