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Fugoo XL vs JBL Charge 3 - soundcheck

hi I got so many requests to compare that JBL charged three against the flu Excel so I would like to cover this with a quick video playing some tracks and so on I also thought it was pretty obvious that they charge three despite being be sent cannot quite compete with the flu Excel which is in a higher class I mean it's bigger more expensive and the tuning is really impressive it's not perfect but anyhow more comparable to a speaker like the Harman Kardon go in play as always I'm using binaural microphones you should listen at headphones for the best results and the very first time I would like to play a track from myself which I did well more than 20 years ago so it's not a very good recording but well why not this is the same track I'm using for the intro of my videos I will start with the food excel first charge three I think you can hear that therefore Excel sounds bigger also bass sounds much deeper and that level has this slide sizzling character not very clear and our track not from me also here very nice sound stage something the charts we cannot quite offer it's all set against a recess yeah this sounds much more serious let's try something else right from sole persona there let's read this I mean it sounds decent for the size but that for Excel definitely sounds bigger so much more depth to the sound gives you some kind of 3d effect let's are something else and now listen here I had the songs a little bit you else let's write this do use some lower base with the base from some group the charge stream definitely doesn't reach that and all track of course a great feature plan to excel is that it has 360-degree sound also better treble dispersion the charge Lee definitely becomes a little bit muffled from behind or from high angles I will increase volume to maximum if you really hear that dupa bass notes here the track 3 as well the full place in normal mode now it would become a bit louder with alcohol let's try maybe a rock Trek - three we could try turning on outdoor mode and it should become louder now you touch them Oh we're still Donna makes it make a second to me Oh your birthday becomes classic disco also it's ridiculous against pay for itself trust free you can hear some small Distortion some breaks definitely make their quirks Elsa Peretti it's whooping some punch of the maximum you'll notice I used the flu Excel without jacket because I think this jacket design is a bit of a fail it compromises the sound too much and makes the speaker unnecessary big so I definitely prefer it completely without jacket and as long as you don't toss it around it should work pretty well I mean the passive radiators shouldn't damage much and the Twitter's have protection here also the main drivers it's still wet from the bath it took together with the mega boom so yeah I mean the charge 3 is a nice pickup but the food web search is definitely nicer more serious sounding louder a bit too much distortion for my taste at higher levels but still outdoors you won't notice that much of it if it is thoughts or not there is so much ambient noise and yeah I hope this was helpful to give you an idea about these two speakers if you have the money yeah I would go for the full XL but the charge 3 is definitely the smaller more more convenient speaker to carry around equally a rugged and and waterproof with equally great battery life both so to give you more than 6 hours at maximum I think I measured the Fukui XL with 6 hours and 40 this gave me 6 hours 15 minutes but yet the full XL is definitely louder also with deeper more punchy sound yeah so thanks a lot I hope this was helpful and see you in the next video bye
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