okay here we go unboxing time the iPhone
8 what do you have you have a portrait
mode on there
alright the audience they want to see it
the fans want to see it you know what
you don't have to do it you don't have
to do this one you can skip this one
people don't really care about this
phone they're moving past this one I
mean it's - it's very similar to the
other one you don't really want to tell
people to buy this yes this is what
everyone's been waiting for this is the
unboxing they want not those are the
ones you're unbox therapy
let's get right into it even if they're
in the market for like an iPhone the
iPhone 10 is coming out so soon like why
is Apple even putting this phone out
what kind of a cash grab is this okay
so it has wireless charging you've been
asking for that for a while but is that
really enough
everyone wants a new thing they want
something shiny come on the iPhone eight
it's glass now it has wireless charging
how long have you been saying that you
want wireless charging how many times
does that really justify sitting down
here all these boxes making a big deal
of it you know you're not that excited
this isn't that exciting to you so let's
get to it
as usual slide one over pick a color any
color unbox it you've seen all these
devices over the years how many iPhones
have you seen right six seven now this
the form factor is essentially the same
the camera the new portrait mode you saw
it all you watched the keynote unbox
therapy that's the name of this channel
how long have you been doing this why
did you get into this in the first place
right you are looking for innovation you
want the the technological advancements
you're not feeling that excitement so
don't pretend don't fake it don't put
this out there you unbox things that's
what you do oh not today
not right now not this product oh really
what else are you gonna do you got some
other skills maybe they just want the
truth here about this about what you're
doing take off the plastic wrap come on
I get it I know it's hard you can't be
honest all the time it's hard you gotta
bring the real stuff
they'll make this more complicated than
it needs to be they clicked on the video
to see an unboxing explain that they're
right that they should want this can you
really say what you're feeling that's
why it's better just avoid this one
altogether if you say what you're
actually thinking they're gonna try to
call you out they're gonna say somebody
else paid you they're gonna be down
there in the comments claiming that
you're not real that it all got to your
head do you now successful this product
is you're gonna be the guy to not cover
it you're gonna be the guy to not film
an unboxing video Lou where's your
iPhone video we're waiting for your
iPhone video lets you just make a
statement take a stand with this one
skip this one oh you're just not up for
it today
okay what are you gonna do you gonna go
get a job you go get a regular job
oh this YouTube thing is not for you
tell them without being honest
Cody you have who wants to listen you
made a name for yourself with this
product with that brand iPhone is this
gonna make their life better or you want
to tell them to pay their rent instead
to go on a trip somewhere maybe
experience something or you're thinking
about it what are you what are you
thinking deeply right now huh go ahead
reach for this is the time right now
take a stand leave it alone leave the
box where it is do the thing you're
supposed to do
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