what's going on everyone is your average
consumer and today is November 15th the
official launch day of the PlayStation 4
so you guys know I had to pick one up I
waited at Gamestop til midnight so I
could finally grab my own and I'm going
to be doing an unboxing for you guys
today and I was wondering how do I make
an unboxing epic since there are gonna
be so many all over YouTube soon so I
figured hey why not grab a second pair a
second system and give it to one of you
guys so I think this would make a great
great giveaway I know you guys would
love to win one of these so I'm giving
away the PlayStation 4 and all you have
to do is subscribe to the channel and
leave a comment down below on this video
but enough of that that's the rules to
into the giveaway but I'm going to be
unboxing this ps4 right now and hey
let's not wasting time let's get right
into it
ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum alright guys here
we have the PlayStation 4 in all its
well the box anyway and as you can see
up front we have the PlayStation with
the controller side shows you what
you'll get in the box
a ps4 a DualShock 4 controller an HDMI
cable a power plug a mono headset so
that you can I speak with your party
members a USB cable for your controller
and a booklet so that's the contents of
the box in the back here you'll see you
know just some of the game characters
for the launch that we're supposed to be
for launch anyway but yeah it shows you
some of that but yeah enough of this
this comes with 500 gigs so that should
be pretty decent on this jet black
yada-yada 399 you guys know the deal so
let's get to unboxing this thing so here
we have the PlayStation seal so we're
going to pop that
the unboxing knife and let's cut it
right open BAM there you go pretty
simple so now can just pull this out Oh
some of it came off that's terrible but
let's open this up and boom so here we
have the box let's see so first things
first on this side we have the DualShock
4 controller and I thought I've done an
unboxing of the DualShock 4 controller
on the channel already so there should
be no surprises here this is what you
get and one thing I want to note with
the DualShock 4 controller guys if you
take a close look if you pull off the
plastic this has plastic on it this is a
glossy finish around the d-pad and over
here on the buttons now it looks nice
but your fingerprints are going to be
all over this so that can get pretty
annoying I don't know if you guys can
see but yeah I think this is going to be
a fingerprint magnet I wish they didn't
do that right in the area your fingers
are going to be but it is what it is but
yeah this is the DualShock 4 controller
now to look at the rest of the stuff so
over here on this side we have some free
offers and over here we have the booklet
so stuff you want to read that's over
here what else do we have in the box
let's see so we've got an HDMI cable
which is really nice that they provide
one so for those of you without an HDTV
this is going to kind of suck because
this is all you get to connect it to
your television so that's something to
consider when you're purchasing this
you'll also get your power cable you'll
be plugging this in to give it power and
here we have the micro USB cable or this
is a
is a microUSB cable and this is what
you're going to use to charge up your
controller and here we have the mono
headset so it's a really plain plain
very boring headset actually there's no
cushion and give you guys a close up
here there's no cushion around the
earpiece so this isn't going to be very
comfortable at all thank God for the
PlayStation pulse wireless headset
unfortunately I heard that won't be
functioning at launch but it's okay I'll
wait till they get it all hooked up over
here you have some controls for the mic
you can turn it on and off so you've got
those little buttons here these little
blue things or buttons so this is the
mono headset and last but not least
we've got the bad-boy itself see how we
get this and guys I must say carrying
this box it's really really light really
light and the system is pretty light too
so boom here it is PlayStation 4 let's
unravel this thing let's see okay so we
can just open it up like this I'm trying
to avoid touching the glossy parts and
boom here it is guys the PlayStation 4
really really cool this is what it looks
like flat yeah and this is it guys looks
pretty nice very very sleek very sleek
so I mean this is pretty much it guys
umm I believe the things in the back on
to plug it in it's all the same things
that your PlayStation 3 would take so if
you guys want to just swap out your ps3
and throw this in there you can do that
right away without any issues but um
yeah a lot of the same stuff here taking
a quick look at the back you'll see a
digital out HDMI out Ethernet port and
an auxilary port I guess and here we
have a power adapter port so you can
plug in your AC adapter and that's it
very very simple unboxing what's cool
about this is it doesn't look like it
needs a stand so if you want to stand it
upright you can do that but chances are
I'm going to be laying mine flat if you
guys have seen my ultimate room tour you
guys know I have a spot waiting up there
for it so it's going to be laying
completely flat and up front here we
have two USB ports so that's that and
this is it guys ah I can't wait I'm
dying to hook this up so I just wanted
to bring this quick unboxing to you so
you guys can see the system know that
I'll have a review of the system and
like its interface and things like that
let me know in the comment section down
below what you'd like me to cover in my
review of the ps4 and yeah I'll
definitely include what you guys mention
down below in the review my gamertag for
those of you who are interested is going
to be sacred fire 50 that's um that's my
gamertag so you can find me online add
me I'll try to add as many people as I
can but I'm pretty sure I'll get a ton
and ton of friend requests so alright
guys that's about it for this unboxing
so if you want to enter into this
giveaway be sure to subscribe to the
YouTube channel your average consumer
we need a comment down below in the
description and boom you're entered into
a chance to win this giveaway I'm not
sure how long it'll be just yet but I'm
going to have announcements on my social
media sites when I decide a date so be
sure to follow me on Facebook and
Twitter and Instagram and I'll let you
guys know when the official date is
going to be and then I will have a video
after that to announce the winner so
that's about it guys good luck keep your
fingers crossed and hey let's start
gaming cuz greatness awaits I'll catch
you guys in the next video till then
it's your average consumer
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