Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Unboxing & Overview
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Unboxing & Overview
what's up guys it's Lou from unbox
therapy and today we're taking a look at
the Marvel Cinematic Universe phase one
limited edition ten disc six movie
collection box set this is actually a
lot more than a box set because you're
going to get a number of commemorative
items in here as well but at the heart
of it you're getting six of Marvel's big
hit movies you're going to get Iron Man
Iron Man 2 the Incredible Hulk Thor
Captain America the First Avenger and
Marvel's The Avengers some of those are
standard blu-ray discs others available
in blu-ray 3ds just depend on the title
you're also going to get an exclusive
look at Iron Man 3 that's included in
the box so that's a nice little park but
the main thing here is the other bunch
other number of exclusive commemorative
items that are inside the package in
order to make you feel special for
spending a little bit more money on the
marvel cinematic collection if you guys
are interested in pricing and
availability on this little kit here
definitely check out the links down in
the description
I'll put Amazon links for those of you
in the US I'll put Amazon links if
you're in the UK if I can find it and
most importantly I will put future shop
links for those of you in Canada that's
where I picked mine up in fact I pick
this one up at the Yonge and Dundas
future shop so for those of you in
Toronto or familiar with Toronto you
might know where that is and you might
catch me at that location from time to
time if you've ever visited it let me
know down in the comments section so
anyways this is unbox therapy the
unboxing portion of the video is the
most important so let's get straight to
it you will notice this very cool
looking briefcase as the main attraction
really one of the biggest focuses of
this particular kit of this particular
set and there's a button on the front
which says Avengers on it and that
activates this light which is on the top
side of the case it lights up this
emblem you've also got a handle so you
can carry this around take it to your
friends house take it to your relatives
you know on the holidays share all those
good blu-rays hope they've got a blu-ray
player they probably got a PlayStation 3
you can do it you can do whatever you
want with it that's that's the point
here on the inside you've got a little
bit of Pulp Fiction action you know you
open up the briefcase you get a nice
light along with that sort of holy music
while you don't get any music here
but you guys know what I'm talking about
in this case it's not a golden yellow
light instead it's a purplish bluish one
but pretty cool nonetheless there is
also this cube in the center this is
actually the tesseract and it is motion
activated but I'm not going to get to
that right now first I want to cover the
other items in the unboxing I'll show
you more about that as the video moves
on so moving on to the disks you'll
notice that each of them has its own
independent case with some pretty cool
artwork in my opinion it slimmed down
toned down it's got like a couple
silhouettes on it I think it's a really
cool style in the case of Captain
America the First Avenger you're going
to get a blu-ray disc as well as a
blu-ray 3d disc so there are two discs
included next you can see Thor here once
again that same kind of artwork style is
pulled through on this particular disc
and in here you're going to get the same
thing to disk so blu-ray 3d and standard
blu-ray disc on the inside next you have
the Avengers Marvel's The Avengers and
you can see the silhouettes of all of
your favorite Avengers there and once
again this one also includes two disks
you've got blu-ray 3d and standard
blu-ray discs now the other discs on the
right hand side of this particular
Edition this particular box set are
going to be blu-ray discs only so you've
got the original Iron Man Iron Man one
and this one is going to be a blu-ray
disc once again very cool artwork you
can see Tony Stark on the back in his
very fine-looking suit next we have the
one-and-only Incredible Hulk smashing
some vehicles on the front of this
particular case you've got the blu-ray
inside where you'd expect it to be and
then we have one more disc included
which is Iron Man 2 and in this case you
have a slightly more modern take in
terms of the artwork on the front you've
got some dudes getting blown up on the
back and once again just like every
other disc you're going to find the
blu-ray on the inside of the case now
the last disc is the most interesting in
the sense that it's special I guess you
can't get it with the other movies up
until this point it is the phase 1
archives it's filled with
never-before-seen deleted scenes
extended scenes featurettes and more so
that's a nice bonus you're actually
getting extra content besides just
getting the movies now the case itself
is pretty damn interesting and intricate
there's a lot of detail on the inside of
here you
those buttons down there which are
plastic and then on the top or in the
top lid I guess you'd call it there's a
bunch of paperwork it's incredibly
extensive this is all commemorative
stuff relating to a number of different
titles to each of the titles in fact and
so I'm going to try my best to give you
beautiful visuals here on everything
that's included but please understand I
don't necessarily know how to describe
absolutely everything so instead I'll
probably let you watch a little bit of
it with some music you can see this is
the first item here which you've got a
little holographic sort of aspect to it
and next there's a key card this has a
code on it a special code for the
redemption of I guess some downloadable
stuff next we have all the paperwork the
remaining paperwork this is the stuff
which is relating specifically to each
of the discs so this is where I'm going
to play a little bit of music and let
you guys pay attention and look at some
of the beautiful visuals I mean this
stuff is really detailed really nicely
organized but as I said before it's so
detailed that it's probably better just
to enjoy it with some music so I'll be
right back after this little interlude
so as you guys can tell a very beautiful
package all around I wanted to give you
a little bit more detail on this
tesseract if you bang it down it is
motion activated so when you bang it
down you actually get this pulsating
purplish blue light it will go off
automatically after a little while so
that is how it functions I was a little
bit dumbfounded at first but after
playing around for a little bit
I found out exactly how it works anyway
guys I hope you enjoyed this unboxing in
those beautiful visuals of this very
special limited edition Marvel Cinematic
Universe kit set whatever you want to
call it once again if you are interested
in pricing and availability check out
the links down in the description if you
enjoyed this content please remember to
leave a thumbs up down below as it does
help out a bunch and I will catch you
guys on the next episode later
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