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The Bizarre Pocket Chair - Does It Suck?

normally it takes a lot to get me excited normally then there are other times where I'm not really sure why I'm excited this is one of those times cuz this thing showed up and the first glance you're trying to figure out what it is what am i what the explaining this to me that I looked at the name I use my better judgement and I realized what I was looking at is a seat look at the size of it a seat that's in a box that big now a seat in and of itself is not very interesting sitting in a seat right now so are you can I ask you guys something personal I saw a poll on Twitter the other day a surprisingly high number of people stand up to white Oh Jack does Jack does um right okay it's a seat sure the tagline a lot of people don't know this but the original tagline and still to this day of unbox therapy Ryan do you know it the tag like let me I'm in a tell the world he's unbox therapy where products get naked that's the tagline we're gonna find out if the sit pack is worth your time worth your attention and most importantly worth your hard earned cash I know you work hard for your money so we're gonna treat you right you remember that slogan let me hear it guys I don't trust you what's it from pull your money you are all your money right okay whoa I don't what do you say should we crack one open see if it'll hold hold up old uncle Lou there is a sit packing blue a sit pack in black design and produced in Denmark all right we got Denmark on the line now you're gonna evaluate your entire procession of Denmark based on this contraption it looks a little weird all right I just realized that kinda looks like a peg going you know you're where it counts it's hitting the target so to speak now these other boxes over here are a click on cover with carry strap this is a way to carry it now you're wondering why do I need a chair to be this small well maybe you like to Ono line up for things you're at a concert and there's standing room and you're not about that mosh pit I don't know you're standing up your legs are getting sore you need a little seat and so on and so on it's a chair that almost it almost fits in your pocket got strap - let's try the damn chair already please oh man look at this guy up here and look what happens if he does it wrong deck can you see this so this is the blue one apparently I don't know how to take up rapper off the thing my goodness gracious what we got going on everything open it like this oh man all right oh oh old baby and then I lock it you know I'm gonna sit on this and I'm about to take a dive can you call this a chair me looks like a peg is this a chair all right let me try this out this could be very dangerous is this right this is more of like a leaning situation I mean I guess I feel better a little bit I just like having an extra leg coming out of your rear end you know three legged Lou did I do something wrong I don't know when the pitcher looked like there was a seat a groove okay good to get out of your way on the guy away me I thought you're gonna be able to sit I thought it was like a stool where you could like get your feet off the ground whoa whoa easy boy this is there's nothing good about this when you can do it it's not meant to be pleasurable right does take some pressure off if you're just leaning I'll give it about us six out of ten I had higher expectations I gotta see my slogan was sit back and sit back but now I can't it's not fair it's not fair the people gotta have more cushion on it give you a front pitch your head yeah yeah gift maybe listen it is what it is I like it when people tried things out manufactures they go I don't know I've always wanted a little I think that this might be meaningful to somebody maybe it's you I don't know let me know down in the comments what your rating is obviously you haven't tried it but you've seen a couple different people try it can you sit on it yes are you gonna be very comfortable no does it suck oh man how much is this thing a couple of buddies having a few beers on top of their pegs look at this guy partying on his head the sit pack and cover is 87 bucks I'm not going to say that it sucks I think that's a little bit extreme idea of just that's kind of cool I mean that's kind of fun like you got to give them some points from an engineering perspective for putting that together this ain't gonna replace your couch but then again you can't put your couch in your pocket so what are we talking about I'm not really sure
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