what's up guys it's Lou from unbox
therapy and today we're going to look at
the PS Vita more specifically its
ability to play games remotely via the
Remote Play feature now first you're
going to have to register the device in
order to take advantage you want to
select the remote play icon underneath
your settings menu within your ps3 that
will pump out a code that you've got to
input to your PS Vita kind of like when
you pair a bluetooth device or something
along those lines it's pretty easy to do
and I suppose that you probably won't
have to do it again assuming that the
devices remember this data hopefully
next time you just boot it up select the
connect button and it will remember that
the two have been paired previously now
in my case I'm going to connect via
private network I want to get the best
speeds possible for the purpose of this
demonstration you can even set up the PS
Vita to turn on your ps3 remotely which
is kind of a cool feature now this is
not completely seamless I encountered a
couple of issues pretty much straight
away the first and biggest issue is the
fact that most titles are not supported
via remote play at least at the moment I
tried a number of different disk based
full ps3 titles and I got the same error
message every time this content cannot
be viewed during remote player cannot be
played during remote play etc even
titles that were downloaded from the
store the PSN store wouldn't open either
so a major headache I was only able to
find one title that would open and
that's Bionic Commando that's it's been
sitting on my hard drive for a little
while and I finally finally found a
reason to open it back up for the
purpose of this demonstration here but
even that game once I got it started I
noticed a few issues the first was the
fact that it wasn't really running that
smoothly I don't know if it's a little
bit of input lag or maybe a frame rate
issue I'm not sure the game is obviously
streaming over the Wi-Fi networks so I
kind of expected that it might not be
perfect there are a few things you can
do from the menu here you can turn down
the image quality in order to try and
get a
their frame rate but I didn't notice
notice a huge difference in my case and
you know I sort of realized that this is
a bit of a gimmick this this feature at
the moment is not the most useful
considering that the titles don't
support it
you know everybody's going to want to
boot up their favorite game and check it
out via remote play and they're going to
find out real quick that that's just not
possible and I'm kind of hoping that
once this feature rolls out or this
device even rolls out to the rest of the
world maybe Sony will attempt to improve
it or attempt to provide some sort of
incentive for game developers to support
it because at this point it's just an
advertising gimmick I mean they've been
really pushing this as a big feature and
it's kind of disappointing at this point
I mean how can it not be the whole
purpose is to play games and if games
aren't supported then it's useless and
on top of that it's not just games that
are presenting a problem it's also other
features and functions that aren't
supported for example in my case I've
got Netflix installed on my ps3 and I've
even got an NHL specific application for
tracking stats and watching games I
believe it's called center ice or or
game station or something along those
lines but Game Center sorry about that
but once you go to boot it up you get
the exact same error message can't
Netflix same message can't function so
to say that I'm disappointed is probably
an understatement I really expected to
use this feature and that's just not
going to happen without content to use
it with so if you guys are thinking of
importing one of these are buying one of
these to use with that feature
definitely think twice for the time
being this system is going to be much
more useful for local games or games
downloaded specifically for it
anyway guys if you enjoyed this content
hopefully you can like and favorite this
video as it does help me out a bunch and
if you haven't subscribed yet please go
ahead and do so I got a lot more content
planned including more PS Vita based
stuff so definitely stay tuned for that
anyway guys until next time and as
always I want to thank you for watching
I'll see you on the next one later
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