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RIVA S - power mode

hi we've already heard the rebase against their bosonic me and some other speakers but now I noticed that some people start complaining that the reverse is not loud enough they claimed it it doesn't even reach the maximum volume of the Bose Soundlink mini which is not quite true therefore please let me clear this up usually the river is in some kind of economy modes which is optimized for maximum battery run time the lower the battery gets the lower the maximum volume drops as well but it has also an own power mode included this boosts volume slightly and keeps volume constant all the time I thought I would like to demonstrate you the difference between these two modes also especially compared against the Bose Soundlink mini as always I will be using binaural microphones than the head cam to give you a kind of first-person view so please put up your headphones and we will check this out so now how to activate this power mode either directly through a speaker by keeping bluetooth and mute button pressed for some seconds this double beep shows you that it's in power mode now do the same again and it will jump back into economy mode yeah or you can also do it through the app you can see my battery is already at 64% which means it won't be able to reach its maximum volume anymore but pressing the center button here brings you into power mode of course I would like to show you the difference in loudest between both also using the Bose Soundlink mini 2 as reference I will start playing some tracks from soul persona these are usually very hot mastering therefore most smallest because start struggling a little bit I'm starting with the river as first still in economy mode and then I will switch over to the Bose Soundlink mini to later on I will crank both to maximum and to hopefully hear some difference ya already know the difference countess obvious very very simply much more refined so I start cranking them for maximum lower volume so let's activate let's try another trick yes is not like loving more and sound simply horrible yeah the boss sounds a bit as if it was broken as if it couldn't get any bread let's try some kind of house track and with the river is now playing in power mode both are mixing as you can see I was wish to the dance again doesn't go any louder you can also hear that thanks to the site drivers you get a much better sound dispersion to the sides while the poles yes arms only good exactly on access getting even when I turn off power mode it will be still louder or at least it will still sound much better the boss again I will activate Auto mode again and let's try another track the soundest version of opposes unacceptable for a portable speaker I'm not even mentioning their sound a joke they're calling the methods of yeah I think the difference is more than obvious yeah I think it was pretty obvious that the reverse make that both something maybe some pretty ridiculous especially at maximum volume regardless it played in economy or in power mode it still maintains the same sound quality which means no dynamic compression no distortion but simply pure sound like it was reported originally in case you cannot enable power mode yet please contact River support but all current units should already have this included yet I mean the river is despite not being the cheapest pick around is definitely worth it if you don't have one yet yet please wait until my River s giveaway next line or simply black one if you have some money next I hope this short video could help to clear up this confusion around loudness and so on I hope it was helpful see you in the next one and you
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