"Xtreme 2 mini" and "Charge 3" - fake JBL replicas
"Xtreme 2 mini" and "Charge 3" - fake JBL replicas
hi guys and welcome some of you may have
already seen it announced it during the
holidays we brought to fake JB's because
from Italy the extreme to mini or other
x7 ring - and the charge 3 my son found
him on a small shop in grotto
I bought them 20 or 30 years completely
overpriced but all they are quite
popular in China you can get them for
much cheaper but really blatant copies
or GBS because yeah they didn't have the
guts to write JBL here but I think when
looking at the original packaging of the
chart 3 you can see it's quite obvious
that they try to copy everything also
the symbols here he says 15 hours for
the charge 3 here even 20 hours it's
ipx7 rated so let's have a look inside
the extreme really is quite sweet looks
like a mini cable extreme also this belt
so you can hang it around your shoulder
and pop out some music
yeah I will turn it on listen to the
welcome tones and the charge 3 is not
really much different it looks somewhere
small less like the original without
logo here the original yeah small is the
same you can see design wise it could be
taken for the original I will turn this
one as well but not as distorted and you
can have a short listen the extreme me
to first
it has a month button this one has a
digit kayvyun tonic button
so that the button move changes tool
that's what they say I think this one
sounds better
let us off again at the dead I think
both have microSD playback you can see
it has a mm charging port even charging
out so you can use it as a power bank if
you don't like the sound and microSD yet
quite sweet but the sound is maybe not
that great
let's try this one here you can see even
some Lightning here I thought it's
really waterproof maybe you could test
it put it into water and see if it still
will play but I thought I will call my
son we set them up again with the
original if he notices the difference
yeah you are listening already for an
artificial head you should of course
this with headphones for the best
results call my son Alexander
really really bad
that's right extreme to me and what you
want to compare it to but I have the
private exam go here a bit smaller price
is thirty five thirty dollars so I paid
twenty euros so I think they're quite
comparable this table and I connected
palpable and they start again with the
extreme to meaning
the reason for this is you can see the
small extreme me and the measurement is
completely unacceptable base already
also at for hundreds there is some
strange peak at 11 12 kilo Hertz my
presence is run a missing also some
strange meet boost here the measurement
for the charge 3 clone and not read that
much better a little bit more base more
presence but still completely horrible
so yeah and don't you want to think
about them actually as fast bring my
dear hammer all that the base ISIL has
become can also secretly fascinating one
man as a loss tomorrow's so no space
rain these people so it's what Apple
she's miserable
oh no it's dead so obviously it's not
waterproof although it's written ipx7
rated yeah I would avoid all this China
junk just wanted to demonstrate you how
it compared second it explodes oh it's
working here no doesn't so thanks for
watching until the next video bye bye
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