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RIVA Turbo X - outdoor soundcheck (binaural recording)

hi as you can see I found a nice peaceful place here well it's perfect for making some noise and blaring or tunes for portable speakers I have the Reba turbo X the Infinity one and the JBL charge tool you maybe already heard my first quick sound check of the river turbo X where I compared it against the infinity one unfortunately I noticed a bit later that it didn't play at maximum volume because every time I switch between two different sound targets it reduces the volume by one step so it was never playing at full volume compared to the Infinity therefore I came outdoors this time so that we can see how loud all the speakers can play some asked me if I could include the JBL charge tool this is what I'm doing now so I will put up my head cam my binaural microphones and then let's have a listen okay let's start with the Riva turbo X and the JBL charge to first on both are playing at their maximum volume with the turbo mode disabled for the river I'm starting with the river okay now let's turn on turbo respectfully Jael let's store something else this is the JBL and the trouble again okay I think it doesn't make quite sense to continue further now let's try the infinity instead also played at maximum volume with the river turbo mode enabled I'm starting with the river tracks you can infinity let's try another track with the river playing the infinity the Riva is also kept on behind why the Infinity uses all the trouble let's try something else this is the infinity maximum volume another River okay this is the limit how far the Bluetooth reaches on the Infinity let's try the rewrite in okay it's not comparison let's try another track some rock this is the river I'm standing maybe eight nine ten meters away infinity let's see if I can get a bit father and three Reagan I think it was pretty clear which one was louder which one had fuller sound at maximum volume there is some slight distortion on top volume on the river turbo X but it doesn't reduce bass in any way while most other portable speakers like the infinity one the Soundlink 3 even the mega boom dial bass back nearly completely while the river still sounds the same at low and at maximum volume with some slight distortion added you can go down one notch it's still louder than the infinity but the distortion will be gone the JBL charge 2 is well it's smaller it's also cheaper but it doesn't quite come close to both these speakers especially not the Riva I hope to be able to do some other tests also at lower levels so stay tuned for more until then bye bye have a nice time with lots of Sun ok just for completeness I thought I'll test how far I can go away before both speakers break up their Bluetooth connection completely I'm starting with the infinity one first stay infinity okay that's the infinity it's not durable anymore let's try the river Oh Sees of steel connection okay both and here we have maybe 3040 meters away
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