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Beats Solo 2 Hunt and New Orleans! - UrAvgCouple

hey what's up guys so tell them what we're doing so right now it's 7:45 a.m. target opens at 8 a.m. and we are going on our way to pick up the new beats solo2 because you guys keep asking me about it I think the last video I put out wasn't even about the video it was about are you getting the be so low twos are gonna be salty karaoke so yeah and my salsa but like it's not just can you guys get it you know he just what he has to get it like he's gonna want to take him and compare them to every committee has so it's partly because of you guys and also because of his interest in getting it too so we're here I think it would be a little too early oh yeah opens at 8:00 kind of got here at 7:52 so about 8 minutes early and we are right there like only ones here yeah that other work hard yeah so I got my trooper here with me what a mission standing by waiting for this target to open up we've got a lot week we've actually got a long day ahead of us we've got to go to heart come back here after you're watching so yeah I have to run get the beats run home do your video put it out then we're gonna come back out cuz this girl's going to New Orleans for the week yeah no loud Norland for work so it's not gonna be fun trip it's work so she's gonna be gone that actually means the old vlog next week and we got from Monday to Friday so well maybe you know what who knows mean we might be able to pull something off on Saturday and Sunday and get a late video out who knows not making any promises no not any promises but this is exhausting it's not completely out of the question to have a vlog next week so we'll see what happens but um yeah so we've got to do a bunch of shopping for her she's gonna go buy new clothes and all kinds of ah and also guys that means I'm gonna party I'm gonna enjoy my son that's hard it's opening we gotta go oh yeah guard go guard to the bees right so just grab - you know what 8:01 we're on it so we're picking those up I actually got a pair of solo HDS as well because I don't have another pair solo HD so I'm going to compare the two see what all that's about so boom mission success so far yes that's hoping to run into traffic hey guys so stay with surprise I don't know how I'm going to survive with this girl I'm just going to work I'm going to consume myself with working yesterday talking to me like I have so much enough that I I'm not no I'm gonna I'm gonna miss you I'm gonna miss you so much I'm not gonna fill the void with games and for activities like why would you know this fails our comparison I'm sure it does to my baby boo Charlie fun times yeah you know what the guys twitch the guys on PSN guys I don't think there's ever been a time where we've rushed home well I did rush home for the beats so the B Studios 2.0 are you think happened everything from the dinner sometimes not probabl probably yeah so this is the first like this the second time I guess but this time we're driving like madmen try the guns about giving up pulled over yet why are we doing we're gonna get the news it's gonna get there they're gonna watch it it's not gonna be a big deal you were probably sleeping right now West Coast is like what you guys are crazy yes so this guy is recording right now it's about to put up the video the unboxing yeah working in the studio sure yeah and he just got this new mic over there it's a mess in here so I guess it is kind of crazy I just have to bug him around because I you know the video yeah he's got this new mic and he is loving it yes Audio Technica eighty eight nine seven - everything starts 80 what does it mean oh okay we're gonna cut that part out so it is so nice out here that's very very nice it's some great weather it feels amazing so I finished rap I rapping at ya can't talk I finish wrapping up the beats solo 2 unboxing so that's how so we are going to go and go buy this girl a bunch of jump New Orleans Elizabeth oh yeah 74 New Orleans it's gonna be like 80s and everything must be raining like every single David are you serious humidity is will be at 70% do you know my hair is going to look like you guys well how I look like Scary Spice mares I'm going to a big ol afro I wonder if you guys even know who's Gary Spicer me oh my gosh it's your young well there are older guys on this vlog show definitely the leave a thumbs up or comment if you know history spices she was my favorite schools alright guys so now it's time to have breakfast dress eyes breaking anything light awesome thanks yeah he's probably gonna make a turn or something but yeah we're having breakfast now typically that's what normal people do first thing in the morning that were just are go ahead man I am yeah publish to YouTube I know does up okay so we're gonna have breakfast then we're going we're a bit TJ Maxx Marshalls Marcia's so we're gonna Marshalls pick up some clothing some shoes maybe stuff so she can feel confident and pretty and all glammed up in New Orleans so you're gonna go meet a frog out there hmm princess me princess in the frog we're never gonna come back no all right well I'll make sure to sell all your handbags that's why god I use that to pay rent right next couple of months so we're in Marshalls and this girl is forcing me again to push this stupid cart I hate pushing the stupid car Ari I'm gonna leave it behind somewhere and you're gonna wonder where all your clothes are so you want to take over or get a look behind when you're almost done you made your choice so plenty of thing I just asked Terry why don't you just buy some capris cuz you're looking for shorts and she says no please are wack and then the lady right next to her is wearing capris that's hilarious though all right guys so we just finished up at t.j.maxx where to now baby tigers so now we're going back to Target for some actual shopping hence I was going to be gone um probably going to buy some food so that I can eat in the house instead of order it with her not being around I'm probably not going to order out at all so I have to make sure there's food in the house so I gotta supply it right yeah I'm cooking a meal for home today's you can have places whoa so you're my birthday yet yeah yeah okay check this out guys I got me a tea outliner and for those of you who don't know what