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YouTube Subscription Issues (Sub Box Problem)

what's up guys Lou from unbox therapy here and the reason for this video is to address an issue that a lot of my subscribers have been communicating to me about and then I did a little bit of Investigation I found out it's actually more widespread than just my channel basically a lot of subscribers are having issues with new videos showing up in their sub boxes basically YouTube has acknowledged the problem they haven't said why it's happening or how long it's going to take to fix other than the fact that they're trying to fix it but I thought it was a perfect opportunity to talk about the different social networks that my content is available on so that whatever you guys like to use whether it be Facebook Twitter or even the new Google+ you won't miss a video that way and you can sort of guarantee yourself that you'll stay up to date regardless of these issues that constantly arise via YouTube and their subscription platform so I'm gonna get straight to it I'm not going to waste very much here time 3 places you can find me and a place where I'll publish all of my different videos Facebook slash unbox therapy Twitter slash unbox therapy and Google Plus Google Plus does not have very pretty URLs so I can is that me tell you what it is but there is a link in the description you can follow my public profile there and as I mentioned before every time a new video comes along it's going to be published to those three places so whichever one is most suitable for you whichever one you use then go and check it out and what if it's Facebook that like my page if it's Twitter just hit that follow button and the same thing goes for circles on Google+ so very simple very straightforward for your benefit I hope just because I've had so many messages and so many emails about people not getting my videos I thought rather than respond to each individual one I'll just do a little video explaining the problem and a way to circumvent it even if it's just temporary so one more thing I want to talk about is I got more videos more content coming up tonight I'm gonna get in front of the camera or get the products in front of the camera should say and you know get some new content for you guys you know that's that's what you're looking for and I also want to ask you guys a question I've been thinking about the concept of getting a capture card you know video capture card for my consoles for ps3 and xbox360 and maybe recording a little bit of gameplay footage and possibly doing game reviews so you know since you're already watching so many unboxings of special editions and epic editions and so on and so forth of all these different games I thought hey maybe they'd like to see me do some reviews of those games too so if you like that idea then definitely click that like button and leave a comment and let me know that you want to see me do that and I'll probably get it started off with Gears of War 3 since I'm almost finished a game and I really wouldn't mind giving you guys my take on it so that's something you're interested in then definitely hit those buttons down below anyway guys until next time until later tonight I should say thanks for watching and I'll see you around later
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