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Sony SRS-X77 vs Vifa Helsinki - soundcheck

hi and welcome today I wanted to present to the Sony S on this x-77 especially compared against FC fire stinky there is some story behind this I saw a video from Ellen Ross on YouTube who also compared both and policing is we wanted to make that FIFA work on purpose in favour of the Sony he was talking about the FIFA health stinky also his sound comparison was a big question for me is to always play the FIFA at neutral mode while it makes him um he turned it to late night you can usually do exactly the opposite so in this video that Sony appears fuller he also claims it's louder than the FIFA which is not quite true we had some little dispute but meanwhile we settle this so we are friends again but still I have them at home at you might be interested in my take on this because so he definitely has some points as the Sony is the cheapest speaker also has much more features built in as Wi-Fi you can see personalized Wi-Fi antenna not sure why Sony had to make a design like this prone to damage other Wi-Fi speakers have been included but here you have a network switch you can disable Wi-Fi completely because usually this will drain battery quite a lot the Sony doesn't seem to have a market objective in the FIFA even a bit worse it makes him I got two hours thirty from the Sony while being software the FIFA should manage the same or even three hours so you also have a wired network plug here it can charge external devices and Sony has an app which is called song pal this has some settings yeah for streaming you can stream from your network from to airplay DLNA google cast or whatever so it has really everything needs but it's not as portable it close to two kilograms also you see this is a glossy finish here so yeah his model easily be dented I have the FIFO always with me in the back rack cycle and although it doesn't look that new anymore if it's not damaged any just a leather grip looks a bit worn so the thief is smaller it's the lighter speaker it's more expensive but apart from that yeah we would like to know how they sound I already included the Sony in my speak audio database Sony has different sound settings to select from from the app and with the default setting it sounds a little bit off it sounds better with sled EQ or even a customizable EQ or you have five bands and I think you can really make the sound pretty decent therefore let's check out some frequency response measurements and you can see the Sony which it's neutral setting it's quite nice there is some bass boost so if you overlay the fifth I think it was late night here you can see that the bass which is equally deep on both just at this moment is a little more boosted treble is much better on the F I think you can increase 12 lightly on the Sony to get the sound closer to this but it will always like upper trim quite a bit I was quite a bit surprised that the Sony doesn't adjust the sound for low level so at low levels there is no additional bass boost like it was on the X 55 which had a really heavy sound for low levels but the problem of the X 55 was that although it sounded great and full body that low levels it couldn't quite keep up if returned higher so it distorted pretty quickly the Sony x-77 is much better in this regard so it's a more powerful speaker but also hear lots of these people facing is noticeable already at higher volume you can hear how Sony tries to squeeze dynamics but still it bass becomes somehow out of control and there is some distortion on heavy tracks this is where the people really shines it's always under control you won't hear much DSP processing no dynamic compression it is even at maximum when played at neutral you will get all the effects and kicks while the sony squeezes out everything yeah I would like to demonstrate you this as always i'm using binaural microphones and the head cam to give you a kind of first-person view so please pull up your headphones and let's have a listen first I would play the Sony alone so you can check some of the available tunings and I will start to the tracks and focus on a so please have a listen yes it is the default tuning that you get when you're unboxer speaker in the compound abdicate clear audio flat so totally toxic you left me quite a bit both like with lots of boost in the presentation but there are some other settings for example flat yet become Tosca as you increase volume again you will hear that the stone is much better more balanced without the strange book I will switch back to R&B hip-hop and this in years yes the others are not much better for example rock all right it becoming muffled somehow with the top here but I think that is the best one and you also have a cotton cube in Q which will set like this gives a bit more of a FIFA helping to found I will switch back to class and I think custom setting is in this case of the small exciting this is flat and another setting east from kind of aerial widening which doesn't work we need as well so it's a normal and the highest setting so if I switch it to high typically completed machine really I don't know becomes broader but talking to this town desperate this sounds more directions yes I get better now it would be a false interesting to compare it against the C files in game therefore let's put them side-by-side I could yeah maybe place the FIFA here on top but this vibrate three like crazy so I'm a bit afraid that it will fall down maybe and yeah let's check another flag also from focus on our yeah we are only at half volume now and as you can hear this from already stalls I will include volume slightly campus comes worse and worse well thank you yet lasers completely in again and my hope was just at least at low levels if it sounds somehow yeah more full-bodied or warmer than the Helsinki but you can hear the difference is not really that huge so it cannot really play great at low level and at levels already close to half it starts to distort there is sound really horrible and unusable and the other problem of the Sony step is quite directional if I stand up and listen from the back you can hear that yes Trevor has wronged you completely why are they helping key is hiding a little more color still has some fabulous yes perfect he also here the space is completely out of control oh okay pika cannot play any base with create from five we could try to do the respectability for the F school you can travel to the other turning my custom tuning the complete respect I think no structures are helping to public bases a lot of control most respectful flag maybe about fish over here having three volumes likely again helping case and these are really heavy loading