this is this is so you can like trim up your beard picks up your hairline all that stuff so just giving you guys some fair warning if I start wearing my hats in the videos is because I messed up with this guy like your YouTube videos yeah so we'll see how that good I'm gonna try and do my goatee I'm gonna start off with my goatee you know kind of fixed this double up a bit and then um we'll see if I'm free wait until today nothing on the flop mm-hmm well maybe I don't know I don't know I want to do some research first on how to use this thing if I need anything in preparation so I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on that are you gonna miss me huh who else complains about a future to New Orleans oh this guy don't work I mean when you have me as a boyfriend of course you're gonna miss you're not gonna want to call this relieves me away from this Yeah right she's like oh they'll go yeah she live for the cameras okay she knows me how do you go miss yeah now you're gonna relax after I mentioned missing me she's awful switch it up see you guys this is showing off 101 all right boom so you found your one nail polish for this trip yeah New Orleans color can't even focus focus rx100 I'm determined there we go I had to make it focus anyway um so wasn't what's going on now we're splitting up so do I get I get half buddy boyfriend okay so alright oh let's try out those are grapes see if they're anywhere off tasker but yeah guys we're gonna split up I'm gonna buy a bunch of food uh so my mission here okay I don't want you you're even cherry-picking winter risotto so guys I'm going to be trying to gain I'm going to be trying today the way I used to work out back in the day a couple a couple of years ago I would say and I was a lot bigger than I am now now I must stick bigger in comparison so I'm actually going to try to get back on that and see if I could get some of my muscle back bulk up a bit and probably going to start that this week so we just finished up retarded yeah we spit more like an hour and a half two hours there a long time because we up there 12:30 now it's 246 so about two hours and change so look at you do yeah we spent a lot of money - I've never lost who is Apple the trip is free I couldn't feel free to you know buy clothing for it yeah some logic for you you saved money somewhere you got to spend somewhere else so yeah now we're going to fancy dress today just at home relaxing probably some sushi later on tonight the other stuff my face about yesterday straight from Baltimore cook and and I'm gonna have myself and get ready to go yeah can I use that busted up suitcase of the suitcase that was at JFK one of the airline must have my some case open and then mess up the hands off so now I have like this other one it was a really nice suitcase suit I have like the small and a half to use a little force me to pack alright guys so just let me give you a lot of you have been asking what camera to be used for these vlogs we actually use an rx100 for the vlog so so we have now actually got up yeah we are up being it so you still have this other one with the NEX NEX Hjalmar fix my part it was so cool because like record we kind of see ourselves and like see if we're in the right positioning and this one doesn't have like that screen that flips up but apparently the new version the mark 3 the mark 3 is ahead of that so we are going to get rid of this bad boy and get a new one and that's going cost 812 crazy place crazy that is ridiculous so I'm gonna be a little while more you get it well we want to get Nate comes out so you just continue bogging yeah but that sucker is getting sold yeah I'm gonna make some unboxing I'm gonna make a ton of videos on that eyes 100 mark 3 make it worth it yeah definitely alright guys now we are about to have dinner and of course we have a home-cooked meal here as always but it's just that we didn't cook it someone else did but um yeah this is grateful this is oxtail if you guys haven't tried oxtail it's a must you got a delicious this is you make it dish yeah Jamaican dish you definitely have to try it out from a Jamaican restaurant or somewhere it's great great stuff and we've got some Pokemon cars here last time we didn't open them on the actual vlog because we didn't think you'd be interested but some of you were actually interested in knowing what we pulled if we got anything good so we're gonna do that right after we chow down first tank yeah so we got wet cars guys week we pulled not even a hallo wack last time we got last time we got some great cards yeah yes on the scene you got we got to TX clubs which are like some really rare cards so we got some nice stuff this time was a bust it's the packs didn't want to you know show off the vlog so no luck well yeah that is it now we're going to just relax apparently now I might just be um oh also one thing we wanted to know as you guys probably have noticed now that we're slowly into the block there's no there's no honor Anna wasn't able to hang out with us she's been busy since she got home essentially she got our hopes up so there was no real chill time for Anna and stuff so maybe the next time when she comes and visits whenever that may be it should be here all summer so you will definitely see her at some point so whenever that is you'll see you here and yeah but we're gonna relax and then we're gonna do our girlfriend tests and then we'll be done so I'll go pack for New Orleans ah fun times hmm hey guys so we of course knocked out last night and do make up told really really early in the morning so now we're gonna be doing the girlfriend test um so late so many hours later we should be this last night we're doing it this morning yeah before area has to go to New Orleans mind you yeah I have like about maybe 10-15 minutes before have to go off to New Orleans so which is luck let's see if we get this set and of course you guys know you're probably stable to see on the channel like a couple of days um well yeah so look out for it so alright guys hopefully you enjoyed the video I'm behind all these weird lights on whatnot so I might look weird but till the next video guys Travis concealer well you don't do that talk to you later and I'm gonna go your kiss cuz I love you guys bye thanks for watching subscribe
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