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Does The Galaxy S8 Have A Serious Screen Problem?

so this is a bit of a different video you could probably tell taking a look at this table right here we've got a lot of Galaxy s8 and s8 pluses and there's a reason for it because you saw the title of this video so I woke up this morning and just like any other smartphone launched there was a news story breaking news on the essay and specifically the screen of the s8 so some of the first people in the world to get their hands on these devices were those in South Korea this report emerged that certain individuals were affected by a red screen the red screen of death not like their screen went red but instead that the white balance on their display trended towards a reddish tint I said let me get my hands on a bunch of Galaxy s8 so I can examine them myself so you can decide is this a real issue or is it overblown so let's figure it out now first things first where did I even get these 10 phones for my good friends at D brand check it out look they got a new skin look at that thing Jack give them a look at that what's it called Dragon it's unbelievable so D brand brought these over so I can do this test and inform the world and hopefully put this thing to rest I don't know we'll find out so you've been looking at these displays for a while now and it might be hard for you to even distinguish any difference at all through the screen that you're watching this it kind of reminds me a little bit of when I do head phone videos you're relying on my reaction because you can't hear what I'm hearing but in this case at least we have some form of visual representation now the reason that I'm booted into this screen right here is so that you can see that none of the color balance settings have been modified this is the stock adaptive display setting out of the box with the default resolution now to my eyes I can see ever so slight discrepancies between some of the displays that look a little bit more reddish than others this is not a gigantic sample size this is just 10 phones so take that for what it's worth but this is 10 devices and they all appear a little bit different so some of them are a little more greenish bluish and others a little bit more this one for example is trending a little more on the reddish side this one up here a little more greenish blue and then this one over here also a little bit more pink you have the ability to kind of tweak this display better than a lot of other displays out there with this color balance setting so if your display is a little more red you could grab the red value and bring it down a little bit maybe into something that's a bit more pleasing but what the articles were stating even after the adjustment still remain a kind of displeasing reddish hue so what I've done is I got this little device so this guy right here is called the NYX and it's from a previous video I did so that silica gel is giant up from the inside and this guy can sense the color of anything that you pointed at and give you an actual RGB readout of the various color values be able to pick up those little discrepancies it might not give us an exact readout of that color because it's coming through a screen and being backlit but it should at least give us some sort of representation of the variance here so this thing's pretty cool it comes with a little app so then I click scan r67 G 108 B 124 of course red green blue now this device next to it to my eyes has a slightly more reddish hue to it if I do the same scan I get a different readout so here I have our 72 so the red value has increased a little bit the first one are 67 back to the second one are 72 however little or a lot that is to you it's going to be subjective you can have a cooler white a warmer white you can have some displays that that trend more into the yellowish tones to me it's not the hugest deal in the world because I can go to this reddish display toggle read down a couple and what can we do we could go from 72 to 69 now what Samsung has said is that they are going to release a software update which will likely give you a few more stages on this color balance tool here to potentially push the red back even more if it happens to be something that's bothering you there will be a discrepancy in all displays it has to do with the manufacturing process and how difficult it is to get absolutely even tones across the board when it comes to OLED panels that said looking at ten devices here I have to say I'm pretty impressed with how close they all are even my little device here sense is very little variation from one to the next our 68 our 71 our 68 our 67 our 69 our 70 basically every single display here fits between our 68 and our 72 but of these 10 devices I think myself and you as well you would be happy to use any of these and you probably wouldn't grab any of them and say hey what's up with this red display so if you were at all concerned about possibly bumping into a red display issue as a potential Galaxy s8 buyer I don't think they're gonna bump into it sure I could have checked a hundred phones but this is a pretty decent sample size and if that's not enough for you apparently Samsung has said that even if the software update and the increased ability to tweak the color with this new software which by the way is supposed to come out next week if that's still unsatisfactory to you then they actually will replace the hardware from what I've read the red tinge is probably not software related if it is bothering you to that extent chances are it's the way that the display was manufactured but even if that is the case apparently they're gonna swap them out this might be one of those situations where there's just a few devices effected hopefully that's the case if you've got a Galaxy S 8 or if you've seen one let me know how yours looks it's a little bit red or not down in the comments there but this video just serves to give you a glimpse at a bunch of them all together because if you were to walk into a store they're not gonna have 10 side-by-side like this there's very few opportunities to see a bunch and to recognize hey what's normal and what's not and what is the range that it should be within and these 10 phones seem to point in the direction of relatively decent consistency here and just for fun let's do an iPhone while we're at it so this is the iPhone 7 whoo our value of 85 so there you go if you always wanted a reddish display and here's the 7 plus our 88 you want to talk about red ish displays the iPhone products not only trend a little bit more red but they're not even identical between both models here here's one more iPhone 7 plus if you miss this video look at that 24 karat gold 8787 blue these ones there may be exact anyhow displays vary quite a bit and while you're there squinting and staring you're brand new si starting to wonder is yours affected chances are it's not as far off as you think from the other ones that are out there did we put it to bed maybe not maybe a bunch of red displays emerge maybe we just put it to rest for now I don't think you're gonna have to worry about it
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