what's up guys it's Lou from unbox
therapy and today we're taking a look at
the Verizon mobile hotspot this is the
45 10 L there they do have two models
there's one that Samsung makes as well
this one I believe is made by novotel
but it's called the MiFi and it has a
1500 milliamp hour battery which is
going to give you connectivity on-the-go
now the reason I picked this up is
because I'm going to be traveling to Las
Vegas for CES and my understanding is
that the Wi-Fi at all of the hotels as
well as at the Convention Center is
terrible during this convention there
are a hundred and forty thousand tech
enthusiasts show up for this thing so as
you'd imagine most of the networks are
pretty bogged down so this is going to
be imperative so that I can keep on
pumping out content to you guys but
expensive you pay about $80 a month for
10 gigabytes granted it's very fast for
a mobile device that's still pretty
pricey I didn't have a choice I didn't
want to take a risk I wanted to make
sure I was gonna have connectivity while
I was there so talking about the
unboxing we had the actual device first
followed by some startup information
master your device here is that big
1,500 milliamp hour battery that's
what's gonna allow for you obviously to
have connectivity on the go without
needing to plug this thing in I believe
it lasts for about four and a half hours
somewhere around there correct me if I'm
wrong but around four and a half hours I
believe of actual usage off of the wall
so here is the wall charger this is how
you get the whole thing up and running
of course and it's the international
style where you insert the subsequent
prongs in our case being here in North
America we've got the standard 2 prong
and it's microUSB on the other side
surprisingly they've also included a
cleaning cloth which you wouldn't expect
with a device like this that you stick
in your pocket or your bag but hey why
not and then you've got another microUSB
cable with a little sticker on the front
that says it should be used for firmware
upgrades etc so I suppose that's all
it's for now you've also got this little
startup guide from Verizon with your SIM
card etc to get everything up and
running I can't actually go ahead and
activate this right now because I am in
Canada in the Toronto area as I've
mentioned before and Verizon doesn't do
business up here so it's a matter of me
getting down to Vegas activating it
there and getting everything up in
but I've already talked to Verizon on
the phone they've been really cool about
this whole endeavor as they should be
considering how much I'm paying but yeah
they didn't mind setting me up even
though I'm not a US citizen and whatnot
so on the bottom side we have our micro
USB port for charging in some other port
that looks like an antenna or something
along those lines
here's that giant battery where you
insert in the back you also insert your
SIM card in the same location and you
have one button on the front very simple
to operate a power button and LED along
the bottom and then a little what looks
like a is that an LCD display I'm not
sure what kind of display that is a low
Phi low tech display that gives you your
battery readout as well as your
connectivity icon I've got a red
flashing light right now probably
because the device is not activated I'll
have to wait until I get down to Vegas
to let you know how this thing works out
or you'll know how it's working out
because you'll see content that's
getting uploaded if this thing is
working properly so anyway guys if you
enjoyed this content hopefully you can
like and favorite this video as it does
help you out a bunch if you haven't
subscribed yet I got tons of content
plan from Vegas from CES all the new
product launches I'm going to take you
behind the scenes vlog about it give you
guys the inside scoop so to speak
as always guys I want to thank you for
joining the unbox therapy community if
it weren't for you guys this content
would be impossible I know I've said it
before but I do want to thank you for
your continued viewership until next
time I'll see you around a channel
alright later guys
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