what's up guys Lew here and I was just
driving along and I was thinking about
something that I thought was worth
sharing and it's the idea the concept
that a lot of people are not very
interested in motion based gaming
recently I put a post out on Twitter and
on Facebook and I asked people hey are
you interested in motion based gaming of
course I'm talking about like Kinect
PlayStation Move type game systems the
Nintendo Wii U for example or the older
we these are games where you know you
play with your body and your and your
physical motions rather than a
controller most people responded with
and you know that they could care less
about motion gaming or that it really
represents a small part of what they're
interested in in the gaming world I have
to say I wasn't all that surprised
because in my personal life there are
not that many people not that many of my
friends for example that are all that
interested in motion based gaming when
people are talking about you know the
hot new game launching they're basically
always talking about traditional
controller based games I've yet to see a
really compelling reason to play motion
based games over controller based games
so it brought up this question in my
mind about what the or what what is the
future of motion based gaming will it
actually become the de-facto standard
and what needs to happen the order for
motion based gaming to get better motion
based gaming requires a significant
amount more space in your living room
bedroom or ever you play games than just
a traditional controller setup and since
people are moving into smaller and
smaller spaces I mean there's lots of
500 square foot condos going in across
the city where I live here in Toronto
but I'm sure it's the same situation in
New York San Francisco a lot of urban
areas people continue to move into
smaller spaces and because of that it's
a little bit more difficult to get that
immersive you know experience that you
would want out of motion based gaming
when you don't have the space to do it
especially if you're playing with
somebody else if it's like a 2 player
kind of situation where two people are
standing up in front of the screen and
you may remember those viral videos a
while ago of people
throwing Nintendo Wii controllers you
know through their flat screens etc
although that was probably exaggerated a
bit it is a legitimate concern
most people have enough space where they
can have a couch or somewhere to sit
with a controller and be completely
comfortable but the moment you have to
start moving furniture around in order
to immerse yourself in a gaming
experience it's a little bit too much
people just want to hit the power button
and start to play and as people's
physical spaces continue to shrink you
have to wonder does motion based gaming
really need to change so that people can
can involve themselves in it without the
need for all of that extra space that
distance that they need to be away from
the camera or whatever it is whichever
device it is that sensing their their
location and so I wanted to position the
question to you guys since I had already
asked on Facebook and Twitter whether or
not motion based gaming was something
that people were interested in I want to
ask you guys the same question down in
the comments section let me know if it
really matters to you now obviously this
issue is kind of bubbling up right now
because of the fact that the Xbox one
has this always-on Kinect sensor which
is staring at you in your living room
and it's been controversial a lot of
people have said hey that makes me feel
uncomfortable or I just don't want it or
I don't see the value etc etc so that's
part of the reason why I'm positioning
this particular video right here another
question for you guys is if you could
buy an Xbox one without the need for
Kinect sensor at a lower price point is
that something you would do would you
all of a sudden become an Xbox one buyer
if it were closer in price to the
PlayStation 4 but without the Kinect
sensor because if that's the case if
more people would be interested in a
lower price point mine is the Kinect
we now have to start to wonder why it
would be that Microsoft would make you
you know purchase it would have to
include it as part of the package
obviously their interface is sort of
based on voice control and just your
commands and things like that but they
they could also very easily you know
continue on with controller based
navigation because it's not really
broken there's nothing really wrong with
it at this particular point in time so
that's part of I think what's raising
the question as far as the controversy
is concerned is why is there no lower
end or slightly less expensive Xbox one
console that doesn't include the Kinect
sensor why is it in a modular system
like it was on the previous generation
there are a number of barriers that
motion-based gaming needs to overcome
but the fact that PlayStation or Sony I
should say hasn't included their motion
based gaming set up their PlayStation
camera with a piece where they've gone
for the lower price point there are
thoughts that it will hurt motion based
gaming altogether because now as a
developer there's less you're less
likely to want to develop a motion based
game because you won't have that
cross-platform saturation that would
come if say for example there was that
PlayStation camera included with every
system and if it was sitting in
everybody's house so for from a
developer standpoint there's a little
reason to embrace it right now and they
know if they want to make it hit game
the chances of them doing that with a
motion based game is pretty unlikely so
will they pay attention this generation
I tend to think no I don't think we'll
see fantastic motion based gaming for at
least five more years that's just the
way it seems to be trending right now
nobody seems to be talking about it
maybe some of the things they want to do
are gonna take advantage of connect in a
way that we can't possibly imagine but
I'm just a little bit skeptical because
if nobody really wants it if it hasn't
really worked to this point and if the
Twitter and Facebook comments you know
to me personally are as one-sided as
they have been when I
told people I really have to question
how it is that Microsoft the company of
that size couldn't be paying attention
to that particular response and put an
offer up options or wouldn't want to
because I personally think they would
sell a shitload more units if they
maintain the old business structure in
which you can purchase a Kinect on the
side add it to your Xbox one and if you
don't want it you don't end up paying
for it those are my thoughts but the
main point of this video was to ask you
guys the question does motion based
gaming matter to you let me know down in
the comment section below this video
other than that thanks for watching and
I will catch you guys on the next video
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