"Xtreme 2 mini" and "Charge 3" - fake JBL replicas
"Xtreme 2 mini" and "Charge 3" - fake JBL replicas
Alexander, come here please!
come sit down
look, I have opened the Boombas from Italy
do we want to hear them?
look, they are both equal you have to tell me which one is the original
wow this one has much bass, the other one has no bass at all
and, which one is original?
this one!
and which one sounds better?
this one!
a bit better...
and which one of these sounds better?
this here?
is this mine or yours?
they are both yours
come on Sashi, you know what? bring a hammer!
or no, better: you know what? we'll try out if they are really water proof!
do we want? so come on let's get out!
so come one, throw it inside!
hey, it's still playing!
doesn't sound that good!
it's in some loop now
what kind of loop?
I don't know. in some "plonk plonk"one...
what is a loop?
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