what's up guys Lew here and I wanted to
put together a deal video for both Black
Friday Cyber Monday and any of the great
deals on consumer electronics and tech
that are happening this weekend but then
after browsing around for a bunch of
different deals and also talking to you
guys on Twitter I realized there are far
too many deals to cover in one you know
particular video so instead what I've
decided to do here is to update the
description down below my face with all
of the deals as they're happening and
then of course deleting them once
they're over because a lot of these are
incredibly temporary so here's the deal
what I'm gonna do is load up the
description with everything that I find
today tomorrow this weekend and on
Monday and all you need to do is keep
coming back to this video to check on
those updates and I will list them as
updates any time something new comes
along so it's easy for you to scroll
down and say okay I've already seen
these deals but let me check out some
more stuff that's going on beneath of
that one more thing I want to mention
you're watching me in 4k once again
there's a good chance that you'll be
watching a lot of my videos in 4k
resolution going forward now I know a
lot of people don't have 4k displays but
believe it or not you can actually
recognize improvements even on 1440p
which I know a number of people who are
using displays at 1440p like of course
the 27-inch cinema display from Apple or
other monitors plus on top of all of
that 4k displays are coming down
significantly in price in fact one of
the deals I want to point to down in the
description will actually be for a very
inexpensive 4k display so people will be
making their upgrades soon and we're
just going to be ahead of the curve so
that the content that's being created on
unbox therapy will be compatible with
all of these upcoming displays that
people will likely be buying as the
prices come down which they already are
so anyways 4k goodness hit the original
button down below and watch this video
again if you want to see the difference
between standard resolution 360p 720p
1080p 1440p and then original for the
full 4k resolution that is also an
uncompressed or a less compressed video
as well so the bitrate is higher so even
if your
1080p display you should still notice a
slight improvement in video quality just
by toggling it up to original so anyways
I fit a few things into this video right
here but the main objective is to cover
some of those deals I talked about that
are happening tomorrow and over the
weekend and on Monday and the
description down below my face will be
updated with all of those deals as they
happen so check it out right now and
continue to come back and check it out
alright that about wraps it up for now
very excited about some of my new camera
equipment so let me know down below how
it looks you've probably never seen me
this level of detail before I don't know
if that's a good thing or a bad thing
it'll be a good thing once we start
shooting more products right here
anyways that wraps up this video please
leave a thumbs up down below if you
enjoy my content and I will catch you
guys very soon happy Thanksgiving
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