tactic not pretty strong muttering but they help you place this without problem yeah I think you can get a difference here Patrick also from crack the politics that distortion doesn't really go away by decreased volume is that base is too pushed back hard that simply yet get out of control till you can hear maybe that the FIFA place much cleaner so let's increase volume again so much more punchy doesn't follow any attacks and seek here the bass drum has already found not a track called yeah I'm rattling and I don't know leave some other track here also if you spot it mess here yeah the FIFA place that was recorded while the Sony does add some friendship technique means not bad but simply completely out of control it can handle this from day another song oh wait let me try this again is a fun it doesn't really resemble the original count of the based on the hell think again here this is how the based on foot sound yeah really not that funny let's try an electric and later on I will increase volume connecting on both okay which one can play way louder Alan Ross claim that performance louder art well let's see we'll hear some commotion let's bend up and I will switch the capacity for neutral to me so we can really handle next in volume so this is Johnny connection and in the people difference is really obvious maybe let's put them closer to the TV set or wall so we will increase maybe a slightly and some kind of rock tracks again people sitting next to me expenses and also maximum and you can probably hear it you that's what we could also partly reverse their full exponent so it becomes like louder but also really hard found them another fish on the panel you can give some nice nice bass hell thank you pausing with a completely different you know dynamic nothing other whispers less but if you completely stop keep again yes no comparison that's right I will Cortana Scott not really no I think again there's out slices I'll get fired you order them what is the boundary that is complain the cloud that is just some fake neighborhood here aspect you can hear a much more dynamic sound from the factory a bit around 50 while the shoaling start will follow it I think so yeah I think it'll quite obvious the phone it sounded decent really close to the health think especially when the sound is adjusted to the song palate the ponies yet it's not always under control already at half volume it starts to sound a bit strange compared to the Helsinki losses dynamics and so on I think that these drivers are simply not that great they're pushed hard with DSP but cannot handle this why the hell think he doesn't have that much these people facing the probably much better drivers and in FIFA is a driver company so they know what they are doing and you could hear it was twice as loud while still keep keeping all the attacks the cheeks and everything and the Sony squeezed everything away distorting and being maybe half as loud so yeah it depends what you want for low levels both are not that great although the sonic sounds a little warmer it's still not a sound I would really like for really low level listening I prefer the Sony HD one or other speakers so it's not really that much better than the if I think about if if I think he sounds equal regardless he's played at maximum or at low levels it doesn't change the sound or dynamics while the Sony yeah does apply different tricks to pretend better sound you could with an external tool you could definitely tune the if I think if for more bass more bass book for low levels from what I heard FIFA is planning to add additional tunings yep let's hope they will also add a real bass boost tuning which should be suitable for auto use addictions sounds great at high volume without any adjustment but for low levels I would say the first four five volume steps needed there could be more bass but I was surprised by Sony didn't fare that much better it sounds a little bit warmer but not that much that I would say it's better than the Helsinki leads the cheapo speaker so Elmo sees right you can find it on the used market for around twenty two hundred euros or below but for my yeah it's not that great I prefer even the hg1 for just low-level listening it's smaller has the same function for the Wi-Fi building it's just missing airplay this has airplay building so yeah yeah I hope you liked this video I hope it could give you an idea about the Sony XO I know one was asking is this only louder no it's not the fifth I think is still one of the loudest speakers in this size it's about as loud or even louder than the Harman Kardon Onix to do when played from battery while being much smaller also playing much more control than the Onyx to do which distort a little bit the Helsinki place cleaner yes so check them out again in my speaker audio database I'm not sure the default tuning suite that great I prefer it definitely on flat or even when the EQ is customized a little bit you can add slightly two-level push mix because meter scooped out slightly on this so here check it out again for example the Canton music box s they are quite comparable I always thought the compound was great but I think the Sony sounds better for normal levels but both become out of control pretty quickly at higher levels which the FIFA doesn't of course with particular tracks that can be it's not distortion it's rather some kind of farting the particulars are built in sandwich types it has to persuade us here to here and they have some airflow to a very thin slit so when there are particular frequencies below 60 Hertz there's obviously no no high-pass filter so you will hear air coming out but this is not distortion the drivers can handle this it's just that because of space they had probably to really stick the Pacific Raiders together and yeah another problem with this one is of course it vibrates a lot it has to play situated but only on one side so the mass of the radiators makes the speaker wobble quite a bit the fish I think it doesn't this problem is both or let's say all four cancel each other out so it doesn't operate at all yes nothing else to say both grades because I personally definitely prefer he fires it's the much more HiFi pickup but this is great although some compared to the real extreme which I quite wouldn't is the trivial is simply a much more powerful speaker it also distorts but outdoors you crank it and it sounds great it is cannot quite keep up so it's yeah rather for indoors and at lower levels but for low level Stara even other and cheapest because like this HG one quite small but very nicely full-bodied sound so yeah thanks again and see you in the next video have a nice time it bye-bye
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