what's going on everyone it's your
average consumer and this is my
girlfriend hey everyone and today we
have another sound leak and sound
isolation test aka the girlfriend test
for you guys of the new Logitech UE 6000
and let's not wasting your time let's
get right into it alright guys so first
we're gonna start off with the sound
leak test and what we're gonna do is
we're gonna play music from 50% volume
75% volume and also 100% volume and
we're gonna see if we can hear the music
from the headphones at those different
volumes so now we're gonna start it off
by 50% you ready mm-hmm
all right sorry here no 50% I don't hear
anything okay
good stop all right so now we're gonna
try it out i 75% right uh-huh that's a 5
percent yeah I do hear it a little bit
not too bad this is not gonna this isn't
gonna be a bother to anyone around you
definitely not all right so now ready
for 100% ah all right guys I'm like we
always say don't we don't recommend
anyone this into a percent can hurt your
hearing so here it is that 100%
I guess she's been through worse we can
all clearly hear that it sounds pretty
bad that I'm leaking as much as you'd
expect fourarms percent but in all
honesty it wasn't that bad throughout
the whole thing even though
hundred-percent wasn't as bad as we've
seen previous headphones so pretty good
so now we're gonna move on to the
girlfriend test all right okay explain
yes boys
so the girlfriend test is basically a
test where I will do something annoying
like something girlfriend like nagging
or gossiping or singing like I normally
do and he wants to see if his headphones
can block out that those annoying sounds
gemsto today I'm going to be doing
watching one of my favorite comedians
and we'll see if the headphones can back
them up
all right and then of course with this
we're gonna start off at 50% and 75% and
100% as well so no okay I'm lucky you so
at 50% I didn't hear anything
this is noise canceling guys so it does
work pretty well at 50% so now we're
gonna try to a 75% and see how it is
there all right so here does a 75% okay
so I say 5% definitely didn't hear
anything so definitely doing a good job
of active noise-cancelling here and yeah
let's try it out about a hundred percent
all right yep thumbs up if you love
Kevin Hart he's so funny and he's from
Philadelphia which is cool all right
without all I saw was his face and it's
hilarious I of course didn't hear
anything at one 2% this guy is hilarious
no watch kind of hard if you get if you
don't watch him already definitely good
stuff there and alright guys that pretty
much concludes our sound leak sound
isolation test for the logitech ue 6000
and if you enjoyed this video please
feel free to rate comment and subscribe
and we'll catch you guys in the next
video till then peace
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