hey it's your average consumer I just
want to let you guys know that this
channel was made with the average
consumer in mind all right let's get to
another tech video what's going on
everybody average consumer this is my
girlfriend hey and today we have a
special video for you guys and before
that I just want to apologize i'm
getting over a cold so i know my voice
is a little funky right now but that
aside today we have a special video for
you guys it's going to be my third
giveaway for this channel so and that's
to commemorate hitting three thousand
subscribers congrats Phyl thank you so
thanks to you guys for hitting that
subscribe button and leaving comments
liking my videos and you know all the
good stuff so we really appreciate that
and to show my appreciation to show my
appreciation i'm going to be giving away
to you guys from role isn't a title I
don't know why we do this you know but
it beats by dre mixers yeah you guys
always have tons of questions on these
it doesn't stop it's always interesting
to get them the mixers so I figure why
not give away a pair to some lucky
subscriber so you all get a chance at
trying to win these some brand-new an
open box of beats by dre mixers now for
some of you you're wondering how do I in
turn well it's very simple first thing
you have to do is subscribe and comment
on this video and it's that simple and
you can only comment once on the video
though because I'm going to be using the
random number generator to the store
through all the comments and stuff and
if I want to get another entry well if
you want another entry what you can do
is I'm going to be tweeting a tweet that
will be an entry to this giveaway and
all you have to do is retweet it and
it's pretty much that's all there is to
it you can retweet the tweet that's on
my timeline and comments
on this video and doing those two things
you'll have two entries into winning the
mixers hey all right and pretty much
that that's about it guys um big shout
out to you guys thank you really
appreciate it and if you guys have any
questions about this kill the giveaway
maybe it's not clear enough feel free to
inbox me i always reply to you guys
anyway so inbox me and i can clear up if
you don't understand and at time of this
video there will be a tweet on my
Twitter account so definitely follow it
and get your retweets on so thanks a lot
guys and good luck to all of you and
hopefully some marquee person was going
to win this and see you guys in the next
video till then peace
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