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RIP Steve Jobs - Your message was clear.

what's up guys it's Lew here and as you can see I'm out in the park an unusual place to find me and the reason I came all the way out here is because I wanted to say a few words about the late Steve Jobs the giant that he was you know you can have your different affiliations with different tech companies and you know I've seen enough of it in my comment sections and in my inboxes people getting all militant about which devices they use and I wanted to take this opportunity to sit down and and talk about the collaborative aspect of this whole industry and every industry and the planet for that matter I don't want to get overly dramatic but Steve said it best himself you know in talking about innovation and and ideas and thoughts in general that the vast majority of us are held back or held back by others instead of working together you know we we get down about about things and you know we might not always be moving forward or moving in the right direction he forecast you know his own death in his speech at Stanford and you know we can all do the same for ourselves it's going to happen we were all gonna die and it's about what you do while you're here I mean that man was was twice my age I've had half the time on his planet that he has and it just you know it's staggering a belief that you know somebody like him could be cut down you know he had that that sort of immortal stature you thought that guys like him might live forever but obviously he's just human like the rest of us and that's really the thing about being human is that you know what we're doing here is we're just really sharing influence we have a short little glimpse we're here for a very short period of time and it's that influence that lives on in his case maybe it was the graphic user interface or maybe it was the iPod or it doesn't really matter because the effects of what a person does on this planet can never really be quantified you don't know who they affected and how they impacted all the different moments in everybody's life that went on to change the world so let's not let's not continue this crap about you know which gadgets are the best that which brand is the best or which company is the best the fact of the matter is that everything that every company accomplishes every innovation every social change is rooted in influence and it's rooted in the things that people have done previously and you know to change the landscape of where we're currently at you know whether you like say an iPhone today it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't respect the amount of innovation and the amount of change that took place because of that device if it wasn't for the iPhone you know smartphones in general might not have taken off you know the the the market might not have become so you know so willing to accept those kinds of devices most people today who I know war on Android devices you know had an iPhone at some point you know the iPhone really brought touch interfaces into the limelight and if you look at old footage of Steve Jobs I believe there's something from him somewhere in the 90s I'll see if I can find a link but where he was identifying forecasting that the way we would compute in the future would be on touchscreen devices small touchscreen devices with you know color imagery so on and so forth I mean basically forecasting the exact direction that we're moving in so that imagination of his has driven the marketplace regardless of where your affiliation lies now so if there's anything that can be taken away from his death is you know his own words that that our time here is limited and and you've got a you got to wake up every day thinking about you know how you want to live it if it would be your last you know you got to wake up every day doing exactly what it is that you want to do because before you know it your time's going to run out and the last thing the last thing that any of us want is to not make the impact that we could have made so anyway guys a very unusual video I know it's obviously affected me greatly you know celebrities die and all the time very few things affect me but this is one of the few people you know CEOs that that you can ask anybody on the street and they knew his name you know and I don't believe that that happened by accident so I guess we're gonna move on we're gonna see where Apple goes it's amazing that he waited you know until officially passing the torch through you know the last keynote there you know he held on and passed shortly after but you know it's hard to imagine a world without him and I guess that's where we're at so anyway guys hopefully I have a more regular video coming at you soon but those are my thoughts and you know I hope you can sympathize don't get nasty in the comments you know this is a moment to remember somebody who made a gigantic impact a giant himself see you guys you
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