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The Next Game Room Tour? - AskUAC

what's going on guys it's your average consumer and it's time for another ask you a see how old are you seriously I want to know by the time you guys see this video I'll be 29 years old cool edits your videos re is actually my full-time editor now I saw her all the trick she knows but of course you know sometimes I can have sprinkles from you I see magic on there but handles about 99% of everything now can we see your average girlfriend answering these questions well then it'd be ask you AG and not UAC so no I wouldn't get jealous about it which comfortable do you rely on the most per phone accessories well you guys all know there are a ton of companies out there who make phone accessories but when it comes to phone cases I really like to look at spigen first but when it comes to iPhone cases I either look at the Apple made ones first ones that they do themselves for I look at spigen and pretty much anything else who knows but when it comes to things like cables and other little accessories I tend to look at Aki and anchor how do I become a savage consumer well can maybe you can find out if you use hashtag ask you AC excited about the new Xbox one X extremely excited except it's not out yet can't wait are you planning to get the Xbox one X absolutely are you kidding me more power smaller body some new consoles you know I have to get my hands on all of them scammers tired I couldn't survive without it if you are not a youtuber what do you think you would have ended up as honestly it'd probably be something in business and that's what all my internships were related to that's where I got my degree in but to be honest I run my own business now so kind of all falls in line new Mac Pro or iMac Pro kinda hard to say since we haven't seen the new Mac Pro just yet but chances are people who need that kind of power out of the any of those machines are probably going to lean towards the new Mac Pro since you're most likely going to be able to upgrade it and add more power depending on how much you need that does not mean the new imacro doesn't look amazing though but I might have to save my pennies for the Mac Pro instead when will you do another game room tour well I've been dying to do a part two for the gamers paradise because there's been a lot of changes here but I think I'm going to wait until a year out so that it's not too close so expected a year from the last gamers paradise if you haven't seen that video I'll link down below in the description do you think the iPad pro will be able to replace the Mac books in the future replace absolutely not while I do think the iPad pro is getting more and more powerful and it probably will be able to compete with some real laptops in the future but as far as replacing the MacBook Pro definitely don't think that's a good move there are tons of people who rely on the macbook pro like myself or day-to-day usage so there's really no point MacBook Pro is plenty portable when is Quinten making a comeback whenever the next iPhone parity is my friend set it up what game are you most keen for from e3 if you don't follow me on social media you might have missed me fanboying on Dragon Ball Z fighter that game who it looks amazing guys I had I played it had a great match probably one of the best fighting experiences I had it's nostalgia and loves Dragon Ball Z all up in there but it was an amazing experience playing that one match at e3 I'm also very very excited for Monster Hunter coming to PlayStation 4 Xbox one X and the PC is going to be so so good and there's probably a ton more that I talked about over on Twitter so be sure to follow me there if you want to know what I thought about the games coming out for e3 but yeah it's going to be a good year coming up who is your favorite anime character hmm that is an extremely hard question but I think some of the most likeable characters are from Hunter hunter Gon and Killua those are two amazing characters I definitely have those at the top of my list yeah what inspires your Ninja Turtles backpack life for a lot of you who don't know me like Austin does I like to take a lot of stuff with me my backpack that's the name Ninja Turtle backpack but I do because I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to be caught without having my stuff with me and not being prepared for whatever situation may come up so I tend to bring a lot of tech a lot of my favorite games with me so that if I'm out and about and I want to get something done or maybe I want to play something I have all of my stuff at my disposal because honestly I feel crazy if I did it so I will forever be that guy you can ask to borrow a cable or a portable charger from or even a portable gaming console because I will always have those kind of things on deck what Marvel or DC movie are you looking forward to absolutely black panther he is an extremely powerful character that a lot of people don't even know about so it's going to be really cool to see him in all his glory on the big screen of course I want to see spider-man as well Justice League has my attention Thor yeah Hulk's in it so that's going to be cool it's almost ever going to connect in a way with Siri or Alexa I don't know if that happened but I think it would be awesome apples coming out with the home pod so there's a chance that apples probably not even looking to go that route with Sonos and I don't really see them working with Amazon in that capacity but I think it would be really cool if they went ahead and integrated Alexa into this sonal system there are tons of devices now on the market that have Alexa integrated into it so seeing that come to the sono system would be mind-blowing like seriously hmm I don't know that c-shell no value hey beeping Apple put the 120 Hertz display on the iPhone 8 I definitely think it's possible to Apple would bring that feature over to the new iPhone especially since we've seen features trickle down from older products over to new ones kind of like touch ID and even forced touch and to be completely honest I'd be surprised if they didn't those guys seem really go with everything are you kidding me gala screen goes with everything that's why it's the best look at this what do you use to edit your videos well ever since I started my youtube channel and dabbled in editing I've done it all on Final Cut Pro 10 I personally love it because it's super simple and easy quick to learn and it still has a lot of power and tools that you need I heard Ethan have such a great start but back in the day I was a noob so I didn't know what I was missing but as of today it is an amazing software and honestly there's nothing I'm missing from it so that is to go to but that's a lot enough questions for today guys hopefully you enjoyed it if you did be the cool guy or girl that give this video thumbs up and I'll catch you guys in the next one so Venice your average consumer base
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